View Full Version : LF C++ scrptr to help with AV

07-09-08, 01:53 AM
I'm currently looking for a c++ coder to help with an AV script, you can either get coords and I will do the rest, help with World states or just help with the script. Some of you may ask.. Why not just use Summits AV? Simple answer, because I will not use a leaked code GG if you have managed to download Summits src and make your own emulation group and saying you have fixed AV!
*GraveYards done
*about 1/3 of the way through.
Will be great to get some help around here.

07-09-08, 12:15 PM
I had it all spawned with graveyards etc but ill have to look around for the sql!

08-09-08, 05:04 PM
i can help you find coords cuz im simple like that lol

08-09-08, 05:18 PM
i can help you find coords cuz im simple like that lol

no comment

08-09-08, 05:32 PM
hey dont blame me xD he said "you can either get coords"

08-09-08, 11:55 PM
Lol meant like helping with coords and bits of scripting.

09-09-08, 04:06 PM
I doubt anyone here can help you with an AV script because you need to implement Worldstates + the AI is very hard to script.

10-09-08, 12:15 AM
I doubt anyone here can help you with an AV script because you need to implement Worldstates + the AI is very hard to script.
O.o I've done the world states so no need for them to help with that.