Presents To You
Our First Boss script
Info about the boss:

He start's with a spell that is taking 7-9k dmg
pulling the maintank/the one that aggro him to the boss.
Then we does 2 diffrent spell's Every 10 sec 5 time's
(5 totall spells)
then he only melee if u dont have taken him down to 60% hp
Start's at lower than 60% hp
Now his doing his 2 spell's much faster!
Every 5 sec he does 1/2 spell's
he does this 3 time's then he only melee attack...

When boss dies...
He spawn's an gameobject:
With loot
when player press the object it auto give's the player his drop reward

If u need support feel free to PM or Message me at [email protected]

Lua | --[ Created By SnowCrown at Ht - Fulose Lua team - JY1eAkdH -

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