View Full Version : Glow of the Burning Legion Website

05-09-08, 05:37 PM
Hi my team has jsut released a new website using php and html there has been alot of changes to the main config file to make the site more customizable. Note this is a beta release and can be found here

Here are some pics


and config

//Account Settings
$aHost = "localhost"; <----- Account Host
$aDatabase = "accounts"; <----- Account database
$aPort = "3306"; <----- Account port
$aUsername = "Root"; <----- Account username
$aPass = "root"; <----- Account password/color]

//Character Settings
$cHost = "localhost"; [color=#FF0000]<----- Toon Host
$cDatabase = "accounts"; <----- Toon Database
$cPort = "3306"; <----- Toon Port
$cUsername = "root"; <----- Toon username
$cPass = "root"; <----- Toon Password

//World Settings
$wHost = "localhost"; <----- World Host
$wDatabase = "accounts"; <----- World Database
$wPort = "3306"; <----- World Port
$wUsername = "root"; <----- World Username
$wPass = "root"; <----- World Password

//server info
$srate = "20x"; <----- server rate
$stype = "adsfadsf"; <----- server type
$srealmlist = "asdfadsf"; <-----realmlist
$sname = "asdf"; <-----server name
$sinfoo = "asdfsadfadsf"; <----- server info part 1 ///not implemented
$sinfot = "adsfasdf"; <----- server info part 2
$sinfoth = "asdfadsf"; <----- server info part 3
$sinfof = "adsfadsf"; <----- server info part 4

//staff info
$oname = "adsfasdf"; <----- owner name
$ousername = "adsfadsf"; <----- owner toon name
$oage = "adsfadf"; <----- owner age
$ospecialtist = "asdfadsf"; <----- unimplemented

//Head GM
$hgname = "asdfasdf"; <----- Account Host
$hgusername = "asdfadsf"; <----- Account Host
$hgage = "asgafdggdfg"; <----- Account Host
$hgspecialtist = "dfgdfgdfg"; <----- unimplemented

//head dev
$hdname = "dfgdfgdfg"; <----- Head Dev name
$hdusername = "dfgdfgdfg"; <----- head dev toon name
$hdage = "asdfadsf"; <----- head dev age
$hdspecialtist = "asdfasdfa"; <----- unimplemented

$support = "adsfadsf"; <----- Support email
$vote = "adsfasdf"; <----- vote link/color]

$fbug = "asdfadf"; [color=#FF0000]<----- link to forums bug page
$fhire = "adsfadf"; <----- link to forums hiring page
$fguides = "adfadf"; <----- link to forums main guides page
$fnews = "gerger"; <----- link to forums main news page
$fchat = "fdgfgdfgd"; <-----link to forums main chat page

$dgoldname = "ertert"; <----- main donor service name
$dgoldprice = "gdfgdfg"; <----- main donor service price
$dsilvername = "ertertret"; <----- 2nd donor serverice name
$dsilverprice = "gdfgsfdg"; <----- 2nd donor service price
$dcoppername = ""; <----- 3rd donor server name
$dcopperprice = ""; <----- 3rd donor server price

05-09-08, 05:40 PM
Nice Runiker +rep

18-12-10, 04:50 AM

19-12-10, 06:12 AM
****ing retard dk_grimer, dont revive old threads...... OMM :<