View Full Version : [Guide] Hunter In Arenas

25-07-08, 02:50 AM


[Velkyrias guide to arena] Know Ur role in 5s

**This post will be edited and revised a ton so check back for updates once a week
**Everything that I list here will be without a doubt exactly what I personally follow, will update if I change any of my own tactics.
**Dont hate

Section 1: Talents

Section 2: Macros

Section 3: Tips on gear/ gems/ enchants

Section 4: Tips


Section 1: Talents; Spec and Must have talents!

Before even considering to enter a 5v5 arena team you will need a great spec to accomodate your team mates. The spec that I have is 100% utility and any talent that adds to dps will simply be icing on the cake

This is the spec that I personally use and I highly recommend that you use it also:
WorldofWarcraft.com -> Info -> Classes -> Hunter -> Talent Calculator (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunter/talents.html?0000000000000000000000505041055013203 105102303022510200000000000)

Highlights of the spec I have linked above:


4/5 Improved arcane shot: 4/5 is a must in general arena but even more important in 5v5.

2/2 Combat experience (will explain why I chose this later)

3/3 Entrapment: 3/3 Entrapment is a must in 5v5 as both a defensive and offensive proc ability that is simply icing on the cake when using frost trap.

2/2 Clever traps: 2/2 Clever traps combined with frost trap and entrapment you can simply have 2 frost traps on the ground at all times which means that other teams will simply crumble and fail if your teammate who is being focues simply kites them into it. 2/2 Clever traps benefits every trap in PvP but Freezing trap, it extends the duration of frost trap by 7 seconds on top of its current 30 or seconds that it lasts now.

5/5 Improved stings: This is self explanatory


Section 2: Macros; Must have macros

How to focus a target:

/focusHow to clear focus target (blizzards UI is bugged, sometimes once a focus target dies you it wont clear the dead focused person, hence)

Totem killing pet macro:
Credit to Lumaria* < Glitterati > * Silver Hand

Q u o t e:
/petattack Windwall Totem
/petattack Searing Totem
/petattack Tremor Totem
/petattack Mana Spring Totem
/petattack Earthbind Totem
/petattack Windfury Totem
/petattack Grounding Totem
/petattack Poison Cleansing Totem

Feign death, petpassive and drink:

/castsequence reset=10 feign death, Star's TearsOr if you are a Night elf; Feign death, Shadow meld, petpassive and drink macro:

/castsequence reset=10 feign death, Star's Tears, shadow meldFocus macroed viper sting, note; This macro will work against your target if you have nothing focused:

/cast [target=focus,exists][] viper stingOr if you are a Blood Elf hunter, you can make it a cast sequence and have mana tap in there also:

/castsequence [target=focus,exists][] reset=15 viper sting, mana tapDeterrence and aspect of the monkey; All in one

/castsequence reset=3 aspect of the monkey, deterrenceOR

/castsequence reset=3 deterrence, aspect of the monkeyPet attacking focus target:

/petattack [target=focus,exists][]OR a 3rd option to aspect of the monkey + deterrence macro, thnx to Maulgrom* < Just Wipe It > * Blackrock

Q u o t e:
/cast Deterrance
/cast Aspect of the Monkey

Silence shot your focused target:This macro will work against your target if you have nothing focused:

/cast [target=focus,exists][] silencing shot
Credit to Allurai* < Pure > * Antonidas

Silencing shot with modifier

Q u o t e:

#show Silencing Shot
/cast [modifier:shift] Silencing Shot; [target=focus, exists, nodead] Silencing Shot; Silencing Shot;

Vipersting with modifier

Q u o t e:

#show Viper Sting
/cast [modifier:shift] Viper Sting; [target=focus, exists, nodead] Viper Sting; Viper Sting;
How do they work?

Q u o t e:

If you hold down shift it will sil/vip your current target and ignore focus, otherwise it will sil/vip your focus'd target, if no focus exists, it will hit your current target


Section 3: Tips on gear/ gems/ enchants

Part 1
Gear: This is pretty much self-explanatory but I will keep it short and simple, there is only 1 item that I am currently equiping that has no resilience on it - and so you shouldnt have more then 1 slot with an item tha thas no resilience on it.

I recommend 2X 1 handed weapons with 2X 30 intellect on them (will explain at the end of this guide on why)

If you are fresh level 70 then farm honor and get your season 1 while attempting to farm arena points and get whatever season 3 items that you slowly get access to.

Donot back track, donot spend points on S2 items

Part 2
Gems: I dont recommend any gem that doesn't have agility OR crit on it. you should use +agility gems in red slots and +crit gems in yellow slots (PvP gear has no other colour slots so you will only be exposed to red and yellow).

Donot get any +Stam or resilience gems, they are a waste - by the time you get FULL S3 you will have enough stamina and hp that will enable you to stack the gems that I have recommended so far.

My motto as a hunter and gemming hunter PvP gear is that, what is the point of stacking resilience and stamina if you arent going to kill anything?

Part 3:Enchants
Helmet slot: Get 36 + AP/ 16 + Hit rating enchant
Shoulders: Get 15+ Crit/ 20 + AP enchant
Cloak: Get 12+ Agility enchant
Chest: 6+ All stats enchant (currently I have +15 resilience but I will be changing my own to 6+ stats)
Wrist: 12+ Intellect
Melee weapons: If you decide to follow my advice on getting 2X1 Handed weapons then get 30 Intellect on each, however if you already have spent 1000 arena points on the s3 hunter axe then get 35+agility on it.
Ranged weapon: If you have the cash get 28+ Crit, however if you donot 12+dmg will do until you have the cash to get 28+crit.
Gloves:15+ agility enchant
Legs: Get 50+AP/12+crit enchant.
Feet: You have a choice between 6+Agility/minor speed OR 9+stam/minor speed (if you dont have a meta gem that gives to movement speed.) However if you do have the metagem that gives to movement speed then get +12 agility to boots. But remember make sure to get +minor speed no matter what!


Section 4: [i]Tipsi]; Hunters role in arena!

Hunters play an amazingly unique role in arena, a role that is very hard to recognize as a non-hunter and really hard to master as a hunter. So what is YOUR role in arena as a hunter? To help you better understand I will start off with a point form (from most important to least important):

Using frost trap defensively:
Use it in conjunction with key positioning such as an LoS spot, for example: the tomb in the middle of Lordaeron arena. At the start of any 5v5 match run to the middle of the map ASAP and drop your frost trap right on top of the tomb, if you get focused kite your opponents into it. Frost trap with 2/2 Clever traps and entrapment will allow you to snare/root your targets endlessley, usually within MAXIMUM 3 layers of frost trap depending on when the first trap is triggered.

Keeping people in combat + Mana drain:
Keeping people in combat with your pet while draining mana from a key class, usually shaman or priest.

Totems: I also make it my job to destroy as many as totems as I possibly can with the macro I linked above, specially WF totem when the match starts and mana tide once the shaman on the opposing team goes oom.

I put DPS as the last important task as a hunter due to the fact that we will be dpsing all the time unless LoSed but if you mana drain, frost trap people and keeping mana drained targets in combat does more dmg then our highly mitigated dps.