View Full Version : [Guide]The Ultimate GM compendium of Knowledge

08-01-09, 06:06 AM
The Ultimate GM Compendium of Knowledge

=========================================Credits to Skye from *******=============================

- Dedicated to the unseen, the unknown, and the ignored. Prove to them you exist.

This is the ultimate source of knowledge for GMs, both new and old. This guide was built for potential GMs in mind, and will train you to everything, Veteran GMs will benefit from this guide as well because several of the more, "Elite" commands and tips, have been exposed (and for some, the first time ever that a guide about that subject has been posted)
Within these massive walls of text is knowledge on anything GM related, Anything, and everything
For such a massive thread, I can't fit it all in one post. Due to the character limit, and also it will be easier to home in one what you need. (much faster to scan posts then to try and see the titles.)

->I dont expect anyone to read this whole thing. Except maybe the new GMs that want to enter WoW as a true pro.

Please keep in mind, all these commands are for acent/antrix only! The rest of the guide can be converted with a little tight fit, but doable.

Each subject has been separated into it's own post so that you can find the stuff you need faster. And this time, you WILL be using the table of context =P

Table of context:
-> What to expect as a GM
-> Tickets, and how best to do them
-> Macros for GMs
-> Fully Detailed GM command List (Part 1)
-> Fully Detailed GM command list (part 2)
-> .GO objects and how to master them
-> How to catch a hacker
-> How to hunt, trap and skin a scamer. Alive.
-> Waypoints
-> Running Smooth event
-> GM guilds, how to create, manage, and keep balance.

Misc (Not needed, but it can help your server, yourself, and make your PvP players happy)
-> Better ways to create a movie with GM powers
-> How to make a good resumé for a GM application
-> Tier Twink, level 19, and level 29 vendors for events.

P.S. ArcEmu commands will be added at the bottom

08-01-09, 06:18 AM
What to expect as a GM

New to the world of Game Masters? You have come to the right spot! Veteran Game Master you are, and want to learn a few more complex tricks? You also have come to the right spot! However scroll down to another guide if you a Veteran =P, since this first part will bore you to death.
This will explain to you the real things that being a GM will bring. It's not all powerful, its not the best way to play WoW for the fun of it, and it will strip a lot from you.

Now, if your reading this part of the GM compendium, that means you're not yet a GM but are interested in becoming one for a populated server. With this you can think over your decision to be a GM. Keep in mind, out of 100 players, 1 GM will be chosen. And that one GM will have to cater for that 99 players. So get ready, this might not be all fun and games =P

- You will have to devote every second of your gaming time to helping players. You're not playing WoW to have fun anymore, your playing it to help others. This is important to know. When you come back from a hard day at work, you won't sink into your chair to play and raid, you will be sinking into your chair to work again, and for no pay, other then thanks and respect from the players.

- You will face many who call you out, get angry with you, or are just plain rude to you. It's important to try and make as least enemies as possible if you are a GM. Your role is to help people, not annoy them or defend yourself. If they insult you, move on. Ignoration is key. And if you serve everyone's ticket with fairness, and to the best of your abilities, usually people wont get mad at you. Although the donors might give you problems, since you have to check them over to see if they are not scamming you. You lost your right to opinion when you became a GM, you must judge people for exactly what you see, not what you think you see.

- Everyone will assume that you're God and can fix anything. If you can't do something, tell them that it's beyond the power given to you. Don't tell them that you won't do it, tell them the truth, that you can't do it. This will avoid a lot of hard feelings against you if you explain to people that you can't solve their particular problem and the reason why.

-You will deal with dumb tickets. Get ready for the "jimmy called my character fat! can you give him a ban!!!" Bring on the phony smile and blizz like canned answer.

- You will deal with drama. From the player's point of view, it's a soap opera. From the GM's point of view, its a nightmare. Almost all servers will have some drama, or something that is currently happening. it will be your job to appear calm and in control. They will watch, and exactly how players treat the Blizzard GMs whenever they appear human, they will flame you as well. So if you call out the Admin on the forums, expect the Admin to be angry at you, and the players to gossip about it to the max. Do one mistake and a screen shots will fly around the forum.

- You will be begged gold/levels/gear/GM powers/GOD LIKE POWERS!!!/items.
Know what you can give, and what you cant. personally, every time a player begs me for something, I give them an empty wallet, or a pet rock, until they figure it out =P And there will be some that whisper you asking to be GMs. Just politely say that you have no authority on that, nor can you give recommendations. Some servers, however, do allow GMs to recommend players to be GMs as well.

- Know that your command over the GM powers is critical in being a good GM. You WILL have to know them by heart, or will be forced to =P If you don't know most by heart, you can still survive, at a somewhat less practical effective use. Find the part of this compendium that has the detailed GM commands for reference and use them for now. Keep in mind, you will start to learn most commands by heart just by simply being forced to use them in situations.

- Know that you can be replaced. There are hundreds of silent players, each of them fighting for GM powers, and many of them might be even better then you are, should they get the chance to prove it. Don't give them that chance. If you work hard, and everyday, no one will complain about your effectiveness and you won't lose your post.

- Know that most of the server will know your name. Wear it with pride.

- Know that you will have to be able to type fast. Really really fast. Trust me.

- Know that you must have good social skills. Make enemies with none, friends with all. Bribing won't win you friends, just exploiters. If you serve everyone's tickets as they want it to be, you won't have problems with having people talk about you =P. If you give powers and items to a group of people, you will have a cult following you around that will stab your back at any chance they get to get more stuff.
I have seen corrupted GMs like this, and they have all been downed simply because they refused to give ultimate power when their gang asked them for, and they turned on him and sank him to the bottom of the sea. And even worst when he does give ultimate power like Hand of Death, and when I come to patrol and nerf them they point their grubby figures right at him. Don't get sucked into this like a lot of GMs have. Keep it professional.

- Know that you will have a few break times, when there are no tickets, so you will get to play around with your powers, but do not let yourself make too many breaks, else your efficiency will drop. And keep an eye on what you wreak. Clean up NPCs that you spawn, and don't keep a messy server.

- Know that you will have to deal with hackers, exploiters, liars, and thieves (Donor item frauds too.) So start on a strong foot, and don't let them get the better of you. if you show mercy now, you will set a rep of benediction and hackers will run rampant while you are on. But keep in mind, it's better to have 3 hackers out there, then to ban someone that was simply bugged and was trying to get rid of it. Deal with exploiters of bugs however you wish, whether they apply to hackers, or to a different class, is up to your server rules.

- Know that you will have to know every one of your server's rules. And enforce it. You will be the judge, and the defendant will only have his side of it. Make fair choices, but do not go soft on every one you find. Keep in mind, every case will always be to the hacker's side, since usually it comes down to his word vs a witness's and the witness might just be trying to get him banned for personal reasons.

- Know that there will be hard times, and some times when you would love to be a player, a normal player. That means you will have a lot of stress on this job. can you handle stress well? If no, don't bother to read the rest of this Compendium, you're not GM material, if you break rather then bend.

If you are ready for all of these, then you are GM material. Look over yourself and honestly judge yourself. It's all right if you miss a few of these points, but keep in mind, if you miss more then 3, consider staying a player for now. If you think you are ready, then, dear reader,

Read on, and become a GM pro before typing your first command. =P

08-01-09, 06:25 AM
How to do tickets as a new GM

This part of the compendium is aimed at the new GMs that need help figuring out tickets.
And veteran GMs getting more tips on this subject.
No more speech this time =P Let's jump into this already.

Tickets are exactly as everyone expects, Annoying, zerg-like if ignored for more then 5 minutes, and above all, frustrating.

Your first few tickets are usually great! It's awesome to help people, but then as the novelty gets old, you quickly feel bogged down, and sometimes may be tempted to ignore tickets and claim to be on a break.

Here is a guide to finishing tickets quick, well done, and above else, less time consuming.

Settling a main base = not effective. Don't take your time and make yourself a neat little spot to ticket at. It's ineffective, takes time that you could be doing tickets, and often makes people want to stay and watch you do tickets then screw you up some way or another xD
Instead, your main base can be made on your own spare time. Find a spot that's isolated, Make a portal to Shattrath, and add a recall there. That's all you need for a base.

When answering tickets, Always try to .appear to the player who needs help. This will be more polite then to yank him with a summon when he is not ready. Also, if your the more diligent GM, that whispers before summoning, This will also help you, because it will eliminate the need to whisper in order to find out weather he is AFK or not. Appear to him, if he is not moving, leave him a message with the /s. He can scroll up after. And them move on to the next.

If you meet a guy stuck somewhere, or falling off, or dead somewhere where he cant revive, it would be incredibly stupid to appear to him. Hence why you made that scratchy mini base with a port and a recall. Go to that place VIA recall, summon the man, and revive him if he/she is dead. Move on to the next ticket, and rest at peace you don't need to tell him to take the portal to Shattrath, he can figure it out on his own =P

If you have your GM tag up, you will see ghosts so select him when he appears and .revive him, or if you cant target him, summon him and type ".reviveplr <name>"

This will already speed up your tickets speed by a LOT. You would be amazed at how much time is lost setting up a good base, and summoning players and tendering to them and pointing them in the right direction out.

Whispers are your friends. You can multi-task with whispers. Any tickets that you think you can deal with VIA whisper, do so. (that means the dumb questions and ban requests like "Jim called my character fat! can you talk to him Pl0x?") If you are a GM, you will have mastered the art of talking to 10 people at the same time. So, use your skills and while doing a ticket that requires you to be present, finish another that doesn't.

Talking about the art of a GM, the true power of a GM is only partly how many commands he knows, and the use of them; its mostly how good he is with people. First thing is first: Training. The best way to develop the art of multi-whispering, is to keep your GM tag, OFF.
Yes, I said OFF. You will be flooded, zerged, and maybe tea-bagged in whispers, but if your going to work in the kitchen, learn to use a knife, no matter how many cuts it does to you.
Eventually, you will come to realize the gift that being able to speak with 10 people at the same time truly is. No longer will you need to type that complex command to allow whisper and block it, or many other stuff. learning this skill, is what makes a legendary GM from a great GM. with this, everyone who needs help immediately, will be able to contact you. However, should someone whisper something dumb to you, or start idle chat while you work, Warn him immediately. the last thing you want is to have senseless chat.

Create your own channel.
I have heard from some GMs they enjoy this, personally, I use the regular local server channel. however, I see how it could help you, if you would rather keep your GM tag up, but not deny the people that need to contact you immediately.

Beware of the people that say they want to help as much as they can, while they are players themselves, usually their call is like this "If you need help, type in /join help! and I will try to help you as best as possible, Im NOT a GM (yet) but I can still try my best ^_^"

Sounds innocent enough right? Just someone devoted to helping people. Well don't be fooled. They are doing this to act. You can't help someone as a player, you can grind for them/tell them directions/be nice to them/give gold, but you can't fix them the way a GM can. They are doing it for show. Look up the word "paresis" Also, there is a saying "Never give power to the ones that crave it" It would fit well here. This applies to people on the forums as well. People that continually try to get GM by either subtle words, or outright "I'm a good GM, make me one" are people you have to keep an eye on. They are power-hungry and that will only lead down a bad path.

If you are looking for a good GM, ignore these attention seekers, look for the quiet players that comment on the world channel often with help and directions for lost noobs who ask for help. If they are nice enough to do this, and don't go looking for attention as the "Look at me, I'm so great, gimme GM now Pl0x!" people. The silent players that help usually go without notice, and they didn't want notice in the first place. They only wanted to help someone, and that is what a GM is for. Don't give GM to the people that want GM, give it to the people that Help others without asking for anything else other then to know they helped a guy. Give Gm to the players that are naturally helpful, not the ones that run around just to get attention.

Wait time does not matter at all. If a guy waited for 1 hour, he can wait a few more moments. Don't serve tickets on the time spent, serve them on need. If someone is dead and has no way out, and has waited 20 minutes. and another has been waiting 2 hours to get a donation set, do the guy that is stuck. He can't do anything at all, while the guy that is waiting for donations can still play WoW normally. Doing this will not affect your ticket completion speed, only your quality.

Test yourself. Fight against your own time. After each ticket, record the time it took to finish that one, and its quality, on a scale of 1/10. Either ask your ticketeer what he thought the service was (Usually either a 1, or a 10. Chances are very slim for a number in between =P) Or judge yourself. Honestly. At the end of the day, add up your total ticket time, and divide by the number of tickets you have done to find the average time it takes to do a ticket, then do the same with your quality numbers and find the average quality your tickets are. The next day, try to beat yesterday's score.

That's all you need to get started right away!
This guide was made assuming that you already know how to connect to the gm_sync_channel and have the add-on to boot.
Good luck with your tickets!

P.S. If you do not have the add-on, join the ticket channel by typing this: /join gm_sync_channel

08-01-09, 06:28 AM
Macros for GMs

These macros were the ones i made and fixed through time as I was a GM on different servers. They usually deal with the major problem in all classes, and are generally cure alls for most problems. Each of them will have this format:

<Class name>
<Spells/items in order>
<The actual macro, in the same order as listed under the class name>

Simply select the entire macro, copy it, start WoW, and add it in. It worked great for me and can probably solve most of your problems. They were advanced through time (I added spells in every time a player missed them, and they were not in my macro), so most of them cover almost any missing spells.

Bear form
Walrus form
cat form
Travel form
Dire bear form
Swift Flight form

/s .learn 5487
/s .learn 1066
/s .learn 768
/s .learn 783
/s .learn 9634
/s .learn 40120
/s .learn 9913

Conjure water
Conjure food
Portal to Shattrath
( other portals were not included because of the factions http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif Shattrath has ports to everywhere too)

/s .learn 27090
/s .learn 33717
/s .learn 66
/s .learn 35717

Defensive stance
Beserker stance
Commanding shout
Spell Reflection
Dual wield (make sure he logs out for the effect.)

/s .learn 71
/s .learn 2458
/s .learn 25275
/s .learn 469
/s .learn 23920
/s .learn 3411
/s .learn 674

Dual wield
Deadly poison
Instant poison
Crippling poison

/s .learn 674
/s .learn 26889
/s .learn 1787
/s .learn 5938
/s .learn 27282
/s .learn 26892
/s .learn 3421

Earth totem
Fire totem
water totem
Air totem

/s .additem 5175
/s .additem 5176
/s .additem 5177
/s .additem 5178

Frost resistance aura
Devotion aura
Retribution aura
Crusader aura
Fire resistance aura

/s .learn 20773
/s .learn 27152
/s .learn 27149
/s .learn 27150
/s .learn 32223
/s .learn 19900

Call pet
Tame beast
Feed pet
Dismiss pet

/s .learn 883
/s .learn 1515
/s .learn 6991
/s .learn 2641

Shadow word death
Prayer of spirit
Prayer of shadow protection
Power word fortitude
Power word shield

/s .learn 32996
/s .learn 32999
/s .learn 39374
/s .learn 25389
/s .learn 25218

Ritual of summoning

/s .learn 698
/s .learn 697
/s .learn 688
/s .learn 691
/s .learn 30146
/s .learn 1122
/s .learn 5784

08-01-09, 06:39 AM
Detailed list of commands

This is the ultimate part of this thread. it's the part that took weeks to make. While there are 100 lists of "GM commands omgwtfBBQsause!" ALL of them are ripoffs from Thread to thread. i believe the original makers of the GM list were the people who created ascent. They failed to include how to use each command however, perhaps due to the scale of work they would have to do.
Who could blame them? But it's about time someone stood up, and took the time to add detail to every command, how to use it, what it's for, and when best to use it. This part was my hardest, and possibly my best piece of work, so i would go to the ends of the world hunting people who copy this and state it's their own work.

You have been warned.

With that said let's start.
The setup is easy. the command will be within the "" under is is a definition of what it does, and how to type it in, and it's use. Keep in mind, only 2 reliable channels exist where Commands can be typed in. the /say channel, and the /guild channel. So if you are dead and cannot speak, the /guild will be where you can input your commands. /p and maybe special channels work as well, but only on some servers. Others wont allow it. Universaly /s and /g are the ones to use. other channels excist but it depends on the server you are, weather they work or not.

Also, there are 2 different ways to use the commands. I use the '.' mostly, but the '!' can work just as well. So for example, If you type ".cheat fly" the same effect would happen if you had typed "!cheat fly".

I know i have not included every single Command known to man, and for simple reasons, I will be adding them on as we go along. However my priority is to teach new GMs what they need to know to be a good GM, and if they learn all the commands listed here, they will be greater GMs already. Pictures, and updating the guide on other parts comes first before the more shadowy commands are exposed. They will each require more time then i have already given. Once the entire compendium is set up, i will return here and complete this part with the more detailed commands.

---->General Commands <----
These commands have no main category, They are the nomads of the command list. They are used quite a bit however, thus they make it on the basic list part of this compedium.

This will just give you a small menu on most of the commands, they will appear on your chat log.

".help <name>"
This will give more info on the command you add. However Some of the commands will give you a "no detail added" answer or something like that, so don't rely on this one too much. after all you do have the compendium to answer your questions =P

".announce <text>"
Commonly used by everyone, this one is notherless a vital command to know. To use it, type ".announce Hello this is a general announcement to state that Ludo rocks." For that example, A serverwide text will appear on the chat log, saying "Hello this is a general announcment to state that Skype rocks." The "announce" part will be dropped so no worries about that. Any text you add in the <Text> will be what will be announced.

".wannounce <text>"
This is the raid warning version of the server. Instead of having a quiet announcement on the chat log, this will appear only on the player's screen. Don't count on it much, because this fits in the floating combat part of the players. So if someone is fighting, the Announcement you made, will disappear faster then they players can read them, and be replaced by damage numbers. It is uses the same way the ".announce" command was used. except with a 'W' at the beginning.

".appear <name>"
Used a lot in tickets, this will Both teleport you to the player that has <name>. It will send him a small message saying "GM 'You' is appearing to your location" If you are invisible, this message will not appear, allowing you to stalk people. To use this command, type ".appear Ludo" for example. If i was in-game and on your server, you would appear to me. ".appear loladin" for example, whould make you appear to the player named "Loladin" Keep in mind, sometime there will be no loading screen to look at when you use this command, so if your screen freezes, wait a bit, since what the game is really doing is loading the setting that you teleported to.

".serverrestart <time>"
Same as .servershutdown, except it doesn't panic the players on the server like .servershutdown xD
This will set a countdown to a server restart.

".Summon <name>"
This will yank whoever has the <name> that you typed in to exactly where you are. Used by GMs to serve tickets, unstuck people, or fish up hackers. The player will automatically be sent wherever you are and no matter where they are. A message will appear on their chat log saying "You have been summoned by 'you'" Usually they wont need to read that to know they are being summoned =P Also, please be careful, because believe it or not, but only fly hackers will remain in the air when you summon them, the rest will fall down. So don't summon people over lava =P This command is also used to fish out fly hackers. For example, when you arrive, and the fly hacker is walking, and wont dare try to fly. One way to root him out if to fly up, and summon him up. if he falls down, he is normal, if he just stands there, he is fly hacking.

".banchar <name> <duration> <reason>"
This will lock a character who has the name of <name>. To use this command type ".banchar Ludo 1d I hate your walls of text, damnit! >.<" This will announce to everyone that the player Ludo has been kicked from the server, with the reason "I hate your walls of text, damnit! >.<" and will also lock the character Ludo so he wont be able to go in-game until he gets unlocked. Days = d Weeks = w Months = m Years = y

".unbanchar <name>"
This will unlock a character that someone banned. For example, let say an evil GM banned the player Ludo from showing his face in the server, and you decided to unban Ludo, because he rocks. (Duh.) Type ".unbanchar Ludo" and the player Ludo will be unbanned.
So substitute <name> for the player that you want to unban to use this command.

".kick <name> <reason>"
This will punt the target out of the server in 5 seconds, with a small reason. A red text will appear on the chat log saying something along the lines of "<name> was kicked from the server by <GM Name>" For example, lets say i got booted from the server by GM angelripper.
The command would be ".kick skype Gtfo of my server you lazy leeching lowbie!" And the text that whould be displayed would be "Ludo was kicked from the server by Ludokesh. Reason: GTFO of my server you lazy leeching lowbie!" And in 5 seconds i would be punted from the server. A player that has been punted can return at any time, even right after the kick.

This will rez the target to full health, and no rez sickness to boot. This will be useful if you target a player before they spirit release, or if you have the GM tag on and see a player in ghost form running around. Or even yourself if you have died, by typing the command while selecting yourself, (typeing it in /guild chat =P, you cant use the /s channel when your dead.)

".reviveplr <Name>"
If you missed the player and they spirit released, this is the way to get them again. Type ".reviveplr Ludo" for example. that would rez me, no matter where i am. This goes hand in hand with the ".summon" command.

".morph <MorphID>"
This will change you into the mob of your choice. One thing to know is that the mob will have an ID that is different from it's spawn ID. To find out the DisplayID you want, and easy way to do that is spawn the creature you want, by getting it's spawn ID from Thottbot or WoWHead, either one, and spawning it in front of you. Then useing the ".npc info" and find the DisplayID part of the info of the NPC on your chat log. Now format your command and type in the command like so: ".morph 8011" That whould turn you into a flying machine.

This will simply unmorph your target. Select him, or yourself and type ".demorph" and the target will revert back to his default display ID.

".mount <Spawn ID>"
This will mount a player. This works on NPCs as well, it's been confirmed but be sure to have a valid mount ID. The .mount will mount the target unit, with any type of creature in-game. Some of these creatures are not ment to be mounted, and the result will look... odd to say the least. First you have to find the ID of the mount you want. Thottbot, and wow head look very well for this. Select the last number of the website adress, and use that as your mount. for example, if i wanted to mount myself on a flying machine, I will look up on WoWhead the ID of the Flying machine mount, and use this command.

This will dismount yourself from any mount you have. Since when you mount yourself with the ".mount" command, no buffs will appear to dispell, So you will have to either use this command, or relog. Select the target, or yourself, and type ".dismount"

This will simply tell you how many active GMs are online at that moment. On the chat log will appear yellow text that will list the names of currently online GMs. This is useful for teamwork, as you can find out who is a Gm, if they changed their names, and be able to contact them quickly without having to hunt them down.

This will activate the <GM> tag on yourself, blocking whispers, and giving yourself a unique title, that everyone can see. Use this when you have to assert your power, as people respect that title above everything else.

This will remove the <Gm> tag on yourself, allowing any whispers to reach your ears once more. If you are a New GM, don't use this command often, as you may get flooded, if you are a vet, you would not need to use this command as you will never type the ".gmon" command, being able to answer any wisper that reaches you and never closing yourself off to people who may need you quickly.

This will give you the exact coordinates that you occupy, X,Y, and Z. To understand what it does you need to know coordinate grids, in thee-D. Normally as a GM you will not need this unless for rare occasions. as an admin, this command becomes important to you. Simply type ".gps" and on your chat log, a text will appear with a long string of numbers, that is the X,Y, and Z coordinates of the peice of land that you are on, to the exact MM in-game.

This will give you a general info on the server you are on, Type ".info" and some text will appear on your chat log. The rest is self explanatory. Usually you wont need this command, but as an admin, you may call upon it more often then GMs will.

".account level <name> <rank>"
Sets the GM level for an account. For example, ".account level Ludo az" would make the account Ludo have az permissions.

".account create <username> <password> <email>"
Creates a new account. For example, ".account create Ludo mmopro [email protected]" would make an account named "Ludo" with the password "mmopro" with the email "[email protected]

"worldport <number>"
This will teleport you anywhere on the world, This is where GMs may want to use the ".gps" command. The world port will consite of a long string of numbers after '.worldport' These numbers will match the X,Y and Z of the GPS numbers. Usually if you get an add on for GMs, they will have a lot of numbers for quite a few spots. Be careful, as if you plug in numbers by hand and miss a didget, you might end up in a completely different spot, even underground.

This will save the character you are playing on. You will rarely use this, rather the ".saveall" is more effective.

This is the best command to use, as it will save every character online, including yourself. A large raid warning like announcement will appear, that will be similar to this: "Saved all 789 players online in 3ms" I belive it will also be added to the chat logs of everyone online, but im not too sure about that.

".Security <name> <rank>"
This is an admin command. As a GM you will not be able to use it. This command will set the rank of the GM, from A or AZ. Other ranks are a mouthful, so i wont list them here.
Say that you decided GM Ludo was too powerful, and wanted to nerf bat him, only that you were too lazy to do so on your SQL. Select the target and type ".security Ludo A" This will nerf GM Ludo from AZ (that he had before) to A.
Note: this command has been removed from ascent to date.

This will teleport the target back to the start location. This will only work on players... I think. For example, if you target an orc, and type ".start" he will be returned to the valley of trails.

".level up"
I think this will level the player to the next level, for example if he is 56, he will turn 57. I'm not too sure this will work on NPCs. In fact, im almost positive that this will not Work on NPCs. Ill give rep, and this spot on the compendium, with his/her name to the person that can figure this one out.

".additem <ID>"
A well used command by every single GM, both new, and vet. In fact, this command is so infamous, that even players who never GMed know about this command. they might not know how to get the ID, but they do know this command. To find the ID of the Item, go on either thottbot, or WoWhead, and type in the item you want. Then Ctrl + C the ending numbers and use that in your command. For example, you wanted the item '1337' You will type ".additem 1337" while selecting yourself.
This will not work on NPCs =P

".createguild <name>"
This will forge a new guild for the target player, or yourself. If they aready have a guild, they will be part of both the new guild and their old one, and should they leave their current guild, the forged guild will be shown on them. To create a guild, select the target (Player only) and type ".createguild Ludo's Army" That would create the guild "Ludo's army" on the target. (the ',% and any weird characters in the command will not be allowed though, so it might give you an error message. While you can make the name as long as you want, the same restrictions apply to the guild names as in player made guilds.)

Safely said, it will make you godlike, just the same as if you used the ".cheat god" command. however, its better then that, it will make it so no mobs will aggro you. I could be wrong about this, but im 70% sure that it will cause this effect.
To use the command, select a player or yourself, and type ".invincible" Typing this again will cause it to shut off.s

This is almost exactly like the ".Invincible" command, except that you are a ghost now. No one can see, target, or know if your stalking them. if you talk, they will hear it however. Chats that are not automated Will be heard. Chats that are automated will no longer appear to anyone except yourself. Such chats, include the "GM Ludo is appearing to your location" and other stuff like that. Announcements will be heard as well however. Type ".invisible" a second time to turn off the command.

(Apart from ".resetreputaion" I would welcome any extra detail on the other ".reset" commands, and would both rep you, and give you mention in this guide.)

This will reset the targets reputation back to default. Very useful when someone is bugged and cant talk to NPCs, or if NPCs attack them. You target will need to relog for effects to be used. To use this command, select the target, and type ".resetteputaion" It will give you a small message on the chat log with more detail.

This will revert the target's spell to level 1. This effect is permanant. However the target can always go to the trainer and learn them again, i think. I have had only one case when i needed to use this command, and it did not work =P. I had to manually remove the bugged spells.

This will reset all the stats of the player to his starting level (1). This will completely mess up the target player beyond repair, i have never used this command ever. I advise Caution when useing it.

This will reset the player's talents to '0' all over. allowing them to re-chose their tree. However, this will get rid of the extra talents that the player might have gotten illigaly.
I have had a few rare cases when i needed to use this.

This will reset the player's skills, such as profession, weapon, and other misc skill lines. They will need to work on it again. Not too sure if this will affect the language, or gear prof. I have never used this command.

".learn <Spell ID>"
A very well used command, this will teach you any spell that is in the game. To find the <Spell ID> go on Thottbot, and look up spells there. Copy the end number on the Web site's URL, and use that. One example would be "3429" Its a random number but this is what you are looking for. If you are using thottbot, there will be a small 's' before the number, ignore that. If you are using WoWhead, the number is separated by an '=' sign

".unlearn <spellID>"
The mirror image of the ".learn <spellID>" command, this will unlearn any spell someone knows, by brute force. Use it when someone has a spell they should not have.

".learnskill <Skillid> <current> <max>"
This is a bit tricky to learn but once you know how to use them, you Can make great use of this as a GM. Skills are anything that you need to work for and that advance as you use them, such as swords, cooking, 2H Staves, first aid, defense, ect. The first thing you need is the Skill ID, its the Identification number of that skill, you can find this on Thottbot, or if you have an add on. This will plug into the <SkillID> slot of your command. The next number is the number that the player will be currently at. The last, is how possibly big the skill level can advance to. For example, Let say we want max skills on swords. Most skills are around 350-375 maximum skill level. First type in ".learnskill <Sword ID To be found> 375 357" The <Sword ID> is the Skill ID. the '375' at the beginning, is the current level, and the 375 is the maximum that the player can advance to. If we had done ".learnskill <swords> 345 375" The target would have 345/375 skills in swords. You cannot use this on an NPC.

Well used in catching hackers you WILL need to know this. This will tell everything about the target, his IP, His Account name, ect. For the best use put this in a macro. To use this command all you have to do is click the target player, and type ".playerinfo" usually if everything went right the info will be on your chat log in yellow.

This will simply show how long the server has been online without D/Cing.
I have never had any need to use this, so i may be wrong. I suspect the way to use this is by typing ".uptime" The time should be posted on your chat log.
I will +rep to someone that can confirm this =D (And give credit for confirmation)

This is the same as ".gps" It will tell you the coordinates of the target. Usually im not an admin and when i am, i use ".gps" mostly on the occations i need it. I suspect that this command is used simply as clicking the target, and typing in ".getpos" The data should be on your chat log.

This will remove any auras of the target, all of them. Weather good or bad. Select the target and type ".removeauras" Im not too sure if it will work on NPCs or not. Theoretically i think it should. I will give rep for more detail on this.

This will freeze the target, Normaly i use ".debug root" For me this will also freeze the characters animation, so this is good for props and special matrix teamed shoots for movies =D. Select the target and type ".paralyze"

This removes any paralisis effects from ".paraplyze" Use it once you finished with your matrix shoot =P.

".additemset <ItemsetID>"
A very useful command. To use this find the Item set ID, that can be found on Thottbot, or WoWhead usually. The number will be small compared to the other IDs you find. When you go on Thottbot and find an item that is part of a set, you can click the 'set Details' and it will take you to a part of the Site that has the Item set ID on the URL. Copy that and paste it on your ".additemset <ItemsetID>" So for example, i wanted the warrior PvP Item set. I type ".additemset 545" While selecting myself. Several items will be added to my inventory right after along with an "all clear" message on the chat log.

Never used this command. i assume you need either the ID of the instance, or maybe just the name. The Command speaks for itself that this will create a custom instance for yourself. How to use the command, is something different http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif

This will reload the database, only admins whould care for this command, and they use it when they added something new into the game. It avoids the need to reboot the entire server to add what they tinkered on.

This will spawn a spirit guide at your location. you wont see it unless you die. And no, players will not appear to it if they die nearby, however if they are running around dead and they cross that path, they will see it. to use this command, simply find the area you want to add the spirit healer, and type ".spawnspiritguide"

".servershutdown <Time>"
This is not something i use, at all. My speciality lies in GMing, not admin. However, this command will reset the server. Input the time you want till shutdown, and type in the command. A yellow text will announce the shutdown, and the countdown will be in blue.

".allowwhispers <name>"
This will allow whispers to arrive from a player while you are with your <GM> tag. This is considered very blizzard like and professional to work with this sort of command. Personally i have never had to use this command yet, http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif as i pass most of my time, out of the <GM> tag. To use this command however, you must type in the name of the player that you want to chat with. The best way for that is to shift click their name if it comes up on your chat log anywhere. Otherwise, you will have to manually type it in.

".blockWhispers <name>"
This will block the ability of players to whisper you while in <GM> mode. Use this after you finished chatting with someone. Type in the command, and add the name of the player you finished chatting with. For example ".blockwhispers Skype" This will block me out of the chat with you.

".Advanceskills <SkillID> <number that is advanced>"
This will advace the skill like of the player by <number that is advanced> For example:
".advanceskill 120 200" That whould advance skill line #120 by 200 points.

".killbyplayer <name>"
This will disconnect anyone with the <name>. For example, you wanted to boot Solfac from the server, but you had no idea where he is, and were too lazy to summon him, or to appear to him for a proper kick. Type "Killbyplayer Ludo" and it should show you a success message.

".killbyaccount <name>"
This one is a bit better. Say more then one person was useing the same account, and you wanted to ban them all. Say that Account was name "Ludoowns" Which is a mouthful but some accounts are that long. Type ".killbyaccount Ludoowns"
There will be a message saying success in your effort.

This will nullify root/paralize commands, and effects on the target.
Select him, and type ".unlockmovement"

I'm almost positive this was for the ".npc" Subcommand but the people at ascent might have forgotten the Space in the middle http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif. This will set NPCs to follow you around directly behind you. You can have as many as you want, but they will look more like a line then anything else if you have more then one. Once you have them following you, they will not stop unless you log out, or use the ".nullfollow". stalkers <.< >.> Select the NPC that you want and type ".npcfollow" and you have your first fanatic!

This will nullify the Fanatics trailing after you. Select him and type ".nullfollow" (NPC only =P) they will just stand there after, so follow this up with a ".npc return" for best effects.

".Formationlink1, Formationlink2, Formationclear"
This command is too complex for one small paragraph, please look at the table of content for formationlinks and scroll around to find it. it will explain in great detail what you must do.

----> Cheat Commands<----
- Used mainly for your own gain, Most of the time, its important NOT to select a player when you type this command in =P


".cheat fly"
This is used by a lot of GMs to fly around. Simply said, select the target you want to attach wings to and type ".cheat fly" USe the ".cheat land" To disable this command.

".cheat flyspeed <number>"
This command will mod your speed in the air. The ".mod speed" affects both your ground speed and air speed, the ".cheat flyspeed <number>" will affect ONLY your fly speed. 7 is normal running, 1 is painfully slow, and 20 is about as fast as an epic mount. select the target you want to speed up, and type ".mod speed 20" as an example. this will set his speed to 20.

".cheat god"
Grants your target GOD-LIKE POWER!!! In reality, it only makes them immune to any type of damage. You cant die (or the target you select cant die anymore) Select your target, and type the command ".cheat god" It works like an on/off switch, that means to turn it off type the same command again, and it will be deactivated.

".cheat power"
This will allow you to use any spell/ability without useing mana, energy, or rage. Select your target and type ".cheat power" This works a bit diffrently with rage. You will not lose rage, you will not spend rage, but you must build it up however. Works the same with the on/off switch. typeing this again will turn the cheat OFF

".cheat status"
This will just show you the list of enabled cheats on your target. Select the person you want to investigate (either you or someone else =P) and type ".cheat status" A list will appear in your chat log.

".cheat cooldown"
This will stop the global Cooldown. Allowing you to cast much faster. Select the target and type ".cheat cooldown" Keep in mind this will stop the global cooldown, not the spell cooldown. It works like an On/off switch, typeing the command again will turn it off.

".cheat casttime"
This will allow you to instantly cast your spells with no cast time. If it is not already an instant cast spell, you will need to stand still to fire. select the target you want to have instant cast on, and type ".cheat casttime" Keep in mind the two 'T's This works like an on/off switch, typeing it again will turn it off.

".cheat stack"
This allows you to stack buffs on your target. Select him, or yourself, and type ".cheat stack" You will be able to stack buffs such as combution, or power word fortitude.

".cheat land"
Simply said, this is the off switch of ".cheat fly" Typing this in to someone without the fly cheat active will do nothing, and typing it while selecting a flying person will make him fall down to the ground. New GMs use this to see weather a player is fly hacking or just gifted with flight. If they dont fall down, they are fly hacking, if they do, they were given a cheat command by another GM. Veteran GMs find hackers by noticing weather they are standing still in the air, or if they are floating around as if they were swiming.

".cheat explore 1"
Normall, it should show you all the unrevealed parts of the map that you are at. type ".cheat explore 1" and the map that you are on should be fully explored. That way when you open up your map with the 'M' key, everything will be revealed. Most people fail to make it work because they input the command wrong, its with a diget at the end that it can work.

----> Waypoints! <----
If the NPC commands are the butter of the "bread and butter" expresttion, Waypoint and formationlinks must be the jelly! They are one of the commands that are very useful in creating dungons, makeing events, or just having fun. a full guide is also avalible for you to have tips in setting this up, and it is much, much more detailed

".waypoint Add"
This will add a waypoint. Simply said, Select an NPC, and type ".waypoint add" weather you show his waypoint or not, nor how many, it will add the waypoint for that target.

".Waypoint show"
This will show any waypoints at the target. they will appear smaller, and in a ghost form. Each will have a level. their level will represent the # that they are. for example, Waypoint #5 will be level 5. Any of the more detailed waypoint tinkering requires to select the ghost. to show them, select the target and type ".waypoint show"

".waypoint Hide"
This will hide any waypoint of the target. Use it after your done with an NPC. select him and type ".waypoint Hide"

".waypoint delete"
You need to have ".waypoint show" active to use this command.
This command will delete a waypoint, use it if you messed up with something. Select the ghost you want to remove and type ".waypoint delete"

".waypoint movehere"
You need to have "waypoint Show" active to use this command.
This will move the target ghost to where you are, and where the NPC will advance at that waypoint to where you are. use this when you misplaced a waypoint and just need to move it a bit. Select the ghost that you misplaced, and type ".waypoint movehere"

".waypoint Flags"
You need to have ".Waypoint show" active to use this command.
This will change the standing of your NPC in relation to the allience or horde, as soon as they cross that waypoint. It's usefull in events, or special dungons, however, i have yet to make this work. =P I know how it works theoreticaly, but there are still no effects.

".Waypoint Waittime <time>"
You need to have ".Waypoint show" active to use this command.
This is the second most used command in the waypoint sub catagory. The first being the ".waypoint add" command. This command will set the time that the NPC passes on it's respectful Ghost. The <time> is set in miliseconds. That means 100th of a second. So allways add a large number. For example 5000 for <time> whould be 5 seconds. So now plug that in, and you will get this as the final result: ".Waypoint waittime 5000"

".waypoint emote 1 <emote ID>"
You need to have ".Waypoint show" active to use this command.
this will change the emote at the selected ghost. The emotes are in numbers, 1 being talking, 10 being danceing, ect. Gastric had posted that, Look him up. To use this command, select the ghost and type ".waypoint emote 1 10" and when the NPC walks on it, he should start dancing. Please look on the waypoint Guide for much more detail on this.

".Waypoint skin <ID>"
You need to have ".Waypoint show" active to use this command.
Skin is a big word for DisplayID. Rather a small word. (its one of the weirdos of acent)
It means that when the NPC walks on that Ghost, it will instantly switch its displayID with that of the ID in <ID> slot of the command. As soon as it walks to the next waypoint it will shift back to original form, unless you plugged this same command on the next waypoint.

".waypoint info"
You need to have ".Waypoint show" active to use this command.
This will simply tell you stuff from that waypoint. Select the ghost that you want to learn more of. And type ".waypoint info" Information should appear on your chat log.

".waypoint movetype"
Note to self skype, test this out + add to waypoint guide. edit this out with data when im back home.

----> Game objects <-----
These commands allow control over game objects and the like. When dealing with game object, be ready to log out, and log back in. They seem to be client side, and thus when you scale something, or delete something and spawn something right after, Relog. They may be reset by ".go move" or ".go rotate" Thanks to TheSpidey for that

".go select"
This will select the nearest Object by you. A name will appear on your chat log. this command becomes important, so make sure you have a macro for it, or have it added in a macro, if you work with objects, you will be typeing in that command over and over.

".go delete"
Must have the object selected with ".go select"
This will destroy the target object. relog after, as if you spawn something right after, it will appear, but you wont see it, or feel it. The object you just deleted will reapear however. This can be annoying, and sometimes usefull. depends on how you see the glass.
After you type ".go select" type ".go delete"

".go Spawn <ID>"
This is the bread of the .go commands. You will use this even more then the ".go select", or the ".go info"
First find the ID of the object, and plug it in to the <ID> part of the command. The object you will spawn will appear at your feet. so position yourself! then type ".go spawn <the ID you want>"

".go info"
Must have the object selected with ".go select"
the third most used command, this will give a ton of info about the object you selected
Almost allways follows up the ".go select" 30% of the time. the other 70% instead of ".go info" it will be ".go delete" =P
The info will be on your chat log all in one. However, the smallest blimp in the chat, and you will have to scroll up to find it. If your working with .go's Be sure to make your chat log a bit bigger, by Moveing your mouse to its options, unlock it, go to the edge, drag it a bit higher, and lock the chat log again.

".go Scale <Number>"
Must have the object selected with ".go select"
This will scale the selected object. you wont be able to see it, unless you relog.

".go Move"
Must have the object selected with ".go select"
This will move the selected Object to where you are. It will also reset the object. The object will be moved directly where you stand. Thank you for TheSpidey For Informing me that i was missing this command, and that it resets objects.

".go rotate <Number>"
This will rotate the object by degrees. If you count a full circle as "1" then 0.1 and 0.7, ect are numbers that will turn the object. Say that we want to turn it around 180* the command for that will be ".go rotate 0.5" Because if 1 is a full circle, then 0.5 is half a circle so your flipping it by 180* there. This command will also reload the Object as well. Thanks for TheSpidey For explaining that this command will also reset the object.

----> Pet commands <----
Very easy to understand, and good to use. They make great custom bosses for GM created dungons. http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif Once you have a pet, he acts like any normal NPC, so you can mod his scale, hp, mana, ect.

".pet createpet <ID>"
This will create a pet with the <ID> that you input. ID is the same as an NPC ID. So if you want rag as a mini pet, find his ID and add it in the <ID> slot of the command while targeting yourself.

".pet rename <name>"
this will rename the pet to whatever you want, space, ', 5, é, Any letter can be added in. A rather cool thing =). Select the pet and type ".npc rename Skype's Bodyguard and personal Servant" This will rename your pet to "Skype's bodyguard and personal Servant"

".pet addspell <ID>"
This will add a spell that you wish, the ID will be the same as the one you use to .learn for yourself, so this is awsome. Select the pet and type ".pet addspell <ID>" the <ID> part is where you add the ID of the spell. Unselect your pet and the spell will be on his pet bar. this allows you to have any spell you want for your pet. Making it great if your making a boss.

08-01-09, 06:40 AM
PART 2 of the Fully detailed command list

---->Modify Commands<----
- Considered the most used commands ever, this is where some of the power of GMs come from
You can type .modify but a faster way is by simply typing ".mod"

".mod hp <number 1> <number 2>"
This will set the health of your target to whatever you want. The setup is a bit hard to grasp, but easy to understand after. The <number 1> will stand for your current health and the <number 2> will stand for you maximum health. So If i type ".mod hp 3000 4000"
I will have 3000/4000 health I can have up to 4000 health, but have only currently 3000 health and it will heal up normaly back to 4000 health, unless im in combat. Usually you want to keep both numbers the same, but you might be running an event, so this can come in handy.

".mod mana <number 1> <number 2>"
This is exactly the same as health, only that it mods mana instead of health. the system is the exact same. Number 1 deals with current mana, and number 2 deals with maximum mana.
Select the target as allways, and type ".mod mana 23000 23000" for example. this will give your target 23000/23000 mana.

".mod rage <number 1> <number 2>"
This will mod your rage, Allowing you to use bear form moves, or warrior moves. Once more, this works exactly like the others. First number will mod your current rage, the second will mod the max rage you can get. As soon as you type this in, you will start to lose rage normaly unless you are in combat. Select the target, and type ".mod rage 100 100" for example. this will give any warrior max amount of rage possible.

".mod energy <number 1> <number 2>"
Same as above, it will directly change the amount of energy you have. Type ".mod energy 100 100" as an example, this will give you exactly 100 energy.

NOTE: Useing the above commands will work for any class. that means if you are a mage, and want to use a rouge ability, mod your energy, and while you wont see an energy bar, there will be one, allowing you to use rouge abilites. Same goes for warrior useing mana, and a rouge useing rage. ect

".mod level <number>"
An easy command, this will set the level of your target, to the exact one that you want.
The <number> will coorespond to the level that you want. For example, we want to mod somone's level to 7. Select the target and type ".mod level 7" This will not work on NPCs

".mod armor <number>"
This will change the target's armor to your choseing. For example, we dont like a warrior much, so we will mod his armor to 5. Select the poor man, and type ".mod armor 5" This will work on both players and NPCs.

".mod <holy/fire/frost/nature/shadow/arcane> <number>"
This will mod the target's resistence, depending on the type you chose. The <number> cooresponds to the resistence itself. For example, we want to mod someone's fire resistence to 25. select the person and type ".mod fire 25" Or if we want to add on a shadow resistance of 25, type ".mod shadow 25" Or if we wanted to mod his holy resistence by 15, type ".mod holy 15" Get the picture?

".mod damage <number 1> <number 2>"
This will directly mod the damage that you or your target does. The first number will be the minimum damage he can possibly do. So for example, if we want out target to hit for as low as 500, the first number ( <Number 1> ) will be set to 500. And say we want his attacks to do a max of 600 damage, we set <number 2> to 600. So the compleat Command for that will be ".mod damage 500 600" This works on both NPCs and Player alike. However, streanth, and other base stats will affect the damage. So if you have done ".mod damage 300 300" even though the numbers are the same, you will do a bit more damage due to your base states.

".mod scale <number>"
This command can make you or your target bigger or smaller. <number 1> represents a %. 1 is the default. it means 100%. 2 makes the target twice as big because it's 200%, and three makes him three times as big, (300%) Similarly, O.5 means 50%, and that will make your target 1/2 as big as its normaly supposed to be. So lets say we want to make someone twice as big, type ".mod scale 2" This command works on both NPCs and Players

".mod gold <number>"
get ready to type some big numbers. This will set the amount of gold the player will have. and no, if you type 20 for the number, you wont have 20 gold, you will have 20 copper. The number is in copper. that means that you need 100 to get a silver, and 100 silver to get one gold. So that means if you want 20 gold, your going to have to type 20,000 in the number. Like this ".mod gold 20000"

".mod speed <number>"
This will set your speed to the one that you want. Or your targets. This will not work on NPCs. 7 is your normal speed. 14 is about the range of the epic mount, and 30 is just right.
You can also go under 7 to walk slower. Say we want to go to speeds of an epic mount. Type ".mod speed 14" That should be it.

".mod DisplayID <number>"
One of my favs, because the morph never worked for me =P
This command will allow you to look like anything in the world. However you need to know it's displayID. To do that you first need to find its spawn ID. Look up in thottbot the mob you want to become. Find the small trail of numbers at the end, Should be something like: /c8011 near the end. the small c, means creature. The number after is it's spawn ID. Spawn it, and type ".npc info" while selecting it. This will give you all sorts of info about it. Scroll up and find the "DisplayID <number>" That is near the top in yellow. Remember that number, because it will plug into your ".mod displayID <ths is where is plugs in>" So say, the DisplayID is 8011. You will have to type ".mod displayID 8011" This works on both players and NPCs.

".mod nativedisplayid"
This will simply reset the target if you have been tinkering with it's displayID, that includes you and the players. If you are a player, to get rid of the displayID, a simple relog works well, if it's an NPC you cant make it relog, thus you need to use this. Select your target and type ".mod nativedisplayID"

".mod flag"
Not to sure what this does, Never tinkered with it much during my time as a GM, and currently with hamachi broken, the server i GMed on, dead, and my computer's refusal to run a private server, i am unable to work with this command. If anyone finds out more about it, send me a PM, and ill add it in, with your name =)

".mod faction <number>"
This will set the faction of the mob. Some of the better known factions are 0 (normal mobs) 1 (allience) 2 (horde). To find the faction of any mob, use the ".npc info" button, once you see it's faction number, you can use that to mod your other units to that faction. Say we want to make a unit have the faction of 35 (neutral) Select him and type ".mod faction 35" This will work on both horde and allience.

".mod dynamicflags"
Not to sure what this does, Never tinkered with it much during my time as a GM, and currently with hamachi broken, the server i GMed on, dead, and my computer's refusal to run a private server, i am unable to work with this command. If anyone finds out more about it, send me a PM, and ill add it in, with your name =)

".mod talentpoints <number>"
This will add talent points if you so wish. Lets say we want to add 5 more talent points. Select the player and type ".mod talentpoints 5" This will only work on players, and will not work on NPCs.

".mod loyalty <number>"
This will set the pet's loyalty. I have only dabbed in this once, and left it at that.
Say we want to mod the loyalty of the pet to 6. Type ".mod loyalty 6" while selecting the pet. it will only work on hunter pets.

".mod spirit/stamina/intelect/ect <number>"
This will mod your base stats by what you want. For example, lets say we want exactly 300 spirit, select yourself and type ".mod Spirit 300"

".mod boundingraidus <number>"
This will set up how far the player can get to an NPC before the NPC aggros him. It it mesured in IN-game yard. Say we want an NPc to attack as soon as the player steps into 6 yards of it. Select the NPC and type ".mod boundingraidus 6" This is my speculation, and can be false your going to have to test it yourself =P

".mod combatreach <number>"
This will set the NPC's Distence before it can attack, it will also set how far a player can attack it. Say you have a giant, and you want it to be able to crush people 3 Yards from it
Select it and type ".mod combatreach 6" I know it's measured in yards, but i could be wrong, so your going to have to test this one for yourself as well =P

".npc emotestate <number>"
This will set the npc's emote. it also works on players too, Gastric stickied a list of emotes he found on the MyWarcraftSudio, so its up there to find the numbers. Find the emote you want, copy the number and plug it in. Say we want the target to dance. the emote for that is "10" We type this in ".mod emotestate 10" This will make him do the dance. Im not too sure about this one either, since i never did test it out, but this is my theory, if you can prove me wrong, and add a better paraghraph to add, Ill give rep, and edit this out to what you wrote with your name one it =P

----> NPC commands <----
These commands are among my personal Favorits, since i love to tinker with NPCs. Not only that, but if you are a GM, you will see a lot of these commands,so get used to them.

".npc spawn <ID>"
This will spawn an NPC For You to use. To use this command, type ".npc spawn <ID>" before you use this command, you must aready know what you want to spawn. That is the ID of it. The best place to look is either on thottbot, or wowhead. Type in the creature you want, and when the page loads, use the last didgets in the URL code on your web browser. these numbers are the <ID> of your command. each mod has its own special ID, almost like it's name. Once you find that ID, you will plug it into your command. say we want NPC 2345 to be spawned, you will type ".npc spawn 2345" The NPC will spawn exactly where you stand, so if he is hostile to you he will start attacking. I recommend useing invisibility before spawning NPCs.

".npc vendoradditem <ID>"
this is as simple as asking an NPC to add an item to what he sells. First you need to know what you want him to sell. Find the item on thottbot or wowhead the same way you whould find an NPC, and use the URL's last digets as your <ID> part in the command. the NPC must be a vendor for this to work =P. So now say you want to add Freshly sque lemonade to what a vendor sells, (because fresh lemonade > soda) Select the vendor and type ".npc vendoradditem 23161" the number at the end, 23161 is the ID for lemonade. Your vendor will now sell freshly squeezed lemonade. Mmmmm

".npc vendorremoveitem <ID>"
this will remove an item from what a vendor sells. So say you wanted to remove item 23161. (NOOOO!!!! T.T) You will select the NPC and type ".npc remove item 23161" this will remove the lemonade that the vendor sells.

".npc name <Name>"
This one i have yet to make it work. Im suspecting three things, but right now i cant test them. This is either an admin command, or needs to be formated diffrently. It might be that you have to type ".npc name <original Name> <new name>" as you need to for the .rename command. Or you need to add a didget, but i think its an admin command.

".npc emote <ID>"
This will make the NPC run an emote. Use gastric's emote list to pinpoint what you need. Emotes are from 1 to 400ish. A fun command to tinker with. Select the npc, and lets say we want him to dance, we will type ".npc emote 10" the number 10 is the dance emote ID.

".npc return"
This will return wayward NPC to their spawn locations and reset their waypoint patrol. Use this when you have a bugged NPC on the loose. Select the NPC, and type ".npc return"

".npc say <Talk>"
This is a rather fun command, as it can be used on players as well. This will make the NPC/player say whatever you want him to say in the <talk> part. For example ".npc say Skype is teh leet!" The NPC will say "Skype is teh leet!" However wont make any gestures. the same can be used on players. Subsitute the <talk> with whatever you want the target to say.

".npc yell <talk>"
works the same as ".npc say <talk>" except that the NPC will yell it in red rather then talking normaly.

".npc possess"
This will possess the npc as if you were Mind controling him, only that they cant resist, or that it will wear off. If you go too far, you will break the spell. Rule of thumb with this one: "4 S spit by E" Many people tend to spell "possess" wrong. Its 2 pairs of 'S's Split by one 'E' Remember this and you wont have any problem with this command.

".npc unpossess"
This will simply unpossess the NPC. you need to select the NPC, and type this in.

".npc come"
This will make the NPC wonder to you. Select the NPC and type ".npc come" he will turn heels and start walking to the exact location you are.

".npc addagent"
These commands bear further investigation on my part. I belive this will add a spell to an NPC without having to go into the SQL, making it great for creating a good dungon. Im not too sure, and i need to resurch this more, and make a guide about it. =P

----> .recall commands <----
This works very well to move around the map without having to run there.

".recall list"
this will list all the recalls currently in use. you may have a long list in your chat log, good luck managing it. =P

".recall port <name>"
This only works if you know the name of the recall position. For example, say someone made a recall about "Skypebase" You can use that name to jump to that area, by typeing ".recall port Skypebase" and your screen will either jump to a loading screen if the area you ported to is in another continant, or it will freeze as its loading if its in your own continant, Dont assume its a bug and try to CRT+ALT+DELTE. Its not, its perfectly normal if the screen freezes for a few seconds as it loads.

".recall add <name>"
you will add your own recall with this command. Find yourself a recall name that has not been used aready to add the recall there. Type ".recall add Skype" to add a recall with the name of Skype for example. Any name works so long as it has not been used. you can then use that name in your recall, for the <name> part in ".recall port <name>" keep in mind where you are because the recall will add itself right where you stand.

".recall del <name>"
this will delete a recall by the name of <name> be carful when you use this...

For now that all, I will be adding stuff continually as i test it.
You now know all the commands a Gm master needs, maybe even more. Debug will be added in time when if find the time to resurch them. .npc addagents seem soo much more intersting however, and so does guides about other stuff. http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif
Either way a new GM can live without .debug commands, so they are not my priority. i will add them once i scratched out everything to do on this compedium.

08-01-09, 06:42 AM
GO Objects and tactics on how to use them

Well, time for the .go's Possibly one of the most easiest Topics and yet hardest topics of GMing, apart from dealing with people of course. Nothing is more painful then solving an idiotic issue with an idiotic person while keeping a smile on your virtual face =P

.go objects are simple to use commands that allow you to spawn objects in-game. As i explained in moderate detail on how to use such commands, I will now explain how to make the best use of them, assuming that you know how to actually do the command.

1) Macros are your BEST friend with .go's. Simply add "/s .go spawn <ID> 1" and you have your macro ready. Using this will speed things up dramatically. However, add a second macro with these two things: "/s .go select" and "/s .go delete" I usually name that macro .go kill because it will let you delete objects much faster as well.

Keep in mind, the .go kill macro will target the nearest object and destroy it. So make sure you are as close to the object you want to murder. and as far away from the objects you dont want to destroy at all.

2) Wall building is used quite a bit, there are many ways to do this. there are 3 types: The Look-good walls, ramparts, and the hard player-proof walls.

Good looking walls are easy to build, You can make a good wall out of virtually anything. Toggle your walk, which should be the "/" You can change that in the key binding on your option menu, but i wont go into detail on that. We have more important stuff to cover first. If you cant find the toggle walk button, set your speed to 3-4. Then you will lay your base line, the wall will follow that line. Walk forward to where you want your wall to be set, constantly clicking your macro. IF it's tables, you will be clicking every 3 seconds or so, if its small crates, you will be clicking ever 1 second or so. You get the picture right? It is important to click the button at a timed rhythm. if you want the best looking walls, time them all. Humans have a built in clock, so use it! Once you are done with your base line, jump on top and follow it back, clicking your macro as you walk, each layer will make your wall higher. Usually 5 crates makes a wall bigger then a player could jump it.

Ramparts take more time to build, and are made so a player can walk on it, and shoot arrows or spell from it. This will be important if you are building a BG, which a guide explaining what blizzard's approach to BGs, and how objective based PvP will improve your BG, will be in this Compendium. To build a ramparts, start building a normal wall. Then build a wall of tables right behind your wall. The tables will serve as the walking part of the ramparts. Do the same that you have done with the wall when building the walking part of the ramparts. Now tables stacked on one another look ugly, so build a second wall of crates behind the tables, this will be for the looks mainly. Well built ramparts > Ugly ramparts =P
Once you built that, your ramparts is nearly done. Now build a small ascending stair of crates to it's side on the inner side of the wall. That way players can walk up to the ramparts themselves. then your done!

Players are very devious people. They are persistent to say the least, ANY flaw in your walls, and you are sure players will make a guide on your forums saying exactly how to get by it, and think they are leet for breaking you work. Then you feel bad because you thought it was perfect. So, to avoid this, here are a few tips to Stop the exploiting players from getting to places you don't want them to be.

First of all, You must master the art of wall building, but a different kind of it. You see players can climb straight walls given enough time by just jumping from crate to crate and landing on the almost unforeseeable flaws in the objects that allow them to stay on the side of the wall. As you build your wall, inch little by little forward, by a tiny amount, Eventually the first part of your wall will be straight, but the top part will start to incline a bit, making a small almost unforeseeable "roof" that will bonk players that try to climb it all the way down. it will form a very slight candy cane like shape. enough so that players wont get past

Use the same players to your advantage. Build up your walls, then issue a challenge to players to get past it. If they do, give them the treat (Any reward that you set, for motivation), and fix the entry he used. Keep doing this over and over until they just cant get pass.

Another way, is to spawn one small thing, and mod it's size by a LOT. Objects stacked on one another leaves room for flaws, but one object's side, has no flaw at all. Find a slim object, place it in a strategic area, and scale it to a gigantic wall with the .mod scale command. Remember to relog for the effect to appear. Keep in mind, ".go Scale" commands tend to get buggy sometimes and a month after you may be wondering around and find your object shrinked back to normal.

3) Creating towers is a bit of work. keep in mind, in some places, gnomes can squeeze in, while taurens cant. The best way to make a player usable tower with objects, is to create a tauren and build your tower from there. Start with one table. then jump and jump until that pillar of table is tall enough. Build crates, and other item to decorate the tower so it wont look that ugly. Build a roof by first building walls around the tower. Remember to leave windows to players can shoot from above. and see from above. Once your walls are build, its time to make the roof. You can either float up and make your roof with crates, or a table. or you can return to ground, build a table, jump, delete it, and spawn another table, jump, delete, spawn, jump delete, spawn until you are at the height of your roof, and then you leave the table alone. you will have a perfect roof this way. Make sure to relog sometimes if the table you just deleted re-spawns when you spawn something else. you will fall down, but you can fly back on top =P

4) I recommend downloading the Ascent_search thing (One of them at least. there are hundreds out there), it will have a huge list of objects to chose from! This will make your GM life much easier.

5) Always, ALWAYS make sure a '1' is added at the end to save. I will tell you now, if your macro has no one at the end, it will be a very dark day for you the second the server D/cs.

6) Making a floating floor, is probably on of the hardest things to do. ever.
If you have a lot of time to kill, start your floor at the bottom, and start spawning them with the spawn, jump delete method. If you have less time to kill, and need a straight line for a platform (E.G the floating maze) Make yourself fly, and set your fly speed to 3-4. Then do the same thing you would for wall building, Click both your mouse buttons to move your character and point him with the camera. Add your macro to a hotkey button, and spam that as you try to fly straight.

If you need a floating platform that is wide, but goes a bit far, instead of making another line and maybe a third line, Make one straight line counting three seconds between each object. Then Make a new macro, saying "/s .go scale 3" Fly by and spam that hot key like lightning had hit it. You wont see anything at first. Once you log out and relog in, your path will be straight, and big enough to hold a few people.

7) Use real world architecture to influence what you make. anything you see out in RL< you can make in-game with enough time. All it takes is time, and know-how. The ascent lookup will help you greatly with that. and this guide has shown you the basics on how to make that awesome building in-game.

Good luck!

08-01-09, 06:44 AM
How to catch a hacker

This part will teach you how to identify a hacker, the types of hacks most common, How to catch him red handed, keeping an archive in case he cries croc tears, and how hunt a hacker and get rid of him.

First of all, why do people hack?
There are three conclusions that i came to
1) they suck at PvP, and need an edge.
2) they enjoy the 'on the edge' feeling of hacking. (Daredevils)
3) they are feeling bad that day, and want to make other people feel mad that day.

With these things, you will be able to tell where hackers will want to hack from, and how.
Lets look at the first part. PvP hackers.

These hackers just are not good at PvP, they can get all the gear they could possible want, but are unable to score a kill in PvP. So they hack to give themselves the edge. Most of my observations of these types of hackers, is two common hacks that they use. Speed hacking, and fly hacking. You will find them often at BGs, the arenas (including the one in STV) And PvP hotspots. [Player known gathering points for PvP. In retail, one famous one is the south shore tug-a-war, it still brings back delightful memories in me whenever i hear these words =) ]

The second type are daredevils. They are not out to harm the server, or tip the balance of PvP, or mess someone's life up. Actually they want you to try and find them, and bust them. These sort of people view hacking as more a game, and are by far the least offensive hackers there are. Their most common hacks are Wall hacks, Exploits, and general mischief in order to get people talking about them and get you on their tail. They don't hack because they need to, or want to mess others, they hack because they have already beaten WoW, gotten all the gear, became a PvP god, and want more from the game. To them, what's better then a high speed chase running around the world trying to avoid a god like entity known as a GM.
It's just an other cop chase for them, except this time, they have a chance at getting the cops to lose.

The last type of hacker is the worst kind. They are an absolute nightmare. These people will not care for your server (most hackers wont, but this borders open warfare). hell they might just make an account to screw over your hard built server just because they want to screw someone up. They are not very mature people, often they are 7-10 year old kids. Their most known hack is a program that makes any admin and GM shudder in their chairs: WoW crash. The Most pointless piece of crap ever made. Why would someone deliberately send evil out, or want evil on to someone that never did anything to them? Some people are like that. WoW crash will ruin everyone's fun, including the people that have not even said a word to the hacker, let alone even know their name. And at one point, you will face someone that crashes the server with that.

As a GM, your powers against these mentally ill people is limited. Your power comes from in-game, and Wow crash stops the game for everyone. Not only that, but your will be looking for one player, out of the hundreds that will be constantly crashing your server.
And the worst part, he is invisible. There is no way to tell who is crashing the server as a GM. However, fortunately for you, they often are stupid people that will announce themselves on the general chat of your server, either to say "Haha its me that doing this!!11!" Or to say "Ill keep crashing your server until you give me awesome gear/donor gear" If they do, your job will be to ban every single IP that they change it to. Because they will try to shift their IP. You will be able to hold them off for a bit, but only an admin can Finnish him off for good. Keep banning any account he makes, and IP banning any IP he changes it to, as quickly as you can. Alert your players what you are dealing with and ask them for help. The hacker has only two eyes, you have the whole server's eyes to help you should you call upon them.

Now that you know a bit about hackers, this is a simple step by step guide to dealing with them and getting rid of them.

First, make yourself a macro, this is the one i use

/s You have been caught hacking %t , A screenshot has been automatically taken by the time you read this, and your account name, your IP as well as other confidential information has already been identified and is being possessed. Resistance is futile. Should you attempt to log out now, you will find your account banned, and if the hack you are using is serious enough, your IP may be banned. Your best hope is to stay online, and plead for a lesser sentence.
/s .debug root
/s .player info
(( and press print screen really quickly. =P))

With this, you should stop them dead in their tracks at your robotic like voice. act as if you had busted a hundred hackers before and that you are a vet at this. This will make his attempts at explaining himself either extremely well thought out, or make him blurt out his hack and say "Pleze dont ban me!!" Usually they will say this instead of thinking about an excuse. At this point he will be putty in your hands. take a screenshot of the dialog, and now if he tries to come back one month latter to plead himself innocent and hope you wont remember, he will be in for a rough ride.

Second, Your going to have to find the hacker. you only have two eyes you know.
That's where a few tips might come in handy.

First of all, most of the server will not like hackers, at all. So as soon as they see a hacker they will blurt out somewhere they think your chat log will show their message, and say "Hackzorz is FLY HACKING, BAN him plea!" That would be the 911 call, and you are the police. Strap your uniform with ".gmon", and ".invisible". Then type ".summon Hackzorz" if the player reported hackzorz, and use that macro of yours. If he was not hacking, well, send him back to where he was, if he was, well you just netted yourself a hacker.

If it was a fly hacker, as soon as you summon him, go a few feet in the air, and .summon him again. If he does not fall, you caught him. take the SS of that now.

If he is a speed hacker, you will have to use a different thing. First, .appear to the player that asked for help, send him a whisper saying this, or something like this:

/w <name> Hello <name> I am invisible and at your location, please remain calm to not alert the speed hacker that i am here. You will not be able to talk to me, so move to the location of the speed hacker, i shall remain at your side for 5 minutes. If we cannot find the speed hacker, i will move on. Should others see him speed hack as well, i shall investigate him further.

He should start running into the battle as he was doing before. Keep a close eye, because the speed hacker will not suspect anything and will rush out at the person you are monitoring. If you are sure he is speed hacking, .recall port <your Special Anti-hacker place> And summon him there, click him and use the macro. The time it takes him to read it, you will already have everything you need. Make sure you summon him in a confined area where he cant run out, i cant stress this enough.

Once you have caught the hacker, continue on and administer the correct punishment that the rules in your server define. Keep in mind, of all my experience, a hacker will always turn back to hacking. Even if he swears to you that he wont. I have never met a hacker that will not turn back to hacking when he says he will. the only thing is the time he takes to turn back. Some will pass a week without hacking, others will pass 5 minutes and start again when they think you are not looking. hackers are NOT to be trusted.

In dealing with hackers, speed is important. when you summon a speed hacker, do so in the GM Box at GM island, that way he has no where to run to. when you catch a fly hacker, do so in a place where there is a roof, because when you summon them, they might already still have the up arrow key pressed and will speed out of your area.

Make sure you extract info from the hackers, this will help you deal with other hackers. having experience in where hackers come from, and what they usually do, will help you a lot in dealing with hackers.

Again, NEVER trust hackers to say they will stop. Hard and swift on the wicked, Kind and helpful to they who earn it

Also, make sure you have an achieve of all the hackers you caught. Drag their SS, and a short notepad with a tiny description of what they were doing when you caught them, to a folder. Think of this as your Hacker collection. Be proud of it, the bigger it is, the better you are =]

Good luck, and may your hands smite hard with .account bans!

On a personal note, My morals about banning is that they remove from both the server and the community. If you ban a bad person, everyone is happy as you removed a negative impact on your server.

If you accidentally ban a good person that was at the wrong spot and the wrong time, his friends might get angry, and leave as well, you're standing among the people will lower, on top of that, and all the real hackers will laugh at you. (triple ouch! FTL)

You hurt the server MORE by banning 1 innocent person, then by NOT banning 3 hackers. When you ban, your trying to clip out the bad stuff from your server, not the good stuff. Don't ban for personal reasons, don't ban because someone said something halfway bad about you. Don't ban unless they are negative to the server. Hackers, scammers, nasty people that are rude to Everyone, (not just you. People that are rude to you ONLY, are telling you that you are doing something bad and need to improve at that field.) All need to be clipped and removed. Especially Scammers, they are 3 times worse then hackers.
moral of this short story: DON'T BAN UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE.

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

08-01-09, 06:46 AM
How to hunt down a scammer, and how to deal with one

First of all, I have had very few cases of scammers, but when i do, it looks more like a court case then finding a hacker and banning him.
Out of the 4 i have caught, one of them i caught when i was a normal player.

Scammers are the "smart hackers" of the servers. They are ruthless, and care about one person only: themselves. they will crush everyone in their path, and gloat about the misfortune they caused others. I personally take no mercy on scammers. They are cruel human beings who will cause misery to other people who have never done anything to them, only for their own self gain,

Most of the scammers, are driven by one thing: money. they lust for it like pigs. the earliest scammers i know of were the Spaniards, who cause whole tribes of native Americans to be killed in gruesome manners, only to extract every piece of wealth and gold they had. So naturally, such human tendency moved very well into the internet. Maybe the scammers are the ancient ancestors to Colombus and the early Spaniards. Perhaps it runs in the human race to try to swindle someone out of their hard earned money, then makes guides showing off how to claim misery's fortune.

Scammers, unlike hackers, are very smart people. they know how to manipulate, how people work, how to steal their money with a smile and a wave, and are perfect actors. On retail, they devised all sorts of tactics to not be caught, on private servers, they are much less witty about it. That's good for you, since most will scam on their main account. On retail, they have blizzards might witch is very effective, thus why they need to refine tactics for foolproof scamming, on Private servers, only you stand in their path, and they will underestimate you.

Now these people are ghosts. they are invisible to the GM's careful eye. they fit into the server and look exactly like their prey. You cant tell a scammer from a victim unless you talked to them, and then you would only identify the victim, and not the scammer. (Scammers will lie to you. Easily)

First of all, there is only one way to catch a scammer red handed, with irrefutable proof:
To set a trap.

You will have to build up a case against him. use screenshots, and witnesses to build up evidence against them. rule of thumb is to have at least three witnesses that have each been swindled out of their money by the same person. after that you will have to create an alter ego, and log on him when the scammer is online and is at work. Give yourself what the scammer is after, and act like a normal player that is trusting. Be sure to get his attention. Then record every piece of chat and every transaction that he does. Once you catch him red handed, You can reveal yourself and get him there, However before banning him, lie to him as he lies to others.

Tell him that you will give him a second chance so long as he confesses who he had scammed. bring out the list of people that he scammed and ask him weather he had indeed stolen from them. If he says yes, you have solid proof and can repair the damage. If he says no to some, he either really does not like them at all, or they were lying to you thinking they could get some more loot free (Trying to scam YOU *Gasp*). As a player, i just took SSes of the Scammer and sent them to the admin that proceeded to ban the scammer, as a GM i could repair the damage he caused and ban him after. Once he confessed, Smile to him and say he is still getting IP banned. Just like hackers, once a scammer, always a scammer. his heart is black and will remain so no matter how much anyone tries.

So, for the sake of the guide we will imagine a situation that resembled my last hunt, a while back.

First begin by keeping an eye on the chat channel. if a message such as "Guys! dont trade with Scamzorz! he will steal your money!!11!"
This is usually where you will find your first trail, and most other trails: people warning each other. Rarely will someone make a whole ticket about it unless they lost something really really good.
Note down the scammer's name on a small text pad in your hacker archive. Usually i have a few names there that i catch wondering around. Not often do i see the same name come up again.
however if you do see the same name come up again, this is where the alarm should come up.

On that notepad, should be first the name of the player that accused him, and the name of the scammer.
This list is very easy to create, as it only requires two names per entry, The player, and the scammer, this will be more important latter on.

Now lets say, a few days after the first reportage, his name comes up again, this time on a ticket. He had swindled out about 198 gold peices worth of money from someone, and that person was mad enough to submit a full ticket.
You open up your notepad, type in that player's name, and cross check to see if "Scamzorz" was aready sighted for scamming. When you check the list, and find his name a second time, this is where you know you have a real scammer on the loose. what are the odds someone cries wolf, and the name is exactly the same?
(( Please note, no scammer in their right mind will call themselves "Scamzorz" Rather they will have a more natural name.))

Note down the transaction that the player suffered. In Scamzorz's case, he bought a valuable item, for 298g less. while the player only got 2 gold for the item when it was worth 200 gold, and on the first case, he had swindled gold as well.
The player will should depict the scam itself, For my case, it was a quick swap of 200 to 2 gold. So the scammer removed the two '0' in a very quick succession, just before the trade was finished.

After noting this down, create an alter ego, and do not reaveal that you are a GM. With this, give yourself a player appearance ( a few greens, maybe a few blues, and one or 2 epics.)
Lay low for a while. that means no announcements, no Tickets, nothing that shows your online. Scammers, AND hackers feel safe, and will be like cockroaches in the dark. Easy to stomp on.

If you scammer attacked once, he will attack again, at this point you could spring the trap on him, but it may fail unless you know more about the scammer. If you wait too long, he might have pulled too many scams, and thus created a lot of work for you to fix up.
Keep in mind, it's easy to catch and ban a scammer, but the real work you have to do is to repair what he wreaked. A hacker can be banned and its the end of it, a scammer can be banned but his shadow lingers.

Usually by the third case, you can tell a few things from him in order to make a perfect trap
1) where he usually scams people, Scammers have a tendency to scam in the same area
2) the type of people he will scam, Most of the time, they will try to scam people who are new to WoW, or people who are too trusting. or people who are not very smart.
The perfect alter ego, is to slur your words as you type, pass more time trying to substitute numbers for letters, and try to take on a trusting appearance. Take a few more second before you hit enter, to appear that you type slower, usually this will help you become the perfect scam target.
3) the time that he is online and scamming. People who scam usually are in high school, or middle school, and are the type of people who have no morality, Usually people who are 20+ wont scam, rather want to play WoW and do their jobs. So that means that the scammers will have a time when they arrive from school, and log on to scam.
Usually they adhere to this schedule regularly.

Add the scammer's name to your friend list, that way you know when he is on. As soon as he is on, wait a bit, say 7 minuts and send an announcement to everyone saying:
".announce All right guys, im going to eat lunch now, ill be back in one hour or so."
This will give the scammer a bit more of ease, a false sense of security. Keep in mind, anyone that knows they are doing something bad will fear your tag and name.

Log out of your GM character, and log back in on your alter ego. By this point you should arrive at the area that the scammer enjoys, Have the right item that he will try to steal, and the right attitude to make him believe it will be an easy day.
For my Scammer, the dialog looked a bit like this, i reread the file i saved, substituted some of the names, and dialog, (One pat went a bit sour, but was soon justified (The part when i reveal myself.) And for this guide i dont want to appear out of control, even if it was for a few minuts or so.)

ME: WTS [epic sword] 300 gold1
Scamzorz (SZ for short) Wispers to ME: Ill buy it, meet me at IF.
ME to SZ: Sur ting. Il B ther in 3 minuts or so =)
Wait a bit, then .teleport to an area near him. mount up, and run up to him.
Me: All right, So ill sell you [Epic sword] for 300, what do U think???
SZ: Its all right, ill buy it, i have more then enough gold. But i need to leave soon, so lets finnish this quick, i got to log after this =D
Me: all right,
*start trade*
If you can only take SSes, take one of your current gold, and the amount of gold he is offering.
If you have gamecam, or some recording device, i whould adives to use it now.
SZ Scames me as suspected, and then i use the ".gmon"
Me: You have been aprehended for scamming, this is not your first time, as i have a record of other you have hacked. your IP, and account info have aready been comfirmed. Stay online and answer a few question. after that you may face a punishment for your past crimes. Do not resist, log out, or attempt to lie to me. It is both futile, and will result in an imidiate ban. You have not cause that much damage, so i might not have to give you a ban.
".debug root"
SZ: wtf?

At this point he will be confused a bit, dont repeat this again. Instead head right to the questions. now is not the time to play the good cop. He is the bad guy, and your going to have to play the bad cop with him. slap him around a bit, and make use of his confusion. My error was to allow him time to register that he was caught.

Me: Player Oilvander, shacky, and Tinkers have all complained about you scamming them. Oilvander states you stole [epic ring] and left him 2 gold. Is this true?
SZ: i dident scam anyone other then you man! this is my first time.
(Yes he will lie the first time around, maybe the second. hence why you need solid evidence, or act like you have it.)
Me: strike one. Solid evidence and ScreenShots have aready been taken, we know you took these item. Answer these questions that way we can repair what you broke. Normaly i whould ban you, but Ill give you a chance, if you cooperate with us, we will let you off the hook for now.
(Adding the 'We' suggest that you are just a pawn, sent by someone even scarrier then you, and maybe even a whole team of people. This will make it even smoother.)
SZ: I only see one of you, and i swear i dident do anything! here you can have you money and item back man!
Me: the others are invisible, and as a GM i have no need for either money or items, these have been made specificaly to catch you.

(at this point, the scammer will either try to log out, or break and comply. If he logs out ban the IP you had read befor. If he works with you, ban his IP AFTER you finnished extracting any info on him.)

SZ: all right all right, Yea, i scammed that noob for uh.. 400 gold?
Me: according to my results you stole 500 gold from him.
SZ: jesus, how long have you been watchin me???
Me: long enough, however its me that's asking the questions not you.
SZ: all right all right, so yea, i scammed all of these people, i admit it, please dont ban SZ! i can give them back their items!
Me: Understood, thats all we need from you at this point.

Screen shot this, and Give him a ban. He lies to more people then you could ever know, its about time someone lied to him. Give him no mercy. Scammers are Scammers.

Once you have the solid proof that you need, Add all the victims on your friends list, and contact them when they are online, inform them of your success and that the items will be returned to them. Since you have the Scammer's Verification, that means that none of the players were lying about being scammed out of their items, or are trying to get stronger items they did not have before.

Repair the damage the scammer caused, and zip up the case and everything about it into a folder and stamp it "CLOSED" and archive it with the rest of your hacker folders.
Should he QQ on the forums either the moment he got banned, or a few months after when he thinks you forgot, post your SS and evidence on The forums.
Then explain him that he was banned with reason. If he QQs that you lied to him telling him that you would not ban him if he cooperates, inform him that he lies every day scamming people, so he of all people, should not QQ about being lied to.

Congratulations! you now know how to hunt, catch and clean up after a Basic Scammer.
Keep in mind, the scammer himself will be easy to catch, but getting the evidence from him on who he scammed, and fixing up what he did will be the real part of the case.

Good luck with your hunt, and take your time to stalk the prey, if you lung and miss him too early, he will clamp up, and hide for months, and scam in utter secret. Aim for one shot, and one kill.

08-01-09, 06:46 AM
Waypoints, and the presumed broken commands

Waypoints, are one of the fun commands to tinker with, and are used in many things, from Events, Battlegrounds, Or to make a base. If you aready know the basics of Waypoints, but the "Working .waypoint emotes!" got your attention or somehthing like that, Scroll down a bit until you reach a red, bold title saying "PART 2". The first part is simply to teach compleatly new GMs how to use waypoints.

Waypoints work on a few simple commands, and a few that only appear to not work.
This guide will teach you how to use waypoints, setting them up, setting some in a formation, and How to make some of the command that normaly do not work, Work.

First of all, for this guide, We will use several easy situations. For the best result, i whould suggest to do the same in-game, as you read. So start up WoW, log on, move it to windowed mode, (to troggle this on, go to the "video" Section on the options menu, and on the top right there should be the buttons for this).
If your not a GM yet, well you will have to just read along.

Waypoints are just that, They are spots in the world that only NPC will interact with, and will cause the NPC to follow them in a connect-the-dot type of thing.

First, we are going to make a very simple situation. One NPC, that runs in a streight line, and turns to the right. Spawn that NPC of your choise and DO NOT MOVE. Select him, and type ".waypoint Add"

You will have a small yellow text saying that "waypoint 1 was added." or along the lines of that. Still selecting him, type ".waypoint show" You will have a message saying it will be showing the waypoints for it. A small ghostly, tiny, semi transperant ghost of the selected creature will appear right where you stand, if you have followed the guide thus far.

Now, move up a few clicks. Select the main NPC, the one that is solid, big and players can see. Type ".waypoint add"
As the first time, a yellow text should inform success, and your NPC should start moveing instantly to you. A small ghost will appear at your feet. His level will be 2.

Level of the ghost is important. It will simply mean what number Waypoint it is. Its like it's ID. its one of the 2 ways to know which waypoint is wich, the other is your own memory. Waypoints will look, EXACTLY like one another, The only thing diffrent is their position. The level will allow you to differanciate between them.

Now, if your NPC is not aready patroling from one to the other, you did something wrong. Wait a few moments, in case it's lag, and if he still dose not move, delete him, and restart.

Click on your NPC again, this time move to your right, as far as you want, And type ".waypoint add" A third ghost will be added, and a third waypoint will be set. You NPC will patrol from waypoint 1, to 2, and then to 3, before returning past 2.

If your waypoint 1 is not at your NPC's feet, he will never return to the area he was spawned. Once your good at waypoints, you can use this to your advantage, by adding waypoint one elsewhere, and everytime your NPC spawns, he will automaticatly walk to his patrol, and never return to the spawn locations, UNLESS you add another waypoint at that location.
For now, allways add waypoint one at the spot of origin, when you feel ready, Tinker with it to your hearts content =D

Congratulations, you have set a patrol up! Feel free to add as many waypoints as you wish, so long as you select the NPC you want to waypoint. Do NOT select another NPC and type ".waypoint add" It will bug a bit, and add the waypoint for the old NPC.

Now, each patrol will stay at his waypoint for 10 seconds, or so before moveing on. Its time to change this a bit. Lets say we want him 1/2 a second there. Time to use the ".waypoint waittime" command

Select one of the ghosts, Make sure his level is either 2 or 3. Waypoint one will have a longer waittime for this guide. For both of them you will type ".waypoint waittime 500"
this will make him wait 1/2 of a second. The server will announce the possible threat of lag if its not set to 5 seconds or more, and i will tell you now: Dont panic. THis is very small, and you should only consider it when you have 10 or more waypoints near each other. Then you have to set them higher then 5 seconds. For this example, we only have one, so its OK.

You should now notice that the npc seems to only pause for a tiny bit at that waypoint and move on to the next. Select the other waypoint, and type the same thing. Now you will have the waypoints you selected be 1/2 of a second long.

Lets say we want waypoint 1 to be 15 seconds long (ZOMG its like, forever! o.O) Select the ghost that is level 1, and type ".waypoint waittime 15000" You will have a simple message saying success. and no threat of lag.

Select the main NPC, and type ".waypoint save" then type ".waypoint hide"
You may now select another NPC and work on him. Do not tinker with waypoints on more then 1 NPC at a time. Make sure you deal with one, and finnish correctly in this manner. If you want to be sure, relog quickly.

Thats all there is to this part, you have all the basics for waypoints that most GMs know. A little gift from me to you, is about the ms.

MS= Milliseconds. (mili means 1000)
500 = Half a second
1000 = 1 second
10000 = 10 seconds
100000 = 100 seconds (1 minute and 40 seconds.)

-------------------------------- PART 2 ---------------------------------------

This part is the more advanced, Everyone i know, did not know this. Even seethe thought it was just acent bugging. Im sure there are some people out there that know about this, but so far, i have not met them yet xD

Lets start with waypoint emotes. If you tried this yet, it will say it work, but nothing happened. Thats because you formated the command wrong.

Let go back to the first example. Re-activate the ".waypoint show" command. Select ghost #2. And lets say we want him to dance at that waypoint. However, his waittime is too short, (if you followed the above guide), so mod it to 3 seconds. (3000 ms) I dont have to make much detail there, since you should be a pro at this aready http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif

Now, for the real part. Select that ghost, and type ".waypoint emote 1 10"
Why the one? I really have no clue. Im guessing its about the oneshot part. Either way you need a didget there, for the emote to work. It has to be a 1 didget number, not a 2 didget number like '10' 2,3,4, ect whould work, but anything over 10 wont. The second number is the Emote number. That can be as long as you want. And for the "Oneshot is enabled" the emote is either one shot or not, i dont think you can mod this.

The next time your NPC walks on that emote, he will do emote 10. However, if he does not, wait another round. There is something special about emotes.

Emotes will only occure on the normal run. when the NPC backtracks, he will not do the emotes. So, 1,2,3 will play the emotes, but 3,2,1 will not. That means that waypoint 1 will NEVER play an emote. only 2, 3, and anything after.


Another thing to waypoints is the ".waypoint addfly" command, To use this make sure you have a unit that can fly, else you might screw something up http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif

Spawn your NPC, then imidiatly type in ".waypoint add" like you whould naturally. ".cheat fly" your way upwards, and (While selecting the NPC), type ".waypoint addfly"
Continue with this around, and add the flying waypoint as you whould normaly. Flying waypoints behave exactly as normal waypoints other that they fly. There might be some glitches here and there, esspecially if you are trying with the ".formationlink" commands active on that NPC.


Setting waypoint in a formation requires some good sence of distence. ".formationlinks" can do this for you very easily, however, if your inside a building formation links might not be the best choise for a sleek look to the dungon =P This part will teach you how to set up two waypoints in a formation and the math formula needed to make it more accturate. Please keep in mind, if its not damn accurate to the last Millisecond, after a few hours, maybe a few days, when you come back the formation will be compleatly scrambled.

First, spawn two npc exactly side by side.

Next, select the first, and type ".waypoint add" Relog, or type ".waypoint hide" and move to where the other NPC is, give him waypoint 1 as well.

After that, Move to the far end. to where you want your NPCs to patrol. If they are going to end here, Add waypoint 2 for both of them the same way you added waypoint 1. Dont worry about weather they are in sunc or not yet. Make sure you take your time to make it perfect.

Finnaly, reset the server, or wait for it To D/C. when you come back, your NPC should be in perfect Sync walking side by side.

If they are going to fork left, or right, it gets much harder then that. This time you will have to make one go farther then the other. And both ending waypoints will have diffrent time. For example, say we have sally and bob walking side by side, and they will take a right.

Sally is on the far left of bob, so she will go farther. bob will stop short and sally will keep going forward for 1 second. then instantly turn right. bob will have stoped and waited 2 seconds, 1 second so sally could get in front of him, and another second that it took for sally to walk next to him. They should continue right side by side again.

This will probably be one of the hardest things to do in WoW as a GM. good luck! you know what you need to do, but ill tell you now, even i have not been able to do this without a calculator. =P

More to be added soon.

08-01-09, 06:48 AM
Running a smooth event

Events are simply that: events. As a player, you will love events! it offers something new and different, as a GM you will dread events as they rarely go according to plan. These tips will teach you how to set up events, and run them smoothly.

First of all, players are antsy to say the least. They do not want to sit and wait for others to arrive, they will not stay seated in seats until a duel is over, or something has to happen, they will want to constantly move and attack something.

It's understandable, and here is one way to beat it: You dont. Do not, EVER try to control where players can move or not. They will first get annoyed, then start to find the event boring, and hearth out. Always have every player do something, An objective. if they dont, they will generally become a thorn at your side. Some of the wise guys do sit and wait, but keep in mind, most will not. So format your event to minimize the time they have to wait

Second, Make sure you build you event first. set everything up before you even summon one guy. Set up your .go's if you planned them to be there, set up the Player zones, and NPC should they be there =P. Make sure that when you will start to summon, everything is set up. Also, be sure to have macros set up, such as the useful ".debug root" and the ".debug unroot" Other macros might be needed, it depends on your event =P

Third, make sure to eliminate hackers as quickly and as quietly as possible. Several times an event may be foiled because one hacker made too much noise, and in response the GM that banned him threatened everyone else that could hack with the possibility of a ban. The excited player, (Eating popcorn as they watch their favorite in-game drama) Are too rambunctious about the banning and finding out what the hacker messed up, that the goal of the event might get forgotten, and the event cancelled since not enough people are actually doing the event.

If you eliminate hackers without a sound other then "<blank> was kicked by You. Reason: (1 day ban for hacking)" You will be sure that there might be a few questions, but most people will remain focused.

Fourth, If you are doing a race, make sure to have a lootable object at the end. This is because usually there is a bit of lag, and every player sees himself ahead of everyone else. So with this one shot lootable object, whoever loots it first wins.

Lastly, make sure you have a friend to help with summons, If you are on a populated server, you will be swamped with "SUMMON PLEASE PLESE PLZ!" And to make things worse, a lot of people dont know that they are not the only ones saying that, so they will whisper you again and again. Here are some more tips to dealing with this

-Split the player group into smaller chunks so that you can summon them all. get your friend to summon only alliance, while you summon horde.
- Ask for class only summons. For example, Say "All right im summoning priests now! whisper me for a summon ONLY IF YOU ARE A PRIEST, any other class you will be kicked in the balls, tea bagged, and killed. then kicked from the server on top of that."
-Type in ".summon" and highlight the whole thing, Ctrl+c it, then when someone whispers you, type ctrl+v and shift click their name. The name will appear as it is right after the .summon allowing you to summon people with the most complex names as fast as one second.

Here are some ideas for quick events

-Gyrochoppter race. this one is an easy, and fun one, not only that, you yourself can join in. First create macros that you will use on each player, ".mod displayID 8011" And ".mod scale 0.3" and ".mod speed 30" Create a second macro, ".mod speed 7" for the end of the race.
Go to stranglethorn vale add a lootable game object at the Booty bay entrance. Mod it's scale to 2 so that everyone sees it, then head to entrance to stranglethorn from duskwood. Once there, summon your players. Use macro 1, and line them up. Explain to them that the first person to loot the giant crate/crystal/chest wins the race and gets a reward. Start a countdown and as soon as you reach the last number start running. Everyone will go quickly, and the race is overall fun. Often players will use their class skills to slow down others. this is a good addition to the race, so long as you make sure to tell them that killing another player is forbidden, But anything else goes.

-Greatest junk finder contest
A generic event that you can do while doing ticket. Announce This "Heya all, we are going to have a special treasure hunt! Find the funniest In-game object that you can get. There are plenty of objects out there that make fun of Real world events, or are just there to make you smile. Find me the best one, and i shall give you a prize!" Count down 1 hour on your clock, and keep working on your tickets/watever you were doing. At the end of 1 hour announce this: "all right, times up! If you collected something good, wisper me for a summon, we shall have a vote-off!" Summon any who ask for a summon. Once everyone is there, Find out what they got. then say this: "all right here is a list of the items found: <give list> Every one of you, vote for one object that is not your own! winner will be the one with the most votes!" This is a rather fun event acctualy, i have had a lot of things that made me laugh, from a steamy romance novel, to an empty wallet, to a pet rock.

-Ultimate duel tournament
Everyone will have +3000 health, and +3000 mana. .cheat fly is active. Let the fun times begin.

-Group vs group
This one takes a little bit to set up, First spawn 3 NPC bosses, mod their health to that of a 3 man battle. Ask player to group themselves into groups of 3, and the first team that can down their NPC win. Add more NPCs if needed.

With all this you are now good to go for you events! good luck!

08-01-09, 06:49 AM
Epic Guilds, and managing them

By this point, you are ready to be one of the better GMs, and be part of the Elites.
So naturally, you will forge your own epic guild, run by a great GM, you.
Here are a few things you should know about this:

1) GM run Guilds will always be the highlight of the server, being naturally better then player run ones.
Just because a GM is the leader of a guild, will make your guild in equal standing with the best raiding guild.

2) this play of power might corrupt the balance of power on the server, and lead to extinction good raiding guilds. Be warned.

3) this Guild option allows players to have one more goal, thereby increasing the end game value. People have one more reason to get to the top now. And one more reason to stick around your server longer.

Keep in mind however, the server's eye will watch carefully at who you let in. If you let one fool in, it will lower the standing of your guild by a slight amount. Let too many fools in and everyone will think "Why join Skype's Army? anyone can join that crappy guild just by saying "Hi!"."
And believe it or not, but most fools get into your guild without you allowing them to. If players can invite other, you guild will fill up with morons faster then you can say "Oops?" Never allow the option of player invitation. they have to get past you first to get in the guild, not by their friend.

This are two main things to having player get in your guild by seeing you first, for a challenge of some sort

1) People inside the guild wont like this
2) people Outside the guild will find it uber that they have to prove themselves in front of you to get in.

Always have some difficult task to get inside.
If your a good PvPer, get yourself the best gear, and challenge people in a duel, if they beat you, they get in, if not, they can try again, after everyone has had a turn. I used to do this myself, and there are a few flaws to it:
1) It will consume a lot of time, especially the pally duels where they will heal over and over.
2) You will have either too big a guild, or too small one. I ended up with 20 player who each were Spartans. Big guild eh? If you have too big a guild, that means you suck at PvP =P

Another thing i recommend, is making a large obstacle course where you can see everything from a place (to avoid flyhckers) and whoever gets to the top first, along with the second, and third will get an invite. then the obstacle course closes.
here are the flaws to that:

1) Fly hackers. They will fly ramp by ramp when they think you are not looking. Even if one part of the course is not big, it is still an advantage and if they keep doing it, it will stack up. So there will be cheaters in your guild.
2) It will require as much time as the duels, due to the fact that you have to set this up =P

The last thing i tried as well, was inviting all the players that were at endgame, and well known. This worked nice, as a large rumor spread about how to join, that invitations were sent to people who were exceptionally leet, and people did great things to get noticed, from helping each other, to single-handedly defeating an army of players in an event.
Some flaws still exist, as in everything

1) Very small player base in your guild. Again you will be stuck with the 20 Spartans. =P
2) Causes rivalry, and there may be some low blows and people trying to expose each other.

Any other challenges you issue are up to you! Be creative, and dont issue something only the really leet can complete. Because once again, you will end up with 20 or so players. granted, they will be LEET, but 20 awesome players vs 150 noobs will result in death. Spartans were strong, but they did lose the battle =D

Raiding guild promise Powerful endgame content, your guild promises ledgendary events, guild base, and fun. The perfect harmony between the raiding guilds, and your own guild, is a tier based ascension. Players have to acquire awesome gear, and to do that they join a normal guild. then advance to the Uber raiding guilds of the server, then finally they can advance into your guild.

Keep in mind, a guild requires upkeep, and time. So only create a guild when you find you have extra time between tickets. While in your guild, Be active! thats is why people joined it. Run special events, and challenge other GM guild to a war, or player guilds! For my guild, we had several events, from Giant snowball fights, to end game bosses spawned right in winterspring for practice, and 5 on 5 matches. We had also challenged a rival guild led by another GM, for a few competions, from who can down a boss faster, to an all out war!

Always make sure that you are on the "That guild is so cool!" list and not the "That guild sucks!" list, because then people will lose confidence in you. Making a guild is a gamble. If you succeed in a well made guild, people will think of you a better GM, and have something more to work for, and aid your server. If you fail, and let too many fools into your guild, you will shame yourself, and people will think of you less as a good GM, and more like a bad one, and if you do not balance your guild with player run raiding guilds, you will break out havoc on your server.

If your going to make a guild, Make sure you claim a spot on the hall of fame, or else don't take the gamble!
Good luck!

08-01-09, 06:52 AM
Full List of ArcEmu Commands

commands (0) - [Shows Commands]
help (0) - [Shows help for command]
announce (u) - [Sends Msg To All]
wannounce (u) - [Sends Widescreen Msg To All]
appear (v) - [Teleports to x's position.]
summon (v) - [Summons x to your position]
kill (r) - [.kill - Kills selected unit.]
killplr (r) - [.killplr - Kills specified player]
revive (r) - [Revives you.]
reviveplr (r) - [Revives player specified.]
demorph (m) - [Demorphs from morphed model.]
mount (m) - [Mounts into modelid x.]
dismount (h) - [Dismounts.]
gps (0) - [Shows Position]
worldport (v) -
start (m) - [Teleport's you to a starting location]
invincible (j) - [.invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)]
invisible (i) - [.invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)]
playerinfo (m) - [.playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)]
levelup (m) - [Levelup x lvls]

modify (m) -

hp (m) - [Health Points/HP]
gender (m) - [Changes gender 0=male / 1=female.]
mana (m) - [Mana Points/MP]
rage (m) - [Rage Points]
energy (m) - [Energy Points]
level (m) - [Level]
armor (m) - [Armor]
holy (m) - [Holy Resistance]
fire (m) - [Fire Resistance]
nature (m) - [Nature Resistance]
frost (m) - [Frost Resistance]
shadow (m) - [Shadow Resistance]
arcane (m) - [Arcane Resistance]
damage (m) - [Unit Damage Min/Max]
scale (m) - [Size/Scale]
gold (m) - [Gold/Money/Copper]
speed (m) - [Movement Speed]
nativedisplayid (m) - [Native Display ID]
displayid (m) - [Display ID]
flags (m) - [Unit Flags]
faction (m) - [Faction Template]
dynamicflags (m) - [Dynamic Flags]
talentpoints (m) - [Talent Points]
happiness (m) - [Happiness]
spirit (m) - [Spirit]
boundingraidius (m) - [Bounding Radius]
combatreach (m) - [Combat Reach]
emotestate (m) - [NPC Emote State]
bytes (m) - [Bytes]

waypoint (w) -

add (w) - [Add wp at current pos]
show (w) - [Show wp's for creature]
hide (w) - [Hide wp's for creature]
delete (w) - [Delete selected wp]
movehere (w) - [Move to this wp]
flags (w) - [Wp flags]
waittime (w) - [Wait time at this wp]
emote (w) - [Emote at this wp]
skin (w) - [Skin at this wp]
change (w) - [Change at this wp]
info (w) - [Show info for wp]
movetype (w) - [Movement type at wp]
generate (w) - [Randomly generate wps]
save (w) - [Save all waypoints]
deleteall (w) - [Delete all waypoints]
addfly (w) - [Adds a flying waypoint]

debug (d) -

infront (d) -
showreact (d) -
aimove (d) -
dist (d) -
face (d) -
moveinfo (d) -
setbytes (d) -
getbytes (d) -
unroot (d) -
root (d) -
landwalk (d) -
waterwalk (d) -
castspell (d) - [.castspell - Casts spell on target.]
castself (d) - [.castself - Target casts spell on itself.]
castspellne (d) - [.castspellne - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.]
aggrorange (d) - [.aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.]
knockback (d) - [.knockback - Knocks you back.]
fade (d) - [.fade - calls ModThreatModifyer().]
threatMod (d) - [.threatMod - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().]
calcThreat (d) - [.calcThreat - calculates threat.]
threatList (d) - [.threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.]
gettptime (d) - [grabs transporter travel time]
itempushresult (d) - [sends item push result]
setbit (d) -
setvalue (d) -
aispelltestbegin (d) -
aispelltestcontinue (d) -
aispelltestskip (d) -
dumpcoords (d) -
sendpacket (d) - [, ]
sqlquery (d) - []
rangecheck (d) - [Checks the 'yard' range and internal range between the player and the target.]
setallratings (d) - [Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index.]
testlos (d) - [tests los]
testindoor (d) - [tests indoor]
getheight (d) - [Gets height]
getpos (d)

gmTicket (c) -

get (c) - [Gets GM Ticket list.]
getId (c) - [Gets GM Ticket by player name.]
delId (c) - [Deletes GM Ticket by player name.]
list (c) -
[Lists all active GM Tickets.]
get (c) - [Gets GM Ticket with ID x.]
remove (c) - [Removes GM Ticket with ID x.]
deletepermanent (z) - [Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently.]
assign (c) - [Assignes GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self).]
release (c) - [Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x.]
comment (c) - [Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y.]

gobject (o) -

select (o) - [Selects the nearest GameObject to you]
delete (o) - [Deletes selected GameObject]
spawn (o) - [Spawns a GameObject by ID]
info (o) - [Gives you informations about selected GO]
activate (o) - [Activates/Opens the selected GO.]
enable (o) - [Enables the selected GO for use.]
scale (o) - [Sets scale of selected GO]
animprogress (o) - [Sets anim progress]
export (o) - [Exports the current GO selected]
move (g) - [Moves gameobject to player xyz]
rotate (g) - [Rotates gameobject x degrees]

battleground (e) -

setbgscore (e) - [ - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.]
startbg (e) - [Starts current battleground match.]
pausebg (e) - [Pauses current battleground match.]
bginfo (e) - [Displays information about current battleground.]
battleground (e) - [Shows BG Menu]
setworldstate (e) - [ - Var can be in hex. WS Value.]
playsound (e) - [. Val can be in hex.]
setbfstatus (e) - [.setbfstatus - NYI.]
leave (e) - [Leaves the current battleground.]
getqueue (z) - [Gets common battleground queue information.]
forcestart (z) - [Forces initialitation of all battlegrounds with active queue.]

npc (n) -

vendoradditem (n) - [Adds to vendor]
vendorremoveitem (n) - [Removes from vendor.]
flags (n) - [Changes NPC flags]
emote (n) - [.emote - Sets emote state]
delete (n) - [Deletes mob from db and world.]
info (n) - [Displays NPC information]
addAgent (n) - [.npc addAgent ]
listAgent (n) - [.npc listAgent]
say (n) - [.npc say - Makes selected mob say text .]
yell (n) - [.npc yell - Makes selected mob yell text .]
come (n) - [.npc come - Makes npc move to your position]
return (n) - [.npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.]
spawn (n) - [.npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry ]
spawnlink (n) - [.spawnlink sqlentry]
possess (n) - [.npc possess - Possess an npc (mind control)]
unpossess (n) - [.npc unpossess - Unposses any currently possessed npc.]
select (n) - [.npc select - selects npc closest]
npcfollow (m) - [Sets npc to follow you]
nullfollow (m) - [Sets npc to not follow anything]
formationlink1 (m) - [Sets formation master.]
formationlink2 (m) - [Sets formation slave with distance and angle]
formationclear (m) - [Removes formation from creature]

cheat (m) -

status (m) - [Shows active cheats.]
taxi (m) - [Enables all taxi nodes.]
cooldown (m) - [Enables no cooldown cheat.]
casttime (m) - [Enables no cast time cheat.]
power (m) - [Disables mana consumption etc.]
god (m) - [Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.]
fly (m) - [Sets fly mode]
land (m) - [Unsets fly mode]
explore (m) - [Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.]
flyspeed (m) - [Modifies fly speed.]
stack (m) - [Enables aura stacking cheat.]
triggerpass (m) - [Ignores area trigger prerequisites.]

account (a) -

level (z) - [Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc.]
mute (a) - [Mutes account for .]
unmute (a) - [Unmutes account ]

quest (q) -

addboth (2) - [Add quest to the targeted NPC as start & finish]
addfinish (2) - [Add quest to the targeted NPC as finisher]
addstart (2) - [Add quest to the targeted NPC as starter]
delboth (2) - [Delete quest from the targeted NPC as start & finish]
delfinish (2) - [Delete quest from the targeted NPC as finisher]
delstart (2) - [Delete quest from the targeted NPC as starter]
complete (2) - [Complete/Finish quest ]
finisher (2) - [Lookup quest finisher for quest ]
item (2) - [Lookup itemid necessary for quest ]
list (2) -
[Lists the quests for the npc ]
load (2) - [Loads quests from database]
lookup (2) - [Looks up quest string x]
giver (2) - [Lookup quest giver for quest ]
remove (2) - [Removes the quest from the targeted player]
reward (2) - [Shows reward for quest ]
status (2) -
[Lists the status of quest ]
spawn (2) - [Port to spawn location for quest ]
start (2) - [Starts quest ]

pet (m) -

createpet (m) - [Creates a pet with .]
renamepet (m) - [Renames a pet to .]
addspell (m) - [Teaches pet .]
removespell (m) - [Removes pet spell .]
spawnbot (a) - [.pet spawnbot - spawn a helper bot for your aid]

recall (q) -

list (q) -
[List recall locations]
port (q) - [Port to recalled location]
add (q) - [Add recall location]
del (q) - [Remove a recall location]
portplayer (m) - [recall ports player]

guild (m) -

create (m) - [Creates a guild.]
rename (m) - [Renames a guild.]
members (m) -
[Lists guildmembers and their ranks.]
removeplayer (m) - [Removes a player from a guild.]
disband (m) - [Disbands the guild of your target.]

gm (0) -

list (0) - [Shows active GM's]
off (t) - [Sets GM tag off]
on (t) - [Sets GM tag on]
whisperblock (g) - [Blocks like .gmon except without the tag]
allowwhispers (c) - [Allows whispers from player while in gmon mode.]
blockwhispers (c) - [Blocks whispers from player while in gmon mode.]

server (0) -

setmotd (m) - [Sets MOTD]
rehash (z) - [Reloads config file.]
reloadtable (m) - [Reloads some of the database tables]
save (s) - [Save's your character]
saveall (s) - [Save's all playing characters]
info (0) - [Server info]

character (0) -

learn (m) - [Learns spell]
unlearn (m) - [Unlearns spell]
getskillinfo (m) - [Gets all the skills from a player]
learnskill (m) - [.learnskill (optional) - Learns skill id skillid.]
advanceskill (m) - [advanceskill - Advances skill line x times..]
removeskill (m) - [.removeskill - Removes skill]
increaseweaponskill (m) - [.increaseweaponskill - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).]
resetreputation (n) - [.resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)]
resetspells (n) - [.resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.]
resettalents (n) - [.resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.]
resetskills (n) - [.resetskills - Resets all skills.]
additem (m) -
removeitem (m) - [Removes item %u count %u.]
additemset (m) - [Adds item set to inv.]
advanceallskills (m) - [Advances all skills points.]
getstanding (m) - [Gets standing of faction %u.]
setstanding (m) - [Sets stanging of faction %u.]
showitems (m) - [Shows items of selected Player]
showskills (m) - [Shows skills of selected Player]
rename (m) - [Renames character x to y.]
forcerename (m) - [Forces character x to rename his char next login]

lookup (l) -

item (l) - [Looks up item string x.]
quest (l) - [Looks up quest string x.]
creature (l) - [Looks up item string x.]

admin (z) -

castall (z) - [Makes all players online cast spell .]
dispelall (z) - [Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players.]
renameallinvalidchars (z) - [Renames all invalid character names]
masssummon (z) - [.masssummon - Summons all players.]
playall (z) - [Plays a sound to the entire server.]

kick (m) -

byplayer (f) - [Disconnects the player with name .]
byaccount (f) - [Disconnects the session with account name .]
byip (f) - [Disconnects the session with the ip .]

ban (m) -

ip (m) - [Adds an address to the IP ban table: [duration]\nDuration must be a number optionally followed by a character representing the calendar subdivision to use (h>hours, d>days, w>weeks, m>months, y>years, default minutes)\nLack of duration results in a permanent ban.]
character (b) - [Bans character x with or without reason]
account (a) - [Ban account. .account ban name timeperiod]

unban (m) -

ip (m) - [Deletes an address from the IP ban table: ]
character (b) - [Unbans character x]
account (z) - [Unbans account x.]

kickplayer (b) - [Kicks player from server]
gmannounce (u) - [Sends Msg to all online GMs]
clearcooldowns (m) - [Clears all cooldowns for your class.]
removeauras (m) - [Removes all auras from target]
paralyze (b) - [Roots/Paralyzes the target.]
unparalyze (b) - [Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.]
gotrig (v) - [Warps to areatrigger ]
exitinstance (m) - [Exits current instance, return to entry point.]
modperiod (m) - [Changes period of current transporter.]
createarenateam (g) - [Creates arena team]
logcomment (1) - [Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read.]
removesickness (m) - [Removes ressurrection sickness from the target]
fixscale (m) -
addtrainerspell (m) -

18-03-09, 07:54 AM
change font color maby cant see anything

18-03-09, 10:22 AM
you have alot of spare time dont you?

20-03-09, 08:48 AM
At least I give credits unlike someone here...

06-04-09, 09:10 AM
Holy crap, I can't read a thing :(

06-04-09, 09:11 AM
Lol, let me change the text color...

07-04-09, 06:57 AM
Nice work mate http://www.mmopro.net/forums/images/dark_vb/buttons/reputation.gif (http://www.mmopro.net/forums/reputation.php?p=6954)

07-04-09, 07:53 PM
i know you didnt make it cause i see this guide everywhere but i will +rep you for bringing it here...

07-04-09, 07:54 PM
We all know he didn't make it, because he added Credits.

07-04-09, 08:13 PM
i know just saying i gave him +rep thats all

07-04-09, 08:13 PM
Fair enough :)

08-04-09, 09:36 AM
Thanks for the reps! :)

20-01-10, 02:11 AM
alot of reading eh... but might be some good stuff in theere to read to get a better feel for things :) ill be reading it all in my spare time.... thanks for all this stuff :) +rep

20-01-10, 03:02 PM
Seems this thread has been revived! Noooooooo

21-01-10, 06:16 PM
Good guide dude!

28-05-10, 01:21 AM
Thanks for the guide it's been a ton of help

27-06-10, 02:14 PM
This is AMAZING :O!

30-06-10, 10:31 AM
Epic guide, +rep

13-07-10, 01:48 AM
WOW.....Great guide, I have found it really helpful