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15-01-09, 04:06 AM

How you make a WoW 2.4.3 private server!

Don't forget to visit my webbpage biljardkungen.tk (http://biljardkungen.tk)

1. What do i need?
Database for example UDB: Mangos-FAE | Download MaNGOS, How to Install MaNGOS, Download MaNGOS Database: Downloads / Unified Database / UDB 0.10.4 "Handful of Snowflakes" (http://www.mangos-fae.info/download.php?view.165)
and the latest uppdate to UDB: Mangos-FAE | Download MaNGOS, How to Install MaNGOS, Download MaNGOS Database: Downloads / Updates / UDB 0.10.4 Updatepack 363 (http://www.mangos-fae.info/download.php?view.166)
MaNGOS: Mangos-FAE | Download MaNGOS, How to Install MaNGOS, Download MaNGOS Database: Downloads / MaNGOS Windows Binaries / MaNGOS Revision 20081113 + ScriptDev2 Revision 736 (http://www.mangos-fae.info/download.php?view.169)
SQL host for example easy php: SourceForge.net: Files (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=14045)
A WoW 2.4.3 client.
A program to change in the database: Download (http://www.webyog.com/en/download_form.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webyog.com% 2Fdownloads%2FSQLyog713EntTrial.exe)
Net Framework 3.5: Download details: .NET Framework 3.5 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=333325fd-ae52-4e35-b531-508d977d32a6&DisplayLang=en)

Create a folder and put al the downloaded files there
unrar al the files in the folder
open the fodler "maps_dbc_extractor" and move the file ad.exe to your wow clients folder.
create 2 folders one with the name maps and one with the name dbc
open the file ad.exe
when it's finish move maps and dbc folders to the folder you created in the begining.

3:1 config files realmd.conf
open realmd.conf with notepad

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;realmd"
change root to the sql's username
defult root
Change mangos to your sql password defult in easy php is empty
realmd is the database where the name and adress of the realm is located and users.
i recomend dont change
save and exit

3:2 config files scriptdev2.conf
open scriptdev2.conf with notepad
find: ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;mangos;scriptdev2"

change the first mangos to the sql's username
change the second mangos to the sql's password
scriptdev2 is the scripted mobs database
i recomend dont change
save and exit

3:3 config files mangosd.conf
open mangosd.conf with notepad
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;mangos"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;characters"
Change the "root"'s to your sql username
Change the "mangos" to your sql password
The realmd is the realms database
The mangos is the mangos database
The characters is the characters database
I recomend dont change.

next find:Motd = "Welcome to the massiv mutli online roll playing game"
change the text to the messages of the day you want.

next find:
Rate.Drop.Item.Poor = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Normal = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Rare = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Epic = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced = 1
Rate.Drop.Money = 1
Rate.XP.Kill = 1
Rate.XP.Quest = 1
Rate.XP.Explore = 1

change the numbers to how many times more then blissards rates you want.
for example
Rate.XP.Kill = 10
will give you 10 times more xp then blissard if you kill a npc.

save and exit.

4. instaling
instal easy php
instal sqlyog

5.the database
this is a complicated and big step but i will try to keep it short.

5:1 connect with sqlyog
first make shore you have started easy php
start sqlyog
press the new buttom.
shose the name server or some thing.
use the information
MySQL Host Address: localhost
User Name: root
port: 3306

press the connect buttom.

5:2 creating database

press crl+d
write mangos and press create
do the same thing 3 more times but with the names

now you will have 4 database's in the list.

5:3 import sql files
press the right mouse buttom on the realmd
chose Restore from SQL dump
browse for the file realmd.sql it is in the folder
mangos sql in the folder you created in the beggining.
press the execute buttom and wait for it to be completed.
when it's done then press the cancel buttom.

do the same thing with the characters database
but find the database characters in the same folder,

do the same with the mangos database
but browse for the file: UDB_0.10.4_Core_6766_SD2_689.sql
when it's completed browse for the file: 363_corepatch_mangos_6767_to_2008_10_31_01.sql
when it's complet once again browse for another file : 363_updatepack_mangos.sql

do the same with the scriptdev2 database
but browse the file: scriptdev2_structure.sql
when it's completed browse the file:scriptdev2_script_texts.sql

once again go to the database mangos and press Restore from sql dump
and browse the file mangos_full_scripts.sql

5:4 modifying the sql
press the "+" icon on the realmd database
press the right mouse buttom on the realmlist table
Press insert/update data for the table
Under name change to the name you want for the realm
under adress change to your IP adress LAN ip for a Local server
hamachi ip for a internet server without open any ports on the raouter
or internet ip for a internet server but you need to open some port on the raouter
or put your computer as DMZ.
Press the "disk" icon (the icon for saving)

left klick the account table
there you will se users and encrypted passwords and gmlevels
you can change a players gm level from there!
now you can exit sqlyog.

6. Starting and connecting to the server.

6:1 start the server
1.press the realmd.exe file
2. press the mangosd.exe file
wait for it to be completed
in the mangosd.exe you can write command to get a list of commands
you can use inside the mangosd.exe
for example set expantion
create user
set gm
set motd
and mutch more.
but i recomend you use a homepage to create usernames RoSpora is a good and easy page.
Mangos-FAE | Download MaNGOS, How to Install MaNGOS, Download MaNGOS Database: Downloads / MaNGOS Webpage / RoSpora 2 - Version 0.115 (http://www.mangos-fae.info/download.php?view.162)
I will learn how to modify the page so it works for you in a later guide.

6:2 connect to the server
open your wow clients folder and find the file realmlist.wtf
open the file with notepad
it would look some thing like this:
set realmlist thunderwow.game-server.cc
set patchlist some.address
you can erase the "set patchlist some.address"
change the "thunderwow.game-server.cc"
to the address we wrote in the realmlist table

I take it for grandet that you have created a user
so youst start your wow client and connect to the server with the user
you have created.

Don't forget to turn your firewal of on the computer who are running the server
or open ports if you want to connect from another computer than
the computer where your server are running.

That would be al!
Play and have fun :=)

15-01-09, 06:52 AM
Just for your information, World of Warcraft is currently at 3.0.3 and NOT 2.4.3. Great guide, though.

18-01-09, 05:38 AM
Just for your information, World of Warcraft is currently at 3.0.3 and NOT 2.4.3. Great guide, though.

Haha yes i know i got a 3.0.3 upp and running right now with almost 900 members.
But when i created that guide it was 2.4.3 who was the latest!
dont got any fresh links for 3.0.3 MaNGOS.
but it's the same thing just different links!

18-01-09, 01:54 PM
Awesome guide!

03-02-09, 10:12 AM

04-02-09, 12:51 AM
Really nice, though you should add pictures, alot easier to understand then ;) Nice work though!

04-02-09, 02:01 PM
I will proberly do that to the next one :P
It will be uppdated with new links and stuffs:P

08-02-09, 01:14 AM
Very nice contribute +rep :)

08-02-09, 02:01 PM
Old news, this needs to be updated for patch 3.0.8

08-02-09, 05:59 PM
Yes as told ya it's a old guide but same for 3.0.8 just different links
will fix a new uppdated soon as told you all!