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Thread: World Chat script
14-02-16, 11:50 PM #1
World Chat script
Register to remove this adCredits : slp13at420
Just a simple operated world chat script. that includes :
faction icon,
faction colored name,
class icon,
if GM then adds GM Badge, and GM rank.
Just add to your core and compile
Code:/* a simple chat system with an adjustable prefix. default`.chat`. with adjustable color layout and adjustable channel name. made by slp13at420 of */ #include "chat.h" #include "common.h" #include "player.h" #include "RBAC.h" #include "ScriptPCH.h" #include <unordered_map> #include "WorldSession.h" std::string wc1_world_chat_command = "chat"; std::string wc1_channel_name = "World"; std::string wc1_TeamIcon[2] = { "|TInterface\\icons\\Inv_Misc_Tournaments_banner_Human.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\Inv_Misc_Tournaments_banner_Orc.png:13|t" }; std::string wc1_GM_ICON = "|TINTERFACE/CHATFRAME/UI-CHATICON-BLIZZ:13:13:0:-1|t"; std::string wc1_GM_RANK[4] = { "Player", "GM1", "GM2", "GM3", }; std::string wc1_ClassIcon[11] = { "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Sword_27.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Hammer_01.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Weapon_Bow_07.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_ThrowingKnife_04.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Staff_30.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\Spell_Deathknight_ClassIcon.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\inv_jewelry_talisman_04.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Staff_30.png:13|t", "|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Staff_30.png:13|t", "", "|TInterface\\icons\\Ability_Druid_Maul.png:13|t", }; // color definitions since i hate yellow.. std::string wc1_allyblue = "|cff3399FF"; std::string wc1_hordered = "|cffCC0000"; std::string wc1_white = "|cffFFFFFF"; std::string wc1_green = "|cff00cc00"; std::string wc1_red = "|cffFF0000"; std::string wc1_blue = "|cff6666FF"; std::string wc1_black = "|cff000000"; std::string wc1_grey = "|cff808080"; // apply color to name based on team id. std::string wc1_TeamColor[2] = { wc1_allyblue, wc1_hordered }; class Player_WorldChat : public PlayerScript { public: Player_WorldChat() : PlayerScript("Player_WorldChat") { } virtual void OnLogin(Player* player, bool /*firstLogin*/) { ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("type `.%s` for World Chat commands.", wc1_world_chat_command.c_str()); }; }; class WORLD_CHAT : public CommandScript { public: WORLD_CHAT() : CommandScript("WORLD_CHAT") { } ChatCommand* GetCommands() const { static ChatCommand commandTable[] = { { wc1_world_chat_command.c_str(), 1, false, &HandleWorldChatCommand, "World Chat prefix.", NULL }, }; return commandTable; } static bool HandleWorldChatCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* msg) { // here you can apply different colors std::string wc1_channelcolor = wc1_grey; std::string wc1_gm_rankcolor = wc1_blue; std::string wc1_msgcolor = wc1_green; Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(); uint32 guid = player->GetGUIDLow(); uint32 team_id = player->GetTeamId(); uint8 class_id = player->getClass() - 1; auto gm_rank = player->GetSession()->GetSecurity(); std::string pName = player->GetName(); std::string WCMSG = ""; WCMSG = "[" + wc1_channelcolor + wc1_channel_name + "|r]"; WCMSG = WCMSG + "[" + wc1_TeamIcon[team_id] + "]"; if (player->IsGameMaster()) { WCMSG = WCMSG + "[" + wc1_GM_ICON + "]"; WCMSG = WCMSG + "[" + wc1_gm_rankcolor + wc1_GM_RANK[gm_rank] + "|r]"; } WCMSG = WCMSG + "[" + wc1_ClassIcon[class_id] + "]"; WCMSG = WCMSG + "[" + wc1_TeamColor[team_id] + pName + "|r]"; WCMSG = WCMSG + ":" + wc1_msgcolor + msg; sWorld->SendGlobalText(WCMSG.c_str(), NULL); // msg.erase(); // HeHehehe return true; }; }; void AddSC_WorldChat() { new Player_WorldChat; new WORLD_CHAT; };
Alliance active GM:
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