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10-02-10, 06:57 PM #11
Register to remove this adi updated the link due to the fact he deleted the old thread.
(P.S TRM welcome back)
› See More: [Guide]Hamachi set up for TRM Repack
11-02-10, 11:48 AM #12
13-02-10, 07:56 AM #13
15-02-10, 02:26 PM #14
I'm kinda a noob, and the question is dumb but do i change the number in the realmd.config file? like :LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;evox;evoxlogon" this one?
15-02-10, 08:13 PM #15
16-02-10, 07:32 AM #16
But how do i change it then?
16-02-10, 09:26 AM #17
16-02-10, 11:12 PM #18
Followed the directions exactly, still having a problem.
Everything works fine on my (host) end. Whenever anyone else tries to log in they are able to successfully connect to the world server, however, when they attempt to choose a realm (evo-x) they get caught in a loop of endlessly connecting, being disconnected, trying to connect again, etc etc.
Any help that anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.
16-02-10, 11:58 PM #19
1. the ONLY thing that you should of put your hamachi IP in is in your Realmlist table under evoxlogon
2. your friends have hamachi OPEN, and are in YOUR network.
3. your friends have set their realmlist to YOUR HAMACHI IP
if all three of those are correct, and you are still having problems let me know
--Thx TRM!
17-02-10, 06:47 PM #20
Register to remove this adyep, those are all correct, still experiencing the same issue. :-/