View Full Version : [OFFICIAL RELEASE] GM Web Tool - By Ahorner

18-06-10, 03:40 AM
Well, seeing as the other Topic is out-of-date, poorly setup, and just a share... I'd like to recreate it, because of the fact that I'll be able to supply updates to the tool in the future (If there are any), I have access to the tool's main hosted location, and can fix any broken links which may pop up in the future, and because of the fact me and the original creator are good friends, and I have the ability to directly contact him about the tool.

With all of that said... I present to you...

(The following is included with the GM Web Tool)
(May be subject to change)

:::::::::**GM Web Tool - By Ahorner**:::::::::
(Download Here) (http://skullcrusherwow.com/files/gmtool.zip)
Also included as an Attachment


The GM Web Tool was invisioned and developed by Ahorner of Skull Crusher WoW. It's far from a complete tool, but further development on it as of 6/17/2010 is undecided. In the near future, we may have a page dedicated to the tool, which will include a changelog, and future plans for the tool.


Installation is fairly easy, but I will do my best to describe the steps in the simplest manor possible.

1a: If you DO have a Web Hosting or an FTP Server which you upload files to your website with, simply open your FTP Client and upload the 'gmtool' folder to the Root directory in which the main index page of your website is located.

1b: If you DO NOT have Web Hosting or an FTP Server, just locate the folder that contains the index page of your website and place the 'gmtool' folder inside that one.

2: Open up the 'gmtool' folder you just moved/uploaded, and then open up the 'config.php' file with
a text editor of some sort (preferrably Notepad if nothing else).

3: The config has a bunch of info on how you should be editing it, and it's fairly easy to look at. Nothing big or fancy, just replace what's there with your Hostname, SQL Database Username & Password, and Database Names. (Logon, Character, World, etc.)

4: Test! - As long as there's an account in your SQL Database marked with AZ Admin, you should be able to login on the page.
You should be able to access the tool by going to... 'http://(Replace This With Your Website)/gmtool '.

If all was performed correctly, the tool should be properly setup and functioning.

If true, then congratulations, you've successfully installed...

:::::::::**GM Web Tool - By Ahorner**:::::::::

**Read Me & additional Config help created and added by Stevenozzy**

23-06-10, 10:26 PM
Jeez, this has been posted for some time now, but nobody's even bothered to look at it, or so it seems.

13-07-10, 03:34 AM
Has no one actually bothered to read this thread? It only says there are two views on it, that's crazy.

18-07-10, 02:49 PM
it would be cool if you post SS

19-07-10, 11:39 PM
As soon as I get a chance, I'd be more than happy to post a few images of the tool.

14-08-10, 10:04 AM
Screen Shots please

26-10-10, 02:23 PM