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Thread: [Lua] Mage of the Elements
27-08-09, 03:55 AM #1
[Lua] Mage of the Elements
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This is just a quick script that I put together which I quite like. It is a Lua script of a mage that, when it enters combat, has a random chance of being a fire, ice, or arcane mage.
One feature I like about it is that, if it gets "specced" arcane, then it has the spell Polymorph. However, the Polymorph spell has a random chance to be either a, cat, serpent, turkey, sheep, turtle, or a rabbit polymorph.
I have included an SQL query. Execute it to your database, but...
In this script you can define the creatures health, mana, faction, scale and display ID. If you leave them to 0 or blank then the value remains as in the SQL for the creature.
Note: You must execute an SQL for the creature either way.
In the SQL I've provided, its entry ID is 12345
Here is the Lua:
Code:-- Mage of the Elements -- -- Scripted by Alvanaar -- --[[ !> Ensure you exectue my provided SQL <! ]]-- local MAGE_ENTRYID = 12345 -- Change to the mage's entry ID -- Define the mage's health, mana, displayID, scale and faction. -- Note: If you leave the following blank they will stay the same as -- in the SQL I provided. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- local MAGE_HEALTH = 500000 -- change to your desired mage's HEALTH. Or leave blank or 0. local MAGE_MANA = 125000 -- change to your desired mage's MANA. Or leave blank or 0. local MAGE_DISPLAY = 00000 -- change to your desired mage's DISPLAY ID. Or leave blank or 0. local MAGE_SCALE = 1.2 -- change to your desired mage's SCALE. Or leave blank or 0. local MAGE_FACTION = 14 -- change to your desired mage's FACTION. Or leave blank or 0. -- Don't edit below here, unless you know what you're doing :) -- function Mage_OnCombat(unit, event) if (RandSpec() == "Fire") then unit:RegisterEvent("FireBall", math.random(7000, 9000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("FireBlast", math.random(10000, 12000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("BlastWave", math.random(13000, 15000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("DragonBreath", math.random(16000, 17500), 0) end if (RandSpec() == "Frost") then unit:RegisterEvent("FrostBolt", math.random(10000, 12000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("Blizzard", math.random(13000, 14500), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("FrostNova", math.random(7000, 9000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("ConeOfCold", 9000, 0) end if (RandSpec() == "Arcane") then unit:RegisterEvent("ArcaneBlast", math.random(9000, 11000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("ArcaneMissiles", math.random(14000, 15000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("ArcaneExplosion", math.random(11000, 12000), 0) unit:RegisterEvent("Polymorph", math.random(15000, 18000), 0) end end function Mage_OnLeaveCombat(unit, event) unit:RemoveEvents() end function Mage_OnDied(unit, event) local chance = math.random(1, 6) if (chance == 1) then local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "You got lucky, "..tank:GetName().."!") else unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "You got lucky this time!") end end if (chance == 2) then unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "How can this be?!") end if (chance == 3) then unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "I... cannot... believe it!") end if (chance == 4) then end if (chance == 5) then end if (chance == 6) then local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:SendChatMessageToPlayer(15, 0, "You will be destroyed next time, "..tank:GetName().."!", tank) else unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "You won't last much longer!") end end unit:RemoveEvents() end function Mage(unit, event) if (MAGE_HEALTH ~= nil or MAGE_HEALTH ~= 0) then unit:SetHealth(MAGE_HEALTH) end if (MAGE_MANA ~= nil or MAGE_MANA ~= 0) then unit:SetMana(MAGE_MANA) end if (MAGE_SCALE ~= nil or MAGE_SCALE ~= 0) then unit:SetScale(MAGE_SCALE) end if (MAGE_DISPLAY ~= nil or MAGE_DISPLAY ~= 0) then unit:SetModel(MAGE_DISPLAY) end if (MAGE_FACTION ~= nil or MAGE_FACTION ~= 0) then unit:SetFaction(MAGE_FACTION) end end RegisterUnitEvent(MAGE_ENTRYID, 1, "Mage_OnCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(MAGE_ENTRYID, 2, "Mage_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(MAGE_ENTRYID, 4, "Mage_OnDied") RegisterUnitEvent(MAGE_ENTRYID, 18, "Mage") -- Fire spells -- function FireBall(unit, event) local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(61909, tank) end end function FireBlast(unit, event) local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(20679, tank) end end function BlastWave(unit, event) unit:FullCastSpell(38536) end function DragonBreath(unit, event) unit:FullCastSpell(37289) end -- Frost spells -- function FrostBolt(unit, event) local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(65807, tank) end end function Blizzard(unit, event) unit:FullCastSpell(56936) end function ConeOfCold(unit, event) unit:FullCastSpell(65023) end function FrostNova(unit, event) unit:FullCastSpell(43426) end -- Arcane spells -- function ArcaneBlast(unit, event) local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(56969, tank) end end function ArcaneExplosion(unit, event) unit:FullCastSpell(59245) end function ArcaneMissiles(unit, event) local tank = unit:GetMainTank() if (tank ~= nil) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(42846, tank) end end function Polymorph(unit, event) local tank, polytype = unit:GetMainTank(), math.random(1, 6) if (tank ~= nil) then if (polytype == 1) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(12826, tank) end if (polytype == 2) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(28271, tank) end if (polytype == 3) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(61780, tank) end if (polytype == 4) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(28272, tank) end if (polytype == 5) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(61721, tank) end if (polytype == 6) then unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(61305, tank) end end end function RandSpec() local specvar = math.random(1, 3) if (specvar == 1) then return "Fire" end if (specvar == 2) then return "Frost" end if (specvar == 3) then return "Arcane" end end
Code:insert into `creature_names` (`entry`, `name`, `subname`, `info_str`, `Flags1`, `type`, `family`, `rank`, `unk4`, `spelldataid`, `male_displayid`, `female_displayid`, `male_displayid2`, `female_displayid2`, `unknown_float1`, `unknown_float2`, `civilian`, `leader`) values ('12345', "Mage of the Elements", "", '', '0', '10', '0', '1', '0', '0', '2561', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0'); insert into `creature_proto` (`entry`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `faction`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `mana`, `scale`, `npcflags`, `attacktime`, `attacktype`, `mindamage`, `maxdamage`, `can_ranged`, `rangedattacktime`, `rangedmindamage`, `rangedmaxdamage`, `respawntime`, `armor`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `combat_reach`, `bounding_radius`, `auras`, `boss`, `money`, `invisibility_type`, `death_state`, `walk_speed`, `run_speed`, `fly_speed`, `extra_a9_flags`, `spell1`, `spell2`, `spell3`, `spell4`, `spell_flags`, `modImmunities`) values ('12345', '80', '80', '14', '400000', '400000', '100000', '1', '0', '2800', '0', '1500', '2000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '300000', '5000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', "0", '0', '1750000', '0', '0', '2.50', '8.00', '14.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
› See More: [Lua] Mage of the Elements
27-08-09, 03:55 AM #2
27-08-09, 04:03 AM #3
Register to remove this adThanks.