View Full Version : Combat Arms Clans

22-04-10, 03:48 PM
i am in a clan called Oblivion Shadow we are a level 3 clan

If you play Combat Arms and you are in a clan post you clan name and rank here we may challenge you to a cw in the future if your part of Oblivion Shadow you must now sign up for our forum page


25-04-10, 12:20 AM

02-06-10, 02:39 AM
i dont have a clan but im looking for one

15-09-10, 05:31 PM
do not sign up for this clan im no longer part of it the leader kicked all the good admins for it and some of the new members are cbl dirty

13-03-11, 10:51 AM
Ok all heres a new one since being kicked from Oblivion Shadow in combat arms i started searching for a new clan and found a very good one it is called Borderhoppers (kinda funny if you think about it lol) we are a level 4 clan and active clan waring at least once a week if not more if you wish to join contact me on here or on combat arms my ign on there is dzro as well or you can check out the website borderhoppers.co.cc