View Full Version : Duskhaven - Smolderthorne (Vanilla+)

19-11-22, 11:35 AM
Duskhaven is a custom Wotlk+ and Vanilla+ Server which expands upon the best versions of WoW adding features like reworked Classes and new specializations, Custom Raids and Dungeons, Mythic+ and new Lore-filled Questlines.

General Information
- Leveling offers many voiced Custom Questlines for zones and reworked/custom Dungeons, as a result the Experience multiplier is way lower.
- New Rogue Specialization: Demon Hunter. This Specialization has its own Questline to unlock and starts at Level 55
(Demon Hunters are only available for Night and Blood Elves)
- New Priest Specialization: Monk. The Priest gains new melee-abilities which scale with your Spell Power. (This Specialization can choose between DPS and Tanking)
- Azshara Crater will be available next to Molten Core once it releases.
- Karazhan Crypt will be available next to Naxxramas once it releases.
- New Class and Race Combinations (ex. Dwarf Shamans, Troll Druids and Tauren Paladins)
- More Mythic+ Dungeons then originally
- A Scarlet Crusade Raid and the Emerald Dream Raid are available sometime after Naxxramas
- The new Mythic+ System from our Wotlk+ Realm will be used for Vanilla
(Visit our Website to see how the Mythic+ System functions)
- Content will be released at a much slower pace then originally
- Heirlooms and the Class Trainer Pet are not available on this Realm
- Classes will have the same Adjustments as on the Wotlk+ Realm (With the exception of the last 2 Class Spells)

Make sure to join our Website or Discord to get more Information on our progress, content and share your interest, or give feedback!
Website: https://duskhaven.servegame.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/raXAJyqRUe



19-02-23, 01:38 PM
Hyjal is a new end-game Zone coming with Season 2. It features one World Boss, the Entrance to the Emerald Dream Raid and much more.

With the upcoming release of Season 2 there will be many additions to the game such as new Talents, new and reworked Leveling Zones, bonus objectives, and the addition of a Hardcore Mode which includes exclusive rewards such as a Murloc Mount.

Once the Season is released, you can finally look forward to the next exciting thing for us in the following months: the launch of the profession revamp, the addition of the Bard Class and the Emerald Dream Raid. We don't have a release date for it yet, but we don't want to keep you waiting for long after either! We'll return with more information about this and other things that await us in this intense year soon!

Make sure to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/raXAJyqRUe or Website: https://duskhaven.servegame.com to get more Information on our progress aswell as the next custom Class (Bard), content and share your interest, or give feedback!
