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Thread: NEED HELP with tele npc
07-04-09, 08:41 PM #1
NEED HELP with tele npc
Register to remove this ad1. problem is self exsplanatory in the title but yes i need help with this gay teleporter
Here is the code i inserted into query:
Code:insert into `creature_names` (`entry`, `name`, `subname`, `info_str`, `Flags1`, `type`, `family`, `rank`, `unk4`, `spelldataid`, `male_displayid`, `female_displayid`, `male_displayid2`, `female_displayid2`, `unknown_float1`, `unknown_float2`, `civilian`, `leader`) values ('76666', "Teleporter NPC", "Echelon-WoW", '', '0', '7', '0', '3', '0', '0', '27545', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0'); insert into `creature_proto` (`entry`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `faction`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `mana`, `scale`, `npcflags`, `attacktime`, `attacktype`, `mindamage`, `maxdamage`, `can_ranged`, `rangedattacktime`, `rangedmindamage`, `rangedmaxdamage`, `respawntime`, `armor`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `combat_reach`, `bounding_radius`, `auras`, `boss`, `money`, `invisibility_type`, `death_state`, `walk_speed`, `run_speed`, `fly_speed`, `extra_a9_flags`, `spell1`, `spell2`, `spell3`, `spell4`, `spell_flags`, `modImmunities`) values ('76666', '80', '80', '7', '9000000', '9000000', '100000', '1', '1', '1000', '0', '99999', '99999', '0', '0', '0', '0', '3600', '20000', '9999', '9999', '9999', '9999', '9999', '9999', '0', '0', "0", '1', '0', '0', '0', '2.50', '8.00', '14.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
that pretty much made the npc right??? yes and it worked...
BUT /sigh when i add the .lua file to the scripts folder to make his dumb A## talk he only says "good day +player+ how can i help you?"
Here is the .lua file:
Code:function On_Gossip(unit, event, player) unit:GossipCreateMenu(3544, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Neutral Cities", 1, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Alliance Cities", 2, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Horde Cities", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end function Gossip_Submenus(unit, event, player, id, intid, code) if(intid == 999) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Neutral Cities", 1, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Alliance Cities", 2, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Horde Cities", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 1) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dalaran", 300, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shattrath", 309, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 2) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stormwind", 301, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ironforge", 302, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Darnassus", 303, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Exodar", 304, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 3) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Orgrimmar", 305, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Undercity", 306, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Thunder Bluff", 307, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silvermoon", 308, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 300) then player:Teleport(571, 5798.553711, 645.019287, 647.477783) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 301) then player:Teleport(0, -8913.230469, 554.632996, 93.794830) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 302) then player:Teleport(0, -4982.447266, -880.969604, 501.659882) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 303) then player:Teleport(1, 9946.639648, 2610.149414, 1316.256348) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 304) then player:Teleport(530, -4008.085205, -11885.257813, -1.419589) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 305) then player:Teleport(1, 1505.377319, -4414.602539, 20.598469) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 306) then player:Teleport(0, 1831.750854, 238.543503, 60.478447) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 307) then player:Teleport(1, -1282.347534, 133.302917, 131.218323) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 308) then player:Teleport(530, 9381.675781, -7277.671387, 14.241373) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 309) then player:Teleport(530, -1704.053589, 5376.160156, 3.416441) unit:GossipComplete(player) end end RegisterUnitGossipEvent(76666, 1, "On_Gossip") RegisterUnitGossipEvent(76666, 2, "Gossip_Submenus")
now what am i sapose to do like execute it somehow because this .lua file is != to a query so im CONFUSLED...
I got the same entry id and everything "AS SHOWN IN RED FROM THE YELLOW TEXT ABOVE" i dont know what to do??? plz help.
› See More: NEED HELP with tele npc
08-04-09, 06:32 AM #2
Last edited by Dimman; 09-04-09 at 01:10 PM.
09-04-09, 03:03 AM #3
First off its not the faction if it was faction 35 is the way to go.
Also check the black box called arc-world and see if the lua itself is loading i feel like its not. If it gives you an error post it here and i will be more then glad to help.
09-09-09, 12:24 PM #4
Register to remove this adI know the problem
Code:function Teleporter_On_Gossip(unit, event, player) unit:GossipCreateMenu(3544, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Neutral Cities", 1, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Alliance Cities", 2, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Horde Cities", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end function Gossip_Submenus(unit, event, player, id, intid, code) if(intid == 999) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Neutral Cities", 1, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Alliance Cities", 2, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(2, "Horde Cities", 3, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 1) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Dalaran", 300, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Shattrath", 309, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 2) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Stormwind", 301, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Ironforge", 302, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Darnassus", 303, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Exodar", 304, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 3) then unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Orgrimmar", 305, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Undercity", 306, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Thunder Bluff", 307, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(1, "Silvermoon", 308, 0) unit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "[Back]", 999, 0) unit:GossipSendMenu(player) end if(intid == 300) then player:Teleport(571, 5798.553711, 645.019287, 647.477783) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 301) then player:Teleport(0, -8913.230469, 554.632996, 93.794830) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 302) then player:Teleport(0, -4982.447266, -880.969604, 501.659882) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 303) then player:Teleport(1, 9946.639648, 2610.149414, 1316.256348) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 304) then player:Teleport(530, -4008.085205, -11885.257813, -1.419589) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 305) then player:Teleport(1, 1505.377319, -4414.602539, 20.598469) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 306) then player:Teleport(0, 1831.750854, 238.543503, 60.478447) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 307) then player:Teleport(1, -1282.347534, 133.302917, 131.218323) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 308) then player:Teleport(530, 9381.675781, -7277.671387, 14.241373) unit:GossipComplete(player) end if(intid == 309) then player:Teleport(530, -1704.053589, 5376.160156, 3.416441) unit:GossipComplete(player) end end RegisterUnitGossipEvent(76666, 1, "On_Gossip") RegisterUnitGossipEvent(76666, 2, "Gossip_Submenus")
and then call your npc forTeleporterteleporter
Last edited by Lbniese; 09-09-09 at 12:26 PM.
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