View Full Version : AwkwardDev's Sunset core pack project

30-12-10, 04:56 AM
Hallow fellow gamers!

I'm presenting my work on Sunset core as a structured and setup pack, ready for use! Sunset core is a fork of Trinity core, it's privately developed for Unlimited-Gaming server, but I thought to share it.
However, lets begin with the pack!

Latest pack version - 1.0.0 RC1 (3.3.5a)

Pack characteristics:
Support of 3.3.5a client version.
Support of multi-threading core.
Support of Visual Map system.
Support of Vehicles.
Support of destructible buildings.
Support of multi-passanger mounts.
Support of Random Dungeon Finder.
Support of Random Battleground finder.
Support of "Creature on Transport".
Support of OutdoorPVP.
Support of World event system.
Support of Death Knight's chain quest line.
Support of ACE rewritten, thanks Derex.
Support of Soap

Classes supported: The supported classes means that this classes have a very high level of working spells, talents.
Death Knight

Spells changelogs:
Vanish spell rewritten.
Dampening for shield spells rewritten.
Lifebloom spell rewritten.
Earthen Power spell rewritten.
Subtelty spell rewritten.
Glyph of Smite spell rewritten.
Slice and Dice spell rewritten.
Seals of the Pure spell rewritten.
Frostbite spell rewritten.
Fingers of Frost spell rewritten.
Shattered Barrier spell rewritten.
Tricks of the Trade spell rewritten.
Judgements of the Just spell rewritten.
Frost Warding spell rewritten.
Mechanic Immunity triggers rewritten.
Spell reflected CCs duration spell rewritten.
Improved Unholy Presence spell rewritten.
Blood Boil spell rewritten.
Dual Wield penalty spell rewritten.
Deadly Poison spell rewritten.
Glyph of Scourge Strike spell rewritten.
Dirty Deeds spell rewritten.
Spell Resistance triggers rewritten.
Unholy Blight spell rewritten.
Improved Health of funnel spell rewritten.
Divine Storm spell rewritten.
Judgements spell rewritten.
BLoodsurge spell rewritten.
Flameshock spell rewritten.
Vampiric Touch spell rewritten.
Brain Freeze spell rewritten.
Deep Wounds spell rewritten.
Envenom spell rewritten.
Blood Tap spell rewritten.
Master Poisaner spell rewritten.
Sword Specialization spell rewritten.
Fel Vitality spell rewritten.
Desolation spell rewritten.
Exploit Weakness spell rewritten.
Replenishment spell rewritten.
Dispell spell rewritten.
Hearth Strike spell rewritten.
Killing Machine spell rewritten.
Spirit Wolves spell rewritten.
Player of Mending rewritten.
Sacred Shield rewritten.
Judgement of Light rewritten.
Improved Succubus spell implemented.
Mixology spell implemented.
Rewritten the Ghoul Health Points calculation to more blizzlike values.

Battlegrounds supproted:
Support of Alterac Valley
Support of Arathi Basin
Support of Eye of the Storm
Support of Strand of the Ancients
Support of Warsong Gulch

Arenas supported:
Support of Blade's Edge Arena
Support of Dalaran Sewers Arena *temporary dropped*
Support of Nagrand Arena
Support of Ruins of Lordaeron Arena
Support of Ring of Valor Arena *new*

OurdoorPVP zones supported:
Eastern Plague Lands
Tekkoar Forest
Wintergrasp *with queue*

Dungeons supported: Note only WOTLK content is described here currently.
The Old Kingdom
Trial of the Champion *rewritten*
Drak'Tharon Keep
Pit of Saron
The Forge of Souls *rewritten*
The Nexus *rewritten*
The Violet Hold
Halls of Lightning *rewritten*
Halls of Stone
Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Pinnacle
Halls of Reflection *new*
Culling of Stratholme *new*
Eye of Eternity *new*
Oculus *new*

Raids supported: Note only WOTLK content is described here currently.
Trial of the Crusader: 10/25-player
Icecrown Citadel: 10/25-player
Naxxramas: 10/25-player
Onyxia's Lair: 10/25-player
Vault of Archavon 10/25-player
The Obsidian Sanctum: 10/25-player
The Ruby Sanctum: 10/25-player
Ulduar: 10/25-player *new*

World events supported:
PVP events:
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm
Call to Arms: Alterac Valley
Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch
Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients
Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest
Call to Arms: Arathi Basin

Kalu'ak Fishing Derby
Stranglethorn Fishing
Darkmoon Faire

Midsummer Fire Festival
Fireworks Spectacular
Harvest Festival
Pirates' Day
Hallow's End
Day of the Dead
Feast of Winter Veil
Lunar Festival
Love is in the Air
Children's Week

Custom Includes:
Mall in GMisland.
Portal Master by Rochet2
Anti-cheat system. *Dropped*
Announce when ban,kick,mute. *Dropped*
Working Apache and MySQL server.
Working registration website.

NOTE: If you need help you may view "Help noob friendly" In Core folder.

Software required downloads:

================================================== ========
Visual C++ 2010 Redistributible - Download details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=A7B7A05E-6DE6-4D3A-A423-37BF0912DB84&displaylang=en)

Or use:
Visual C++ 2008 Redistributible - Download details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=A5C84275-3B97-4AB7-A40D-3802B2AF5FC2&displaylang=en)
================================================== ========
Net framework 4 - Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9cfb2d51-5ff4-4491-b0e5-b386f32c0992&displaylang=en)

Or use:
Net framework 3.5 - Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en)

NOTE: Use Visual redistributible 2010 only with Net framework 4, and visual redistributible 2008 with net framework 3.5. In other ways there's no guarantee that you will be able to run the repack!
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OpenSSL - Click me to download! (http://filebeam.com/f63275890a78ab0722b9728f670901e4)

Goods to have:
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Trinity/MaNGOS based commands addon for GM - Click me to download! (http://filebeam.com/4aa80fae2a21583267b89233c9f4dcd2)

Full Pack version downloads:

================================================== ========
Version 1.0.0 *RC1* download link ==> Click me to download! (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FWD3V79Y)
Version 0.9.1 *beta* download link ==> Click me to download! (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3PWM06L2)

Pack Updates downloads:

================================================== ========
0.9.1 - Hot fix for the not working registration website ==> Click me to download! (http://filebeam.com/01d4598d5c5b30972682f0841b001be7)

Portals guide for MaNGOS based servers! (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?t=84682)

Thanks to -
Trinity Core team (http://forum.trinitycore.org/)
MaNGOS team (http://getmangos.com/)
Trinity-core.ru community (http://trinity-core.ru/)
Rochet2 (http://projectcode.zzl.org/)
Triforce Mall (http://kris.zoomcities.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3)
Unlimited-Gaming (http://unlimited-gaming.no-ip.info/)
And everyone in World of Warcraft emulation for the great work and pleasing us of being in touch with such a great sources!

Repack's Advertisement section:
I would like to make a little advertisement of suggested sites and tools I'm using.

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You have posted your newely created server to all sites you've found and the "registration" didn't work'd out? Well sure I have one more, and easily to get on site! Massive top 100 is newely formed site of one of my big friends Winkdog, it's a lot easier to register there and hook some players to your server! Here you go:
You have been || Defaced by Headhunters. <3 (http://www.massivetop100.com/)

05-03-11, 12:06 AM
great, gonna try this repack....