View Full Version : [Share] How to make a Healer NPC

08-01-09, 07:56 AM
Before I share this with you guys, just wanted to let you know that I DID NOT make this guide.

1.) Open your MySQL program. (Whatever you use. I'm using HeidiSQL.)
2.) Go to Ascent -> Creature Names -> Data
3.) Add a new entry by hitting the "+" in the toolbar.
4.) Type the following information into the database:

Entry: A High Number (I used 60011)
Name: Whatever you want your healer to be named.
Subname: Your Healer's Subname (I used "Town Healer")
Info_Str: Leave Blank or 0
Flags1: Leave Blank
Type: 7
Family: 0
Rank: 0
Unk4: 0
SpellDataID: 0
Male_DisplayID1: 0 (I put at 0 because my NPC is female, but you can put any Display ID here and it will randomly spawn the NPC with one of the four Display ID's that you put into these 4 tabs.)
Female_DisplayID1: 5444 (Stormwind Innkeeper Alison)
Male_DisplayID2: 0
Female_Display ID2: 0
Unknown_Float1: 1
Unknown_Float2: 1
Civilian: 0 or 1 (1 to make it unhittable)
Leader: 0

Okay. Now onto the next section...
5.) Go back to your Ascent Database
6.) Go into Creature_Proto
7.) Create a new tab and input the following:

Entry: 60011 (Must exactly match your EntryID in the Creature_Name Database)
MinLevel: (Minimum level that will spawn.)
MaxLevel: (Maximum level that will spawn.)
Faction: 35 (I used 35 because it's a Neutral Faction. You can use any Faction ID you please.)
MinimumHealth: (Whatever you want. Must be lower than MaximumHealth.)
MaximumHealth: (Whatever you want. Must be higher than MinimumHealth.)
Mana: (Whatever you want. Don't leave at 0 because she needs Mana to cast, I think. I put to 10000.)
Scale: 1 (This is how many times bigger she will be than the normal size of the DisplayID. 1 is normal, 2 is x2, 3 is x3, and so on.)
NPCFlags: 3 (This is important. 1 (Guide) + 2 (Quest Giver) = 3)
AttackTime: 1800 (This is how fast your NPC will hit. The lower the faster, I believe.)
AttackType: 0
MinDamage: (Whatever you want the minimum damage to be.)
MaxDamage: (Whatever you want the maximum damage to be.)
RangedMinDamage: 0
RangedMaxDamage: 0
MountDisplay: 0 (A matter of preference. If you want your Healer on a mount, by all means. Up to you.)

-Skip the Equipment Slots. Go to RespawnTime-

RespawnTime: (Normal is 360000, but I put at 12000 so she respawns quicker.)
Armor: (Whatever you want.)
Resistances1-6: (Whatever you want.)
CombatReach: 1
Bounding_Radius: 1
Auras: Leave Blank
Boss: 0
Money: 0
Invisibility_Type: 0
Death_State: 0
Walk_Speed: 2.5 (Standard)
Run_Speed: 8 (Standard)
Fly_Speed: 14 (Standard)
Extra_A9_Flags: 0

Okay, Now we're done the basic NPC Structure of our Healer. You guys still with me? Okay... Now we start the Quest Structure.
8.) Go back to your Ascent Database
9.) Go to the Quest Database
10.) Create a new entry and imput the following:

Entry: (A VERY High Number. There are A LOT of quests in WoW and you don't want any conflictions. I used 1000004... Just to be safe.)
ZoneID: (This will identify what zone the quest is in. I used 5 which is Blank.)
Sort: (Same as ZoneID. I used 5.)
Flags: 0
MinLevel: 1 (You want everyone to be healed, so use level 1 as the minimum.)
MaxLevel: 70 (This will allow everyone from 1-70 be able to use this function.)
Type: 0
RequiredRaces: 1791 (All Races)
RequiredClass: 0 (All Classes)
RequiredTradeskill: 0 (No requirement)
RequiredTradeskillValue: 0
RequiredRepValue: 0
LimitTime: 0
SpecialFlags: 0
PreviousQuestID: 0
NextQuestID: 0
SrcItem: 0
SrcItemCount: 0
Title: Heal My Wounds (You can use anything you want it to be called.)
Details: (Whatever you want the quest to say first time you take it. Won't show after because it's repeatable.)
Objectives: (What the objectives are. It will show this after you complete it the first time.)
IncompleteText: (What the NPC will say if you take the quest but don't compelte it. Not really neccessary as you will complete the quest right off.)

-Skip the rest until you get to the "CastSpell" tab-

CastSpell: 25210 (This Greater Heal [Rank 6], it heals for about 3.5k. I couldn't find the ID for [Rank 7], but this will heal you in about 2 or 3 heals at level 70. You can also switch this number for any SpellID you wish for her to cast. You can basically use this guide almost exactly for ANY spell. Including buffs, mount spells, or any other spell you find on the ID list.)

-Skip the rest until you get to "IsRepeatable" tab-

IsRepeatable: 1 (This will enable it to be useable over and over.)

Okay, now we're done the quest outline. Almost done. Just need to give our NPC the quest.
11.) Go back to your Ascent Database
12.) Go to Creature_Quest_Starter
13.) Create a new entry and type in the following:

ID: 60011 (Must match the EntryID you used for your NPC.)
Quest: 1000004 (Must match your Quest's Entry ID)

14.) Go back to you Ascent Database
15.) Go to Creature_Quest Finisher
16.) Create a new entry and imput the following:

ID: 60011 (Must match the EntryID you used for your NPC.)
Quest: 1000004 (Must match your Quest's Entry ID)

And we're done! Now go into game and spawn the NPC wherever you want it!
Hope this'll help some of you guys out!

DimarypEvans of AC-Webs