View Full Version : [Arcemu] Need help going public /MOD

11-08-10, 02:39 AM
I have setup a server with 3.5.5 arcemu core.
I have it hosted and connected.
I dont have a website but ive download a htdocs folder, and dont know how to set it up with database
it says no database selected
My server is hosted fallenwow.kicks-ass.net, but when my friends try to join all they get is connecting.....
PLZ help. Will post logon.cfg and Realms.cfg


/************************************************** *********************
* ArcEmu Logonserver Configuration File
* Last edited: 7/18/09
************************************************** *********************
* Configure the logonserver to connect to the accounts database below *
************************************************** *********************
* LogonDatabase.Host - The hostname that the database is located on
* LogonDatabase.Username - The username used for the mysql connection
* LogonDatabase.Password - The password used for the mysql connection
* LogonDatabase.Name - The database name
* LogonDatabase.Port - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
* LogonDatabase.Type - Client to use. 1 = MySQL
* Not supported: - 2 = PostgreSQL (Partly implemented)
* Not Supported: - 3 = SQLite (unimplemented)
************************************************** *********************/

<LogonDatabase Hostname = "localhost"
Username = "root"
Password = "ascent"
Name = "logon"
Port = "3306"
Type = "1">

/* Host Directive
* This is the address that the realmlist will listen on.
* To listen on all addresses, set it to
* Default: (localhost)
* Note: ISHost is the interserver communication listener.

<Listen Host = ""
ISHost = ""
RealmListPort = "3724"
ServerPort = "8093">

/* Server console logging level
* This directive controls how much output the server will
* display in it's console. Set to 0 for none.
* 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
* Default: 3

<LogLevel Screen = "0"
File = "-1">

/* Account Refresh Time
* This controls on which time interval accounts gets
* refreshed. (In seconds)
* Default = 600
* 600 seconds = 10 minutes - 1 second = 0.0166666667 minutes 300 seconds = 5 minutes, 150 seconds = 2.5minutes

<Rates AccountRefresh = "600">

/* WorldServer Setup
* RemotePassword
* This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the worldserver.
* It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
* not register.
* Default: "change_me_logon"
* AllowedIPs
* This section MUST be completed, otherwise all attempts to link your servers will fail.
* These "Allowed" fields are a space-seperated list of CIDR-form IP addresses that are allowed
* to make server connections to your logonserver, and register realms.
* For example, everything in the 127.0.0.* range would be:
*, as 24 of the bits must match the
* To allow a single IP,
*, would allow only to connect as 32 of the bits must match.
* AllowedModIPs
* In the same form as AllowedIPs, these are the IPs that are allowed to modify the database
* (adding bans, GMs, account permissions, etc)

<LogonServer RemotePassword = "ascent"
AllowedIPs = ""
AllowedModIPs = "">


/************************************************** *********************
* ArcEmu Realms Configuration File
* Last edited: 7/18/09
* Configure ArcEmu's Realms below
************************************************** *********************/

/************************************************** ****
* LogonServer Section
* Address:
* The address (no port) of the server.
* Port:
* The port on which the logon server listens. (*** NOT 3724 ***)
* Name:
* Not really relavant, but name the logon.
* RealmCount:
* The number of realms in the next section.
************************************************** ****/

<LogonServer Address = ""
Port = "8093"
Name = "Default Logon"
RealmCount = "1">

/************************************************** ****
* Realm Section
* Name:
* The name of the realm.
* Address:
* The address (and port) of that realm.
* Icon:
* The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
* TimeZone:
* The location of the server (1=Development, 2=United States, 3=Oceanic, 4=Latin America,
* 5=Tournament, 6=Korean, 8=English, 9=German, 10=French)
* Population:
* (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)
* Important information below
* change to your EXTERNAL ip if you wish to have a PUBLIC server.
* This issues come up a lot!
* Timezone values :
* 0=Korean 16=China
* 1=Development 17=CN1
* 2=United States 18=CN2
* 3=Oceanic 19=CN3
* 4=Latin America 20=CN4
* 5=Tournament 21=CN5
* 6=Korean 22=CN6
* 8=English 23=CN7
* 9=German 24=CN8
* 10=French 25=Tournament
* 11=Spanish 26=Test Server
* 12=Russian 27=Tournament
* 13=Tournament 28=QA Server
* 14=Taiwan 29=CN9
* 15=Tournament 30=TestServer2
************************************************** ****/

<Realm1 Name = "FallenWoW PvP 3.3.5"
Address = "fallenwow.kicks-ass.net:8129"
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "1">

11-08-10, 02:43 AM
+rep would be nice also :)

11-08-10, 05:27 AM
Moved to the correct section, changed title & [ coded ] the configs.
& Dont ask for rep.
Open ports & give more information

11-08-10, 01:43 PM
you did code them to work?

11-08-10, 04:49 PM
No i coded them, with the [ code ] feautre

This is a code 4919491294194

11-08-10, 05:06 PM
I also tried these config files, whenever i run the logon and world, they just get red cmd line

11-08-10, 05:36 PM
You might have the wrong version