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02-06-10, 11:00 AM #1
[Arcemu] Sangoma Healer LUA + SQL (heal/buff/gear fix/rmv ress sickness)
Register to remove this ad......A Pieterkii presentation........................
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A Sangoma npc (Lua + sql) that:
-Fixes all your gear
-Removes ressurection sickness
-Heals you to maximum health
-Buffs you abit
all if you are not in combat(being attacked)
-Download the npc here
-Extract it and insert/import it into your world database
-Make a new textfile in your scripts folder and save file as sangoma.lua
-paste the code below into that file, and save.
-Restart your emulator
-.npc spawn 40009 ingame, or whatever command u use.
Code:function Sangoma_OnTalk(Unit, event, player) Unit:GossipCreateMenu(50, player, 0) Unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Spiritual blessings", 1, 0) Unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end function Sangoma_OnSelect(unit, event, player, id, intid, code) if (intid == 1) then if (player:IsInCombat() == false) then unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Removing you of your weaknesses.") player:RemoveAura(15007) player:SetHealthPct(100) player:RepairAllPlayerItems() unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33077, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33078, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33079, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33080, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33081, player) unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(33082, player) Unit:GossipComplete(player) else unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "You are in combat. ") end end end RegisterUnitGossipEvent(40009, 1, "Sangoma_OnTalk") RegisterUnitGossipEvent(40009, 2, "Sangoma_OnSelect")
› See More: [Arcemu] Sangoma Healer LUA + SQL (heal/buff/gear fix/rmv ress sickness)
10-06-10, 02:30 AM #2
Register to remove this adNice Release.
But I would try using some more functions to make the Script a little bit Professional. So keep it up and keep working on you're scripts mate.
Great Job.
Don't Forget to for useful releases!. It gives you good luck! Just Like Lucky charms!