View Full Version : [Share] Flying Mounts in Azeroth (Trinket-Equipped)

08-01-09, 07:51 AM
Hey everyone!
This topic is for all of you guys who want to have a flying mount in Azeroth.

[Patch 3.0.3]


1. Download this (http://filebeam.com/97772ec1d8c7bddd6f272f1863851fa0)
2. Copy the arcemu-world.exe and paste it into the arcemu core(delete your old one)
3. Delete your old script_bin folder and insert the new one.
4. Start the server.

Password for arcemu-world.exe is: colamancool

Here is a SQL Custom Mount made by my friend.
.character additem 99546

INSERT INTO items (entry, class, subclass, field4, name1, name2, name3, name4, displayid, quality, flags, buyprice, sellprice, inventorytype, allowableclass, allowablerace, itemlevel, requiredlevel, RequiredSkill, RequiredSkillRank, RequiredSkillSubRank, RequiredPlayerRank1, RequiredPlayerRank2, RequiredFaction, RequiredFactionStanding, `Unique`, maxcount, ContainerSlots, stat_type1, stat_value1, stat_type2, stat_value2, stat_type3, stat_value3, stat_type4, stat_value4, stat_type5, stat_value5, stat_type6, stat_value6, stat_type7, stat_value7, stat_type8, stat_value8, stat_type9, stat_value9, stat_type10, stat_value10, dmg_min1, dmg_max1, dmg_type1, dmg_min2, dmg_max2, dmg_type2, dmg_min3, dmg_max3, dmg_type3, dmg_min4, dmg_max4, dmg_type4, dmg_min5, dmg_max5, dmg_type5, armor, holy_res, fire_res, nature_res, frost_res, shadow_res, arcane_res, delay, ammo_type, `range`, spellid_1, spelltrigger_1, spellcharges_1, spellcooldown_1, spellcategory_1, spellcategorycooldown_1, spellid_2, spelltrigger_2, spellcharges_2, spellcooldown_2, spellcategory_2, spellcategorycooldown_2, spellid_3, spelltrigger_3, spellcharges_3, spellcooldown_3, spellcategory_3, spellcategorycooldown_3, spellid_4, spelltrigger_4, spellcharges_4, spellcooldown_4, spellcategory_4, spellcategorycooldown_4, spellid_5, spelltrigger_5, spellcharges_5, spellcooldown_5, spellcategory_5, spellcategorycooldown_5, bonding, description, page_id, page_language, page_material, quest_id, lock_id, lock_material, sheathID, randomprop, unk203_1, block, itemset, MaxDurability, ZoneNameID, mapid, bagfamily, TotemCategory, socket_color_1, unk201_3, socket_color_2, unk201_5, socket_color_3, unk201_7, socket_bonus, GemProperties, ReqDisenchantSkill, unk2) VALUES (99546,4,0,-1,"Flying Gryphon","Flying Gryphon","Flying Gryphon","Flying Gryphon",39239,5,0,0000,0000,12,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,32242,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,"Fly everywhere with this",0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0);

Remember to equip the trinket in order to use the mount.

Enjoy flying in Azeroth!

19-09-09, 03:07 PM

21-09-09, 04:14 AM
Got none. Just try to imagine gryphon flying in Azeroth?

21-09-09, 11:37 AM
import your file in ur own db, and take a screen :P ;), and please update the file to patch 3.1.x or 3.2.x please, when you do that then i rep+ no ones need a patch 3.0.3 file :P ;)... but else nice share / release

22-09-09, 07:37 AM
I don't have a server atm.... Why not you download it, update it, then add screens? :D