View Full Version : Advanced Website

02-09-08, 08:39 PM
First off I would like to say thank you to the following people for there codes in php.
Bella – Unstucker/Teleporter
Awox – Account creation
Azur4 – PVP rankings

Ok now that I have given credit let me put it this way this website
Will take about ½ to 1 hour of configuration time into it. (Mostly seting up forums)
I will lead you the set up of this website NOT how to put it online or
Make your own. I have given two files one is with forums one is without.
If you already have forums you can skip a few steps.

Here is a few pics


Ok first off download the file from here

download the forums from here

First lets extract the main site into your online folder (wamp is www)
Next extract the forums into a folder called “forums” inside “www”

Setting up the forums
--I will assume you know how to modify and use the acp if not please read up on it—
type in localhost/forums/install
Follow the on screen instructions
AFTER the confirmed screen delete your install folder
Type in localhsot/forums
Now set up your forums using acp
--Keep html of these pages “Bug Reporting” “News” “Guides” “general Chat” “donor items”

Setting Up webpage
Lets open your _config it should look like this


//account database info
$aHost = "localhost"; ßThis is the location or ip of host
$aDatabase = "accounts"; ß Table where your accounts are found
$aPort = "3306"; ß port your mysql is on
$aUsername = "root"; ß username for mysql
$aPass = "123"; ß Password for mysql

//character database info
$cHost ="localhost"; ßThis is the location or ip of host
$cDatabase = "accounts"; ß Table where your Toons are found
$cPort = "3306"; ß port your mysql is on
$cUsername = "root"; ß username for mysql
$cPass = "123"; ß Password for mysql

now go into the folder named Tools/Config and look for that config file
Change that the same way we did above
Go back to the main folder
Go to config folder and do the same
Go back to main and go into the pvp folder do same to that config
NOW lets open up configc
Now the stuff in the pink is the same as above
Lets go down to the more advanced

//Components Settings - edit both
$aHost = "localhost";
$aDatabase = "accounts";
$aPort = "3306";
$aUsername = "Ruxx3";
$aPass = "sarah2002";
$cHost = "";
$cDatabase = "accounts";
$cPort = "3306";
$cUsername = "Ruxx3";
$cPass = "sarah2002";

$TELEPORT_COST = 50; ß Cost to teleport this is in gold
$votelin = "www.geocities.com"; ß This is the link to your main vote site EXCLUDING the “http://” (http://%E2%80%9D)
$paypalacct = "http://paypal"; ß Your paypal acct used for donor’s to send moeny
$forumnews = "http://news"; ß Link to your forum news page including the “http://” (http://%E2%80%9D)
$forumbugs = "http://bugs"; ß Link to your forum Bugs page including the “http://” (http://%E2%80%9D)
$forumchat = "http://chat"; ß Link to your forum Generacl Chat page including the “http://” (http://%E2%80%9D)
$forumguides = "http://guides"; ß Link to your forum Guides page including the “http://” (http://%E2%80%9D)
$forumdonor = "http://donor"; ß Link to your forum Donor Item list page including the “http://” (http://%E2%80%9D)
$supportline = "[email protected]"; ß This is the email you use for your support
$owner = "Runiker"; ß Owner of server
$headdev = "Booyah"; ß Head Developer of server
$headgm = "KillaD"; ß Head Game Master Of server
$realmlist = "login.wow.com"; ß Realmlist of server

///////customize ONLY if you know waht you are doing here
$donormain = "donorhome.php"; ß This is a link to a donor page if you don’t have one leave as is
$donorsilver = "donorhome.php"; ß This is a link to a donor page if you don’t have one leave as is
$staff = "staff.php"; ß This is a link to a staff page if you don’t have one leave as is
$realmlistchanger = "http://filebeam.com/a578f4ee823fa97cc424880d3a9911c4";ß This is a link to a downloadable changer if you don’t have one leave as is

now your website should be good to go if you have any problems post here!

04-09-08, 01:17 PM
Awesome Runiker , thanks for sharing +rep

04-09-08, 01:20 PM
Ehh i plan to do alot more in th near future for public use but this was my first so i want to say i hope i did everything right because i mean i tested it out on mine if you find bugs let me know

04-09-08, 01:33 PM
No offense...but how is that advanced?

04-09-08, 01:47 PM
not advanced at all but still good +rep :)

sorry must spread

04-09-08, 01:48 PM
Omg, Nice

Needed this for my friend whos starting a whole new server
Just perfect.

04-09-08, 01:50 PM
No offense...but how is that advanced?


Bella – Unstucker/Teleporter
Awox – Account creation
Azur4 – PVP rankings

04-09-08, 02:05 PM
...Wow he put a bunch of pre-made scripts together...thats advanced!

Now if he had a single config for each one...then that would be cool...

04-09-08, 02:16 PM
Imo its a very nice website design, and not complaining ^-^

04-09-08, 05:09 PM
The design looks like he made it in like 5 min...

04-09-08, 06:39 PM
OMG take a look at the main config smart one the main config has alot more otions then you see in most places this website is also done in frames for alot better usage and please stop the flame because you and your webhosting is what needs a flame but you dont see me flaming.

05-09-08, 06:18 AM
Lol thnx for the share but
The team or people who made it were noobs...
I have a private script which is even more advanced

05-09-08, 10:34 AM
Just saying its a very nice design for a pretty simple website designer,

My friend is going to use this for his server

05-09-08, 01:36 PM
I was never flamming...

Look in my post it said no offense...

05-09-08, 04:46 PM
hence its a privet script this is the most advanced release untill me new release witch is all my own php files and done all by me...