View Full Version : Level 19 Twink Vendors

25-07-08, 02:57 AM
I found 2 Level 19 Twink Vendors made by Dr. Emu

1st Vendor:

INSERT INTO creature_proto (entry, minlevel, maxlevel, faction, minhealth, maxhealth, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, rangedattacktime, rangedmindamage, rangedmaxdamage, mountdisplayid, equipmodel1, equipinfo1, equipslot1, equipmodel2, equipinfo2, equipslot2, equipmodel3, equipinfo3, equipslot3, respawntime, armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, combat_reach, bounding_radius, auras, boss, money, invisibility_type, death_state)
VALUES (500002, 70, 70, 814, 900000, 900000, 7500, 1, 128, 1800, 150, 250, 1800, 500, 650, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "MEMO", 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO creature_names (entry, `name`, Subname, Flags1, type, Family, Rank, unk4, SpellDataID, male_displayid, female_displayid, unknown_float1, unknown_float2, Civilian, Leader, info_str)
VALUES (500002,"Smuck","Twink Vendor",0,7,0,0,0,NULL,441,441,1, 1,1,NULL, '');
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20425,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,1935,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,3194,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5423,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5198,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5191,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5201,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,2567,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,1483,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5243,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,2807,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,12976,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20430,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20430,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,13136,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20434,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,1318,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,935,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20437,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20438,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,12975,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,12983,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20441,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,12992,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,20443,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5426,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,1482,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,2256,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,12984,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,7230,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,2271,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,3415,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,6472,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5194,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,890,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,6469,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,5192,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500002,872,0);

2nd Vendor:

INSERT INTO creature_proto (entry, minlevel, maxlevel, faction, minhealth, maxhealth, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, rangedattacktime, rangedmindamage, rangedmaxdamage, mountdisplayid, equipmodel1, equipinfo1, equipslot1, equipmodel2, equipinfo2, equipslot2, equipmodel3, equipinfo3, equipslot3, respawntime, armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, combat_reach, bounding_radius, auras, boss, money, invisibility_type, death_state)
VALUES (500003, 70, 70, 814, 900000, 900000, 7500, 1, 128, 1800, 150, 250, 1800, 500, 650, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "MEMO", 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO creature_names (entry, `name`, Subname, Flags1, type, Family, Rank, unk4, SpellDataID, male_displayid, female_displayid, unknown_float1, unknown_float2, Civilian, Leader, info_str)
VALUES (500003,"Smeck","Twink Vendor",0,7,0,0,0,NULL,441,441,1, 1,1,NULL, '');
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,19972,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20444,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20442,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,10657,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,2059,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,10399,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,2041,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,3202,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6586,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6468,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,10410,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,1121,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,19969,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6414,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,2933,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,12006,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18845,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18834,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18846,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18849,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18850,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18851,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18852,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18853,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,29592,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,29593,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18854,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18856,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18857,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18859,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18862,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18858,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18863,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,18864,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,4381,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,1482,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6469,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,9811,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,12994,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6460,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,15503,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,12982,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,19024,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,3761,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,7003,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6087,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,21933,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20428,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20427,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,14179,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,22990,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,1486,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6583,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,12977,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,2911,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,12987,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20426,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20431,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,1156,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20434,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,20425,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,3184,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,2879,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,5183,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,15331,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,15117,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,1483,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,16768,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,19506,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,19505,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,7001,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,5199,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,5970,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,5404,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6465,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,1974,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,10413,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6449,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6319,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,10411,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,6632,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,14148,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,12997,0);
INSERT INTO vendors (entry, item, amount)
VALUES (500003,4998,0);

26-07-08, 12:18 AM
Nice on thanks for sharing.

29-07-08, 12:04 AM
Thanks i might add a Twink realm to my server if i do il be using these.

01-08-08, 01:38 PM
Scripted, Why waste all the CPU/RAM power opening another realm when u can make a C++ script that will give them level 19, reset talents/spells/etc on your regular realm :)

02-08-08, 09:38 AM
Anyone know any full vendor packs that work with NCDB?

02-08-08, 02:28 PM
Make your own :)