View Full Version : [Release] TRM's Cthulhu Ftagn Dual-Database MaNGOS Repack ( - 32 & 64-bit

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11-08-10, 11:46 AM
Note: I've added a second database which has no NPC's/Enemies in it so that you may, if you're like me, explore, take screenshots, etc. In order to use the second database, simply change this line in your mangosd.conf file

WorldDatabaseInfo=;3306;root;mangos;mango s;to

WorldDatabaseInfo=;3306;root;mangos;empty ;The Panoramas that you see in this post (click them to enlarge) were made using my empty exploration database. I made a tutorial over at mmo-champion forums you can check out...
Who wants a custom avatar, signature, wallpaper and UAP (http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/733551-Who-wants-a-custom-avatar-signature-wallpaper-and-UAP?p=8481086&viewfull=1#post8481086) and you can also see some more of my Panoramic Views (http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/744145-Panoramic-Views?p=8482119&viewfull=1#post8482119)

Main Server Download: (Contains up to Cumulative Update 0079)
Server_w_CU_0079.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?jgp5pip5qoj5vbw) (96.61 MB)

Cumulative Updates:
database_updates.zip (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-cthulhu-ftagn-dual-database-mangos-repack-3-3-5-12340-32-64-bit-4286/index100.html#post27265) (27.29 MB for update 0084)

CU_0085.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?zqsv6178e1c4bug) (12.49 MB)


maps and dbc folders:
3.3.5a_maps_dbc.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?nmwyoiy0gmy) (157.27 MB)

3.3.5a_vmaps.zip (http://filebeam.com/be94c4e96279090bdc26c95bab7d5c27) (248 MB)

Current Revisions:
Core - World of Warcraft:
MaNGOS - 10781 (required_10764_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
ScriptDev2 - 1890
Acid - 39 (3.0.7) "We Came, We Raided and We Conquered"
YTDB - 354 (574_FIX_10779)
AHBot (How to (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-cthulhu-ftagn-dual-database-mangos-repack-3-3-5-12340-32-64-bit-4286/index15.html#post25337))



Before Installation make sure you have the .NET Framework and the Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Installed.

Download details: .NET Framework 3.5 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325fd-ae52-4e35-b531-508d977d32a6&displaylang=en)

For 32-bit Operating Systems
Download details: Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=en)
For 64-bit Operating Systems
Download details: Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=ba9257ca-337f-4b40-8c14-157cfdffee4e&displaylang=en)

Installation Instructions:
1. Extract the Server335a.zip file
2. Cut & Paste the extracted Server folder directly under the C:\ drive


3. Extract the 3.3.5a_maps_dbc.zip file
4. Cut & Paste the extracted maps and dbc folders into the:

C:\Server\MaNGOS\Win32 (for 32-bit)
C:\Server\MaNGOS\x64 (for 64-bit)

Note: If you aren't sure if you have a 64-bit operating system, use the Win32 folder
5. Start the C:\Server\MySQL.bat file
a. Alternatively, if you'd like to have the MySQL started as a service, go into the:
C:\Server\mysql folder and double-click the mysql_installservice.bat file
6. Start the Restarter in your folder
7. Once the mangosd.exe file has finished loading create an account by doing the following:
a. Type:

.account create USERNAME PASSWORD
.account set addon USERNAME 2
.account set gmlevel USERNAME 3b. Go to your World of Warcraft installation directory.

c. Go to Data/enUS

d. Right-click the realmlist.wtf file and Open With Notepad.exe

e: Edit your realmlist.wtf file to read:

set realmlist
set patchlist
set realmlistbn ""
set portal usf: Start World of Warcraft

g. Log in with the USERNAME and PASSWORD you created

Optional vmaps (Vertical Collision Detection Maps)
The vmap extractor is now in the tools folder of the Cumulative Updates.
Place the extracted files from it in your World of Warcraft/Data/enUS folder then double-click the makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat file

Then make sure the lines in your mangosd.conf file look like this:

vmap.enableLOS = 1
vmap.enableHeight = 1
DetectPosCollision = 1This will enable vertical collision detection and prevent certain NPCs from looking like they are flying, etc.


Second video


Ports to forward for public:
80 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (TCP/UDP)
3306 - MySQL database system (TCP/UDP)
3724 - World of Warcraft Online gaming MMORPG (TCP/UDP)
8085 - MaNGOS (TCP/UDP)

To edit your database:
MySQL Username: root
MySQL Password: mangos

After starting C:\Server\Apache.bat
RoSPORA Username: elder
RoSPORA Password: elder

Frostmourne Altar - Halls of Reflection
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4921/frostmournealtarsm.jpg (http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/9173/frostmournealtar.jpg)

The Descent into Madness
http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/8436/descentintomadnesssm.jpg (http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/8905/descentintomadness.jpg)

Prison of Yogg-Saron
http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3104/prisonofyoggsaronsm.jpg (http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/2894/prisonofyoggsaron.jpg)

Ulduar - Central Hub
http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/8282/ulduarhubsm.jpg (http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/8766/ulduarhub.jpg)

The Dark Portal - Outland:
http://a.imageshack.us/img541/7075/thedarkportal1sm.jpg (http://a.imageshack.us/img820/6571/thedarkportal1.jpg)


MaNGOS updated to 10781
Use BattleGround(AV)TeamIndex enum types in AV battleground code.
Fixed warning in ReputationMgr::SetReputation.
Allow ITEM_ENCHANTMENT_TYPE_COMBAT_SPELL to proc on special attacks too.
Make AI call OwnerKilledUnit() more proper.
Fixed invisibility detection for new invisibility types.
Explictly include Threading.h into CliRunnable.h
Not mark `reputation_spillover_template` empty state as error.
Use separate vars to indicate whether reputation needs to be sent or needs to be saved.
Implement more generic reputation spillover.
Fixed crash at empty build list in realm string.
Fixed build for different PostgreSQL version at diff platforms.
Explictly include Threading.h into WorldRunnable.h
Fixed auction items filering by quality.
Fixed trainer flags uses for pet trainers.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1890
Add support for quest 11093.
Add support for quest 12138 and 12198.
Add dummy aura effect of spell 47799.
Making one quest become not so bloody imp-ossible, using new AI call OwnerKilledUnit.
Add new class ScriptedPetAI that can be used with certain pet types.
YTDB updated to 354 (574_FIX_10779)
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest scripts.
Mob's gossip menus.

MaNGOS updated to 10768 (required_10764_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
Remove useless code in PetAI::_stopAttack()
Show <overkill> value in combat logs.
Allow AURA_FORCE_MOVE_FORWARD to work on creatures and vehicles. For example, it fixes spell [68284]
Implement talent 44543 and ranks charges work.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1886
Change monstersay/whisper/emote target from guid to pointer. Requires Mangos 10761+

Over 1200 errors corrected.
MaNGOS 10763 (required_10762_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
Move comments at 61 line, no functional changes.
Basic support for target-name in MonsterSay/etc
Remove unneeded non-player Say et al.
Correctly reset mob orientation upon reaching spawn point. Should also improve visualisation of mob orientation on clients.
Fixed typo in CONTROLED_*
Implement zone limited pets unsummon at leave allowed zones.
Implement armor penetration limitations.
Use class specific combat rating factors from gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalarStore.dbc
Use UNIT_FIELD_CRITTER for store minipet guid.
Lost mangos.sql changes in one from recent commits.
Convert to objetguids map scripts and finally drop IS_PLAYER_GUID.
Use objectguids in item code.
Convert Gameobject owner to objectguid use.
Convert MonsterSay/Say and similar functions to ObjectGuid use.
ScriptDev 1885
Correct ScriptDev2_1835_to_MaNGOS_0.12.patch thanks Schmoo for fixing.

MaNGOS updated to 10747 (required_10746_01_mangos_mangos_string)
Some other aura caster object guid use cases.
Use objetguid for other .list auras command part.
Use ObjectGuid in spellauraholders instead uint64.
Prevent equip/unequip items in process logout.
Add AP/RAP bonus data to `spell_bonus_data`.
Add `spell_bonus_data`.`spell_bonus_data` field and support for RAP bonuses use for spells damage from table.
Add AI function OwnerKilledUnit for protector pets (when owner kills unit)
Cleanups in spell effects names.
Cleanup pet remove code and some fixes.
In fact set pet name to empety state redundent.
Use empty name for non-unique named pets.
Fixed unexpected typo in prev. commit.
Fixed spell 51420 work by use recently added protector pets as expected.
Rename and clarify SummonPropertiesEntry.Type->Title field meaning.
Implement defencive guardians pet type for creatures like 28120.
Not send session fields as args into HandleMoverRelocation/VerifyMovementInfo.
Remove redundant isAlive-check, thanks LordJZ for notice.
Check if Pet's target is a valid target (isTargetableForAttack)
Add dummy aura effect of spell 47178 and dummy effect of 47176.
Fix Deathly Stare spell.
Map system re-engineered. Special thanks to Blueboy for tests.
Correct one SQL in tools, table was renamed.
Add a few comments for SUMMON_PROP_TYPE_CRITTER.
Fix TARGET_AREAEFFECT_CUSTOM, need to obey type when DB target entry exist.
Fixed wrong error message for quest related areatriggers.
Add dummy aura effect of 51405 and dummy effect of 51420.
Backports from 400 branch.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1884
Fix compile, can't use const_iterator there.
Fix file name.
Prevent Larry from start attack after event done + move one gossip to database. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Add support for fishing up boss in SSC (w/some boss abilities based on ACID). Patch by Schmoozerd.
Fix unsafe use of pointer storage in misc lists and store guid of objects instead. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Prevent possible crash at instance_azjol_nerub::OnCreatureEnterCombat.
Add dummy effect of spell 52741 (related to quest 12813).
Note it may not be fully correct, expecting visual effects.
Add missing ScriptName to full SQL.
YTDB updated to 351 (573_FIX_10726)
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest scripts.
Mob's gossip menu.

ScriptDev2 updated to 1876.
Add support for quest 10191, patch by Schmoozerd + helpers (the little green gnomes working in the background that nobody usually notice)
Add base support for quest 12580.
Fix problem with Lump, attacking after being friendly. Additional cleanup. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Remove one GetHeight() and make less code, doing the same.
Correct mixed up npc entries.
Add dummy effect of spell 39246. Patch by virusav (based on original from Kirix).
Fix VC100 project filters.
Add base instance script for zul'farrak, patch by Schmoozerd.
Add texts related to trial_of_the_crusader instance, patch by Schmoozerd.
Add placeholders for instance_trial_of_the_champion, patch by Schmoozerd.
Add texts related to pit_of_saron. Patch by Schmoozerd
Add support for quest 12570. Workaround, escort are supposed to start with gossip.

MaNGOS updated to 10721 (required_10704_01_mangos_gossip_menu_option)
Use required_quest instead of _heroic for non_instance areatrigger teleport.
Implement check `gossip_menu_option`.`npc_option_npcflag`.
Implement proper calculation quest honor reward.
Partly revert "[10687] UInt32 timer class copies instead using time_t timers for mstime cases."
Revert "[10716][10688] New version of patch for send real diff from last update."
Typo show commit before revet all realddiff one more time.
Fixed move in inventory items with ItemLimitCategory.
Avoid unexpected error at action_menu_id < 0 after recent loading checks adding.
Player/group instance binding fixes.
Startup checks for `gossip_menu` and `gosip_menu_option` table data.
Check localization data for existance main table entres.
Fixed typos in my previous commit.
Prevent wrongly use transport guid as unittarget in spell targets.
Update ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_* with group roll.
Move Glancing Blow early in melee outcome results.
Implement talent 30326 for spell 5138.
Simplify CellArea calculation.
Add the option to close gossip window in gossip system.
Fixed loading mails broken after [10692]
Correct check percent spell costs in AI::CanCast
Remove unused structure GridUpdater.
Add debug note for not implemented summon property group.
Compute cell area bounds for active objects in the same way like it done for players.
Less strict check for update at war state for factions.
Avoid selection despawned creatures as spell autoselected targets.
Cleanup some death state enums usage.
Use portable ACE way msecs time value calculation.
Update SpellEntry based on the work of TOM_RUS.
Fixed wrongly use %d for guids in DB queries.
Fixed some GCC warnings and code errors.
Add dummy effect of spell 53475, 53487 and 54015.
Fixed *nix build problem after recent commits.
Restore some item checkes for temporary loot case.
New version of patch for send real diff from last update.
UInt32 timer class copies instead using time_t timers for mstime cases.
Fixed creature_template loading after vendor changes.
Fixed mangos.sql `creature_template` default content after adding vendor_id
New table 'item_convert' for conversRevert "[10677] Send to creature/etc Update call real diff from last update and use it."ion items.
Added new Cell::Visit* functions to visit grids with center in (x,y) coords.
Update item buy code for new way vendor item lists work.
New table `npc_vendor_template` for comon item data for diff vendors.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1864.
Add support for quest 11464, patch by Schmoozerd.
Add script for areatrigger 5030 (rel. to quest 12575).
Add basic support for quest 11300 (still need additional ACID support for end miniboss -> spell 43326).
YTDB updated to 350 (572_FIX_10709).
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest scripts.
Mob's gossip menus.

MaNGOS updated to 10678
Revert "[10675] Ignore BOA items reputation requirements at use."
ScriptDev2 updated to 1861
Correcting a few typos in variables.
Correcting one text.
Add instance script for pit_of_saron. Patch by Schmoozerd, inspired by original of cristinel.
Correct two sound id's. Patch by schmoozerd.
Add Ulduar placeholder scripts to scriptloader.
Add includes where needed for future dev + fix end of file.
Add a few texts for ulduar raid bosses.

MaNGOS updated to 10677 (required_10660_01_mangos_game_event_quest)
Send to creature/etc Update call real diff from last update and use it.
Fix repeating looting for milling/prospecting.
Ignore BOA items reputation requirements at use.
Show some SPELL_AURA_MOD_DODGE_PERCENT auras as debufs as expected.
Include `item_loot` into pdumps.
Allow damage own pet in sanctuary.
Convert some Unit owner/etc guids to ObjectGuid way.
Restore build at real C++ compilers after recent timed achievements commit.
Fixed mana amount for overheal case for talent 31785 and ranks.
Implement CONDITION_*ITEM_WITH_BANK conditions.
Timed Achievements, Fail-Support and Opcodes.
Allow use faction data for cases raceMask==0
Rename arena_team_stats fields for better fit to stored values.
Fix totem animation at normal unsummon.
Implement partly item looting.
Update VC10 filers for new ACE.
Make quest for game event be independent of source.
Fixed mistake in [10653] that causes player to fall from the transport at teleporting to another map.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1854
Register king dred's events and update instance data accordingly.
Add script for heroic boss_eck. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Add misc emote texts, provided by Forusim and Schmoozerd.
In addition make common used boss emote text and use it in misc scripts.
Add basic instance script for instance_draktharon_keep w/achievement related data. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Remove boss_ironaya, no longer needed (done by ACID). Patch by crackm
In addition remove script for one trash mob, AI can be done in ACID
Correct postfix for heroic spell.
Remove no longer needed manual summon and remove old hack, making summoner owner of summon.
YTDB updated to 349 (571_FIX_10675)
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest scripts.
Mob's gossip menus.

MaNGOS updated to 10658 (required_10654_01_mangos_game_event_creature_ques t)
Add enum as argument for quest special/flags functions.
Separate quest_template.QuestFlags from SpecialFlags.
Rename quest function HasFlag to HasQuestFlag.
Add support for monthly quests.
Allow creature to offer same quest for more than one game event.
Implemented MSG_MOVE_KNOCK_BACK opcode.
ACID updated to 39 (3.0.7) "We Came, We Raided and We Conquered"
Completely Re-Scripted Uldaman Using Official Data - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Karazhan - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Molten Core - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Rough Scripted Some Remaining NPC's for Sunwell Plateau (Still Requires SD2 Support For Some NPC's) - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved / Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Rough Scripted Some Remaining NPC's for Tempest Keep: The Eye (Still Requires SD2 Support For Some NPC's) - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Small Bug Fixes, Tweaks and General Improvements for Gnomeregan - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Added Support for Quest: 14090 "Gormok Wants His Snobolds" - (Special Thanks to NoFantasy)
Added Improved Support and Visual Fix for Quest: 4726 "Broodling Essence" - (Fixed by X-Savior)
Added Chill of the Throne Aura to all NPC's in Icecrown Citadel Raid - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Implemented and Improved Even More NPC Buff Scripts - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Various Fixes, Additions and Improvements from Forum Members - (Thank You to Everyone Who Participated)
General Coding Cleanups/Organizing
Removed all Scripts for NPC's Overlapping with SD2
(We just went from 5828 creatures in ACID 3.0.6 to 5923 in this release!).
(We just went from 22763 Total Scripts in ACID 3.0.6 to 23376 in this release).

MaNGOS updated to 10652
Allow set pvp flags from creatures *_addon data.
YTDB updated to 348 (570_FIX_10650)
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest scripts.
Mob's gossip menus.

MaNGOS updated to 10651
Fixed combat log being bugged by pets without name.
One more typo in mangosd.conf.dist.in
Enchanted spell 8017 and ranks should apply to weapon by client auto selection.
Typos in mangosd.conf.dist.in
Show die animation at totem destroy.
Preserve creature dynamic flags at UpdateEntry
Use more make sense corpse expire check timer period.
Remove wrong check preventing lootable items have at-use spell casts.
Update the ACE part we use to 5.8.2
Implement spell 56826
Fixed use item dynamic/item proto flags.
Implement instance guids with proper HIGHGUID_INSTANCE use.
Making dummy effect of spell 54530 be positive effect.
More appropriate for warrior spell fail result for combo point check fail.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1847
Call Refresh() for GO's not spawned by default to trigger add object to map.
respawn visual GO if found (rel. to quest 11865)
Add support for quest 11865. Original patch by virusav.

MaNGOS updated to 10637.
Better totem summon cases selection.
Re compiled AHBOT into source.

MaNGOS updated to 10636 (required_10629_01_mangos_mangos_string)
Implement server side check combo points req. for spell cast.
Ignore another map target for text emote.
Convert many opcode handlers to ObjectGuid use.
Include non-percent mana cost in EffectDestroyAllTotems mana return.
Correct behavior for completion of quest objectives.
Small comment style fix in mangosd.conf
Small code style cleanup in quest related functions.
Convert Set(Get)ChannelObjectGuid to ObjectGuid way.
Drop function GuidHigh2TypeId
SQL update for prev. commit
Use ObjectGuid for player's selection and unit's target.
Fix logic in FillRaidOrPartyManaPriorityTargets and FillRaidOrPartyHealthPriorityTargets.
Fix bad ban date check.
Make .respawn work correctly with BG event spawns.
Set respawn delay for BG creatures before set dead state.
Add new field RequiredClasses for quest_template.
Fixed MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT structure.
Clarify premade groups mode config option.
Properly update objects usable state at GM-mode on/off.
Fixed array access in SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK loading check.
Simplified trade distance checks, GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION flag handling moved out of Map.
YTDB updated to 347 (569_FIX_10625)
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest scripts.
Mob's gossip menus.
New templates from WDB.
Update table "*_template" by WDB.
Data from sniffs (templates, spawn).
Processed 220 caches (3.3.5a).

MaNGOS udpated to 10615
Add script effect of spell 66741
A bit of cleanup in ByteBuffer::hexlike
Revert "[10611] Made some values const".
Made some values const.
Renamed some functions from the Creature class.
ScriptDev2 Updated to 1844
Add script for GO 195308. Note it is not fully correct regarding summons (see comments for details)
Add dummy aura effect of spell 66719 (rel. to quest 14107)
Fixed build with MaNGOS 10610. Patch by DasBlub.

MaNGOS updated to 10609
I consider it proven that all classes shall benefit from intellect for weapon skill increase.
Update melee miss chance calculations...finally.
Handle GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GENERIC at Use() to trigger despawn of GO.
Fix loot for victims being creature type critter.
Fixed infinity loop at grid loading.

MaNGOS updated to 10604 (required_10604_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
A couple more spell_proc_event entries for relics.
Replace one hard coded value w/enum name. Additional code style cleanup
ScriptDev2 updated to 1841
Added support for completing quest 12934.
Implement Krik'thir the Gatewatcher encounter in Azjol-Nerub.
YTDB updated to 346 (568_FIX_10602)
All fixes from forum.
Fix spawn.
Quest Scripts.
Mob's gossip menus.
New templates from WDB
Update table "*_template" by WDB.
Data from sniffs (templates, spawn).
Fix spawn "Pit of Saron" from sniffs.
Processed 205 caches (3.3.5a)

MaNGOS updated to 10601
Amother attemp fix locale structures corruption.
Correct size of animprogress for GO Create().
Attempt fix data corruption for some localization structures with GCC use.
Create enum GameObjectDynamicLowFlags and use instead of hard coded.
Enable by default vmap.enableHeight and vmap.enableLOS.
Apply restrictions to vmap options.
Add new functions to Set/RemoveShortFlag (uint16, lo and high part of uint32)
Use equal_range instead of lower_bound/upper_bound pairs.
Cleaning up code a bit, in related functions for recent commits.
Make GO type 2 activate/deactivate.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1839
Added up to date version of backport patch. Prepared by Funkybit.
Modified the threat radius to 80%

MaNGOS updated to 10591
Simplify LoadGameObjectForQuests for case GO type 3.
Check if GO is requirement of quest to activate sparkle if it is.
Always activate GO type 3 when quest id is defined (and active)
Make GO type 8 activate and sparkle at related quest active.
Make GO type 5 sparkle at related quest active.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1838
Some corrections to 1831. Inspired by vladimir.
Implemented door support after boss Nethekurse. Small cleanup in corresponding files.

MaNGOS updated to 10586
Update taxi mask size for 3.3.5a
Make GO type 10 become nice and shiny: sparkling animation and jingle bells.

MaNGOS updated to 10584 (required_10582_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
Prevent lost aura connection with item at Aura::ReapplyAffectedPassiveAuras
Remove dual ERROR in logs.
Add spell_proc_event data for some relic related spells.

ACID updated to 3.0.6 " A Tale of an Ogre and a Gnome "
Dire Maul Re-Scripted Using Official Data (Waiting for Missing Data on a Few NPC's) - (Scripted by X-Savior) - Special Thanks To Hydro
Gnomeregan Re-Scripted Using Official Data (Waiting for Missing Data on a Couple NPC's) - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved and Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Black Temple - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Improved and Re-Wrote Existing Scripts and Finished Rough Scripting Remaining NPC's for Blackwing Lair - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Fixed and Improved Many NPC Buff Scripts - (Scripted by X-Savior)
Removed Redundant Kill Credit Scripts for Quest: 11538 - (Reported by NeatElves)
Various Small Fixes and Additions from Forum Members - (Thank You to Everyone Who Participated)
General Coding Cleanups/Organizing
Removed all Scripts for NPC's Overlapping with SD2
(We just went from 5777 creatures in ACID 3.0.5 to 5828 in this release!).
(We just went from 22077 Total Scripts in ACID 3.0.5 to 22763 in this release).

MaNGOS updated to 10581
Rename some local variables in random move generator for easier reading.
TARGET_ALL_RAID_AROUND_CASTER include caster only for positive spells.
Better wording in log for shutdown cancelled case.
Use static call for IsBGWeekend in BattleGroundAV.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1836
Added support for quest 11209. Original patch by Goaul.
Restore scriptdev2_script_full.sql data.
Correct despawn of GO entry 181616 and 186949, to trigger respawn.
YTDB updated to 345 (567_FIX_10554)
All fixes from forum
Fix spawn
Quest scripts
Mob's gossip menus
New templates from WDB
Update table "*_template" by WDB
Data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
Repopulation of fishing holes
Processed 192 caches (3.3.5a)

MaNGOS updated to 10577
characters database updated to required_10568_01_characters_character_tutorial
'shuttingdown' -> 'shutting down' in log
Prevent diseases to be dispelled while 50536 is on target
Fix world states related to arena season.
Fixed non-weapon offhand equip after my recent commit.
Add end file empty line to some files.
Drop unused Spell::m_triggeringContainer
Properly remove dual-wield flag at spell unlearn.
Store spell entry of triggering spell on triggered, original patch provided by insider42.
Don't save holders from channeled spells.
Drop unused column 'realmid' from the table 'character_tutorial'
Revert VS90/game.vcproj changes in [10551]
Fixed loaded DBC count.
Not allow charmed by player creatures have threat list.

MaNGOS updated to 10563
Cleanup WorldSession::HandlePetAction.
Avoid ask AI for direct controlled creature at attack.
Remove reundenant spell store for temporary unsummoned pet.
Add world state id in comments for all hard coded state id's.
Fix spell "Spinning" (64385) for item "Unusual Compass" (45984).
Add optionial arg to Unit::SetFacingTo which is passed to SendMessageToSet.
Add frand function for random floats with min/max, similar to urand.

MaNGOS updated to 10555
Quice updated to 1.2.55
Remove not existing function declaration.
Fix wrong procs when spell hits with no damage.
YTDB updated to 344 (566_FIX_10554)
All fixes from forum
Fix spawn
Quest scripts
Mob's gossip menus
New templates from WDB
Update table "*_template" by WDB
Data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
Processed 186 caches (3.3.5a)

MaNGOS updated to 10553 (required_10551_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
Training Dummy patch by Ankso.
Two more cases where AURA_REMOVE_BY_EXPIRE mode can be used.
Add some vehicle flags, thanks to zergtmn and community.
Fix 55880 proc.
Fixed field types in mangos.sql in consistant with related sql updates.
At schedule second reset update real reset time.
Implement missing part spell 47568 functionality.
More correctly check delay time for spell with speed.
Fixed EffectActivateRune activate only expected runes amount of some rune type.

MaNGOS updated to 10545 (required_10537_01_mangos_command)
Better way to mark not implemented packets.
Output debug only note for known not implemented packets.
Fix handling of spell 14157 and 14189 so they really apply combo points after current spell finished.
Fixed ObjectGuid::IsUnit.
Allow set afk/dnd message in afk/dnd state.
Fixed structure SMSG_RESYNC_RUNES.
Use more near for final point coordinates for Z calcualtion.
Fixed some comments in mangos.sql
Fixed typo in command help text.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1833
Corrected typo in a file name. Patch by zergtmn. proffesor -> professor.

MaNGOS updated to 10536
Extend SCRIPT_COMMAND_TEMP_SUMMON_CREATURE to set summoned as active object.
Add optional argument to SummonCreature, summon as active object.
Fixed second and later resets schedule for raid/heroic after server restart.
Revert [10528], simply wrong (scriptId already called properly).
Aura SPELL_AURA_ALLOW_ONLY_ABILITY not prevent auto-attacks.
Spells with SPELL_ATTR_EX6_NO_DMG_PERCENT_MODS must ignore all damage mods.
Fixed client reject any login attempt after WOW_FAIL_INCORRECT_PASSWORD receive.
Water level in movement use fixes.
Run creature_movement_scripts also at first waypoint.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1832
Added less fail version of update queries.
Fixed build. Requires MaNGOS 10529+. Patch by Forusim.
Added missing script text for Ingvar the Plunderer. Patch by Forusim.
Removed SimpleAI. Thing was obsolete since the creation of EventAI. Patch by zergtmn.

MaNGOS updated to 10527
Disable CombatSpell check for triggered spells.
Implement server side global cooldown check.
Add missing () to expressing for proper prio.
Fix compilation for UNIX-likes.

MaNGOS updated to 10523.
Fix proc from periodic crits.
Fix periodic procs - spells that require periodic healing to proc need to be defined in spell_proc_event with procEx PROC_EX_PERIODIC_POSITIVE, by default all procs without it are negative.
Fix iterator update, thanks to VladimirMangos.
Fix delaying spell with 2 or more persistent area auras and store ObjectGuid instead of Unit* on DynamicObject affected set.

MaNGOS updated to 10518
Prevent emotes animation in feign death state.

MaNGOS updated to 10517
Remove wrong comment, reputation rate for spell is implemented.
Fix small typo in class ExplodeCorpseObjectCheck.
Default value set line lost.
New option PetUnsummonAtMount.
Clear grid *Check/*Searcher classes use.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1828
Restore compile after grid searcher related changes in Mangos. Requires Mangos rev 10513. Patch by Vladimir.
YTDB updated to 343 (565_FIX_10512)
All fixes from froums
Fix spawns
Quest Scripts
Mob's Gossip Menus
New templates from WDB
Update table "*_template" by WDB
Data from sniffs (templates, spawns)
Processed 180 caches (3.3.5a)

MaNGOS updated to 10512
Fixed cast item remove at trade enchanting in some cases.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1827
Corrected type of text entries for Custodian of Time. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Removed trailing spaces from Drakkari Colossus.

MaNGOS updated to 10511
Fixed SPELL_AURA_MOD_COMBAT_RESULT_CHANCE dodge chance apply to auto-attacks result.
Reimplement aura stack checking EventAI events.
Fix some "foo initialized after bar" gcc warnings and remove some unused variables.

MaNGOS updated to 10508
Arrange case SCRIPT_COMMAND_ in correct order, also in ObjectMgr.
Extend SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK with option to set language for text.

MaNGOS updated to 10506
Implement 5 new SCRIPT_COMMAND_*
Remove unused stuff.

MaNGOS creature and instance templates update
ScriptDev2 updated to 1826
Added support for quest 10852. Patch by DasBlub.
Added placeholder for ICC:Forge of Souls. Patch by Schmoozerd.

MaNGOS updated to 10504 (required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn)
Prevent damage player in sanctuary by pet or other controlled unit.
Move `*_respawn` tables to `characters` DB.
Characters DB updated to required_10503_02_characters_gameobject_respawn
ScriptDev2 updated to 1824.
Added support for quest 11541. Patch by DasBlub.

ScriptDev2 updated to 1823
Fixed some more coding style issues in Ulduar.
DoSpawnXXXX -> SpawnFriendlyKeeper(XXXX)

MaNGOS updated to 10502 (required_10500_01_mangos_scripts)
Correct comment for ACTION_T_FORCE_DESPAWN, action do have param.
Correct wrong character in mangos.sql
Extend SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK to support random selected text.
Fixed typo at copy-paste in ArenaTeam::BroadcastEvent.

MaNGOS updated to 10498
Arrange case SCRIPT_COMMAND_* so that they come in correct order.
Add a crude documentation of script command processing.

MaNGOS updated to 10496
Re-work struct ScriptInfo and use union for data fields.
Clarify not working state for target buf events in EventAI.
ScriptDev2 updated to 1822
Added placeholders for Ulduar raid. Patch by Xfurry.
Big thanks for Schmoozerd for patch cleanup.

MaNGOS udpated to 10494
Really allow proccesing buff events in EventAI.

MaNGOS updated to 10492
Fixed crash in debug output for some data.
Search player in player list in update fields data prepare is bad idea.
Arena ratings chnages is signed, fix debug string accordingly.
Correct some typos in comments for SCRIPT_COMMAND*
ScriptDev2 updated to 1821
Fixed the VS100 files.
Fixed typo in azuremyst_isle.cpp. Patch by Dunemaster.
Added missing Makefile.am entry.
Added correct version of All allong the watchtowers patch. Patch by virusav.
DB support needed for the correct work.
Added Gnomergan Instance script. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Thermaplugg script.
Placeholder for Grubbis Event.
Added some more stuff for future implementation of Drakkari Colossus in Gundarak.

MaNGOS updated to 10488
YTDB updated to 342 (564_FIX_10480)
Fix checking text id's for creature_movement_template.
Implement SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVEMENT(20) to start/change movement.
Use casterGUID check for delaying holder since possible stacking same spell from different casters.

MaNGOS updated to 10485
Use for auraholde/aura GetStackAmount uint32 result.

MaNGOS updated to 10483.
Finally add README to vmap_assembler.
Add basic function MoveWaypoint() to manually start creature waypoint path.
Use prefix m_ for member variable in motionMaster.

MaNGOS updated to 10480
Fix a bug causing creature dynamic flags to be removed at normal loot preparation.
Implement heak absorb for periodic heal.
Implement item 49623 (Shadowmourne) visual effects.

MaNGOS updated to 10477.
Fixed heal amount for some cases heal absorb.
Fix 31228 and ranks.

MaNGOS updated to 10475
Cleanup vmap_assembler.
Fix structure SMSG_SPELLHEALLOG for 3.5.5.

MaNGOS updated to 10471
Drop vmap_debugger.
Fixed totem owner faction/level set for creature onwer case.
Rename some opcode handler to better follow used naming style.
Typos in comments in recent patches.
Implement proper triggering for spell 34477, 57934
Proper reset threat rediraction for existed spells.
Revert a part of [10463] and move them back to the .gitignore file in the sub-directory
Clean up the .gitignore files.
Implement spell 6495.

MaNGOS updated to 10461
Fix error message in extractor tool
Fixed unexpected area aura stacking from same caster at spellmods reapply.

MaNGOS updated to 10459
Restore update area aura values at caster/around targets.
Changes to corpse decay/respawn times for creatures.

MaNGOS updated to 10457
Fix proc of 51692 and ranks.
Implement 60764.
Add missing break, thanks to nos4r2zod.
Fix 54821 proc.
Fix disease consume part of 49020 and ranks.
Added the current map & dbc extractor to the tools folder.

MaNGOS updated to 10452
Typo in World field.

Fixed errors in mangos_0031.sql and mangos_0000-0031_all.sql

MaNGOS updated to 10450
Skip wrong guid movement packets.
Typos in enum names and comments.
YTDB updated to 341 (563_FIX_10434)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1816

MaNGOS updated to 10448
Use base run speed * 2 as fall speed.
Delete deprecated 'broken' items from vendors

MaNGOS updated to 10447
Certain compilers refuse to erase const_iterator...
Small fix for single target auras: remove caster only auras
Re-implement in more safe way single cast spell targets system.

MaNGOS updated to 10444
Fixed scripted AI init for TemporarySummon/Totem summon code
Fixed expected packet size for SMSG_SET_PROFICIENCY
Commented out deprecated opcode checks

MaNGOS updated to 10442
Fix armor bonus part of talent 33853 and ranks
Fix 64962 bonus for 47541 and ranks.
Implement spell 55680.
Increase search distance at height search if we know expected limit
Removed un-needed dbghelp.dll in the x64 folder

Fix for truncation.sql
Icecrown Citadel teleporters fix
.tele locations added

Truncation of Empty Database
3.23 MB smaller file size
.tele locations added

MaNGOS updated to 10438
Acid Scripts Updated to 37

MaNGOS updated to 10434
Vellum patch implemented
Eye of Archerus Patch implemented
Updates consolidated into larger files
Quice updated to 1.2.54 in Tools folder

MaNGOS updated to 10431 (required_10430_01_mangos_spell_chain)
Removed un-needed check for SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
Removed un-needed check for SESSION: recieved not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371

MaNGOS updated to 10429 (required_10427_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)

MaNGOS updated to 10426 (required_10423_01_mangos_spell_chain)

MaNGOS updated to 10422 (required_10422_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
Added correct vmap extractor to the tools folder
Added an updated Quice DB Editor (1.2.53)

MaNGOS updated to 10418
AHBOT added with Readme file
Characters DB updates for AHBOT
Updated mangosd.conf with AHBOT information

MaNGOS Updated to 10417 (required_10416_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1815

MaNGOS updated to 10415
ScriptDev2 updated to 1812

MaNGOS updated to 10412

MaNGOS updated to 10410 (required_10410_01_mangos_spell_chain)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1809
Maximum Running/Flying speed updated to 255 (max was 10)

ScriptDev2 updated to 1807
YTDB updated to 340 (562_FIX_10408)

MaNGOS udpated to 10408
ScriptDev2 updated to 1804

Fixed mangos_0010.sql
MaNGOS updated to 10406
ScriptDev2 updated to 1802

ScriptDev2 updated to 1800

MaNGOS updated to 10403 (required_10400_01_mangos_mangos_string)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1795
Dalaran NPC update by Abyss

MaNGOS updated to 10396
ScriptDev2 updated to 1785

MaNGOS updated to 10382(required_10381_01_mangos_creature_model_race )
YTDB updated to 339 (561_FIX_10372)

MaNGOS updated to 10376 (required_10365_01_mangos_creature_ai_scripts)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1782

MaNGOS updated to 10363
ScriptDev updated to 1780
.tele locations added

MaNGOS updated to 10362 (required_10362_01_mangos_creature_movement_templa te)

MaNGOS updated to 10360
ScriptDev2 updated to 1779

MaNGOS updated to 10355 (required_10353_02_mangos_command)
ScriptDev updated to 1778

MaNGOS updated to 10351 (required_10350_02_mangos_command)
YTDB updated to 338 (560_FIX_10344)

11-08-10, 12:57 PM
This is cool.

11-08-10, 01:25 PM
nice thx

11-08-10, 01:42 PM
You're very welcome... enhanced my Ulduar shot

Ulduar - The Descent into Madness: (4945x1280 - 1.08 MB)
http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/7528/thedescentintomadnesssm.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/9886/thedescentintomadness.jpg)

Ulduar - The Descent into Madness: (5450x1280 - 1.25 MB)
http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/1323/thedescentintomadness2s.jpg (http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/9049/thedescentintomadness2.jpg)

11-08-10, 01:49 PM
can u tell us if all istances are with loot and how are dk quest ? etcetc ?? a litle more info please.

11-08-10, 02:04 PM
I'm not going to post lies like some other repacks.. 93% working! etc, needless to say, most things work, it's a repack so some things don't.

11-08-10, 04:36 PM

hey bud grandpajohn here, just wondering if the realmd db, and the characters db from the other 3.3.5a repack will work with this repack ok ? Can i use the other repacks maps and dbc or not ?
glad to see ya back its been a while and nice repack as usual i'm sure.

11-08-10, 04:45 PM
The maps/dbc files WILL work with this pack... what version of the characters and realmd dbs do you have?

11-08-10, 04:52 PM
Great Contribution... as always :)

11-08-10, 04:57 PM
characters version, required_10051_01
realmd version, required_10008_01

11-08-10, 05:51 PM
DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL YOU HAVE THE SERVER FOLDER DIRECTLY UNDER THE C:\ DRIVE!!!Well there are a lot of people complaining how their MySQL won't start, well guys you heard the man !

TRM tell 'em !!! xD


11-08-10, 06:09 PM
Nice work again TRM as always +rep Also loving the new Panoramic Views.

11-08-10, 06:23 PM
For some reason I can't download this ... :/

11-08-10, 06:47 PM
TRM excellent work as always. Your a friggen genius man :)

11-08-10, 09:06 PM
Good to see you're doing well TRM :) Glad to see you've released a new repack.

11-08-10, 09:29 PM
Mangosd won't load if vmaps are enabled, any ideas why is this happening ?

11-08-10, 09:52 PM
Mangosd won't load if vmaps are enabled, any ideas why is this happening ? Did you extract the vmaps? Here's the newest extractor for them, place the extracted files from it in your World of Warcraft/Data/enUS folder then double-click the makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat file

vmap_extract_assembler_bin.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?fgf0m4act057zw8) (267.84 KB)

Then make sure the lines in your mangosd.conf file look like this:

vmap.enableLOS = 1
vmap.enableHeight = 1
DetectPosCollision = 1Tested and works great...


characters version, required_10051_01
realmd version, required_10008_01

Your realmd database is good, execute this code into your characters db:

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10051_01_characters_character_aura required_10156_01_characters_character_aura bit;

DELETE FROM `character_aura`;
ALTER TABLE `character_aura`
DROP COLUMN `effect_index`, DROP COLUMN `amount`, DROP COLUMN `maxduration`, DROP COLUMN `remaintime`;
ALTER TABLE `character_aura`
ADD COLUMN `basepoints0` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `basepoints1` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `basepoints2` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `maxduration0` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `maxduration1` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `maxduration2` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `remaintime0` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `remaintime1` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `remaintime2` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10156_01_characters_character_aura required_10156_02_characters_pet_aura bit;

DELETE FROM `pet_aura`;
ALTER TABLE `pet_aura`
DROP COLUMN `effect_index`, DROP COLUMN `amount`, DROP COLUMN `maxduration`, DROP COLUMN `remaintime`;
ALTER TABLE `pet_aura`
ADD COLUMN `basepoints0` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `basepoints1` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `basepoints2` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `maxduration0` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `maxduration1` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `maxduration2` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `remaintime0` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `remaintime1` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN `remaintime2` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10156_02_characters_pet_aura required_10160_01_characters_character_aura bit;

alter table `character_aura` drop primary key;
alter table `character_aura` add primary key (`guid`,`spell`);

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10160_01_characters_character_aura required_10160_02_characters_pet_aura bit;

alter table `pet_aura` drop primary key;
alter table `pet_aura` add primary key (`guid`,`spell`);

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10160_02_characters_pet_aura required_10254_01_characters_auctionhouse bit;

ALTER TABLE auctionhouse
ADD COLUMN houseid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER id;

UPDATE auctionhouse, mangos.creature AS c, mangos.creature_template AS ct
SET houseid =
CASE ct.faction_A
WHEN 12 THEN 1 /* human */
WHEN 29 THEN 6 /* orc, and generic for horde */
WHEN 55 THEN 2 /* dwarf/gnome, and generic for alliance */
WHEN 68 THEN 4 /* undead */
WHEN 80 THEN 3 /* n-elf */
WHEN 104 THEN 5 /* trolls */
WHEN 120 THEN 7 /* booty bay, neutral */
WHEN 474 THEN 7 /* gadgetzan, neutral */
WHEN 534 THEN 2 /* Alliance Generic */
WHEN 855 THEN 7 /* everlook, neutral */
WHEN 1604 THEN 6 /* b-elfs, */
WHEN 1638 THEN 2 /* exodar, alliance */
ELSE 0 /* auction will canceled at loading */
WHERE auctionhouse.auctioneerguid = c.guid AND c.id = ct.entry;

ALTER TABLE auctionhouse
DROP COLUMN auctioneerguid;

RENAME TABLE auctionhouse TO auction;

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10254_01_characters_auctionhouse required_10312_01_characters_character_aura bit;

ALTER TABLE `character_aura` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`spell`);

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10312_01_characters_character_aura required_10312_02_characters_pet_aura bit;

ALTER TABLE `pet_aura` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`spell`);

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10312_02_characters_pet_aura required_10332_01_characters_character_aura bit;

ALTER TABLE `character_aura`
ADD COLUMN `item_guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `caster_guid`,
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`item_guid`,`spell`);

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10332_01_characters_character_aura required_10332_02_characters_pet_aura bit;

ALTER TABLE `pet_aura`
ADD COLUMN `item_guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `caster_guid`,
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`item_guid`,`spell`);

11-08-10, 11:19 PM
Did you extract the vmaps? Here's the newest extractor for them, place the extracted files from it in your World of Warcraft/Data/enUS folder then double-click the makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat fileYeah I deleted the old ones and used vmap extractor from this repack to create a new ones and again it didn't worked, so I'm gonna try this latest extractor you suggested and I hope to see progress.

Anyways thx for reply.

EDIT: I just extracted vMaps with this new extractor and everything works perfectly, thanks m8!

11-08-10, 11:51 PM
Oh, good... I added the new extractor link to the first post, I think the one I included WITH the repack was from 3.3.3a

12-08-10, 12:55 AM
Yeah I had run into the same error that marko encountered, glad to see it was fixed before all the spam about it...even though there will be spam anyways..

12-08-10, 10:01 AM
Ain't that the truth... lol

12-08-10, 10:08 AM

hey bro the update worked just great and the repack is awsome as always everything working great thanks mate, you're awsome, love your work please keep it up

also in regards to the v-map extractor zip, just wondering is the split config file not necessary cause its not in it.

12-08-10, 11:22 AM
Nope, not necessary in this version of the extractor.

12-08-10, 12:58 PM
need icc ,script ulduar script and Trial of the Crusader pls

12-08-10, 01:34 PM
Deleted: Not even going to be bothered by people like this anymore, neither will I answer their posts anymore.

For those who actually understand, pay attention, and know what they are doing:

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10351 (required_10350_02_mangos_command)
YTDB updated to 338 (560_FIX_10344)

CU_0001.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?w4f7uak29ff2110) (10.33 MB)

12-08-10, 05:44 PM
Update applied and working properly.

Nice work m8, keep it up !


12-08-10, 06:07 PM
Right on!

12-08-10, 06:53 PM
Updates ftw! Thank you:)

12-08-10, 06:59 PM
You're always welcome brother Zomg

12-08-10, 07:49 PM
same here update applied and no problems, everything working great just takes a little reading and if this ole 62 yr old grandpa can do it anyone shuld be able to.

13-08-10, 05:07 AM
Thanks again for the update TRM or should we call you CthulhuFtagn (http://mmopro.net/forums/members/cthulhuftagn/) now hehe

13-08-10, 05:39 AM
nice one +rep :)

13-08-10, 10:56 AM
Thanks everyone... those who are in the "know" can still call me TRM, or if you want, just CF.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10355 (required_10353_02_mangos_command)
ScriptDev updated to 1778CU_0002.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?cnrt9oz3a471c55) (10.33 MB)

Note: Remember to only inject the SQL queries that you haven't.

13-08-10, 11:15 AM
Update executed flawlessly as always, thank you! Great work as always man.

13-08-10, 11:20 AM

13-08-10, 06:48 PM
Thanks for Update

13-08-10, 07:52 PM
You be doin' good man, keep up the good work man ... xD

14-08-10, 12:22 AM
thanks man +rep

14-08-10, 02:07 PM
Not too many changes yet to the core or database, I'll keep you updated as the week progresses.

15-08-10, 10:16 AM
excellent repack

15-08-10, 10:28 AM
Thanks for this release. You repacks will always rulle the entire World of Warcraft. I hope you keep yourself at doing this. I don't +REP you because I can't ATM, but I will ASAP.

15-08-10, 02:19 PM
Thought you guys/gals might like this...


15-08-10, 03:00 PM
Looks nice man!

15-08-10, 05:24 PM
Fantastic repack Cthulhu. I just recently started getting into hosting servers and yours is my favorite so far (by far).

Also, very cool panoramas - might have to use them for wallpapers. :)

15-08-10, 05:34 PM
Well, thank you rathir, I appreciate that.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10360
ScriptDev2 updated to 1779CU_0003.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?ii5e01zz9qyvcva) (10.33 MB)

Just took these ones:

River's Heart - Sholazar Basin 1:
http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/3184/riversheart1sm.jpg (http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/5959/riversheart1.jpg)

River's Heart - Sholazar Basin 2:
http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/6011/riversheart2sm.jpg (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6868/riversheart2.jpg)

River's Heart - Sholazar Basin 3:
http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2786/riversheart3sm.jpg (http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2161/riversheart3.jpg)

And beautiful Booty Bay:

Booty Bay 1:
http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/324/bootybay3sm.jpg (http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/4518/bootybay3.jpg)

Booty Bay 2:
http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/3114/bootybay2sm.jpg (http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1750/bootybay2.jpg)

Booty Bay 3:
http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/4567/bootybay1sm.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5898/bootybay1.jpg)

15-08-10, 06:26 PM
Damn nice Panoramas bud, update went in well. No problems at all:).

16-08-10, 09:27 AM
no mangos_0003.sql in CU_0003.zip

16-08-10, 10:20 AM
Should just be a core update, drag and drop Win32 / x64 and you should be fine.

16-08-10, 11:05 AM
Should just be a core update, drag and drop Win32 / x64 and you should be fine.
aha thx :P

16-08-10, 11:48 AM
Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10362 (required_10362_01_mangos_creature_movement_templa te)CU_0004.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?72a0n3hxd3w407n) (10.61 MB)

16-08-10, 12:03 PM
i get corrupt file on mangosscript.dll on CU_0004

16-08-10, 12:10 PM
I just tested it and I didn't have that problem, can anyone else confirm? If the problem persist I'll re-upload the update.

EDIT: re-uploaded just in case.

CU_0004.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?72a0n3hxd3w407n)

16-08-10, 12:39 PM
the re-uploaded file is 0.30MB bigger :)
and no problem now thx

16-08-10, 02:26 PM
004 Update executed flawlessly, all good here TRM.

16-08-10, 06:48 PM
update 0004

[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10353_02_mangos_command' in 'db_version'
[Err] ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10353_02_mangos_command required_10362_01_mangos_creature_movement_templat e bit;
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

16-08-10, 08:41 PM

16-08-10, 10:03 PM
I thought that's how you're supposed to hold a telephone o.O? (jk :P )

16-08-10, 10:21 PM
Great Repack +rep
Keep up the Great Work :D

16-08-10, 11:01 PM
WOW TRM how do you do it? all of your repacks that I have tested have been amazing kudos and thank you for helping a lot of people out with your repacks

16-08-10, 11:09 PM
Thanks kandi, I appreciate that. I just love the WoW Community.

17-08-10, 12:19 PM
Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10363
ScriptDev updated to 1780
.tele locations added CU_0005.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?ew994dkal088dzs) (10.62 MB)

More from the empty DB:

Icecrown Citadel - The Plagueworks - Putricide's Laboratory 1:
http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/1777/putricideslabsm.jpg (http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4179/putricideslab.jpg)

Icecrown Citadel - The Plagueworks - Putricide's Laboratory 2:
http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6730/plab2sm.jpg (http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/9909/plab2.jpg)

Icecrown Citadel - The Plagueworks - Festergut:
http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/46/festergutsm.jpg (http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6110/festergutee.jpg)

Icecrown Citadel - The Plagueworks - Rotface:
http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/7519/rotfacesm.jpg (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4162/rotfaceg.jpg)


Professor Putricude: (1600x900 - Click to enlarge)
http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/9994/putricidesm.jpg (http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6705/putricide.jpg)

Festergut: (1600x900 - Click to enlarge)
http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/1107/festergut1sm.jpg (http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4550/festergut1.jpg)

Rotface: (1600x900 - Click to enlarge)
http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/7573/rotface1sm.jpg (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/6971/rotface1r.jpg)

If anyone wants .tele locations placed into the next release, just ask for them here.

17-08-10, 01:10 PM
This repack is Amazing.... only thing is im having a problem with the hunter pets stat only gets +1 bonus from my stats and idk if its possibly to fix this

17-08-10, 01:29 PM
Update went in flawlessly. Keep up the good work man..

17-08-10, 01:31 PM
This repack is Amazing.... only thing is im having a problem with the hunter pets stat only gets +1 bonus from my stats and idk if its possibly to fix this

Try this:

.learn all_mypettalentsNot sure if you are getting this 'error' from missing something, especially if you are using GM commands instead of doing it the 'right' way... let us know what you find out.

17-08-10, 03:38 PM
same here no problem with update keep up the great work you're the best

18-08-10, 11:35 AM
If you teleport to the exodar, you get the dreaded error #132 wow client crash. Any ideas on how to fix this?


18-08-10, 02:50 PM
If you teleport to the exodar, you get the dreaded error #132 wow client crash. Any ideas on how to fix this?

works great to tele to exodar here

18-08-10, 04:26 PM
works great to tele to exodar here

Did you apply the update? or running it without the cumulative update?


18-08-10, 04:40 PM
Did you apply the update? or running it without the cumulative update?

i use all updates

18-08-10, 05:24 PM
i also have applied all updates and have no problems with .tele exodar, works great

18-08-10, 07:04 PM
i also have applied all updates and have no problems with .tele exodar, works great
What is the best way to do the database updates? is there a tool to execute the .sql files?
I tried searching for a readme but coudln't find anything


18-08-10, 07:40 PM
Try This Program
Download HeidiSQL (http://www.heidisql.com/download.php)
Click on Installer and your good to go :)

18-08-10, 11:23 PM
Here's my tutorial on applying the updates.

Tutorial 1 (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/#post23022)
Then this
Tutorial 2 (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/index3.html#post23072)

And NO I do not get that error when teleporting to exodar, neither does anyone else.


You may need to repair your installation of WoW.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10376 (required_10365_01_mangos_creature_ai_scripts)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1782 CU_0006.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?wmwuqa1qvj5ujxv) (10.62 MB)

19-08-10, 06:30 AM
Here's my tutorial on applying the updates.

Tutorial 1 (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/#post23022)
Then this
Tutorial 2 (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/index3.html#post23072)

And NO I do not get that error when teleporting to exodar, neither does anyone else.


You may need to repair your installation of WoW.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10376 (required_10365_01_mangos_creature_ai_scripts)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1782 CU_0006.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?wmwuqa1qvj5ujxv) (10.62 MB)

Thanks for the regular updates on the best repack ever. :praise:

19-08-10, 02:57 PM
Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10382(required_10381_01_mangos_creature_model_race )
YTDB updated to 339 (561_FIX_10372)

CU_0007.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?jrmpcq44qw4vxxf) (10.63 MB)

19-08-10, 05:02 PM
both updates 006 and 007 executed perfectly with no errors keep up the great work

20-08-10, 12:52 PM
Right on. Going to go see what updates I can slipstream in.

20-08-10, 01:44 PM
Thanks for all the hard work.

21-08-10, 01:01 AM
Here's my tutorial on applying the updates.

Tutorial 1 (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/#post23022)
Then this
Tutorial 2 (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/index3.html#post23072)

And NO I do not get that error when teleporting to exodar, neither does anyone else.


You may need to repair your installation of WoW.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10376 (required_10365_01_mangos_creature_ai_scripts)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1782 CU_0006.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?wmwuqa1qvj5ujxv) (10.62 MB)

Actually the problem was fixed once I applied the Cumulative update CU005.zip. It works fine now when I port to the exodar

21-08-10, 02:32 AM
Looks sick my friend, I shall test this baby out.
Your work never ceases to amaze.

EDIT: Oh ya, +rep :cool:
EDIT 2: Oh damn.. gotta spread even after all this time gone.. heh..


21-08-10, 08:59 AM
Great work on this. I can only imagine how much time you invested to get this repack made. Kudos to you.

21-08-10, 04:29 PM
Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10396
ScriptDev2 updated to 1785

CU_0008.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?ff9l9ji22dabb3k) (10.65 MB)

21-08-10, 07:54 PM
Extremely good as always, keep up the good work mate.

22-08-10, 03:07 PM
I'm here again to help out again to fix the little problems I find on here
Trying to make it more Blizzlike, anyways I found that the player-like NPCs in Dalaran didn't have the correct plain Alliance or Horde faction ID, so I changed em..

Horde Code

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1801, `faction_H` = 1801 WHERE `entry` = 32697;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1801, `faction_H` = 1801 WHERE `entry` = 32702;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1801, `faction_H` = 1801 WHERE `entry` = 32709;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1801, `faction_H` = 1801 WHERE `entry` = 32719;

Alliance Code

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1802, `faction_H` = 1802 WHERE `entry` = 32695;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1802, `faction_H` = 1802 WHERE `entry` = 32700;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1802, `faction_H` = 1802 WHERE `entry` = 32708;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1802, `faction_H` = 1802 WHERE `entry` = 32716;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1802, `faction_H` = 1802 WHERE `entry` = 32720;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 1802, `faction_H` = 1802 WHERE `entry` = 32712

EDIT: All of the Player-like NPCs are supposed to patroll around Dalaran, entering shops and what not. I'll begin work on this paths today, post when I'm done :cool:, peace.


22-08-10, 04:23 PM
I'm here again to help out again to fix the little problems I find on here
Trying to make it more Blizzlike, anyways I found that the player-like NPCs in Dalaran didn't have the correct plain Alliance or Horde faction ID, so I changed em..

Its always great to see people helping +rep

23-08-10, 02:38 AM
This is a SQL to make Drog Skullbreaker patroll around Dalaran.
He will visit a shop and chat it up with a few ladies. :cool:

UPDATE `creature` SET `movementtype` = '2' WHERE `guid` = '88642';
REPLACE INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_X`, `position_Y`, `position_Z`, `waittime`, `emote`) VALUES
('88642', '1', '5910.47', '648.23', '644.24', '0', '0'),
('88642', '2', '5906.45', '659.24', '643.80', '0', '0'),
('88642', '3', '5909.55', '661.96', '643.78', '0', '0'),
('88642', '4', '5914.57', '667.16', '643.50', '0', '0'),
('88642', '5', '5916.58', '665.38', '643.50', '0', '0'),
('88642', '6', '5906.72', '675.19', '643.50', '90000', '234'),
('88642', '7', '5911.11', '677.38', '643.50', '0', '0'),
('88642', '8', '5901.10', '684.66', '643.58', '0', '0'),
('88642', '9', '5894.92', '689.41', '642.03', '0', '0'),
('88642', '10', '5868.46', '653.60', '645.65', '0', '0'),
('88642', '11', '5863.92', '660.02', '645.65', '0', '0'),
('88642', '12', '5857.29', '666.49', '647.51', '0', '0'),
('88642', '13', '5849.77', '660.37', '647.51', '0', '0'),
('88642', '14', '5851.80', '641.05', '647.51', '0', '0'),
('88642', '15', '5848.23', '636.50', '647.51', '25000', '378'),
('88642', '16', '5855.41', '637.12', '647.51', '0', '0'),
('88642', '17', '5867.15', '631.21', '647.67', '0', '0'),
('88642', '18', '5893.75', '641.69', '646.04', '0', '0'),
('88642', '19', '5907.88', '631.23', '646.05', '0', '0'),
('88642', '20', '5906.09', '628.48', '646.47', '5000', '24'),
('88642', '21', '5911.80', '638.14', '645.31', '0', '0')

I will work on the others on my spare, I am going on a trip out of state in the morning, but I will work on it during the slow points of the vacation and will release my progress when I return.

See you in a week MMOpro,

23-08-10, 11:20 AM
Thanks Abyss, I'll put this into the next update. I'll add the two semi-colons that you forgot ;)

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10403 (required_10400_01_mangos_mangos_string)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1795
Dalaran NPC update by Abyss

CU_0009.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?h8asu3adytbh02k) (10.65 MB)

23-08-10, 04:09 PM
update 0009 executed flawlessly, as expected your work is well appreciated keep it up.

23-08-10, 05:55 PM
Yep, follow the directions.

Update Available:

ScriptDev2 updated to 1800

CU_0010.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?u9rcnhm3vbz3xed) (10.65 MB)

23-08-10, 06:12 PM
i started form scratch it works but how do i upgrade it i might sound a noob but upgradeing is new to me when i did it the first time i think i did it wrong thx for getting back to me so fast

23-08-10, 06:34 PM
Tutorial Post (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-cthulhu-ftagn-dual-database-mangos-repack-3-3-5-12340-32-64-bit-4286/index8.html#post24890)

23-08-10, 07:26 PM
on update 0010 had a problem with mangos, unsecessful(to use near 'UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_kroshius' WHERE entry=14467' at line 3
[Err] UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_scourge_enclosure' WHERE entry=191548

UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_kroshius' WHERE entry=14467;
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully),

scripdev2 went in sucessful no problem

23-08-10, 07:30 PM
Yeah same problem here:


Empty and ScriptDev2 executed with no problems.

23-08-10, 07:30 PM
Ok, it shouldn't interrupt your normal play. I'll look into it, as I didn't get that error with the update.

23-08-10, 07:37 PM
Yeah I wasn't about to report this until I logged onto my character and server crashed ... so I think it interrupts my normal play, but I'll try again and see what happens.

23-08-10, 07:41 PM
i got it all sorted this repack is awesome

23-08-10, 07:46 PM
Right on

Try this:

UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_beacon_torch' WHERE entry=176093;

UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_scourge_enclosure' WHERE entry=191548

24-08-10, 02:29 AM
Oh man.. I missed some huh?
Thanks for catching it :cool:. Its been so long since I have written sqls. Probably been since the last time I fixed things on your old repack,haha.


24-08-10, 05:20 AM
I patched right from start to 10 on fresh install.

Everytime i login the mangosd program crashes just after loading into the game world.

Text file in crashes folder contains

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Thanks in advance

24-08-10, 07:34 AM
yup bro that took care of the mangos sql went in sucessfully this time no problem thanks man.

24-08-10, 11:49 AM

now have another problem since i did the update 0010 server boots up fine, when you enter the game as soon as you try to do anything with the character the server crashes and doesn't leave any kind of crash report. so i have now i have started the server all over again and have stopped at the 0009 up everything is fine up to that cant put the 0010 up date in without the server crashing. have no idea what the problem is.

24-08-10, 11:56 AM

now have another problem since i did the update 0010 server boots up fine, when you enter the game as soon as you try to do anything with the character the server crashes and doesn't leave any kind of crash report. so i have now i have started the server all over again and have stopped at the 0009 up everything is fine up to that cant put the 0010 up date in without the server crashing. have no idea what the problem is.
i have the same problem

24-08-10, 12:02 PM
Update Available:

Fixed mangos_0010.sql
MaNGOS updated to 10406
ScriptDev2 updated to 1802

CU_0011.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?rmooin5jyoksn71) (10.65 MB)

24-08-10, 04:31 PM

that did it man alls fine and working great now thanks keep up your great work

24-08-10, 10:56 PM
Thanks heaps for this sweet repack, Cthulhu-Ftagn. It's working perfectly.

Just a quick question - does this repack include AHBot? I note the "Elder repack", based off your old 3.3.5 repack, contained AHBot, but there's no note whether this new repack includes it.

If it's included are there any specific instructions on how to run it?

Thanks again,

24-08-10, 11:16 PM
No, I tried to keep this one blizzlike.

25-08-10, 12:43 AM
Great thanks for the quick response.

Do you know if it's possible for me to somehow add AHbot to this release? Presumably it's just a bunch of MySQL Code you need to incorporate into the DB?

25-08-10, 12:49 AM
Nope, it's actually a bunch of C++ code that I would have to add and then some SQL code to add to the DB.

25-08-10, 01:26 AM
Oh OK no worries then. I'm playing single player so would be nice, but I can just increase drop rates and grind to get stuff I spoze.

25-08-10, 11:54 AM
I may release a "fun" pack in the future... but not for a while.

Update Available:

MaNGOS udpated to 10408
ScriptDev2 updated to 1804

CU_0012.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?ljja56w0zlki03a) (10.65 MB)

25-08-10, 04:53 PM

This one was a little confusing ,cause of the of the 0010 folder inside of the 0012 and just the 0010 update there but i fingered it out lol worked great alls well

25-08-10, 06:47 PM
I'll fix that in the next release

26-08-10, 09:00 AM
Hi Cthulhu Ftagn, I have vmaps enabled in mangosd.conf and the latest extracted vmaps in the server/mangos/win32/vmaps.

Sometimes I will see groups of NPCs that appear to be falling from the sky repeatedly, Eg the defias near Sentinel Hill in Westfall. Also sometimes NPC's I am fighting will randomly get stuck in mid-air.

Is this a common problem or have I stuffed my vmaps somehow?

26-08-10, 10:41 AM
From what people have reported it is a common problem, having vmaps extracted/enabled will lessen the chance of it happening, but I don't think any emulator has got it "just" right yet.

Update Available:

ScriptDev2 updated to 1807
YTDB updated to 340 (562_FIX_10408)

CU_0013.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?0brx3kta26srdzf) (10.69 MB)

26-08-10, 10:27 PM
Hey TRM (or others),

I was wondering if anyone has any idea why skills/talents/achievements are not being saved anymore on my server. Levels and items are saving fine.


P.S. You are crazy TRM. Always updating. That's why yours is my favorite (well, at least part of why it is). :)

26-08-10, 11:46 PM
Please dont close Window while MySQL is running
MySQL is trying to start
Please wait ...
MySQL is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)
Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Invalid argument
100827 11:40:00 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server running on por
t: 3306 ?
100827 11:40:00 [ERROR] Aborting
100827 11:40:00 [Note] mysql\bin\mysqld: Shutdown complete

MySQL could not be started
Press any key to continue . . .

i got this problem when run mysql.. any one can help..

27-08-10, 11:38 AM
Hey TRM (or others),

I was wondering if anyone has any idea why skills/talents/achievements are not being saved anymore on my server. Levels and items are saving fine.


P.S. You are crazy TRM. Always updating. That's why yours is my favorite (well, at least part of why it is). :)Never seen that one, might want to reinstall.


i got this problem when run mysql.. any one can help..Make sure you don't have another instance of mysql running, go to
Start > Run > (type) services.msc
Press the Windows Key + R and then type services.msc

Click OK

Check to see if a service called mysql is running (they should be in alphabetical order). If it is, double-click it and click Disable in the drop down and click Stop then click OK and startup the mysql.bat files from the repack.


27-08-10, 11:58 AM
Has anyone tried to start a death knight. Seems one of the chain quests does not work "Death Comes From On High". Anyone know if death knight is playable on private server and how do i get past the quest where i have to control the ball and fly into the town below.

Thanks in advance

27-08-10, 12:08 PM
Well, it's an "eye" not a ball, but I'll check it real quick.


.quest complete 12641

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10410 (required_10410_01_mangos_spell_chain)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1809
Maximum Running/Flying speed updated to 255 (max was 10)CU_0014.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?uq7jrbcvjt72ffz) (10.69 MB)

27-08-10, 01:31 PM

just wondering in the scriptdev2 folder there is only an update 0013 and u said that it was updated to 1809 my sd2 db version says sd2_db version 10390 is that correct or not ?

is ole grandpajohn not understanding something did i miss something?

27-08-10, 01:33 PM
Yep, that's correct. There was no sql update for the scriptdev2 just a core update.

27-08-10, 01:36 PM
ok thank you very much thought maybe my old mind missed something ty great work bud

27-08-10, 01:42 PM
What I can do is edit the version tables each time I update... that's not a problem; it'll probably make it easier to distinguish if an update has been applied.

For mangos and empty DBs:

UPDATE db_version SET version='TRM CU 0014 YTDB 340 Acid 35 MaNGOS 10410 ScriptDev2 1809';For scriptdev2 DB:

UPDATE sd2_db_version SET VERSION='TRM CU 0014 ScriptDev2 1809';

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10412 (required_10411_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)

CU_0015.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?zp90xmww2qjvjot) (10.69 MB)

27-08-10, 08:47 PM
Has anyone tried to start a death knight. Seems one of the chain quests does not work "Death Comes From On High". Anyone know if death knight is playable on private server and how do i get past the quest where i have to control the ball and fly into the town below.

Thanks in advance
Appreciate your quick response. Is there anyway i can apply this command automagically for anyone starting a death knight without making everyone a GM? Or will everyone have to msg me and ask me to autocomplete the quest for them so they can continue?

27-08-10, 10:59 PM
It's a bug we'll have to deal with until I can code a fix (or find one), so for the time being I guess you'll have to complete it for them or give them the ability to use the .quest complete command.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10415
ScriptDev2 updated to 1812

CU_0016.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?pb3h3j9mwfro3xq) (10.69 MB)

27-08-10, 11:08 PM
It's a bug we'll have to deal with until I can code a fix (or find one), so for the time being I guess you'll have to complete it for them or give them the ability to use the .quest complete command.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10415
ScriptDev2 updated to 1812

CU_0016.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?pb3h3j9mwfro3xq) (10.69 MB)

Ok thanks for your help and all the hard work you have and continue doing

28-08-10, 07:19 AM
I thought id make a list fo bugs ive found so far from my travels in azeroth. Not sure what is fixable and whats not but ill list them anyway and update them as i find more

Shaman EarthBind totem does not slow mobs when running away and dropping one as you run(i think the issue is around when it procs. On blizz wow server it procs on drop so you get to run away and avoid death)
Death Knight quest "Death Comes From On High" cannot be completed as you cannot control the eye
Armor Vellums cannot be used for enchanting.(More info here https://mangos.lighthouseapp.com/projects/18208/tickets/199-vellums-vs-enchanting-storing-enchantments)

Ill add to the list as i find more


28-08-10, 12:39 PM
Thanks, I'll add those to the list-o'-bugs.

Update Available:

MaNGOS Updated to 10417 (required_10416_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
ScriptDev2 updated to 1815

CU_0017.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?yfmgxvhm48eo4u4) (10.69 MB)

28-08-10, 02:46 PM
thank you very much

28-08-10, 03:02 PM

all 3 of the last updates, 0015, 0016, and 0017 went in sucessfully with no problems and everything runs great keep up the great work you're awesome ty

28-08-10, 03:51 PM
Thanks Granpa, hope your grandkids are enjoying it.

28-08-10, 06:15 PM

yup they are my one son, who has 4 children said its hard to get them off the their pc and into bed at nite. they do miss the auctionhouse tho but we pretty much give them what they ask for. lol keep up the great work CT

28-08-10, 08:17 PM
Awwww such a sweet story. My oldest is about 2. Hmm wonder if thats too young to start...


yup they are my one son, who has 4 children said its hard to get them off the their pc and into bed at nite. they do miss the auctionhouse tho but we pretty much give them what they ask for. lol keep up the great work CT

28-08-10, 09:47 PM
This release is for the coolest granpa in West Palm Beach, Florida: GranpaJohn.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10418
AHBOT added with Readme file
Characters DB updates for AHBOT
Updated mangosd.conf with AHBOT informationCU_0018.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?eueboqqvr337ab3) (10.77 MB)


28-08-10, 10:46 PM
Wicard, you're the man...

This release is for the coolest granpa in West Palm Beach, Florida: GranpaJohn.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10418
AHBOT added with Readme file
Characters DB updates for AHBOT
Updated mangosd.conf with AHBOT informationCU_0018.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?eueboqqvr337ab3) (10.77 MB)


28-08-10, 11:14 PM
Fixing some errors with the Armory... will update tomorrow morning.

Optional MaNGOS Blizzlike Armory:

How to install the MaNGOS Blizzlike Armory:
Delete all files inside the C:\Server\htdocs folder

Extract the Optional_Armory.zip file to anywhere

Stop the MySQL Service by either:
1. Closing the mysql.bat file
or, if you have installed mysql as a service
2. Click Start > Run (or Windows Key + R) and type services.msc
Look for the MySQL service, double-click it and click Stop

Copy the extracted Server folder and overwrite the current C:\Server folder

Restart the mysql service

Start the apache service (if it's not already started)
Note: If you have teamviewer running, it will interfere with apache.
1. Double-click the Apache.bat file
2. Double-click C:\Server\apache\apache_installservice.bat to start it as a service

Now open a browser and go to (or, if you are using a no-ip.org etc address through port 80, go there) and voila!


To edit the configuration go to C:\Server\htdocs\configuration\ and you can edit the mysql.php and settings.php files using your favorite text editor.

29-08-10, 08:07 AM
how to create my own realmist??
Send me a message to [[email protected]]

29-08-10, 11:08 AM

it went sucessfully, server running great and the auctionhouse works perfect thank you so much, now they can buy their own stuff and say look what i bought, even tho most of it will be less valuable than what my son and i gave them. LOL just because they accquired it on their own. you're amazing keep up the great work we all love ya

29-08-10, 11:30 AM
Right on! Accomplishments are accomplishments; so long as they feel, at least, that they've done something epic it's great. Love you guys too.

29-08-10, 12:34 PM
Sorry I'm having problems following the last step to make the AHBOT work. Step 5.) Tune the configuration options in the configuration file and the Database. Where can I find the configuration file and the Database? Thank You

29-08-10, 12:52 PM
Make sure you create a toon for the AHBot first, and log in atleast once with that toon.

The new mangosd.conf file contains the new information to be edited, here's my configuration:

AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 6
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 2
AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 200
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0You'll have to go into your database to assign one of your toons as the AHBot, here's how to find the AuctionHouseBot.Account and AuctionHouseBot.GUID numbers.

1. Make sure MySQL is running
2. Download and install SQLYog from http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/downloads/list (http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/downloads/detail?name=SQLyog-8.6.0-6Community.exe&can=2&q=)
3. Open SQLYog and make sure the connection looks like below
Click New, name the connection MaNGOS

username is root password is mangos

Now click Connect

Click the + next to the characters database on the left, then right-click on the characters table and click Open Table

Click to enlarge:
http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/1162/charactersc.jpg (http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8048/characterss.jpg)

Look for the toon you created and note the guid and account numbers, as you can see from my AHBot config I used Loktar as my bot.

AND, since people can't bother to READ the ReadmeAHBOT.txt file I included, make sure to set your min and max items for your auctions.

Here's my settings:

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Alliance";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Alliance";

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Horde";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Horde";

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Neutral";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Neutral";I put the Readme files there for a reason.

You should get something like this when you click Search:
http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6894/auctionsm.jpg (http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/1189/auctione.jpg)

Now your Auction House should be populated when you start up the server.

29-08-10, 02:06 PM
Awesome TRM. Updates worked flawlessly and I love the AH :). Thanks.

And as for that issue I was having earlier where skills/talents weren't saving - I reinstalled and only executed the essential character sql files and it's fine now, so I am guessing it was a corrupted sql file somewhere.

29-08-10, 02:11 PM
Well, I'm glad you got that issue worked out. Hopefully I can keep the updates rolling without hiccups.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10422 (required_10422_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)
Added correct vmap extractor to the tools folder
Added an updated Quice DB Editor (1.2.53) CU_0019.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?r7d9qnzy31hzyw8) (12.96 MB)

username: root
password: mangos


When using Quice, make sure to set your DBC path (where you placed your dbc folder).
Click Settings > Set DBC Path...

Make sure it looks like below (I'm using the 64-bit version)

29-08-10, 06:57 PM

all updated everything is working great havent tried the armory yet dont know if i want to sounds complicated what is it basically for ? anything important ? if noyt think i'll just let it be. your updates are the greatest they go in so easy

29-08-10, 07:07 PM
Thanks, the armory is giving me some problems so I took down the link until I can work them out... it's nothing important unless you want a fancy-schmancy wow-like armory for the website.

29-08-10, 09:06 PM

oh naa not really i dont even use the web site so i dont reckon i need that

29-08-10, 09:09 PM
It's gonna be a lot of work to get it updated and working well with 3.3.5a so I'll keep you informed, but I wouldn't worry about it at all. Looks like it's a slow day for updates, hasn't been one in MaNGOS, ScriptDev2, or YTDB in atleast 8 hours... gives me more time to work on other things.

EDIT: Had a break thru... looks like the Armory is working great now! w00t!

http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8055/armorysm.jpg (http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8396/armoryk.jpg)

29-08-10, 10:31 PM
Looks great man, awesome work as always:)

29-08-10, 10:40 PM
It took a lot of prodding and poking in .php files and configs but I finally got it going... going to do a few more tests with character information, but I think it'll be in the next release.

EDIT: Oh, yeah! A few 'little' bugs, like it's only showing the main hand on my rogue, but it works well enough.

http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/8055/armorysm.jpg (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/2579/armoryg.jpg)

30-08-10, 01:55 AM
Hi TRM just wanted to say thanks a million for putting in the AHbot. That was the one thing I was hanging out for as I play solo!!! Makes it feel like the real servers now. Thanks again.

30-08-10, 05:01 AM
Thanks for AHBOT.

30-08-10, 06:22 AM
Great job.


30-08-10, 07:36 AM
Thanks for everything will make donation this week.

30-08-10, 08:18 AM
Hi Cthulhu Ftagn,
First of all i want to be apolagyzed about my bad english :eek:
The repack it's awsome... i'm already runed him... +rep
I've got all updates without problem...
Already i'm install the ahbot and if you can give me some commands i can't run him... :) (bow)
I saw a few posts back, something about the website with armory ... and have a some questons about it:
1.Can i use it with MangosWeb Enhancement?
2.Do u have a website with the armory which run on deck?
and if you could send me a link and a small installation guide for it I would be very grateful ... and if all goes well for you to donate for the good work.
Thanks in advance.

30-08-10, 08:19 AM
Hello Cthulhu Ftagn I once asked a couple of you could perhaps ICC, Ulduar
and (Trial of the Crusader) was a great scripts mega nice of you!

The server wow Titans is fully scripted what you can perhaps steal or something

Greetings Ellenya

Sorry for my english I'm German xD

30-08-10, 08:26 AM
Anyone know if battlegrounds works? I tried going into warsong gulch with my lvl 18 char and the instance entrence is red and i cant enter...
Also is there a list of instances that are and are not working properly at lvl 80 so i can post it on my motd to manage expectations.

Thanks in advance

30-08-10, 10:48 AM
Hi TRM just wanted to say thanks a million for putting in the AHbot. That was the one thing I was hanging out for as I play solo!!! Makes it feel like the real servers now. Thanks again.You're very welcome.

Hi Cthulhu Ftagn,
First of all i want to be apolagyzed about my bad english :eek:
The repack it's awsome... i'm already runed him... +rep
I've got all updates without problem...
Already i'm install the ahbot and if you can give me some commands i can't run him... :) (bow)
I saw a few posts back, something about the website with armory ... and have a some questons about it:
1.Can i use it with MangosWeb Enhancement?
2.Do u have a website with the armory which run on deck?
and if you could send me a link and a small installation guide for it I would be very grateful ... and if all goes well for you to donate for the good work.
Thanks in advance.It's not a playerbot, it's an auction house bot that populates the auction house; you don't "run" it. But my tutorial is at this post Click (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-cthulhu-ftagn-dual-database-mangos-repack-3-3-5-12340-32-64-bit-4286/index15.html#post25337)
1. The armory isn't uploaded yet, and I have never used MangosWeb Enhancement.
2. What is "deck"? The installation/configuration guide for the current website is already on the first page.

Hello Cthulhu Ftagn I once asked a couple of you could perhaps ICC, Ulduar
and (Trial of the Crusader) was a great scripts mega nice of you!

The server wow Titans is fully scripted what you can perhaps steal or something

Greetings Ellenya

Sorry for my english I'm German xDWell, I'm not going to "steal" anything. Plus you can't steal scripts.

Anyone know if battlegrounds works? I tried going into warsong gulch with my lvl 18 char and the instance entrence is red and i cant enter...
Also is there a list of instances that are and are not working properly at lvl 80 so i can post it on my motd to manage expectations.

Thanks in advanceThere is not a list of working/non-working instances; but you can do this for certain "events".

.lookup event NAME
.event start IDThis one was a PM, but I'll post the answer here so that it might help others who are using the server on their LANS:

Hi there
First of all i want to thank you for this great repack :)
Now i really need your help...first can you tell me or make me a step by step on how to use the update files...? i just copy them to the folder and replace them??? iīm a noob on this things please help me out...
And my major problem...i did all the things you said in the intructions to make the server and it worked very well but i have a problem...i can only connect to the server on the computer i have the server running...all the other computers on my LAN cannot access the server :( it shows up the server name but nothing happens :(( Please friend can you help me out with this problem...? what should i do?? i dont want to make it online because i dont have internet where i have the server only a LAN...so what configuration should i use?? please tell me what i must do to play on my lan with all the computers :( iīm desperate and no one says a word...
I have all the ports well forward in the router and the firewall acuses the attemp to connect and allow them...but nothing happens...please friend help me...
Big Hug

1. Press Start > Run OR Windows Key + R this will bring up the Run box

2. Type cmd and press OK

3. Type ipconfig /all at the command prompt press Enter

4. Now find your internal IP address (it should start with 192.168.#.#), as you can see mine is

How to edit your database:

Install SQLYog: SQLyog (http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/downloads/detail?name=SQLyog-8.5.1-0Community.exe&can=2&q=)

Make sure you have C:\MySQL.bat running (or MySQL running as a service), then load it up and click Continue, then make sure your connection looks like below:

(Click New to make a connection)


Username is root
Password is mangos

Now click Connect

1. Click next to the + of the realmd database.
2. Right-click on the realmlist table and click Open Table.
3. Now edit the address portion by double-clicking where it reads and change it to your internal IP address.
4. Click the little blue disk next to the red trash can, and your done.


Now on each machine that will be logging into the server on your LAN change the realmlist.wtf file to: (use your internal IP)

set realmlist
set patchlist
set realmlistbn ""
set portal usIf you will be logging into the server from the host machine as well, make sure your realmlist.wtf file looks like below:

set realmlist
set patchlist
set realmlistbn ""
set portal usThat should do it for the LAN. Now as far as installing the updates goes, go to my post here: Tutorial (http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Brelease%5D-trms-3-3-5-12340-repack-32-64-bit-versions-4071/index3.html#post23072)

Then replace the current x64 and Win32 folders with the ones that are in the Cumulative Update packs.


There were a few updates last night and early this morning.

[10426] Remove not needed checks from IsNoStackAuraDueToAura
[10425] Add comment in Aura::CanProcFrom
[10424] Fix 50334 additional targets part
[10423] Load most spell chains data from SkillLineAbility.dbc

So.. here we go.

Just a heads up. The armory required edits to the core and the files needed to run it were in excess of 400 MB ZIPPED! and 1.27 GB extracted, this is because it has a 3D viewer and needed all the textures from the toons/items to be included, so I will not be releasing it. Sorry.

It is my belief that a repack should be atleast portable on a thumb drive with your other software, so... maybe I'll find a less hard drive gobbling one later on.

Update Compiling:

MaNGOS updated to 10426 (required_10423_01_mangos_spell_chain)

30-08-10, 11:22 AM
Make sure you create a toon for the AHBot first, and log in atleast once with that toon.

The new mangosd.conf file contains the new information to be edited, here's my configuration:

AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 6
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 2
AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 200
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0You'll have to go into your database to assign one of your toons as the AHBot, here's how to find the AuctionHouseBot.Account and AuctionHouseBot.GUID numbers.

1. Make sure MySQL is running
2. Download and install SQLYog from http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/downloads/list (http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/downloads/detail?name=SQLyog-8.6.0-6Community.exe&can=2&q=)
3. Open SQLYog and make sure the connection looks like below
Click New, name the connection MaNGOS

username is root password is mangos

Now click Connect

Click the + next to the characters database on the left, then right-click on the characters table and click Open Table

Click to enlarge:
http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/1162/charactersc.jpg (http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8048/characterss.jpg)

Look for the toon you created and note the guid and account numbers, as you can see from my AHBot config I used Loktar as my bot.

Now your Auction House should be populated when you start up the server.

Sry again but my english is bad ...
I didn't understand what you mean... let me know if i understood you correctly:
You mean that i must to create the ahbot from the database - not from the game? - Cuz when i tried for first time i was logged in game account -> create a character with name: Ahbot -> and i logged in with him in game -> and then i configurated my mangosd.conf the following lines which you gave me? Does it correctly?
I really really sorry :(

30-08-10, 11:26 AM
Yep, that's correct. You just create a character normally, then configure, just don't use this toon for playing after you logged in with it. It should be used strictly to populate the auction house.

30-08-10, 11:37 AM
Thank you So Much!!!! Problem solved... :D

30-08-10, 11:41 AM
Right on!

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10426 (required_10423_01_mangos_spell_chain)

CU_0020.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?dn1aj0q9h636pn4) (12.96 MB)

30-08-10, 11:48 AM
Only one thing more if you can please :) what ports should i foward in the router...? so i dont have all the ports fowarded lol

30-08-10, 12:07 PM
Right on!

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10426 (required_10423_01_mangos_spell_chain)

CU_0020.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?dn1aj0q9h636pn4) (12.96 MB)
thanks for the update :cool:

30-08-10, 12:19 PM
Only one thing more if you can please :) what ports should i foward in the router...? so i dont have all the ports fowarded lol
80 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (TCP/UDP)
3306 - MySQL database system (TCP/UDP)
3724 - World of Warcraft Online gaming MMORPG (TCP/UDP)
8085 - MaNGOS (TCP/UDP)

30-08-10, 12:39 PM
OMG! Where were you all this time...? :)
Thank you so much :)

30-08-10, 12:45 PM
Glad I could help.

30-08-10, 12:58 PM
Only one last question...when to do the update on the database i understand that i should open on SQLYog each one of the folders and click on the blue button to update the selected one like characters, mangos and scriptsv2 but to where do i send the Empty files???
Sorry for this...

30-08-10, 01:05 PM
There's an empty database as well, it's a database with no NPCs/enemies so that you can just look at the scenery. Just use that one; or you can ignore it if you aren't going to use it.


30-08-10, 01:17 PM
Thanks :) i really didnt see that one ;)
Big Hug

30-08-10, 02:20 PM
Wow...i donīt know if youīre aware of this problem but or maybe i did some crap on the update (i selected every single file one by one and did the button one by one but donīt know if its right...it didnt ask me to save...) but in Dalaran the Sunreavers seller of emblem of Frost disappears everytime you go near him!! WTF you canīt buy or use nothing from this guy...did you know this...?
One request or a question...can i send mail to the other faction?? if not what should i do to change that...? and can i send mails to other characters on the same account?
Ohh and one last thing can you please fix the Rogue Stealth...? its not working...when you go near the mobs they attack you :(

Thanks friend :)

30-08-10, 02:27 PM
I set it up so that the default is that you CAN send to the other faction, etc. Check your mangosd.conf file to make sure it's set like the following:

AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 1
AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 1
AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 1
TalentsInspecting = 1You can also change how long the delay is for sending items in the mail

MailDeliveryDelay = 3600That's the default (1 hour), set it to whatever you'd like.

Give me a few minutes I'll check the Dalaran Sunreaver vendor.

EDIT: Ok, I tested Magister Arlan <Emblem of Frost Quartermaster> (http://www.wowhead.com/npc=37941) in Dalaran and I cannot replicate your problem:


I would suggest 1 of 2 things:

1. Go into your World of Warcraft/Cache folder and delete everything there then restart
2. Run World of Warcraft - Repair

30-08-10, 03:30 PM
Thats very strange because i can see the guy normaly but when i go near him he just fades away like if he died or something... :( and about the Rogue problem...? can you fix it friend...? and did i made the right thing on the update...? or i did a crap...? maybe i messed up the database and now that happens...

30-08-10, 03:34 PM
Who knows. If, after you repair and delete the cache the problem is still there then I would get worried about screwing up the DBs.

The Rogue problem is a sensitivity problem in MaNGOS that has been around for a long time, I'll see if I can find a fix for it for the next release, but I wouldn't hold my breath as it's been around for a while.


30-08-10, 03:36 PM
Ok friend...one last thing i didnīt have time to check but are the instances working?? VoA VH Ulduar and those good ones...?
I will try one thing i will try to check on the other computers if the same thing happens then its the Database right...?

30-08-10, 03:38 PM
If the same thing happens on the other machines then it is the Database.

For the Rogue problem, some have suggested that if you lower the values of the ThreatRadius and the Rate.Creature.Aggro (in mangosd.conf) from:

ThreatRadius = 100
Rate.Creature.Aggro = 1to

ThreatRadius = 80
Rate.Creature.Aggro = 0.8That it can help; I haven't tested this, but it probably wouldn't hurt.

Most instances that I know of work, of course there may be some that are bugged or have problems... but that's to be expected in an emulator.


30-08-10, 05:05 PM
DUH!! i forgot to add the virtual maps lolol its working fine now :) damn VH is bugged...the other server i had the Trinity Core was working just fine...well...and the pets and the professions are working good...?
Thanks one more time for your help :) without you i couldnīt make it :)
Big Hug

30-08-10, 05:10 PM
All pets and professions work. As I find bugs I'll correct them, it's a pretty big core ya know? Have fun.

31-08-10, 04:12 AM
Anyone know if warsong gulch or any of the battle grounds works?

31-08-10, 06:41 AM
Anyone know if warsong gulch or any of the battle grounds works?
i'm not check all of bg's does it works but i tried to talk with the battlemasters and there are not works in the Ironforge... i'll check in all cities and will told ya :)

31-08-10, 06:58 AM
CthulhuFtagn i've to tell you some not working things...
some quest's on the death knights doesn't work:
1) "Death Comes From On High"
2) "Grand Theft Palomino" - doesn't work ... i can't mount the horse but he gives me the buff Horse Stolen (please every whose use mangos edit the quest from Quice database manager to request only that spell nothing else look at the picture
443<----- it works

3) "Into the Realm of Shadows" - the npc giver don't give you the spell Realm of Shadows but i edit this with my Quice...
4) "The light of dawn" - doesn't work and i don't know the spell Death Gate does it works...
5) "An End To All Things..." -> the quest item (Horn of the Frostbrood) doesn't summon the drake... and when i try to .add the dragon it's not functionality
6) The gift that keeps on giving -doesn't work too.
Doesn't work on DK's the spell - Dead Grip (they pulls the target, but don't works correctly)
Ironforge Battlemasters for AV, WSG, AB doesn't works ... i'm still checking all cities i'll tell you about all cities, my friend :)
Oh i forgot one thing ... i'm already do what you tell me for the AH bot yesterday, but again doesn't works :( i tried to add auction with my hero whose in different account from ahbot and i've normal character ... i tried to auction some item and one my friend from the gm team too but the bot doesn't work to me ... maybe the mistake is in me but i do all step by step what u tell me :(

31-08-10, 07:35 AM
All pets and professions work. As I find bugs I'll correct them, it's a pretty big core ya know? Have fun.

I will now friend :) ohhh i wanted to kick my wifeīs ass in Warsong damn...lolol

31-08-10, 07:43 AM
I will now friend :) ohhh i wanted to kick my wifeīs ass in Warsong damn...lolol
hehe lol try it with stealth+ambush :D

31-08-10, 09:20 AM
Ok friend...one last thing i didnīt have time to check but are the instances working?? VoA VH Ulduar and those good ones...?
I will try one thing i will try to check on the other computers if the same thing happens then its the Database right...?

i'm tried to do VH too when i saw your post ... i confirming that too (for VH) i'm still on the 6/18 portal and can't continiue... :(

31-08-10, 10:26 AM
For some battlegrounds you can use the command
.debug bg on to "fake" as if you have 40 on each side. I have a question for those who keep saying I have "this & that" bug; Are you REALLY sure you are doing it right? If someone posts "This battleground doesn't work." and yet only have 2 or 3 players on the realm, then OF COURSE the queue will not be full to start up the battleground.

For example, I've seen users tell me "Titan's Grip doesn't work", and yet, all they did was .learn 46917 the Titan's Grip spell and yet forgot that Titan's Grip works in conjunction with Dual Wield (.learn 674), if you don't know how something works DO NOT POST A BUG ABOUT IT.

Oh i forgot one thing ... i'm already do what you tell me for the AH bot yesterday, but again doesn't works :( i tried to add auction with my hero whose in different account from ahbot and i've normal character ... i tried to auction some item and one my friend from the gm team too but the bot doesn't work to me ... maybe the mistake is in me but i do all step by step what u tell me :(You obviously did NOT "do all step by step" that I told you or it would work, as it is working on my realm as well as GranpaJohn's from what he tells me.

If I had a dollar for every time I've read "I followed what you said and it didn't work" I'd be a very rich man... just look at some of my past topics and see how many 'morons' posted about the SAME ERROR when all they had to do was make sure the Server folder was directly under the C: drive, and then how many times they said "Oh, I didn't see THAT part"... no, they chose NOT to read the directions.

Update Compiling:

MaNGOS updated to 10429 (required_10427_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)

31-08-10, 10:47 AM
Well, dude ... show me love don't be bad ... I just said they did not work correctly , not that buggy ...
I talk to the battlemaster in IRONFORGE and dont gives me to queue for any battleground ... there's no battlegrounds ... npc itself does not functionality correctly... not the BG ...
and yep ... my server folder is under C: drive... i just trying to help you with some things whose don't functionally correct
and friend, i didn't tell you for Titan's grip ... i tell you about "Death grip" (on DeathKnight)... i know what is Titan's grip and what is Death Grip... i just want to help on you and the other ppls... i just discover some things which a bit of ppls check it on first time.
and sry for your enrage :(

31-08-10, 11:02 AM
I wasn't mad, and I didn't think my post came off that way either... just making some points.

31-08-10, 11:03 AM
i'm tried to do VH too when i saw your post ... i confirming that too (for VH) i'm still on the 6/18 portal and can't continiue... :(

Yes thats because the guy that comes out of the portal (the sabouter) should go running and open the first boss and so on...after you kill that one another one will come out and open the rest of them till you kill them all and then the lady shows up and its rumble time ;)

31-08-10, 11:10 AM
Nice work ! Thank You ! Keep it up ! ^^

31-08-10, 11:14 AM
Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10429 (required_10427_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)

CU_0021.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?cbomwk4sencc58b) (12.96 MB)

31-08-10, 11:18 AM
ohhh cool :) tell me whats the change in game for this...? and when i update will i have problems with the characters i already made...? sorry for this questions but like i said iīm a total noob in this stuff...
Other thing when you update can you open all the files and then press the blue button or you have to open them one by one...?
Thanks once again friend youīre doing a great job in here :)
Big Hug

31-08-10, 11:22 AM
If you've already installed an update, do not install it again, only install the .sql files that are a higher version than the current one you are using. And yes, you'll have to do them one by one if you haven't installed any. Make sure you click on the database you are injecting into before using the .sql file for that database.

The changes for this version were (Cumulative Update 0021)

Drop redundant data from `spell_proc_event` after recent spell chain changes.
Fix line ends
Some format string fixes
Improve detection removed ranks for spell in `spell_chain`

31-08-10, 11:30 AM
I know that this may sound stupid...but...i installed your update 20 and now iīm gonna install the 21 but assuming that this is an update (new things and better) how tha hell do i know if the files are lower or higher than the ones i have...? well if they come from you i assume i will have no problem but if i get them from other source i will have problems because it might be from a lower version...is this what youīre trying to tell me...?

31-08-10, 11:37 AM
No, what I mean is: I've labeled my updates by number, mangos_0001.sql, mangos_0002.sql etc. If you've already injected 0002, then when a new update comes along do not inject 0002 again, only inject the sql files you haven't injected yet.

If you look at your mangos database under the db_version table, you'll see which update you have installed up-to.

(Click to enlarge)
http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9194/versions.jpg (http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/9388/versionu.jpg)

31-08-10, 11:43 AM
ohhh iīm so sorry friend now i get it...iīm so sorry...ohh and what about the files in the win32 and x64 do i have to install them all new in each update or no...?

31-08-10, 11:44 AM
No, what I mean is: I've labeled my updates by number, mangos_0001.sql, mangos_0002.sql etc. If you've already injected 0002, then when a new update comes along do not inject 0002 again, only inject the sql files you haven't injected yet.

hey dude :) it's me again... let me ask you something... i'm newbie with that things too... but let me ask does it my version correctly? :

Characters version -> characters_0018.sql
Empty version -> empty_0021.sql
Mangos version -> mangos_0021.sql
scriptdev2 version -> scriptdev2_0019.sql
core version -> win32 0021
Does it correctly injected ? Only the latest versions, right ? :)
sry if I'm certainly become tedious to you :(

31-08-10, 11:49 AM
ohhh iīm so sorry friend now i get it...iīm so sorry...ohh and what about the files in the win32 and x64 do i have to install them all new in each update or no...?
ThanksYes, with each new Update, just copy the Win32 and x64 folders from the update pack and paste them (overwrite) into the C:\Server\MaNGOS\ directory.

hey dude :) it's me again... let me ask you something... i'm newbie with that things too... but let me ask does it my version correctly? :

Characters version -> characters_0018.sql
Empty version -> empty_0021.sql
Mangos version -> mangos_0021.sql
scriptdev2 version -> scriptdev2_0019.sql
core version -> win32 0021
Does it correctly injected ? Only the latest versions, right ? :)
sry if I'm certainly become tedious to you :(Make sure you have installed ALL the previous .sql files before injecting the new ones.

31-08-10, 11:49 AM
well for what i understand if youīre starting a new server you must inject from 1 to 21 and not just the last one right...?

Edit: Sorry you were faster than me ;)

31-08-10, 12:05 PM
For those who want to know what changes have been made from release to update 0021:

Major Changes

MaNGOS 10351 - 10429

Stability enhancement 8MB reserved stack size.
Aspeed, Speed, Flyspeed, Swimspeed updated from 10-255.
For item 50351 and 50706 fixed work in case no offhand weapon.
Implement support explcitly started timed achievements.
Avoid access to DB at view GM tickets by chat commands.
Use time constants instead of hard coded values for STOP_TIME_FOR_PLAYER
Correctly clearUnitState at Interrupt of WaypointMovementGenerator for creature.
Drop unneeded groupFlag and rename it properly.
PacketLog.* not used in core some time already so drop it.
A small spoon of changes and cleanup for WaypointMovementGenerator.
Restore triggered auras cleanup at main aura expire after auraholders adding.
Send proper error message at password check fail.
Remove trailing space.
Implement creature_movement_template.
More wide use ObjectGuid in way remove MAKE_NEW_GUID uses.
Restore build with gcc and cleanup includes a bit.
Implement ACTION_T_MOUNT_TO_ENTRY_OR_MODEL (43) for creature eventAI.
Add portable way for hash specialization adding.
Making sure CreaturesAddon are re-loaded after creature evade.
Use AI function DoCastSpellIfCan for eventAI ACTION_T_CAST
Implement UNORDERED_SET support.
Rename UnorderedMap.h -> UnorderedMapSet.h
More wide use ObjectGuid in group code.
Drop unused team-argument in ChooseDisplayId -function.
Updated MySQL client libs to 5.1.49
Fixed build at VS90 with TR1
Simplify use Guild::BroadcastEvent
Avoid double lookup member slot in guild operations.
More wide use ObjectGuid in arena team code.
Finaly drop MAKE_NEW_GUID.
Implement generic system for racial model selection.
Add missing holiday id<->battleground id definitions for AB
Store guid instaed pointer for first user of GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SUMMONING_RITUAL
Fixed reset time calculation for some cases.
Traditional post-commit typo fix.
Remove Unit::GetUnit and update it callers.
Correct creature entry selection for raid difficulties.
Fixed quote parsing after optional arg in chat commands.
Make spawntime arg really optional as before for .gobject add
Typo fixes.
Add several new script calls for InstanceData.
Restore build at Unix after Unit::GetUnit drop.
Small correction in SetReputation to avoid confusion.
Add script call for InstanceData, OnPlayerDeath
Remove redundant use of this-> in recent implemented script calls.
No debug log output when a certain ability is active.
Send GMTicket to SendGMTicketGetTicket instead text.
Fixed wrong difficulty selection and possible crash.
Fix mixed up FactionEntry to lookup in SetReputation
Fixed typo in doc/EventAI.txt
Fixed crash in .aura command for spell without auras.
Some code style cleanups.
Use ObjectGuid in packets and fix some uint32 guids cases.
Stricted name check at chat command data loading from 'command' table.
Additional checks for call assist.
Restore remove spell affect 58427 after stealth fade.
Fixed work .learn and other spell commands with unlearned talent shift-link.
Add -o <outfile> option to genrevision.
Fix mistake in recent debug log output change (ref 10395)
Restore work of 47230 and ranks.
Fix wrong sql.
Fix broken sqls for spell_proc_event.
Add a BindIP warning to worldd/realmd config files
Add some missing class/struct forward declarations and includes.
Constantify some functions in InstanceSave.
Sort triggered spell chains 44203 and 42231 in proper place `spell_chain` data.
Fix 71611 proc and remove check for family name if no spell_proc_event is defined.
Fix Battle/Guardian elixirs stacking.
Merge not-skill linked spell lists in `spell_chain`.
Check redundant single rank spell data in `spell_chain`.
Avoid send stop packet in PointMovementGenerator when unit is not moving.
Correct typo in function name.
Fix 71642 proc conditions.
Load most spell chains data from SkillLineAbility.dbc
Fix 50334 additional targets part.
Add comment in Aura::CanProcFrom
Remove not needed checks from IsNoStackAuraDueToAura
Drop redundant data from `spell_proc_event` after recent spell chain changes.
Fix line ends.
Some format string fixes.
Improve detection removed ranks for spell in `spell_chain`
ScriptDev2 1778 - 1815

Minor code cleanup for ebon_hold.cpp
Correct two typos in boss_cthun. Patch by zergtmn.
Restore compile after changes in KilledMonsterCredit function. Requires Mangos 10363.
Add the missing .sql update for rev 1780
Update sources with changed ChooseDisplayId -function. Req Mangos 10373
Added support for boss Galdarah in Gundrak. Based on Gelu's work.
Added reworked version of Stratholme instance script. Blame Schmoozerd for any errors inside.
Added long time missing texts for arena event in BRD. Thanks to DaemonCantor.
Code cleanup in old_hillsbrad scripts and also move related gossip texts to database.
Re-design instance_old_hillsbrad
Added basic abilities of boss Drakkari Colossus in Gundrak.
Mortal Strikes proc rate might need adjusting.
Add a few missing texts in old_hillsbrad scripts. Correct a few existing and also added part of end-event.
Added a slightly more reliable way to prevent thrall from proceeding with waypoints before he should. Requires Mangos 10390
Fix r1786 sql, thanks Pandore.
Add more missing texts for old_hillsbrad and implement end event for the escort.
Reset old_hillsbrad escort at respawn.
Add lost call to escortAI JustRespawned, so escort variables are reset properly.
Removed obsolate code for boss Rockmar the Crackler in Slave Pens. Already implemented in ACID.
Reworked instance Gundrak.
Added cleaned up version of DasBlub's cleanup patch. Note: might need additional cleanup.
Added support for quests 5097 and 5098. Patch by virusav.
Might need additional core support.
Added support for quest 12916. Patch by virusav.
Corrected typo in dalaran.cpp. Patch by klark20.
Added support for quest 7603. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Fixed compile after r1798.
Fixed sql files from r1791.
Not check distance to group/player when escort is paused.
Fix crash after login, for the second time!! (ref revision 1267)
Add SetCurrentWaypoint for escortAi.
Can be used for escorts where points may be skipped (or continue from earlier reached) under special circumstances.
Implement relocation of thrall in case escort fail for any reason. Different locations are used, depending on overall progression.
Add missing semicolon in sql.
Some code cleanup, SD2 code style and enclose nested if's in () for readability.
Move some gossip texts to database.
Correct VC100 project file.
Use HandleEmote() also in DoScriptText function.
Move some crusader's gossip to database. Patch by patman.
In addition correct some bad style naming's and add missing for scriptloader.
Let boss_volkhan shatter only once. Patch by rise2.
Make sure cast is ok before yell and emote anything for volkhan shatter.
Add teleports related to quest 12548. Patch by crackm.
Remove some unwanted tabs and whitespace.
Manually reset button at unworthy initiate respawn.YTDB 338 - 340

UPDATE 562_(10408)
+ all fixes from forum
+ fix spawn
+ quest scripts
+ mob's gossip menus
+ new templates from WDB
+ update table "*_template" by WDB
+ data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
+ processed 130 caches (3.3.5a)

UPDATE 561_(10372)
+ all fixes from forum
+ fix spawn
+ quest scripts
+ mob's gossip menus
+ new templates from WDB
+ update table "*_template" by WDB
+ data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
+ processed 117 caches (3.3.5a)

UPDATE 560_(10344) "Balthalionus"
+ all fixes from forum
+ fix spawn
+ quest scripts
+ mob's gossip menus
+ new templates from WDB
+ update table "*_template" by WDB
+ data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
+ processed 107 caches (3.3.5a)

31-08-10, 12:10 PM
Yes, with each new Update, just copy the Win32 and x64 folders from the update pack and paste them (overwrite) into the C:\Server\MaNGOS\ directory.

Make sure you have installed ALL the previous .sql files before injecting the new ones.

it's right that what you said me :)
my server is on C:\Server\Mangos and i put it on mangos directory the newfiles from the 0021 (win32 folder) and works correct with the database
i don't have problems with them...

31-08-10, 12:13 PM
Right on.

31-08-10, 12:34 PM
Well, one more question ?....
Check out that... i'm already create a new account for AHBot (should the account be GM level 3 or 0 ?) ... after that i create a new character 1 level in game with name: Ahbot -> after that i log in with that character in game and i'm didn't do anything else... just logout with him... the next step what i make it was to open my sqlyog and saw the Account ID and char guid numbers
Check out that pic (Click to enlarge):
and let you check the mangosd.config it's right on what you said of me before some posts:
That's right ?? I didn't see the reasen which don't work the bot ;(

31-08-10, 12:46 PM
For those who want to know what changes have been made from release to update 0021:

Major Changes

MaNGOS 10351 - 10429

Stability enhancement 8MB reserved stack size.
Aspeed, Speed, Flyspeed, Swimspeed updated from 10-255.
For item 50351 and 50706 fixed work in case no offhand weapon.
Implement support explcitly started timed achievements.
Avoid access to DB at view GM tickets by chat commands.
Use time constants instead of hard coded values for STOP_TIME_FOR_PLAYER
Correctly clearUnitState at Interrupt of WaypointMovementGenerator for creature.
Drop unneeded groupFlag and rename it properly.
PacketLog.* not used in core some time already so drop it.
A small spoon of changes and cleanup for WaypointMovementGenerator.
Restore triggered auras cleanup at main aura expire after auraholders adding.
Send proper error message at password check fail.
Remove trailing space.
Implement creature_movement_template.
More wide use ObjectGuid in way remove MAKE_NEW_GUID uses.
Restore build with gcc and cleanup includes a bit.
Implement ACTION_T_MOUNT_TO_ENTRY_OR_MODEL (43) for creature eventAI.
Add portable way for hash specialization adding.
Making sure CreaturesAddon are re-loaded after creature evade.
Use AI function DoCastSpellIfCan for eventAI ACTION_T_CAST
Implement UNORDERED_SET support.
Rename UnorderedMap.h -> UnorderedMapSet.h
More wide use ObjectGuid in group code.
Drop unused team-argument in ChooseDisplayId -function.
Updated MySQL client libs to 5.1.49
Fixed build at VS90 with TR1
Simplify use Guild::BroadcastEvent
Avoid double lookup member slot in guild operations.
More wide use ObjectGuid in arena team code.
Finaly drop MAKE_NEW_GUID.
Implement generic system for racial model selection.
Add missing holiday id<->battleground id definitions for AB
Store guid instaed pointer for first user of GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SUMMONING_RITUAL
Fixed reset time calculation for some cases.
Traditional post-commit typo fix.
Remove Unit::GetUnit and update it callers.
Correct creature entry selection for raid difficulties.
Fixed quote parsing after optional arg in chat commands.
Make spawntime arg really optional as before for .gobject add
Typo fixes.
Add several new script calls for InstanceData.
Restore build at Unix after Unit::GetUnit drop.
Small correction in SetReputation to avoid confusion.
Add script call for InstanceData, OnPlayerDeath
Remove redundant use of this-> in recent implemented script calls.
No debug log output when a certain ability is active.
Send GMTicket to SendGMTicketGetTicket instead text.
Fixed wrong difficulty selection and possible crash.
Fix mixed up FactionEntry to lookup in SetReputation
Fixed typo in doc/EventAI.txt
Fixed crash in .aura command for spell without auras.
Some code style cleanups.
Use ObjectGuid in packets and fix some uint32 guids cases.
Stricted name check at chat command data loading from 'command' table.
Additional checks for call assist.
Restore remove spell affect 58427 after stealth fade.
Fixed work .learn and other spell commands with unlearned talent shift-link.
Add -o <outfile> option to genrevision.
Fix mistake in recent debug log output change (ref 10395)
Restore work of 47230 and ranks.
Fix wrong sql.
Fix broken sqls for spell_proc_event.
Add a BindIP warning to worldd/realmd config files
Add some missing class/struct forward declarations and includes.
Constantify some functions in InstanceSave.
Sort triggered spell chains 44203 and 42231 in proper place `spell_chain` data.
Fix 71611 proc and remove check for family name if no spell_proc_event is defined.
Fix Battle/Guardian elixirs stacking.
Merge not-skill linked spell lists in `spell_chain`.
Check redundant single rank spell data in `spell_chain`.
Avoid send stop packet in PointMovementGenerator when unit is not moving.
Correct typo in function name.
Fix 71642 proc conditions.
Load most spell chains data from SkillLineAbility.dbc
Fix 50334 additional targets part.
Add comment in Aura::CanProcFrom
Remove not needed checks from IsNoStackAuraDueToAura
Drop redundant data from `spell_proc_event` after recent spell chain changes.
Fix line ends.
Some format string fixes.
Improve detection removed ranks for spell in `spell_chain`
ScriptDev2 1778 - 1815

Minor code cleanup for ebon_hold.cpp
Correct two typos in boss_cthun. Patch by zergtmn.
Restore compile after changes in KilledMonsterCredit function. Requires Mangos 10363.
Add the missing .sql update for rev 1780
Update sources with changed ChooseDisplayId -function. Req Mangos 10373
Added support for boss Galdarah in Gundrak. Based on Gelu's work.
Added reworked version of Stratholme instance script. Blame Schmoozerd for any errors inside.
Added long time missing texts for arena event in BRD. Thanks to DaemonCantor.
Code cleanup in old_hillsbrad scripts and also move related gossip texts to database.
Re-design instance_old_hillsbrad
Added basic abilities of boss Drakkari Colossus in Gundrak.
Mortal Strikes proc rate might need adjusting.
Add a few missing texts in old_hillsbrad scripts. Correct a few existing and also added part of end-event.
Added a slightly more reliable way to prevent thrall from proceeding with waypoints before he should. Requires Mangos 10390
Fix r1786 sql, thanks Pandore.
Add more missing texts for old_hillsbrad and implement end event for the escort.
Reset old_hillsbrad escort at respawn.
Add lost call to escortAI JustRespawned, so escort variables are reset properly.
Removed obsolate code for boss Rockmar the Crackler in Slave Pens. Already implemented in ACID.
Reworked instance Gundrak.
Added cleaned up version of DasBlub's cleanup patch. Note: might need additional cleanup.
Added support for quests 5097 and 5098. Patch by virusav.
Might need additional core support.
Added support for quest 12916. Patch by virusav.
Corrected typo in dalaran.cpp. Patch by klark20.
Added support for quest 7603. Patch by Schmoozerd.
Fixed compile after r1798.
Fixed sql files from r1791.
Not check distance to group/player when escort is paused.
Fix crash after login, for the second time!! (ref revision 1267)
Add SetCurrentWaypoint for escortAi.
Can be used for escorts where points may be skipped (or continue from earlier reached) under special circumstances.
Implement relocation of thrall in case escort fail for any reason. Different locations are used, depending on overall progression.
Add missing semicolon in sql.
Some code cleanup, SD2 code style and enclose nested if's in () for readability.
Move some gossip texts to database.
Correct VC100 project file.
Use HandleEmote() also in DoScriptText function.
Move some crusader's gossip to database. Patch by patman.
In addition correct some bad style naming's and add missing for scriptloader.
Let boss_volkhan shatter only once. Patch by rise2.
Make sure cast is ok before yell and emote anything for volkhan shatter.
Add teleports related to quest 12548. Patch by crackm.
Remove some unwanted tabs and whitespace.
Manually reset button at unworthy initiate respawn.YTDB 338 - 340

UPDATE 562_(10408)
+ all fixes from forum
+ fix spawn
+ quest scripts
+ mob's gossip menus
+ new templates from WDB
+ update table "*_template" by WDB
+ data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
+ processed 130 caches (3.3.5a)

UPDATE 561_(10372)
+ all fixes from forum
+ fix spawn
+ quest scripts
+ mob's gossip menus
+ new templates from WDB
+ update table "*_template" by WDB
+ data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
+ processed 117 caches (3.3.5a)

UPDATE 560_(10344) "Balthalionus"
+ all fixes from forum
+ fix spawn
+ quest scripts
+ mob's gossip menus
+ new templates from WDB
+ update table "*_template" by WDB
+ data from sniffs (templates, spawn)
+ processed 107 caches (3.3.5a)

btw great job about the updates :) and thanks for all that on you and your team :)

31-08-10, 12:52 PM
So, when you click Search at the Armory, what happens?

If, and I'm assuming you didn't read, the ReadmeAHBOT.txt file in the Cumulative Update Pack you would set your min and max items for the Auction House...

Here's my settings:

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Alliance";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Alliance";

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Horde";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Horde";

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Neutral";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Neutral";I put the Readme files there for a reason.

You should get something like this when you click Search:
http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6894/auctionsm.jpg (http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/1189/auctione.jpg)

And, since I'm actually now CERTAIN you did not bother to read it... I'll post the portion you should have read.

#These are the settings in the Database:
#Each Auctionhouse has it's own set of these

MinItems = 0
#The Minimum number of items you want to keep in the auction houses.
#(default 0 - minimum will be the same as maximum).
#If it is higher than the value of the corresponding maxItems setting,
#it will be set down to match the maxItems setting.

MaxItems = 0
#The Maximum number of items you want to keep in the auction houses.

MinTime = 8
#The minimum number of hours for an auction.

MaxTime = 24
#The maximum number of hours for an auction.

#These must add up to 100 each one is the percentage
#of the auction items that should be trade goods of
#that quality. A value of 0 will disable.

PercentGreyTradeGoods = 0
PercentWhiteTradeGoods = 27
PercentGreenTradeGoods = 12
PercentBlueTradeGoods = 10
PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1
PercentOrangeTradeGoods = 0
PercentYellowTradeGoods = 0

PercentGreyItems = 0
PercentWhiteItems = 10
PercentGreenItems = 30
PercentBlueItems = 8
PercentPurpleItems = 2
PercentOrangeItems = 0
PercentYellowItems = 0

#MinPrice(Color) is the minimum price adjustment for items. For example the default is 150, which means 150%. So if an item vendors for 1g it would go to auction for a minimum of 1.5g.
#MaxPrice(Color) is the maximum price adjustment for items.
#MinBidPrice(Color) these two control the starting bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if MinBidPrice is 30 and MaxBidPrice is 80 the starting bid for the auction will randomly be between 30-80% of the randomly chosen buyout price.
#MaxBidPrice(Color) these two control the starting bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if MinBidPrice is 30 and MaxBidPrice is 80 the starting bid for the auction will randomly be between 30-80% of the randomly chosen buyout price.
#MaxStack(Color) is maximum stack size to create for this quality type. A value of zero will disable the maximum stack size for this quality allowing the bot to create stacks (of random size) of items as big as the item type allows.

MinPriceGrey = 100
MaxPriceGrey = 150
MinBidPriceGrey = 70
MaxBidPriceGrey = 100
MaxStackGrey = 0
MinPriceWhite = 150
MaxPriceWhite = 250
MinBidPriceWhite = 70
MaxBidPriceWhite = 100
MaxStackWhite = 0
MinPriceGreen = 800
MaxPriceGreen = 1400
MinBidPriceGreen = 80
MaxBidPriceGreen = 100
MaxStackGreen = 3
MinPriceBlue = 1250
MaxPriceBlue = 1750
MinBidPriceBlue = 75
MaxBidPriceBlue = 100
MaxStackBlue = 2
MinPricePurple = 2250
MaxPricePurple = 4550
MinBidPricePurple = 80
MaxBidPricePurple = 100
MaxStackPurple = 1
MinPriceOrange = 4250
MaxPriceOrange = 5550
MinBidPriceOrange = 80
MaxBidPriceOrange = 100
MaxStackOrange = 0
MinPriceYellow = 5250
MaxPriceYellow = 6550
MinBidPriceYellow = 80
MaxBidPriceYellow = 100
MaxStackYellow = 0

#These are the multipliers that are applied to the vendor price for an item, that determines if AHBot will buy it or not.
#1 means AHBot will pay the same as (or less than) a vendor would pay, 2 means up to twice as much, etc.

BuyerPriceGrey = 1
BuyerPriceWhite = 1
BuyerPriceGreen = 5
BuyerPriceBlue = 12
BuyerPricePurple = 15
BuyerPriceOrange = 20
BuyerPriceYellow = 22

#BuyerBiddingInterval is the time (in minutes) between bids.
#BuyerBidsPerInterval is the number of bids the buyer will make in a cycle

BuyerBiddingInterval = 1
BuyerBidsPerInterval = 1

How to use ahcommands from the console (CLI) or in game with GM level 3 players:
ahbotoptions - will display usage instructions
ahbotoptions help - will display the list of commands

ahexpire - will expire all the auctions in the requested auction house that were created by AHBot.
minitems - will set the minimum number of items in the AH before it starts being filled again.
maxitems - will set the maximum number of items in the AH.
mintime - will set the minimum time (in hours) for auctions to expire.
maxtime - will set the maximum time (in hours) for auctions to expire.
percentages - will set the percentage of each quality in the AH
minprice - will set the minimum price multiplier for auctions.
maxprice - will set the maximum price multiplier for auctions.
minbidprice - will set the minimum starting bid as a percent of the buyout price for auctions.
maxbidprice - will set the maximum starting bid as a percent of the buyout price for auctions.
maxstack - will set the maximum number of items in stacks for auctions. 0 will set the maximum to the maximum for that item type.
buyerprice - will set the bid price multiplier for auctions.
biddinginterval - will set the number of minutes between bids on auctions.
bidsperinterval - will set the number of bids to enter per cycle.

The auction house IDs are:
2 - Alliance
6 - Horde
7 - Neutral

AHBot Originally made by Chris K.
Much thanks to Chris K, grether and Dolomit6!
AHBot Now includes AHBuyer created by Kerbe as a derivative of AHBot, and later modified by Paradox

31-08-10, 01:47 PM
So, when you click Search at the Armory, what happens?

If, and I'm assuming you didn't read, the ReadmeAHBOT.txt file in the Cumulative Update Pack you would set your min and max items for the Auction House...

Here's my settings:

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Alliance";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Alliance";

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Horde";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Horde";

UPDATE auctionhousebot SET minitems = "100" WHERE name = "Neutral";
UPDATE auctionhousebot SET maxitems = "500" WHERE name = "Neutral";I put the Readme files there for a reason.

You should get something like this when you click Search:

And, since I'm actually now CERTAIN you did not bother to read it... I'll post the portion you should have read.
Jesus Christ! Dude, you are my GOD :D ... i told ya i'm a newbie and i need more thorough explaination :) THANKS MAN !

31-08-10, 02:34 PM
Not a problem, maybe that'll help others who couldn't get it started right.

31-08-10, 03:47 PM

all updates injected successfully server and auctionhouse working great keep up your great work man its appreciated on this end much

31-08-10, 05:17 PM
Awesome GJ, I will.

31-08-10, 07:03 PM
MySQL is reporting that my creature_respawn table from mangos DB is marked as broken and needs to be fixed, so I was wondering can anyone who's creature_respawn table isn't broken dump their SQL and share it with me to fix this ?

31-08-10, 07:27 PM
In SQLYog, click on the creature_respawn table then click Tools > Table Diagnostics then click Repair

01-09-10, 12:34 AM
So the repack works just fine. For some reason my friend who has the server can log in just fine yet when i go to connect, i get stuck in a loop at the realm selection screen. what would cause this and how can we fix it? thanks

01-09-10, 03:29 AM
Just a tip with the AHBot - the default "minitems" setting in the SQL database is inadequate if you want it to be like the real servers. Hitting "search" will usually come up with no items - you have to check the individual item headings and you will find some items.

I set my "minitems" to 100,000 and now when I click 'search' heaps of items show up just like the real servers.

01-09-10, 03:41 AM
First of all let me say a huge thanks to you TRM for all of your hard work on the updates and your absolute unwavering patience with some of the people that post here. +rep

Secondly on a diff note work has picked up like crazy for me recently so I ain't getting a lot of time free at the moment but had free 30 mins or so this morning got caught up with this thread and the updates. All I have to say after reading through this is DAMN and you sir deserve a medal.:D

01-09-10, 06:02 AM
Not a problem, maybe that'll help others who couldn't get it started right.
i really hope on that :) +rep from me for the hard work what you doin and for your updates :)

01-09-10, 07:36 AM
So the repack works just fine. For some reason my friend who has the server can log in just fine yet when i go to connect, i get stuck in a loop at the realm selection screen. what would cause this and how can we fix it? thanks

Read my posts careful and you will find the answer to your problem :) it was my problem too :) but this great guy fixed it ;)
Thanks CF

01-09-10, 07:49 AM
I know that maybe this is not the right place to post this but i wonder if anyone knows this problem...the icons for the money gold coins silver coins just disappeared and i only see the g and s and c anyone knows how to fix this...? first it was on one computer and now it changed from those to the other like in one i see the icons and the others i dont...lolol twilight zone...ohh and the repair dont do nothing...any ideas...?

01-09-10, 08:41 AM
Do you know what this error is...?? connection refused???

01-09-10, 09:26 AM
Apologies for the mis information. I didnt realise that BG's ensured there were enough players online before letting you join. I realised i didnt have the min player requirement. I just thought id sit in the queue for eternity. Apreciate all your work... Myself and a few friends from work get much enjoyment from the work you have done. Cheers

For some battlegrounds you can use the command
.debug bg on to "fake" as if you have 40 on each side. I have a question for those who keep saying I have "this & that" bug; Are you REALLY sure you are doing it right? If someone posts "This battleground doesn't work." and yet only have 2 or 3 players on the realm, then OF COURSE the queue will not be full to start up the battleground.

For example, I've seen users tell me "Titan's Grip doesn't work", and yet, all they did was .learn 46917 the Titan's Grip spell and yet forgot that Titan's Grip works in conjunction with Dual Wield (.learn 674), if you don't know how something works DO NOT POST A BUG ABOUT IT.

You obviously did NOT "do all step by step" that I told you or it would work, as it is working on my realm as well as GranpaJohn's from what he tells me.

If I had a dollar for every time I've read "I followed what you said and it didn't work" I'd be a very rich man... just look at some of my past topics and see how many 'morons' posted about the SAME ERROR when all they had to do was make sure the Server folder was directly under the C: drive, and then how many times they said "Oh, I didn't see THAT part"... no, they chose NOT to read the directions.

Update Compiling:

MaNGOS updated to 10429 (required_10427_01_mangos_spell_proc_event)

01-09-10, 09:34 AM
So the repack works just fine. For some reason my friend who has the server can log in just fine yet when i go to connect, i get stuck in a loop at the realm selection screen. what would cause this and how can we fix it? thanksMake sure you have the correct ports forwarded in your router; from what I've read if you DO then some ISPs won't allow port forwarding you'll have to use Hamachi... this is not the thread to ask, there are plenty of tutorials all around these forums for that. As far as I know, as long as you have the realmd databases' realmlist IP address set to your external address (or if you have a DNS server the DNS address) and your friends realmlist.wtf file is set to that external address as well with ports forwarded it WILL connect.

First of all let me say a huge thanks to you TRM for all of your hard work on the updates and your absolute unwavering patience with some of the people that post here. +rep

Secondly on a diff note work has picked up like crazy for me recently so I ain't getting a lot of time free at the moment but had free 30 mins or so this morning got caught up with this thread and the updates. All I have to say after reading through this is DAMN and you sir deserve a medal.:DThanks brotherman.

Do you know what this error is...?? connection refused???

SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E) is for the new LFG (PUG) system, I will suppress the error codes in the next release as it is simply looking for other realms and doesn't find any.

Apologies for the mis information. I didnt realise that BG's ensured there were enough players online before letting you join. I realised i didnt have the min player requirement. I just thought id sit in the queue for eternity. Apreciate all your work... Myself and a few friends from work get much enjoyment from the work you have done. CheersNot a problem dude, glad you guys/gals enjoy it.

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10431
- Correcting issues with flying creatures falling to ground at death.
Removed un-needed check for SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
Removed un-needed check for SESSION: recieved not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)CU_0022.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?b4bcktycibzedbd) (12.96 MB)

01-09-10, 10:41 AM
Thank you so much for the new update ;) youīre my God now... :)

edit: is there a way to create a guild without the sign paper stuff?? like a GM command??

01-09-10, 10:49 AM
.guild create YOURTOONSNAME "Guild name"


.guild create Dreadbeard "Sons of Jorel"

01-09-10, 11:45 AM
Just Amazing...this guy should be president...

01-09-10, 12:00 PM

01-09-10, 01:37 PM
Read my posts careful and you will find the answer to your problem :) it was my problem too :) but this great guy fixed it ;)
Thanks CF

If i read your post right, your issue was for a LAN, not over the internet, if I'm wrong feel free to correct me. Though if I was right, there's a difference between connecting via LAN and connecting via the net.

01-09-10, 01:46 PM
Yeah but the way to fix it its the same :) i had this problem a long time but this great friend told me the only thing i need to hear...how to edit your realmlist :) after that you just need to enter the IP or the name you made for the server and voilá :) your friends just have to modify their realmlist.wtf to the IP or name you made ;)

CF - that pic is just Great!! lolol hey do you know anything about that problem i ask of the money icons donīt showing right...? i canīt see the coins i only see g s c for the money...

01-09-10, 01:48 PM
If i read your post right, your issue was for a LAN, not over the internet, if I'm wrong feel free to correct me. Though if I was right, there's a difference between connecting via LAN and connecting via the net.

There really is no difference.
1. You forward the ports in your router (80, 3306, 3724, 8085)

2. You open the ports in your firewall

3. You change your realmd databases' realmlist IP address to your EXTERNAL IP Address or DNS address

4. You change the remote machine's realmlist.wtf file to reflect the hosts machines IP Address or DNS address

set realmlist notreal.no-ip.org
set patchlist notreal.no-ip.org
set realmlistbn ""
set portal us5. You create an account for the remote user either by manually doing it or through the website provided
6. They login

It's the same thing for a LAN except that the EXTERNAL IP is changed to an INTERNAL IP.

CF - that pic is just Great!! lolol hey do you know anything about that problem i ask of the money icons donīt showing right...? i canīt see the coins i only see g s c for the money...I've never seen that one before, have you cleared the Cache folder? I know you said you did a repair so that's out the window... is it interfering with gameplay at all? Could it be caused by an addon?


01-09-10, 02:41 PM
Itīs no problem but i just donīt like the look of that :( but no problem friend :)
I notice a bug in the pets (Hunter) the pet donīt get the stamina he should get...i have a character lvl 13 with a pet lvl 13 and in the stamina it says that should up the stamina of pet by 12 and when i go to the pet window i only see a +1 on the stamina...can you repair this or is those bugs that stick around...?

01-09-10, 03:22 PM
There really is no difference.
1. You forward the ports in your router (80, 3306, 3724, 8085)

2. You open the ports in your firewall

3. You change your realmd databases' realmlist IP address to your EXTERNAL IP Address or DNS address

4. You change the remote machine's realmlist.wtf file to reflect the hosts machines IP Address or DNS address

set realmlist notreal.no-ip.org
set patchlist notreal.no-ip.org
set realmlistbn ""
set portal us5. You create an account for the remote user either by manually doing it or through the website provided
6. They login

It's the same thing for a LAN except that the EXTERNAL IP is changed to an INTERNAL IP.

Hmm, his config looks exactly like what you are showing except he's not using zone alarm. his firewall is just the windows firewall and he's got that disabled as well as the one on his router. His isp said they do not block the 4 ports required to connect. *bangs head agaisnt wall* We tried a website that checks to see if ports are blocked and it gives us an error saying it cannot connect to the service.

01-09-10, 03:46 PM
I've never seen that one before, have you cleared the Cache folder? I know you said you did a repair so that's out the window... is it interfering with gameplay at all? Could it be caused by an addon?


DUH!! i solved the problem...on display uncheck the Colorblind mode and you will see all the stuff again :)

And about the pet problem do you know anything about it...? :)

01-09-10, 04:18 PM
I may have found a patch that fixes it, I'll implement and test it before next release.

01-09-10, 04:40 PM
Okey man ... i've got some errors when my mangosd.exe loaded
Check out:

SD2: Loading C++ scripts
============================================== 100%
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName boss_archaedas is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName mob_archaeras_add is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName event_spell_altar_boss_aggro is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but scriptName instance_onyxias_lair is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName npc_kroshius is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName npc_barrett_ramsey is not assigne in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName mob_parasitic_shadowfiend is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName mob_shadowy_construct is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
>>Loaded 835 C++ Scripts.
if i see other errors i'll post it :)

01-09-10, 04:51 PM
Will be fixed in next release.

01-09-10, 05:00 PM
Will be fixed in next release.

Man, you are just a Machine for fixing (BOW) amazing... thanks alot...

01-09-10, 05:18 PM
Try this to get rid of the bulk of those errors, for now. I'll also add this to the next release:

/* Archaedas */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "boss_archaedas" WHERE entry = "2748";
/* Kroshius */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_kroshius" WHERE entry = "14467";
/* Barrett Ramsey */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "34816";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35909";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35895";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35771";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35770";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35035";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35766";
/* Parasitic Shadowfiend */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "mob_parasitic_shadowfiend" WHERE entry = "23498";
/* Shadowy Construct */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "mob_shadowy_construct" WHERE entry = "23111";

I will also be consolidating the SQL updates into one big file (example: mangos_all.sql), this will contain all of the cumulative update SQLs for that database, only use this if you are re-downloading the repack to get up-to-date.

01-09-10, 06:29 PM
Try this to get rid of the bulk of those errors, for now. I'll also add this to the next release:

/* Archaedas */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "boss_archaedas" WHERE entry = "2748";
/* Kroshius */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_kroshius" WHERE entry = "14467";
/* Barrett Ramsey */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "34816";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35909";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35895";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35771";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35770";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35035";
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "npc_barrett_ramsey" WHERE entry = "35766";
/* Parasitic Shadowfiend */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "mob_parasitic_shadowfiend" WHERE entry = "23498";
/* Shadowy Construct */
UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = "mob_shadowy_construct" WHERE entry = "23111";

I will also be consolidating the SQL updates into one big file (example: mangos_all.sql), this will contain all of the cumulative update SQLs for that database, only use this if you are re-downloading the repack to get up-to-date.
dude ... Have I told you that you are mildly speaking "unique" +rep
But these three are still here:

SD2: Script registering but ScriptName mob_archaeras_add is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName event_spell_altar_boss_aggro is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but scriptName instance_onyxias_lair is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.

and now i've got one more but these was on the last lines on my cmd (mangosd.exe):

Delete Gameobject (Entry: 31442 Guid: 200002) wotj SpellId 818 LinkedGo 0 that lost references to owner Player Griggs (Guid: 11) Go list. Crash possible later.
Delete Gameobject (Entry: 29784 Guid: 200001) with SpellId 818 LinkedGo 31442 that lost references to owner Player Griggs (Guid: 11) Go list. Crash possible later. <-- this is from my normally character... without GM level.... i see that before save and shutdown the server for update...
And Friend... i've another question When you start your mangosd.exe , do you get any errors ?

:) and btw the last part of the quests on the Blood Elf Pally's for spell "Redemption" doesn't work ? "Redeeming the Dead" (q9685)
thanks for the patient and thank you in advance

01-09-10, 08:53 PM
I found this interesting post. Is this an accurate indication of whats working and whats not for this prepack too?

ACID and SD2 Development - Advanced Script Progress Tracking - SD2 Forum (http://www.scriptdev2.com/showthread.php?t=2478)

01-09-10, 09:24 PM
dude ... Have I told you that you are mildly speaking "unique" +rep
But these three are still here:

SD2: Script registering but ScriptName mob_archaeras_add is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but ScriptName event_spell_altar_boss_aggro is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
SD2: Script registering but scriptName instance_onyxias_lair is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
and now i've got one more but these was on the last lines on my cmd (mangosd.exe):

Delete Gameobject (Entry: 31442 Guid: 200002) wotj SpellId 818 LinkedGo 0 that lost references to owner Player Griggs (Guid: 11) Go list. Crash possible later.
Delete Gameobject (Entry: 29784 Guid: 200001) with SpellId 818 LinkedGo 31442 that lost references to owner Player Griggs (Guid: 11) Go list. Crash possible later. <-- this is from my normally character... without GM level.... i see that before save and shutdown the server for update...
And Friend... i've another question When you start your mangosd.exe , do you get any errors ?

:) and btw the last part of the quests on the Blood Elf Pally's for spell "Redemption" doesn't work ? "Redeeming the Dead" (q9685)
thanks for the patient and thank you in advanceI only get the three SD2 'errors' when I start mine. As I said above:

... bulk of those errors
I do not get Delete GameObject errors at all. How are you shutting down your server?

I found this interesting post. Is this an accurate indication of whats working and whats not for this prepack too?

ACID and SD2 Development - Advanced Script Progress Tracking - SD2 Forum (http://www.scriptdev2.com/showthread.php?t=2478)That post was last edited in March, so no, it does not represent what is working or not.

01-09-10, 09:24 PM
Was thinking maybe i could start contributing in small ways like trying to find fixes to bugs so you wont have to go digging.

I found this post re: the death knight bug that might be worth trying out. Let me know if it proves useful and whether me doing some investigation provides any use to you.
mangos > the free, open source World of Warcraft server (http://getmangos.com/community/showthread.php?t=9668&page=9&highlight=Death+Comes+From+On+High)


Has anyone tried to start a death knight. Seems one of the chain quests does not work "Death Comes From On High". Anyone know if death knight is playable on private server and how do i get past the quest where i have to control the ball and fly into the town below.

Thanks in advance

01-09-10, 09:27 PM
As I already have an account on both the MaNGOS and SD2 forums it is redundant for you to do searches for me, but thank you for trying. I have a long list of 'errors' that I am currently working on fixing.

01-09-10, 09:29 PM
Found this fix? for Armor Vellums not working with enchanting?
mangos > the free, open source World of Warcraft server (http://getmangos.com/community/showthread.php?t=7901&page=5&highlight=totem)

I thought id make a list fo bugs ive found so far from my travels in azeroth. Not sure what is fixable and whats not but ill list them anyway and update them as i find more

Shaman EarthBind totem does not slow mobs when running away and dropping one as you run(i think the issue is around when it procs. On blizz wow server it procs on drop so you get to run away and avoid death)
Death Knight quest "Death Comes From On High" cannot be completed as you cannot control the eye
Armor Vellums cannot be used for enchanting.(More info here https://mangos.lighthouseapp.com/projects/18208/tickets/199-vellums-vs-enchanting-storing-enchantments)

Ill add to the list as i find more


01-09-10, 09:34 PM
If you are going to ignore my posts, and continue to post things I already have access to you will be removed from posting here... just a heads up.

01-09-10, 10:28 PM
Apologies, i meant no ill will. I probably posted prior to reading your reply.

If you are going to ignore my posts, and continue to post things I already have access to you will be removed from posting here... just a heads up.

01-09-10, 10:31 PM
Not a problem... believe me, when you posted the first time about the errors I added them to my list. It's hard to fix every error, but I try.

02-09-10, 05:58 AM
Oh man I have the most craptastic luck in the world my HDD died last night :mad: Using a temp HDD for the time being till I can grab a new one. Really gutted was just getting caught up with the server aswell :( Oh well back to the drawn board for me. See you all in a few days when I am back up and running properly again.

02-09-10, 06:23 AM
I do not get Delete GameObject errors at all. How are you shutting down your server?

Err...how do we shut down the server...? i close the windows one by one from mangos to the last one...is this wrong...? :(

02-09-10, 08:17 AM
am this server works great. but i want to go to my database and I want to see scripts and codes of spells. I want how to fix spells, talents itd... so can you help me with that? dunno what program should i use for that.

02-09-10, 10:17 AM
Oh man I have the most craptastic luck in the world my HDD died last night :mad: Using a temp HDD for the time being till I can grab a new one. Really gutted was just getting caught up with the server aswell :( Oh well back to the drawn board for me. See you all in a few days when I am back up and running properly again.Dude, that sucks. Hope all goes well.

Err...how do we shut down the server...? i close the windows one by one from mangos to the last one...is this wrong...? :(Stop and close the Restarter. In the mangosd window to shutdown type:
.server shutdown 60That will give your users a 60 second warning from the server that it's going to shutdown. I usually do 120 (2 minutes) and do a
.announce Please logout of the server. If you want to shutdown immediately and have no users on, type:
.server shutdown 1After the mangosd window closes you can then close the realmd window manually.
am this server works great. but i want to go to my database and I want to see scripts and codes of spells. I want how to fix spells, talents itd... so can you help me with that? dunno what program should i use for that.This has been answered many times already, please read the previous posts.

Update Compiling:

MaNGOS updated to 10434
Vellum patch implemented
Eye of Archerus Patch implemented
Updates consolidated into larger files
Quice updated to 1.2.54 in Tools folder

02-09-10, 11:23 AM
I only get the three SD2 'errors' when I start mine. As I said above:

I do not get Delete GameObject errors at all. How are you shutting down your server?

That post was last edited in March, so no, it does not represent what is working or not.

hi mate :) nice to see ya again today :) umm... when i shutdown the server i usually use .server shutdown 60
i've got some new errors :( i hope on your help man

Loading Creature Data...
=table `creature` have creature (GUID: 200019 Entry: 5676) with `Movementtype`=0 (idle) have `spawnlist` <>0, set to 0.
=table `creature` have creature (GUID: 200003 Entry: 28845) with `Movementtype`=0 (idle) have `spawnlist` <>0, set to 0.
=table `creature` have creature (GUID: 200004 Entry: 13776) with `Movementtype`=0 (idle) have `spawnlist` <>0, set to 0
=table `creature` have creature (GUID: 200572 Entry: 29851) with `Movementtype`=0 (idle) have `spawnlist` <>0, set to 0

Loading Quest...
=Quest 12680 has `ReqSpellCast1` = 52263 and ReqCreatureOrGoId = 0 but spell 52263 does not have spell_effect_quest_complete or Spell_effect_send_event effect for this quest, quest can`t be done.

02-09-10, 11:54 AM
I'll have a look and see what I can do for ya...

Update Available:

MaNGOS updated to 10434
Vellum patch implemented
Eye of Archerus Patch implemented
Updates consolidated into larger files
Quice updated to 1.2.54 in Tools folderCU_0023.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?i0bv73xrujrdvo0) (13.13 MB)

Note: Only use the consolidated .sql files if you are installing the repack for the first time to get up-to-date.

EDIT: I do not have those errors, and to test I even did a complete reinstall. If you are changing things with certain NPCs, etc then you are going to run into those types of errors, but until I can reproduce it I'm not going to worry about it (especially if it doesn't affect gameplay).

02-09-10, 12:13 PM
+rep dude :) you're increadible :p

02-09-10, 12:25 PM
Thanks one more time ;)