View Full Version : mmogcart.com - Review

19-01-09, 11:27 AM
Hey guys.

I just want to give you a quick review on http://www.mmogcart.com (http://www.mmogcart.com/).

I'll start of with the prices.

Now, where to start, it cost me

220$ from 10-70,
Full Season 2 (TBC),
epic flying mount,
two related proffessions to 375

All for 220$. I thought "What the hell, cheaper than other sites" and then I unfortunatly found out why.

It took them

3 Days to start
9 days to level 5 levels
32 days to get to 50
56 days to get to 60

And frankly, thats terrible when it was a 22 day order. I ended up telling them they could screw it and changed my info, they begged me to let them finish it, but no, I wasn't having it.

I ended up leveling it myself to 70, which took me 4 days from 60-70, which I shouldn't have had to do.

No, they would not give me a refund, which shows, I think they're just scammers.

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Gold Review from mmogcart.com

Just as bad. I bought 20k gold for 350$.

So, quick review

350$ for 20000g
5 min delivery - 1 day
delivered in 5 seprate parts in which I had to hand over 5000g at one point
Asked to join there guild

After that, I had my 20000g. Waiting for myself to get to 70 (On my Death Knight) and buy my epic flyer, and all the other items I wanted. But No, what happened instead was this :

Gold was Recalled somehow
Account was banned
I asked for a refund, they had no proof what so ever that I bought there, even though I gave them the Transaction ID.
Still refused.
6 days later I ask them again, they say I owe them 350$ since I scammed them
They phone me up at 4am demanding 350$

I tell them to GTFO and tell them if they call me once more I will dispute the transaction, call paypal and hopefully get there account limited.

They listened. I have just told all my friends, family and forum mates not to go to that site since. Still like Killing the Farmers on my server, funny guild they have "mmogcart". They changed it since I kept killing there mobs and not looting it, infurating them. :)

Anyway, have fun and DONT go to mmogcart.com :)

19-01-09, 01:53 PM
Thanks for the heads up! Sorry you had to find out the hard way that they suck.

25-01-09, 06:12 AM
Thanks for the review, and I agree, mmogcart is just as bad.

10-02-09, 11:26 AM
yeah i tried mmogcart for Gaia Online gold took them 2 weeks in the end i complained got half the gold i had ordered and a full refund, never using them again.

but 60Days for level 60?! ive seen a trial program do it faster :P

10-02-09, 11:27 AM
Yeah, they suck

13-02-09, 01:17 AM
Uhm, it's both breaking Blizzard's terms of use, to buy leveling and bot, in this case.. I would rather bot... it takes the both approximately 14-20days to reach 60 :P

11-03-09, 01:48 PM
I would def stay away from this site all it is a scam, paid $109 for 1-80 powerleveling with epic flyer mount, epic mount, cold weahter flying, 6000g, epic gear, and all the flight points. Got final warning from blizzard saying if you continue you will indead get banned. So needless to say im out $109, dont be stupid and but this stay away from the sight they also do not have a refund policy . all i can say is if your desprate for an 80, level it yourself.

18-03-09, 07:34 AM
Really horrible that you had to learn it the hard way, Avid. Hope that you'll recoup your losses soon. Never trusted those 2 companies from the start anyway.

18-03-09, 11:11 AM
Thanks, Enegue :)

24-03-09, 10:06 AM
I placed an order on march 9 09 for a 1-60 epic mount package to see how this site really worked live support seemed very nice and willing to help you and offer the world

little did I know

i changed my mind once payment was made and had them lvl my 24hunter insted

theyt logged on after 4hours and made it to lvl 26 after 21hours
they logged off i logged on


i ask for a refund they ignore me and act like the order is finished
i recieved an email 3days later saying that my order is done and ready for play

couldnt play they got my whole account Perm BANNED
they say it was my fault
Blizzard said they were running hacks and bots on it so they had no choice but to stop service to it

this account had 4lvl 80's with all the best gear now i have no account


24-03-09, 11:01 AM
Yes. Thats why we're here to try warn you guys and NOT loose 4 Level 80's!

04-04-09, 09:28 AM
First Off, ALL these leveling services use bots. only thing i would buy from them is gold. i go to Wowyour.com , i have Wigsplitta do my powerleveling. also you get banned when they use bots and stay online 24-7. Also blizzard tracks the constant different IP's being used in that 24-7 playing time.

So the best bet is to have someone you know do the leveling like Wigsplitta!

04-04-09, 10:12 AM
Indeed! I found out the hard way, but I learnt my lesson!