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Thread: Gioran the Corrupted Paladin
25-03-10, 05:05 PM #1
Gioran the Corrupted Paladin
Register to remove this adOk, so here's my second attempt in making a LUA "Boss script" i know it's not the best but i thought i'd share it since it was a fun fight!
Well before he hits phase 1 he starts off casting bolts,curses and a few stuns here and there nothing to serious just a simple fight in the beginning
Phase 1 - He'll cast "HOLY BLAST and that'll knock everyone close range of him and possibly medium range as well. after that he'll throw down consecration every few seconds and it'll do quite a bit of damage so watch out for that (you can move the boss out of that "but he'll end up casting it again very soon) after he finishes with those he'll end up casting more HOLY spells "divine storm, crusader strike and holy bolt" along with holy blast every 20 seconds along with a stun every 30 seconds (this are instant cast spells)
Phase 2 - He goes into a unholy phase and cast UNHOLY spells most spells are casted on random targets (some spells do damage to nearby allies also) he lays down a strong "death and decay" later on he'll eventually use the spell "army of the dead" every 25 seconds and after all that its just a few unholy spells on random players
Phase - Not much to really say here besides its half unholy and half holy spells (may sound lame but it works pretty cool)
Phase 4 - It's all phase 1 and 2 spells on this part except they dish out a little faster along with a few newer spells so more damage will be done on EVERY player 2 AOE's will be droped more curses/dots will be casted along with more bolts casted at random players
Well here ya go i hope you like it
it's not the best (and i know it's newbish haha) but it's fun and works fine so enjoy.
LUA -Code:function Gioran_OnCombat(Unit, Event) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "So you mortals have chosen your own fate? let us see about that!") Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_stun", 40000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_holybolt", 5000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt2", 10000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 5500, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt3", 14000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt4", 15000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_Phase1", 1000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_Summon", 60000, 2) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_Summon2", 60000, 2) end function Gioran_Summon2(Unit, Event) Unit:SpawnCreature (75001, 2495.88, -4282.51, 74.1301, 2.14728, 14, 60000); end function Gioran_Summon(Unit, Event) local x = Unit:GetX(); local y = Unit:GetY(); local z = Unit:GetZ(); local o = Unit:GetO(); Unit:SpawnCreature (75001, x, y, z, o, 14 ,60000); end function Gioran_aoe(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(60953, Unit:GetMainTank()) end function Gioran_bolt2(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(70281, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_bolt3(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(38441, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_bolt4(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(72489, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_holybolt(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(57465, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_curse(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(68138, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_bolt(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(73784, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_stun(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(29511, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_curse2(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(72865, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function Gioran_boom(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59700, Unit:GetMainTank()) end function Gioran_shock(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59726, Unit:GetMainTank()) end function Gioran_divine(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(53385, Unit:GetClosestPlayer()) end function Gioran_Phase1(Unit, event) if Unit:GetHealthPct() <90 then Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "The fight has just begun.") Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59726, Unit:GetClosestPlayer()) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_shock", 550000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_boom", 15000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_stun", 30000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt", 5000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt", 10000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt2", 5000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 5500, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt3", 9000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt4", 12000, 1) Unit:CastSpell(43429) Unit:CastSpell(59726) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_Phase2", 1000, 0) else end end function Gioran_Phase2(Unit, event) if Unit:GetHealthPct() <75 then Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "The world will fall upon you mortals!") Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59726, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(57369, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(29563, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(70437, Unit:GetMainTank()) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(53639, Unit:GetMainTank()) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_stun", 40000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt2", 3500, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 5500, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt3", 9000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt4", 12000, 1) Unit:CastSpell(59726) Unit:CastSpell(55974) Unit:CastSpell(24437) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_Phase3", 1000, 0) else end end function Gioran_Phase3(Unit, event) if Unit:GetHealthPct() <50 then Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "This is not your fate mortals. turn back now!") Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59726, Unit:GetClosestPlayer()) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_shock", 550000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_boom", 20000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_stun", 30000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt", 2000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 20000, 2) Unit:CastSpell(55974) Unit:CastSpell(24437) Unit:CastSpell(43429) Unit:CastSpell(53385) Unit:CastSpell(59726) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_stun", 40000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt2", 9000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 5500, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt3", 12000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt4", 15000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_Phase4", 1000, 0) else end end function Gioran_Phase4(Unit, event) if Unit:GetHealthPct() <25 then Unit:RemoveEvents() Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "This ends now. it is time for my power to fully unleash!") Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59726, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(57369, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(29563, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(70437, Unit:GetMainTank()) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(53639, Unit:GetMainTank()) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_aoe", 5000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 10000, 2) Unit:CastSpell(55974) Unit:CastSpell(24437) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_stun", 40000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_holybolt", 5000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt2", 9000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_curse", 5500, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt3", 12000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Gioran_bolt4", 15000, 1) Unit:CastSpell(53385) Unit:CastSpell(59726) else end end function Gioran_OnLeaveCombat(Unit, Event) Unit:RemoveEvents() end function Gioran_OnKilledTarget(Unit, Event) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "You have failed foolish one") end function Gioran_OnDied(Unit, Event) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Wait... this cannot be, it's not suppose to end this way! well... i guess you champions are worthy enough for this world, may you find what you seek in this life.") Unit:RemoveEvents() end RegisterUnitEvent(75000, 1, "Gioran_OnCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(75000, 2, "Gioran_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(75000, 3, "Gioran_OnKilledTarget") RegisterUnitEvent(75000, 4, "Gioran_OnDied")
Code:function servant_OnCombat(Unit, Event) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "For master...!") Unit:RegisterEvent("servant_aura", 5000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("servant_slash1", 10000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("servant_slash2", 5000, 0) end function servant_aura(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(72523, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function servant_slash1(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(42395, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function servant_slash2(Unit, Event) Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(55249, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end function servant_OnLeaveCombat(Unit, Event) Unit:RemoveEvents() end function servant_OnKilledTarget(Unit, Event) end function servant_OnDied(Unit, Event) Unit:RemoveEvents() end RegisterUnitEvent(75001, 1, "servant_OnCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(75001, 2, "servant_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(75001, 3, "servant_OnKilledTarget") RegisterUnitEvent(75001, 4, "servant_OnDied")
› See More: Gioran the Corrupted PaladinLast edited by k1ng01; 26-03-10 at 12:44 PM.
25-03-10, 10:02 PM #2
26-03-10, 03:18 AM #3
26-03-10, 04:47 AM #4
If you plan on releasing another I'd recommend you try having your boss summon other creatures. If you really want to explore, in the same script put a couple lua scripts for the spawns as well.
If the spawned creature is set as a variable you can also make it complete actions if its not in the function. (Make the creature and its spawn cast a spell onto the player maybe?)
Below is a code for registering a creature on spawn.
Code:local NPC_SPAWNED = nil -- Put at top of script function Npc_Spawn(pUnit, Event) NPC_SPAWNED = pUnit -- You could set the spawned creature as a variable and then have other events with the spawned unit end RegisterUnitEvent(Entry ID, 18, "Npc_Spawn")
26-03-10, 12:46 PM #5If you plan on releasing another I'd recommend you try having your boss summon other creatures. If you really want to explore, in the same script put a couple lua scripts for the spawns as well.
If the spawned creature is set as a variable you can also make it complete actions if its not in the function. (Make the creature and its spawn cast a spell onto the player maybe?)
26-03-10, 08:01 PM #6
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