View Full Version : [Release]Darkrulerz's *3.3.5 Repack* --- Based on Hellscream

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13-07-10, 06:59 AM
Testing now, the problem is that the auto-compiler uses the Visual Studio 2008 libraries while all developers use 2010, so some things aren't tested by the other devs and i need to check every once in a while to keep our code compatible for both versions of visual studio
so sorry for the inconvenience (i was in the bus from netherlands -> spain which takes 23hours while this was broken)

13-07-10, 08:53 AM
Error compiled dll

run in VC 2010

13-07-10, 10:55 AM
Same error :rolleyes:

13-07-10, 06:00 PM
i grabbed another mangosscript.dll from my 3.3.3 core folder and put it in there gonna test as soon as map files are copied

13-07-10, 07:29 PM
mangos.exe ran and got pretty far before an error message and than it closed... failed attempt at temp. fix i guess.

15-07-10, 08:38 AM
looks cool ill try it!

17-07-10, 02:56 AM
very nice thank you;)

17-07-10, 04:05 PM
nice one :)

18-07-10, 08:47 PM
i take it this hasnt been fixed?

20-07-10, 02:07 AM
- Look on ebay if you can buy a newer model of brains, yours are outdated

But really nice repack man i like the auto compiler the most :D
so +rep for you and for me

21-07-10, 01:37 PM
Good Job !!! The best Repack then Ever!!!

22-07-10, 02:07 AM
hi :) i got this problem:

2010-07-22 08:47:44 MaNGOS/0.17.0-DEV (2010-07-22 07:19:56 Revision 10241 - baa423e569bc6862416b65b737775cfcc4dbbd2f) for Win64 (little-endian) [world-daemon]
2010-07-22 08:47:44 <Ctrl-C> to stop.


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GIT: Github.com/Darkrulerz/Core
Project Dark-iCE: - Index (http://projectdarkice.clanice.com)
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Running on Revision mangosd.conf.
2010-07-22 08:47:44 World Database:;3306;root;mangos;mangos
2010-07-22 08:47:44 MySQL client library: 5.0.56
2010-07-22 08:47:44 MySQL server ver: 5.0.88-community
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Character Database:;3306;root;mangos;characters
2010-07-22 08:47:44 MySQL client library: 5.0.56
2010-07-22 08:47:44 MySQL server ver: 5.0.88-community
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Login Database:;3306;root;mangos;realmd
2010-07-22 08:47:44 MySQL client library: 5.0.56
2010-07-22 08:47:44 MySQL server ver: 5.0.88-community
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Realm running as realm ID 1
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Using World DB: YTDB_0.13.7_R556_MaNGOS_R10188_SD2_R1741_ACID_R304 _RuDB_R38.1
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.4 - Final Release for Mangos (3.3.2 Client)
2010-07-22 08:47:44 Using DataDir ./
2010-07-22 08:47:44 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1
2010-07-22 08:47:44 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2010-07-22 08:47:44 WORLD: VMap config keys are: vmap.enableLOS, vmap.enableHeight, vmap.ignoreMapIds, vmap.ignoreSpellIds
2010-07-22 08:47:44 ERROR:VMap file './vmaps/000.vmtree' is missing or point to wrong version vmap file, redo vmaps with latest vmap_assembler.exe program
2010-07-22 08:47:44 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

..after it server just crash. Server was compiled with the lastest Auto - compiler 1.2 so my question is where do i get the lastest vmap_assembler and anyone heve the problem with loot gobjects like Battered chest in world?
thx :)
and screen so all folders are in place 405

23-07-10, 06:20 AM
Awesone repack

25-07-10, 02:58 AM
Can't find download link xD Where is it ?

25-07-10, 10:40 PM
why is there so many pages of people saying nice repack when all pages have someone else saying it isnt working?

26-07-10, 07:58 AM
very god job

02-08-10, 06:22 PM
release autocompiled error:

2010-08-02 19:18:41 Initialize data stores...
2010-08-02 19:18:42 ERROR:SQL and DBC format strings are not matching for table: 'spell_dbc'
2010-08-02 19:18:42 ERROR:
Some required *.dbc files (1 from 85) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/Spell.dbc (exist, but have 234 fields instead 234) Wrong client version DBC file?

07-08-10, 05:22 AM
if i use auto compiler will i have ah bot and playerbot?

07-08-10, 07:50 AM
good release 10319

Bugs 90% quest DK
Bugs pickup items.
Vehicles Ulduar not running
Portals ICC not running.

07-08-10, 08:09 AM
release autocompiled error:

2010-08-02 19:18:41 Initialize data stores...
2010-08-02 19:18:42 ERROR:SQL and DBC format strings are not matching for table: 'spell_dbc'
2010-08-02 19:18:42 ERROR:
Some required *.dbc files (1 from 85) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/Spell.dbc (exist, but have 234 fields instead 234) Wrong client version DBC file?

Update your database .

10-08-10, 03:42 PM
Sorry guys, been gone for a while... the other core devs made a bit of a mess...will have to fix that later on

for now, the auto-compiler is almost ready for supporting VS2010 so a new version will be out shortly ;)

17-08-10, 04:41 AM
I will download the repack, keeping fingers cross :)

17-08-10, 03:28 PM
As most of you may have noticed by now, the old auto-compiler deleted itself and automatically showed you a page where you can find the new one
the new one has fewer bugs, better output, works faster and uses VS2010.

enjoy http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/wink.gif

17-08-10, 04:02 PM
Help. File is not available?

17-08-10, 04:37 PM
Help. File is not available?

That's regular megaupload behaviour, keep smashing F5 and it will work sometime, sorry don't know of any place where i can both track the amount of downloaded times AND save files larger than 100 MB

17-08-10, 04:39 PM
Hey no problem. Thanks. I've been using your repack ever since you posted this topic first. Keep up the good work. Also, what's your donation requirement to keep the core going?

18-08-10, 04:53 PM
Got none, our host is just a geek who runs the server anyway regardless of our forums being on the server (so forums aren't a problem)
and i'm a teenager with the goal to learn so i don't really require anything either

although donations are welcome of course ;) (will share with the other devs, we'll be able to buy us a beer or 2 every couple of weeks)

20-08-10, 04:07 PM
Hey fresh issue.. Idk if It's my side or what. I've done several fresh installs to no results..

I get this every time I try to load the ManGOS core.

Loaded 0 mangos strings. DB table 'mangos_string' is empty. Cannot continue.

Any ideas? Thanks

20-08-10, 05:48 PM
Try deleting the Mangos core, and making a new one then inserting the SQL into it. (You'll need to get the SQL from somewhere else). That should fix the problem.

21-08-10, 08:17 PM
Hello . Where is download link of that repack ?

22-08-10, 12:53 AM
how do i make an account

25-08-10, 10:49 AM
So far, the most stable repack I've tested. If only you and TRM will collaborate together, then we'll have a close to perfect repack!!! The main issue to note is that Lich King does not loot.

29-08-10, 07:37 AM
how do i make an account

perhaps a bit late,

but do this in mangosd.exe:

account create NAME PASS
account set gmlevel NAME 3
account set addon NAME 2

or use my CMS (http://github.com/Darkrulerz/Dark-iCE-CMS/)

29-08-10, 05:23 PM
Everything is working. Thank You

14-12-10, 01:44 AM
is it possible for me to make the server live through LAN? i tried changing into our local LAN ip but it doesn't work. any help?

24-04-11, 07:04 PM
where i can find download link? i really want to try this :D

15-06-11, 10:48 AM
is it possible for me to make the server live through LAN? i tried changing into our local LAN ip but it doesn't work. any help?

Wrong section for this question, but yes you can make it work for LAN. Read the tutorial sections for help on setting it up.

02-07-11, 07:52 PM
Is this Project died? I heard its most stable one, but MU link dead also GitHub. Where can I get it?

20-07-11, 07:00 PM

21-08-11, 01:50 PM

If you think any optional script is missing, make a suggestion in this thread and i'll try to add it :)

MaNGOS-based core (Called Dark-iCE) with:
- Client version - Client version 3.3.5, build 12340 ( 3.3.3a build 11723 NO LONGER AVAILABLE )
- Vehicles - Constantly improved
- ChatLog system
- Dualspec
- Scriptdev2 (always the newest)
- Acid 3.0.4 (Rev 35)
- Autobroadcast
- AuctionHousebot
- AntiCheat
- Lots of customs like TeleNPC and GuildHall NPC (now with database locations, so customizable)
- All 3.3.0a, 3.2.2 and 3.3.3a items


Database Login info:
Name : root
Password : mangos
There are no preconfigured accounts, you need to make one yourself:

type this in mangosd.exe, one line at a time

.account create NAME PASS PASS
.account set gmlevel NAME 3
.account set addon NAME 2This creates an account with
Name = NAME
Password = PASS
it's an admin (gmlevel 3) with wotlk enabled (addon 2)

Maps, DBC, Vmaps, Buildings folders...uploaded so you don't have to extract them :)

Maps / DBC / DBC / Buildings Build 12340, Client Version 3.3.5:
Megaupload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6B7P5GIC)

Auto-Compiler--------AKA Repack-Maker--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Auto-Compiler V1.5 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NQDF3AYB)

The auto-compiler is an application that will ask you a couple of questions regarding the "repack" (note that the questions ask what YOU want, there is no such thing as a "correct" answer)
after the questions have been answered it will download our source code from our online storage and compile it into a core
it will also create all necessary databases from our source code

this is done to save me a lot of time and stop the whining about "is there an update" because now you can update whenever you want (check the changelog link at the bottom)

If you, for whatever possible reason, do not understand this app you got 2 choices:
- Look on ebay if you can buy a newer model of brains, yours are outdated
- Use this thread on the Dark-iCE forums (http://projectdarkice.clanice.com/index.php/topic,7.0.html), it contains pics that will help you a bit (or so i hope)

Info and suggestion:
Dark-iCE Forums (http://projectdarkice.clanice.com/) The place to post your bugs and suggestions...

How to get the server (Website + Game-server) public:
Follow this guide:
How To Make MaNGOS Public - without Hamachi - AC Web (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/tutorials/77552-how-make-mangos-public-without-hamachi.html)
it should help you to make it public

Want to help?
Help me when anyone encounters SQL errors...
Are you really good with C++ or SQL? sign up on the Dark-iCE Forums and help us out (http://projectdarkice.clanice.com/)

and ofcourse: report all the problems and bugs you encounter AFTER CHECKING IF THEY HAVEN'T ALREADY BEEN POSTED


Changelog can be found here http://github.com/Darkrulerz/Core/commits/
Changelog for the Cataclysm beta core : http://github.com/Darkrulerz/Core/commits/400 (not done yet)
Me :)
the rest of the Dark-iCE Team
the people who made some of the patches I used
(Tasssadar, Insider42, Tom_Rus, Blizzy and many more...)
KingDutka from scriptdev2 forums for the base of the TeleMaster code
MaNGOS for providing the great core base
Blizzard for the client part and the ideas
nice, i trying

25-08-11, 06:46 AM
svp the lien is dead