View Full Version : [Release/Share] MaNGos LUA Engine

18-04-10, 03:08 AM
This is from the Flame WoW Emulator Leak

Guide -

HOWTO run it ( by FlamEmu )

Note: for all platforms you will need to aply the sql patch in sql folder
1.you need to download boost (boost.org)
2.extract boost and copy /boost dir ... ( you need to have \src\bindings\luascript\boost\cast.hpp in this order )
3.Open your mangos-project with vs2003
4.remove script project
5.File->add project->add existing project and navigate to luascript.vcproj
6.copy the contents of the lua-scripts folder to the folder where your mangosd.exe is run from
7.you are ready ... compile and run ... :)

Still testing ...

Warning: This will remove your existing scripts library ( better back it up )

1.you need to download boost (boost.org)
2.extract boost and copy /boost dir ... ( you need to have \src\bindings\luascript\boost\cast.hpp in this order )

cd /to/your/mangos/src/dir
cd ./src/bindings
svn co mangos-luascript - Revision 97: /trunk/src/bindings/luascript (http://mangos-luascript.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/bindings/luascript/) luascript
svn cleanup universal
rm -rf universal
ln -s ./luascript ./universal

4.now is the hard part
cd /to/your/mangos/src/dir
./configure <with your config options>
#do this as su-user
su -c "make install"

5.copy the contents of the lua-scripts folder to the folder where your run mangosd from
Example: if you run it like bin/mangosd, put it before the 'bin' folder

To start mangos:
cd /where/your/mangosd/executeble is/

Credits -



Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://filebeam.com/beb7826e7e0f7b269302c028a3c01e74)

18-04-10, 03:23 AM
really n!cE +rep :)

26-04-10, 09:52 AM
That LUA dosnt even work...

EDIT: FlamEmu Hasnt did / touched anything on the file they just downloaded and though it would work and toled everyone its working

same with their scriptdev2 all their scripts are EXACTLY same as scriptdev2 they just changed the copyrights to FlamEmu lol, same with taking most of their Fixes from MaNGOS

20-05-10, 01:56 PM
Epic release +rep!

11-08-10, 02:14 PM
Omg yes we the users of mangos need this!!!!

11-08-10, 03:20 PM
NOOOO please anyone stop the from making the crime LUA on MaNGOS to!!!

Umm.. you mean

No, please anyone, stop them from committing the crime of adding LUA to MaNGOS to!

Not trying to be rude, but that was a seriously ****ed up sentence xD

20-08-10, 02:28 PM
HAHAHA thats not very nice avidgamer...funny though, made me laugh my ass off. Oh and we the users of MaNGOS do not need a LUA engine because we are all epic and are too good for LUA...well those are my thoughts anyway XD


22-09-10, 03:22 PM
You can see that its the same even by looking on how-to-run-it. Its based for VS2003 which means its VERY old. Someone should lock/delete this thread.