View Full Version : Dimarx's AkA Leo's Gaming Addons

03-04-10, 10:06 PM
Dimarx Here.

Today I am posting some addons that are well know around World Of Warcraft. Some of these you might of seem Hobbs using in his videos. Others are some that myself and friends use while raiding on Alextrazza. So lets get to the addons before I bore you all to death with the 2 thousand words explaining why I use them. Haha.

Before I post these Addons I would like to give great thanks to Curse.com and WoWinterface.com for providing the World Of Warcraft community with amazing addons.

Notice: I did use the Information that was Posted with add-on so don't go running to and Moderator or Administrator saying I'm "Ripping" these because I already gave Credit to the Websites that provide them.

X-perl Unit Frames - Perl, with Extra stuff. Much enchanced from Nymbia's Perl UnitFrames, and a complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools, with little remaining of the original Nymbia code. Range Finder (combined with optional health check and/or debuff check) for all frames based on spell or item range test.
HoT Monitor will highlight units clearly that have your own active Heal over Time spells. Regardless of how many other heal over time buffs are on the raid members, you can keep track of your own ones and when they expire.
Debuff Highlighting in standard debuff colours on all friendly frames. Priority given to show debuffs that you can cure first.
Raid Frames, buff icons, MT list units and some other portions or X-Perl are Created on demand. Saving a lot of time and memory at system startup. Defering the creation of many parts of X-Perl to when they are actually required. And of course, most often outside of raids they are never required and are never created.
Raid Target icon support for Target, Target's Target, MT Targets.
Raid Tooltip will show combat rezzers available (druids with Rebirth ready (or very soon available) and any normal rezzers out of combat) if you bring up tooltip of a dead person.
In-combat indicators for all units.
3D Portraits for player, pet, target, focus, party. Optional. Of course this may degrade your framerate somewhat because you are displaying more 3D character models that without this option. But some like it pretty, and it does look cool.
Red and Green combat flashes for frames when player, pet, target, party, partypets, raid take damage/heals. Useful indication of things happening.
Added time left on party member/target buffs/debuffs when in a raid, these depend somewhat on CTRA/oRA/oRA2 sending appropriate information over the addon channel, although some of it can be determined at run time by X-Perl, when a player gets a buff for example, we know how long it should last, and therefor when it should expire.
Totally new options window including all X-Perl options and access via minimap icon.
Configurable colours for borders and backgrounds. Including class coloured names, and configurable reaction colours.
Much care has been taken with code size, memory load, memory usage per cycle and so on. LuaProfiler/OnEvent mods used extensively and regularly to ensure that X-Perl does not do more work than is absolutely necessary.

Download - X-Perl UnitFrames - Addons - Curse (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/xperl/download/405389.aspx)

Recount Damage Meter - Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. Recount (Preservation) is an attempt to preserve it through the 2.4 patch and fix up some minor things along the way. If Cryect returns the project really should be wholely his and he can keep or abandon any changes I've made here. For changes see the change log. Beta versions can be found on WoWAce.
Please report problems in the Recount thread on WoWAce (http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?t=6613) or submit a ticket on WoWAce (http://www.wowace.com/addons/recount/tickets/).
The forum is a good place for general discussion, feedback, help and elaborating more complex bugs or concerns. The ticketing system is the place to report bugs or suggest new features. Please first check if a topic has already been posted. I will delete duplicates but you can help me safe work!
Also please post about modules (e.g. RecountThreat, RecountGuessedAbsorbs, RecountFailBot) in these places. They are listed as components in the ticketing system. Thanks!

Download - Recount - Addons - Curse (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/recount/download/422347.aspx)

Omen Threat Meter - Omen is a threat meter.
Basically, enemies in WoW decide who to attack by deciding who is the most threatening based on the abilities you use. What Omen does is provide accurate values of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies, so that you can see when you're in danger of pulling aggro (or, if you're next on the snack list if your tank bites it). This info is usually only critical in raids, where only tanks can survive aggro, but it's useful for any multi-player situation.
Changes from version v3.0.8 to v3.0.9

Add option to make Omen click-through (non-interactive).
Optimized the bar animation code significantly.
Fix bar backgrounds not being set to the inverted color on login if the "Invert Bar/Text Colors" setting is on. This wasn't noticeable if the bar label color was the default white text with 100% alpha.

Download - Omen Threat Meter - Addons - Curse (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/omen-threat-meter/download/404746.aspx)

Prat 3.0 Chat System - Prat-3.0 is a chat enhancement addon for world of warcraft 3.0. It is made up of 30+ smaller "modules" which each provide additional functionality, and can be enabled or disabled individually.

In game, type /prat for a menu.

Download - Prat 3.0 - Addons - Curse (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/prat-3-0/download/419334.aspx)

Bagnon - Bagnon is an addon that merges all of your bags into three frames: One for your inventory, one for your bank, and one for your keyring. Beyond the basic all-in-one inventory functionality, Bagnon also provides the following features:

Items can be colored based on quality
Quest items can be highlighted
Text searching (see syntax below)
Offline viewing of inventory information from your other characters (via Bagnon_Forever)
Databroker plugin support. Both the inventory and bank frames allow you to display a databroker plugin in the bottom left corner. I find this works well with things like Currency Tracker

Included Addons

Bagnon – Provides single window displays for your inventory, bank, and keyring
Bagnon_Config – Provides a means of configuring said frames :P
Bagnon_Forever – Enables the ability to view your character’s bank, or items from any other character on the same server, from anywhere. (You need to log onto each character at least once for this to work).
Bagnon_Tooltips – When hovering over an item, this tells you who has an item, and where.

Slash Commands

All commands can start with either /bagnon or /bgn
/bagnon keys – Toggles the keyring frame
/bagnon bags – Toggles the inventory frame
/bagnon bank – Toggles the bank frame
/bagnon config – Displays the main options menu

Download - Bagnon - Addons - Curse (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/bagnon/download/421117.aspx)

I really hope that Some of the user's on these forums find some use to these addons. I did through my years of Playing retail and now I have gave up those years. So please when Cataclysm Expansion comes out please tell me how it is.

Here is the Add-ons packed into one Winrar file.

Download - RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting (http://rapidshare.com/files/371748742/Addons.rar.html)

Kind Regards.