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Thread: Lua Teleporter
12-07-11, 07:50 AM #1
Lua Teleporter
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Code:local npcid = 0 function WarpNPC_OnGossipTalk(pUnit, event, player, pMisc) if (player:IsInCombat() == true) then player:SendAreaTriggerMessage("You are in combat!") else pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(3544, player, 0) local race=player:GetPlayerRace() if race==1 or race==3 or race==4 or race==7 or race==11 then pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Alliance Cities", 1, 0) end local race=player:GetPlayerRace() if race==2 or race==5 or race==6 or race==8 or race==10 then pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Horde Cities", 2, 0) end pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Eastern Kingdom Locations", 3, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Kalimdor Locations", 4, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Azeroth Instances", 6, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Outland Locations", 5, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Outland Instances", 7, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "WOTLK Locations", 8, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "WOTLK Instances", 9, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gurubashi Arena", 420, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hyjal", 429, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(4, "Remove Resurrection Sickness", 998, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end end function WarpNPC_OnGossipSelect(pUnit, event, player, id, intid, code, pMisc) if(intid == 999) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) local race=player:GetPlayerRace() if race==1 or race==3 or race==4 or race==7 or race==11 then pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Alliance Cities", 1, 0) end local race=player:GetPlayerRace() if race==2 or race==5 or race==6 or race==8 or race==10 then pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Horde Cities", 2, 0) end pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Eastern Kingdom Locations", 3, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Kalimdor Locations", 4, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Outland Locations", 5, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Azeroth Instances", 6, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "Outland Instances", 7, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "WOTLK Locations", 8, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(3, "WOTLK Instances", 9, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gurubashi Arena", 420, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hyjal", 429, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(4, "Remove Resurrection Sickness", 10, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 1) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stormwind", 300, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ironforge", 301, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Darnassus", 302, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Exodar", 303, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 2) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Orgrimmar", 304, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Thunder Bluff", 305, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Undercity", 306, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silvermoon", 307, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 3) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Alterac Mountains", 308, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Arathi Highlands", 309, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Badlands", 310, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Burning Steppes", 311, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Deadwind Pass", 312, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dun Morogh", 313, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Duskwood", 314, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Eastern Plaguelands", 315, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Elwynn Forest", 316, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Eversong Woods", 317, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ghostlands", 318, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hillsbrad Foothills", 319, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hinterlands", 320, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Loch Modan", 321, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "--> Page 2 -->", 10, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 4) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ashenvale", 331, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Azshara", 332, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Azuremyst Isle", 333, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Bloodmyst Isle", 334, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Darkshore", 335, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Durotar", 336, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Desolace", 337, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dustwallow Marsh", 338, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Felwood", 339, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Feralas", 340, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Moonglade", 341, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Mulgore", 342, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silithus", 343, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stonetalon Mountains", 344, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "--> Page 2 -->", 11, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 5) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blade's Edge Mountains", 351, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hellfire Peninsula", 352, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Nagrand", 353, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Netherstorm", 354, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shadowmoon Valley", 355, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Terokkar Forest", 356, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zangarmarsh", 357, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 6) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ahn'Qiraj", 358, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blackfathom Depths", 359, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blackrock Depths", 360, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blackrock Spire", 361, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Blackwing Lair", 362, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Caverns of Time", 363, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Deadmines", 364, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dire Maul", 365, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gnomeregan", 366, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Maraudon", 367, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Molten Core", 368, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Onyxia's Lair", 369, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ragefire Chasm", 370, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "--> Page 2 -->", 12, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 7) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Outland Raids", 13, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Auchenai Crypts", 383, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Coilfang Reservoir", 385, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Hellfire Ramparts", 387, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Mana Tombs", 388, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Pheonix Hall", 389, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sethekk Halls", 390, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shadow Labyrinth", 391, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Blood Furnace", 423, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Botanica", 392, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Mechanar", 393, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Shattered Halls", 425, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Slave Pens", 426, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Steamvault", 427, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Underbog", 428, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 8) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dalaran", 403, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "DK Start Zone", 405, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Borean Tundra", 394, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Crystalsong Forest", 404, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dragonblight", 395, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Grizzly Hills", 396, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Howling Fjord", 397, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Icecrown", 398, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sholazar Basin", 399, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Storm Peaks", 400, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Wintergrasp", 401, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Drak", 402, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 9) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Azjol'Nerub", 406, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Drak'Tharon", 407, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gun'Drak", 408, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Icecrown Citadel", 409, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Naxxaramas", 410, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Obsidian Sanctum", 411, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Nexus/Occulus/Eye of Eternity", 412, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Halls of Stone/Halls of Lightning", 413, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Utgarde Keep", 414, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Utgarde Pinnacle", 415, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Vault of Archevon", 416, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Violet Hold", 417, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 10) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Searing Gorge", 322, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silverpine Forest", 323, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stranglethorn Vale", 324, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Swamp of Sorrows", 325, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Blasted Lands", 326, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Trisfal Glades", 327, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Western Plaguelands", 328, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Westfall", 329, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Wetlands", 330, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "<-- Page 1 <--", 3, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 11) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Tanaris", 345, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Teldrassil", 346, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Barrens", 347, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Thousand Needles", 348, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Un Goro Crater", 349, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Winterspring", 350, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "<-- Page 1 <--", 4, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 12) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Razorfen Downs", 371, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Razorfen Kraul", 372, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Scarlet Monestary", 373, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Scholomance", 374, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shadowfang Keep", 375, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stratholme", 376, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sunken Temple", 377, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Uldaman", 378, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Wailing Caverns", 379, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Aman", 380, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Farrak", 381, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Zul'Gurub", 382, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "<-- Page 1 <--", 6, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 13) then pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(99, player, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Magtheridon's Lair", 421, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Sepentshrine Cavern", 422, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Gruul's Lair", 386, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "The Eye", 424, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Black Temple", 384, 0) pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 998) then if(player:HasAura(15007) == true) then player:RemoveAura(15007) player:SendBroadcastMessage("You have been cured of Resurrection Sickness!") else player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not currently have Resurrection Sickness!") player:GossipComplete(player) end end if(intid == 300) then player:Teleport(0, -8928, 540, 95) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 301) then player:Teleport(0, -4981, -881, 502) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 302) then player:Teleport(1, 9978, 2033, 1328.5) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 303) then player:Teleport(530, -4014, -11895, -1.5) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 304) then player:Teleport(1, 1502, -4415, 22) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 305) then player:Teleport(1, -1283, 158, 130) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 306) then player:Teleport(0, 1752, 239, 61.5) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 307) then player:Teleport(530, 9392, -7277, 14.5) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 308) then player:Teleport(0, 237, -652, 119) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 309) then player:Teleport(0, -1550, -2495, 55) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 310) then player:Teleport(0, -6775, -3286, 242) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 311) then player:Teleport(0, -7975, -1786, 133.5) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 312) then player:Teleport(0, -10447, -1872, 105) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 313) then player:Teleport(0, -5709, -1339, 395) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 314) then player:Teleport(0, -10914, -528, 54) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 315) then player:Teleport(0, 1739, -3623, 120) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 316) then player:Teleport(0, -9591, -463, 58) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 317) then player:Teleport(530, 8250, -7214, 140) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 318) then player:Teleport(530, 6396, -6848, 101) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 319) then player:Teleport(0, -440, -582, 54) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 320) then player:Teleport(0, 235, -3298, 110) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 321) then player:Teleport(0, -5853, -3251, 303) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 322) then player:Teleport(0, -6645, -1918, 245) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 323) then player:Teleport(0, 628, 1291, 87) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 324) then player:Teleport(0, -14246, 301, 28) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 325) then player:Teleport(0, -10476, -2408, 74) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 326) then player:Teleport(0, -11189, -3023, 8) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 327) then player:Teleport(0, 1599, 569, 38) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 328) then player:Teleport(0, 1676, -1366, 70) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 329) then player:Teleport(0, -10922, 998, 36) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 330) then player:Teleport(0, -3604, -2711, 20) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 331) then player:Teleport(1, 2319, -1672, 124) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 332) then player:Teleport(1, 3336, -4599, 93) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 333) then player:Teleport(530, -4540, -11933, 28) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 334) then player:Teleport(530, -2721, -12206, 10) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 335) then player:Teleport(1, 5084, 242, 29) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 336) then player:Teleport(1, -548, 1276, 90) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 337) then player:Teleport(1, 301, -4184, 28) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 338) then player:Teleport(1, -3345, -3078, 33) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 339) then player:Teleport(1, 5537, -585, 359) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 340) then player:Teleport(1, -4811, 1037, 105) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 341) then player:Teleport(1, 7931, -2616, 493) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 342) then player:Teleport(1, -2372, -893, -9) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 343) then player:Teleport(1, -6839, 763, 43) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 344) then player:Teleport(1, 588, 330, 48) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 345) then --Tanaris player:Teleport(1, -7149, -3746, 9) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 346) then player:Teleport(1, 9947, 649, 1310) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 347) then player:Teleport(1, 567, -2573, 96) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 348) then player:Teleport(1, -4969, -1723, -61) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 349) then player:Teleport(1, -7932, -2139, -230) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 350) then player:Teleport(1, 6719, -4646, 722) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 351) then player:Teleport(530, 2924, 5982, -1) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 352) then player:Teleport(530, -220, 2217, 86) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 353) then player:Teleport(530, -1525, 6571, 21) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 354) then player:Teleport(530, 3052, 3670, 143) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 355) then player:Teleport(530, -3693, 2344, 77) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 356) then player:Teleport(530, -1975, 4516, 13) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 357) then player:Teleport(530, -205, 5545, 24) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 358) then player:Teleport(1, -8187, 1539, 5) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 359) then player:Teleport(1, 4248, 736, -26) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 360) then player:Teleport(0, -7187, -914, 166) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 361) then player:Teleport(0, -7532, -1221, 286) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 362) then player:Teleport(229, 137, -474, 117) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 363) then player:Teleport(1, -8568, -4260, -213) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 364) then player:Teleport(0, 11209, 1664, 25) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 365) then player:Teleport(1, -3524, 1124, 162) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 366) then player:Teleport(0, -5164, 918,258) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 367) then player:Teleport(1, -1458, 2606, 76) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 368) then player:Teleport(230, 1123, -455, -101) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 369) then player:Teleport(1, -4709, -3729, 55) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 370) then player:Teleport(1, 1805, -4404, -18) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 371) then player:Teleport(1, -4661, -2511, 81) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 372) then player:Teleport(1, -4473, -1690, 82) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 373) then player:Teleport(0, 2841, -692, 140) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 374) then player:Teleport(0, 1265, -2560, 95) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 375) then player:Teleport(0, -241, 1545, 77) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 376) then player:Teleport(0, 3345, -3380, 145) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 377) then player:Teleport(0, -10457, -3828, 19) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 378) then player:Teleport(0, -6704, -2955, 209) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 379) then player:Teleport(1, -737, -2219, 17) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 380) then player:Teleport(530, 6850, -7950, 171) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 381) then player:Teleport(1, -6821, -2890, 9) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 382) then player:Teleport(0, -11916, -1204, 93) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 383) then player:Teleport(530, -3367, 5216, -101) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 384) then player:Teleport(530, -3614, 310, 40) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 385) then player:Teleport(530, 792, 6863, -64) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 386) then player:Teleport(530, 3529, 5096, 3) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 387) then player:Teleport(530, -360, 3071, -16) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 388) then player:Teleport(530, -3100, 4950, -100) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 389) then player:Teleport(530, 3084, 1385, 185) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 390) then player:Teleport(530, -3364, 4675, -101) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 391) then player:Teleport(530, -3630, 4941, -101) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 392) then player:Teleport(530, 3404, 1488, 183) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 393) then player:Teleport(530, 2870, 1557, 252) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 394) then player:Teleport(571, 3008, 5290, 60) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 395) then player:Teleport(571, 3118, 107, 72) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 396) then player:Teleport(571, 3681, -3472, 243) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 397) then player:Teleport(571, 1267, -4062, 143) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 398) then player:Teleport(571, 7514, 2091, 623) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 399) then player:Teleport(571, 5501, 4879, -198) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 400) then player:Teleport(571, 7514, -1037, 467) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 401) then player:Teleport(571, 4611, 2848, 3397) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 402) then --Zul'Drak player:Teleport(571, 5441, -2304, 298) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 403) then player:Teleport(571, 5797, 629, 648) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 404) then player:Teleport(571, 5402, 72, 151) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 405) then player:Teleport(609, 2353, -5666, 427) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 406) then player:Teleport(571, 3721, 2155, 37) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 407) then player:Teleport(571, 4897, 2046, 249) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 408) then player:Teleport(571, 6925, 4447, 451) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 409) then player:Teleport(571, 6151, 2244, 508) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 410) then player:Teleport(571, 3668, -1049, 131) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 411) then player:Teleport(571, 3561, 275, -115) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 412) then player:Teleport(571, 3783, 6942, 105) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 413) then player:Teleport(571, 8937, 1266, 1026) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 414) then player:Teleport(571, 1228, -4943, 36) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 415) then player:Teleport(571, 1274, -4857, 216) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 416) then player:Teleport(571, 5440, 2840, 421) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 417) then player:Teleport(571, 5708, 521, 650) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 420) then player:Teleport(0, -13282, 117, 25) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 421) then player:Teleport(530, -313, 3088, -116) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 422) then player:Teleport(530, 830, 6865, -63) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 423) then player:Teleport(530, -303, 3164, 32) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 424) then player:Teleport(530, 3087, 1373, 185) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 425) then player:Teleport(530, -311, 3083, -3) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 426) then player:Teleport(530, 719, 6999, -73) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 427) then player:Teleport(530, 816, 6934, -80) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 429) then player:Teleport(1, 5638.354004, -3091.253906, 1566.990479) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 428) then player:Teleport(530, 777, 6763, -72) pUnit:GossipComplete(player) end end RegisterUnitGossipEvent(Change, 1, "WarpNPC_OnGossipTalk") RegisterUnitGossipEvent(Change, 2, "WarpNPC_OnGossipSelect")
› See More: Lua TeleporterNo touching please.
13-07-11, 09:16 AM #2
Does this work for Trinity Core? Can Someone make a tutorial on how to make a teleporter for the repack Galatic Cataclysm please it would be very helpful =)
13-07-11, 05:47 PM #3
14-07-11, 01:02 PM #4
15-07-11, 05:41 PM #5
Register to remove this adOk so lets say I want to make a teleporter for Trinity core how can I do it? Can someone lead me to a helpful link.