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29-03-11, 01:26 AM #1
LUA problem, with guide npc. Check here.
Register to remove this adHello guys, i have just downloaded " Broxxys guide npc "
i have some problem with it.
Here is the script:
---Made by noobcraft----
local npcid = 400009
function NPC_main_menu(pUnit, player)
pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0)
pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "What do i do in this server?", 4, 0)
function NPC_on_gossip_talk(pUnit, event, player)
NPC_main_menu(pUnit, player)
function NPC_on_gossip_select(pUnit, event, player, id, intid, code)
if(intid == 4) then
pUnit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Messege")
RegisterUnitGossipEvent(npcid, 1, "NPC_on_gossip_talk")
RegisterUnitGossipEvent(npcid, 2, "NPC_on_gossip_select"
if i am going to add another thing in menu, example " Donation Support "
then " Donation Support " working, & the old one stops working.
Anyone as can help me ?
› See More: LUA problem, with guide npc. Check here.
08-04-11, 12:58 PM #2
Register to remove this adSounds like the npcid is already being used or if there's a conflict between the script and data found elsewhere. Try running a search in your database. If it's being used, maybe you can just add in another character.
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