This method is untested however i see no reason why it should not work.
Red text signifies something i added.

First find and open SharedDefines.h

enum ItemQualities
    ITEM_QUALITY_POOR                  = 0,                 //GREY
    ITEM_QUALITY_NORMAL                = 1,                 //WHITE
    ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON              = 2,                 //GREEN
    ITEM_QUALITY_RARE                  = 3,                 //BLUE
    ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC                  = 4,                 //PURPLE
    ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY             = 5,                 //ORANGE
    ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT              = 6,                 //LIGHT YELLOW
    ITEM_QUALITY_HEIRLOOM              = 7

#define MAX_ITEM_QUALITY                 8
Line 233 is the line in my core.

Ok first we will add another line to the enum ItemQualities

It should now look like this
enum ItemQualities
    ITEM_QUALITY_POOR                  = 0,                 //GREY
    ITEM_QUALITY_NORMAL                = 1,                 //WHITE
    ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON              = 2,                 //GREEN
    ITEM_QUALITY_RARE                  = 3,                 //BLUE
    ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC                  = 4,                 //PURPLE
    ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY             = 5,                 //ORANGE
    ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT              = 6,                 //LIGHT YELLOW
    ITEM_QUALITY_HEIRLOOM              = 7,
Now we change

#define MAX_ITEM_QUALITY                 8
#define MAX_ITEM_QUALITY                 9

Now go down a little bit and find

const uint32 ItemQualityColors[MAX_ITEM_QUALITY] =
    0xff9d9d9d,        //GREY
    0xffffffff,        //WHITE
    0xff1eff00,        //GREEN
    0xff0070dd,        //BLUE
    0xffa335ee,        //PURPLE
    0xffff8000,        //ORANGE
    0xffe6cc80,        //LIGHT YELLOW
    0xffe6cc80         //LIGHT YELLOW
Line 255 in my source.

Add Another line with the color code you want it to display as
I am going to use ffff00 aka red as a example and should now look something like this.

const uint32 ItemQualityColors[MAX_ITEM_QUALITY] =
    0xff9d9d9d,        //GREY
    0xffffffff,        //WHITE
    0xff1eff00,        //GREEN
    0xff0070dd,        //BLUE
    0xffa335ee,        //PURPLE
    0xffff8000,        //ORANGE
    0xffe6cc80,        //LIGHT YELLOW
    0xffe6cc80,        //LIGHT YELLOW
    0xffffff00         //RED
And hopefully instead of using |cffffff00itemname|R in all of your items u can just give it a quality of 8 and it should display red.

Keep in mind this is not tested just seen the code and said hmm it could be handy.

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