View Full Version : hello everybody. I hope I can get assistance here!

25-04-10, 04:14 PM
hello everyone.
Please let me start by listing a few of the mmorpgs I've played: Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, WoW, Guild Wars, and many others.
I ran a Private UO server for about 5 years, first running uox, uox3, and wolfpack servers, before finally settling in with sphere 55i. It wasn't meant to be The Greatest Server Ever Made, just a fun UO like server for my friends and I to play on, as well as working on custom scripts.
At this point the 2 games I'd like most to play (and least to pay for ) are Star Wars Galaxies, but I am not currently aware of a downloadable SWG Server, and WoW. Since I dont currently have internet at my house, and dial up is hardly an option, I'm looking for assistance on getting a working private server for my friends and 5 to play with. For my server, I have an IBM eServer x232 series with 4 gigs ddr ram, 256 meg video card. I realize this is not a great server for WoW, but I dont think I need a great server for a local area network game.
Sadly, every time I try to download server files there are at least 2 links to files needed where the Error 404: Page Not Found comes up. Can someone PLEASE post links to easy to follow server setup instructions and files?

25-04-10, 04:19 PM
What patch are you on ?
Fun server or Blizzlike ?