View Full Version : Changing RePack and Client language messes up german "Umlaute" (öäü)

13-01-23, 02:52 PM
Dear community,

I have downloaded the KyrianCore 9.2.7 REPACK ALPHA v3.2 from the thread online here and everything seems to work quite well so far. The only issue I am running into is the language. What I changed in the client config.wtf are these two lines

SET textLocale "deDE"
SET audioLocale "deDE"

The language and audio ingame is in german and works well. The only issue I am running into is, that special glyphs for german umlauts are changed from ö, ä, ü into totally different signs: https://imgur.com/ibh3fnd

(https://imgur.com/ibh3fnd)It doesn't happen everywhere by the way, only on quest texts and quest overview on the right side, but not for skills: https://imgur.com/bwHeHT2

What can I do to fix this?

Best regards,