View Full Version : Hey guys, just here to learn.

29-05-10, 02:11 AM
The names Merchant of Menace(Back from my previous hacking days(Bleh..) But you can call me Trae(: I'm just here to make friends and learn as best as i can from the all of you.
I'm already skilled in c++, php, css, (x)html, VB, javascript and a couple other languages, as well as the hardware side of server upkeep and all that mambo-jambo-. so I hope that I can be of assistance to any problems or projects available.


29-05-10, 03:50 AM
Welcome & enjoy your stay :)

29-05-10, 11:37 AM
Welcome to Mmopro.net!

30-05-10, 02:36 AM
Welcome to the community! MMOPro gives you a warm welcome, and wishes you a good stay while browsing the forums.

03-06-10, 03:56 PM
welcome arent we all here to learn.