Today i'm going to share a simple tutorial that will teach some people how to compile a fresh trinity core,its made by CodeBeast.

Tutorial Q/A:
●Q:Why should I compile?
●A:Because, Unlike repack's, Your own compile you have the source code, allowing you to add your very own custom C++ scripts.

●Q:Is it hard compiling a core?
●A:No, It may seem complicating at first but once you do it once, you can start compiling multiple cores. If you follow this guide, you should be on your way to that spot.

●Q:What if I get some errors in this process?
●A:Odd's are, you may or may not get any errors. If you do, feel free to post them in the comments, and I will assist you!

Alright, those being answered. LETS GET STARTED! To start off this tutorial, we are going to be going through chapters. The table of contents will be right underneath this:

●Step 1: Preparing
●Step 2: What's Required
●Step 3: Setting up the folders and pulling the source
●Step 4: Taking the source and creating the build folder
●Step 5: Compiling the core
●Step 6: Putting together the Core folder
●Step 7: Changing the configs
●Step 8: Adding the database

●Step 1:
●Preparing to compile your first core can be very exciting, make sure you have a clean desktop and have enough space to have the programs / core itself. Some good music may be required.

●Step 2:
GitExtensions - (Include all the addons when installing!) - Code Google
Visual C++ 2008 Express - Microsoft
CMake - (Get the Win32 Installer) - Cmake Cross Platform Make
OpenSSL - (Get the Win32 full installer) - Win32OpenSSL
Link Removed
HeidiSQL - HeidiSQL Downloads

●Now that you have all those, we are ready to begin the fun!

●Step 3:
●Go to your desktop and create a new folder named "Trinity Source".
●Right click that find Git Extension > Git Clone
●Fill it in like so:

●Click "Clone" and wait for that to finish.
●Congratulations, you just pulled the source for your first compile!

●Step 4:
●Now you are going to want to open CMake.
●Once that is open, Fill in like so:

●Once that is all filled out, go ahead and click "Configure"
●Select "use default native compilers" and select "visual studio 9 2008"
●Click Finish
●When you see "Configuring Done" click "Generate". When you see "Generating done" close Cmake.

●Step 5 :
●You are going to want to go into your newly created "Build" folder and open TrinityCore.sln (If it asks what to open it with, select Microsoft Visual C++ 2010".Once that is open and loaded, go to the top and switch "Debug" to "Release" and go ahead and press F5 or the green arrow besides "release" and it should start compiling. This can take awhile depending on your machine.(If it asks to build files out of date, just select ok).If done correctly, it should say:

or something along those lines, if you have some failed, post errors in comments.
Congratulations, you just compiled your first core! We aren't done yet, but almost!

●Step 6:
●Alright, so make another folder on your desktop titled "Trinity Core".
go into your build folder, and go to /build/bin/release/ and copy all those files into your Trinity Core folder.

●Go on and take some trinity 3.3.5a Maps,vMaps, and DBC's and extract them in there to
Finally, take your MySQL you downloaded and extract "_Server" to the core folder.

●Step 7:
●You can alter various settings of your server by editing the configuration files. This is required to do before starting it, since you'll need to fill in the correct MySQL details.Rename the worldserver.config.dist to worldserver.config.Read through all the settings, however be sure to change:

●And make it reflect your MySQL settings.Rename the authserver.config.dist to authserver.config.Read through all the settings, however be sure to change:

●Step 8:
●Alright, so you are going to want to go into "_Server" and start up MySQL!go into HeidiSQL that you installed earlier and create a new database, and make sure the info is made like this:

●Go in and right click near your database tables and select "Create a new database"
Make three new ones named:

●Navigate to your Source folder and go to the directory /source/sql/base and put 2 and 2 together, and drag the auth.sql into the auth database and the characters.sql into the Characters database.
●You are probably wondering,"Where is world?!",Well for some reason, TrinityCore didn't add world.sql to there TrinityCore.git so you can download here:
TDB_full_335.52_2013_07_17.7z - Mediafire

●Now select:

as that is the latest one. Extract it, and drag it into the world database and let that execute, it is a big SQL so it can take some time depending on your machine. Once that is done, go to your Source folder again and go to the directory /source/sql/updates/world and start executing all of those sql's starting from the top down in order for your worldserver.exe to start. After that is done, all I have to say is CONGRATULATIONS! You just compiled a FRESH Trinity 3.3.5a core!

●To create your account, go to worldserver.exe at the bottom and run this in:

●If I forgot to add anything, please point it out in a nice way and I will for sure add it in.

●Trinity for there awesome core.

Thank you!
Synth !

› See More: How to compile your own core