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12-10-13, 10:04 AM #1
Trinity .mall command script (working with RBAC)
Register to remove this adHere is my updated .mall command (helped muchly by JCarter)
This is compatible with latest trinity with RBAC system.
Code:#include "ScriptPCH.h" #include "language.h" class mall_tele_commandscript : public CommandScript { public: mall_tele_commandscript() : CommandScript("mall_tele_commandscript") { } ChatCommand* GetCommands() const { static ChatCommand mallTeleCommandTable[] = { { "mall", rbac::RBAC_PERM_COMMAND_MALL, false, &HandlemallTeleCommand, "", NULL }, { NULL, 0, false, NULL, "", NULL } }; return mallTeleCommandTable; } static bool HandlemallTeleCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args) { Player* me = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(); if (me->IsInCombat()) { handler->SendSysMessage(LANG_YOU_IN_COMBAT); handler->SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // stop flight if need if (me->IsInFlight()) { me->GetMotionMaster()->MovementExpired(); me->CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else me->SaveRecallPosition(); me->TeleportTo(0, -1716.653809f, -4228.059082f, 1.997937f, 3.675219f); // MapId, X, Y, Z, O, don't remove the "f" after X,Y,Z,O or it won't work. return true; } }; void AddSC_mall_commandscript() { new mall_tele_commandscript(); }
Code:INSERT INTO `rbac_permissions` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1007, 'Command: mall'); INSERT INTO `rbac_linked_permissions` (`id`,`linkedId`) VALUES (195, 1007);
This can also be used to create other tele locations. Just replace all occurances of 'mall' with a desired name and replace the included location to suit.
Dont forget to change sql's id's / linkedid's to match new command too.
Original Post/Credits : Vextah
› See More: Trinity .mall command script (working with RBAC)