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    Post [WoW-Plague] Staff Recruitment!

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    WoW-Plague Recruitment

    Please Note: The server will not be online until all spots are filled and the server has gone through its beta testing stage. If you want your chance to be in one of the most professional and bug free servers now is your chance to be apart of it.

    ~ Spots Needed ~

    1) LUA / C++ Coders - Must be at least 16

    2) GM / Admin Spots - Must be at least 16

    3) Beta Testers - must be at least 13

    ~ Recruitment Requirements ~

    1) LUA / C++ Coder Requirements

    Must have at least basic knowledge and good experience in the language. You must fully understand how to code what you are making. You will not be hired if you only think you understand what you are doing. You must know! Mistakes are unacceptable unless it is as small as a simple name typo or something that can be fixed fast and easy. Anything bigger then that can not happen. You must have recent coding experience in another server whether it be your own or a server hosted by a friend or an associate. You will not be given database access of any kind until determined by the staff. Once you are given the database access you will only have minimum control over it.

    2) GM / Admin Requirements

    You must have experience with an online server. This does not mean experience on your own server. You must have some sort of proof that you were working with the server you put in the application. You must also have good language and people skills. You must be calm and efficient with the way you handle Bugs, Players, or any other problems that may occur when working on the server. You must be very professional in how you handle problems and you must be able to deal with them correctly.

    3) Beta Testers

    You must be able to put in at least 4 - 6 hours a day 8 hours max. You must be able to spot bugs quickly and be able to search for bugs within the server quickly. You must know how to play the game world of warcraft in order to check for all of the bugs. You also must know how to play at least one character, how to level efficiently, and finally you must be able to do it as quick as possible.

    .:Application Format:.

    PM Title: [Spot you want] Your Name





    Job Wanted:


    Hours you can put in:

    Past Servers and Proof:

    Would you be willing to donate to this server project?:

    Are you good with people?:

    What would you do if something went completely wrong within the server and it needed immediate attention?:

    Any additional information that may help us decide whether we want you on the team or not:

    All applications must be sent to us in a PM. Please give us up to 48 hours to get back to you.

    Thanks, WoW-Plague Team


    › See More: [WoW-Plague] Staff Recruitment!
    Last edited by WoW-Plague; 10-02-09 at 11:48 AM.

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