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21-03-18, 08:30 AM #1
Lazy teleport .lua script for TrinityCore repack servers with Eluna.
Register to remove this adQuick and dirty teleport Combo Hearthstone. Used current Hearthstone for teleport or use Hearthstone as original hearthstone.
Based on the dynamic teleporter
Scripts/Dynamic teleporter.lua at master * ElunaLuaEngine/Scripts * GitHub
save as .lua and place in \Core\lua_scripts\ folder.
Code:--[==[ = How to add new locations = Example: The first line will be the main menu ID (Here [1], increment this for each main menu option!), the main menu gossip title (Here "Horde Cities"), as well as which faction can use the said menu (Here 1 (Horde)). 0 = Alliance, 1 = Horde, 2 = Both The second line is the name of the main menu's sub menus, separated by name (Here "Orgrimmar") and teleport coordinates using Map, X, Y, Z, O (Here 1, 1503, -4415.5, 22, 0) [1] = { "Horde Cities", 1, -- This will be the main menu title, as well as which faction can use the said menu. 0 = Alliance, 1 = Horde, 2 = Both {"Orgrimmar", 1, 1503, -4415.5, 22, 0}, }, You can copy paste the above into the script and change the values as informed. ]==] local ItemEntry = 6948 local T = { [1] = { "Horde Cities", 1, {"Orgrimmar", 1, 1503, -4415.5, 22, 0}, {"Undercity", 0, 1831, 238.5, 61.6, 0}, {"Thunderbluff", 1, -1278, 122, 132, 0}, {"Silvermoon", 530, 9484, -7294, 15, 0}, }, [2] = { "Alliance Cities", 0, {"Stormwind", 0, -8905, 560, 94, 0.62}, {"Ironforge", 0, -4795, -1117, 499, 0}, {"Darnassus", 1, 9952, 2280.5, 1342, 1.6}, {"The Exodar", 530, -3863, -11736, -106, 2}, }, [3] = { "Outlands Locations", 2, {"Blade's Edge Mountains", 530, 1481, 6829, 107, 6}, {"Hellfire Peninsula", 530, -249, 947, 85, 2}, {"Nagrand", 530, -1769, 7150, -9, 2}, {"Netherstorm", 530, 3043, 3645, 143, 2}, {"Shadowmoon Valley", 530, -3034, 2937, 87, 5}, {"Terokkar Forest", 530, -1942, 4689, -2, 5}, {"Zangarmarsh", 530, -217, 5488, 23, 2}, {"Shattrath", 530, -1822, 5417, 1, 3}, }, [4] = { "Northrend Locations", 2, {"Borean Tundra", 571, 3230, 5279, 47, 3}, {"Crystalsong Forest", 571, 5732, 1016, 175, 3.6}, {"Dragonblight", 571, 3547, 274, 46, 1.6}, {"Grizzly Hills", 571, 3759, -2672, 177, 3}, {"Howling Fjord", 571, 772, -2905, 7, 5}, {"Icecrown Glaicer", 571, 8517, 676, 559, 4.7}, {"Sholazar Basin", 571, 5571, 5739, -75, 2}, {"Storm Peaks", 571, 6121, -1025, 409, 4.7}, {"Wintergrasp", 571, 5135, 2840, 408, 3}, {"Zul'Drak", 571, 5761, -3547, 387, 5}, {"Dalaran", 571, 5826, 470, 659, 1.4}, }, [5] = { "PvP Locations", 2, {"Gurubashi Arena", 0, -13229, 226, 33, 1}, {"Dire Maul Arena", 1, -3669, 1094, 160, 3}, {"Nagrand Arena", 530, -1983, 6562, 12, 2}, {"Blade's Edge Arena", 530, 2910, 5976, 2, 4}, }, } -- CODE STUFFS! DO NOT EDIT BELOW -- UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! local function OnGossipHello(event, player, item) -- Show main menu for i, v in ipairs(T) do if (v[2] == 2 or v[2] == player:GetTeam()) then player:GossipMenuAddItem(0, v[1], i, 0) end end player:GossipSendMenu(1, item) end local function OnGossipSelect(event, player, item, sender, intid, code) if (sender == 0) then -- return to main menu OnGossipHello(event, player, item) return end if (intid == 0) then -- Show teleport menu for i, v in ipairs(T[sender]) do if (i > 2) then player:GossipMenuAddItem(0, v[1], sender, i) end end player:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0, 0) player:GossipSendMenu(1, item) return else -- teleport local name, map, x, y, z, o = table.unpack(T[sender][intid]) player:Teleport(map, x, y, z, o) end player:GossipComplete() end RegisterItemGossipEvent(ItemEntry, 1, OnGossipHello) RegisterItemGossipEvent(ItemEntry, 2, OnGossipSelect)
Code:DELETE FROM `item_template` WHERE `entry`=6948; INSERT INTO `item_template` (`entry`, `class`, `subclass`, `SoundOverrideSubclass`, `name`, `displayid`, `Quality`, `Flags`, `FlagsExtra`, `BuyCount`, `BuyPrice`, `SellPrice`, `InventoryType`, `AllowableClass`, `AllowableRace`, `ItemLevel`, `RequiredLevel`, `RequiredSkill`, `RequiredSkillRank`, `requiredspell`, `requiredhonorrank`, `RequiredCityRank`, `RequiredReputationFaction`, `RequiredReputationRank`, `maxcount`, `stackable`, `ContainerSlots`, `StatsCount`, `stat_type1`, `stat_value1`, `stat_type2`, `stat_value2`, `stat_type3`, `stat_value3`, `stat_type4`, `stat_value4`, `stat_type5`, `stat_value5`, `stat_type6`, `stat_value6`, `stat_type7`, `stat_value7`, `stat_type8`, `stat_value8`, `stat_type9`, `stat_value9`, `stat_type10`, `stat_value10`, `ScalingStatDistribution`, `ScalingStatValue`, `dmg_min1`, `dmg_max1`, `dmg_type1`, `dmg_min2`, `dmg_max2`, `dmg_type2`, `armor`, `holy_res`, `fire_res`, `nature_res`, `frost_res`, `shadow_res`, `arcane_res`, `delay`, `ammo_type`, `RangedModRange`, `spellid_1`, `spelltrigger_1`, `spellcharges_1`, `spellppmRate_1`, `spellcooldown_1`, `spellcategory_1`, `spellcategorycooldown_1`, `spellid_2`, `spelltrigger_2`, `spellcharges_2`, `spellppmRate_2`, `spellcooldown_2`, `spellcategory_2`, `spellcategorycooldown_2`, `spellid_3`, `spelltrigger_3`, `spellcharges_3`, `spellppmRate_3`, `spellcooldown_3`, `spellcategory_3`, `spellcategorycooldown_3`, `spellid_4`, `spelltrigger_4`, `spellcharges_4`, `spellppmRate_4`, `spellcooldown_4`, `spellcategory_4`, `spellcategorycooldown_4`, `spellid_5`, `spelltrigger_5`, `spellcharges_5`, `spellppmRate_5`, `spellcooldown_5`, `spellcategory_5`, `spellcategorycooldown_5`, `bonding`, `description`, `PageText`, `LanguageID`, `PageMaterial`, `startquest`, `lockid`, `Material`, `sheath`, `RandomProperty`, `RandomSuffix`, `block`, `itemset`, `MaxDurability`, `area`, `Map`, `BagFamily`, `TotemCategory`, `socketColor_1`, `socketContent_1`, `socketColor_2`, `socketContent_2`, `socketColor_3`, `socketContent_3`, `socketBonus`, `GemProperties`, `RequiredDisenchantSkill`, `ArmorDamageModifier`, `duration`, `ItemLimitCategory`, `HolidayId`, `ScriptName`, `DisenchantID`, `FoodType`, `minMoneyLoot`, `maxMoneyLoot`, `flagsCustom`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES (6948, 15, 0, -1, 'Combo Hearthstone', 6418, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8690, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 1, 'Combo Stone, use as hearthstone or cancel and use teleport.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12340);
› See More: Lazy teleport .lua script for TrinityCore repack servers with Eluna.