View Full Version : [Tutorial] Compiling ArcEmu for Mac OS X

15-11-10, 06:22 PM

Just wanted to make a tutorial on how to compile Arcemu, FOR MAC!
I know there is a lot of tutorials on how to compile Arcemu, but not for the Mac OS X.

Required Software...
- Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6+ (I think)
- Xcode
- MySQL Community Server - I prefer 32-bit.
Download links for that:
Xcode (http://developer.apple.com/technologies/tools/xcode.html),MySQL Server (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/?rz=gdl#downloads),PCRE (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcre/files/).

First of all. Install Xcode and the MySQL Community Server

We are going to use the Application Terminal in this guide.
Terminal is like Windows's Command Prompt. You have to run the commands in the Terminal that is quoted with the

Terminal (http://guides.macrumors.com/Terminal) is located in your utilities Folder.

Install PCRE..
Unpack pcre-8.10.tar.bz2 and compile it:

cd ~/Downloads/pcre-8.10

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --libdir=/usr/local/mysql/lib --includedir=/usr/local/mysql/include --enable-utf8 --enable-unicode-properties

make -j3 (-jX - X = amount of cores. So if you have a dual core, then simply write "make -j2" (without quotes) and so on)

sudo make install (password: (USER PASSWORD))
Getting the Sourcecode...
Download the latest revision of ArcEmu's SVN.

svn checkout https://arcemu.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/arcemu/trunk
Compile ArcEmu...

cd ~/trunk

1.Start compiling:

autoreconf -f -i

2.You can use „../configure --help“ for more information on the configure options.

./configure --prefix=/opt/arcemu --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --with-pcre=/usr/local/mysql

3.With make -j3, change 3 to the number of processors*2 in your Mac. Affects compile speed.

make -j3

4.Install (requires admin password):

sudo make install

All files are now located in /opt/arcemu.

You have now compiled ArcEmu for Mac OS X.
A tutorial on how to download a database too will be added later.

I really hope you liked this tutorial. Questions or comments?? Just ask here.

Credits: Lbniese (me) - For making the tutorial.