View Full Version : [Release] Elder Repack(Continued)

25-03-10, 09:36 AM
Delete the thread please..

Cannot go into great detail as to why, but I will simply say it's best I take it down, and when(if) it gets re-posted it will definitely not as buggy as this one, I am extremely sorry for doing this..the man that pulls the strings wants something different..

25-03-10, 09:42 AM
This is so great. I love you guys.
This is the repack i have ever seen. Congratulations to all the designers and to TheRealMethuselah. Nothing could had be done without him :)
Thank you guys so much.
Good Luck and Continue to update this perfect repack :).

25-03-10, 10:55 AM
I cant seem to download this. Maps and dbc are fine. Repack however stops downloading at 44%. All it says: Error. ( at download screen )

25-03-10, 11:26 AM
I'll double check it.

EDIT: Apologize evidently some time between my compression and the upload to mediafire it lost alot of the files..re-uploading, apologize for the fail..

25-03-10, 11:32 AM
nice ! +r ;o

edit : stickied , keep it up

25-03-10, 11:47 AM
Thanks Elders Boys!!
+ rep

25-03-10, 11:58 AM
Absoluto, if you downloaded the repack prior to me removing it, make sure you delete it, as it should be missing quite a bit..

25-03-10, 11:59 AM
ill wait for zee cumulitive update.

25-03-10, 12:04 PM
Ok, I will download when you re-up the link, thanks

25-03-10, 12:14 PM
Alright re-uploaded the repack, as well as the Rev 5 update that fixes the client crash problem from quests, pet fixes, VH's main boss scripted, and some misc fixes. It SHOULD be good to go now. Those of you that download PRIOR to me re-uploading, please re-download this repack, as I fail, if for some reason you have it running fine..I still suggest re-downloading.

EDIT: I will upload the repack that already has rev5 executed into it, so it will be safe for those that don't update the server at all..lol.

EDIT2: Alright, I have uploaded and TESTED the new download link for the POST Rev5 upload, it SHOULD be working 100%, downloaded it and used it personally so it should be working fine. In the event it's not..I will wage war upon Mediafire...

25-03-10, 01:06 PM
Thank you very much for the update! It's always great to hear from the Elder team +rep

25-03-10, 01:15 PM
Thank you Synapse :)

Should have another update out shortly, seeing as most of you can tell we are using an older revision of the previous Elder Repack core..got a little bit to fix hehe

25-03-10, 01:35 PM
Good Job Zomg And Rest Of Team Keep It Up

Aproved :}

25-03-10, 02:44 PM
To Everyone Who Made This Repack Possible i say:


25-03-10, 02:44 PM
zomg question why no Htdoc folder,apache and all i cant make it public with out that all can i jsut copy thouse fodlers from the old elder repack into em caz i need em

25-03-10, 02:53 PM
when i Extract the maps it gives me this warning mid way

! C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\maps(2).zip: CRC failed in maps\0012041.map. The file is corrupt

25-03-10, 03:12 PM
ya me to but i ignored it and went on i still need the apache and the other files ill jsdut copy paste em and see if it works grrr

25-03-10, 03:47 PM
I keep getting stuck at the realmlist. anyone else having this prob? or can anyone tell me y?

25-03-10, 03:47 PM
Ty for 3.3.3 and for scripts Zomg! :cool: +rep

25-03-10, 03:56 PM
zomg question why no Htdoc folder,apache and all i cant make it public with out that all can i jsut copy thouse fodlers from the old elder repack into em caz i need em

When Thrylas compiled the repack he didn't include it though you could try and see if it works.

when i Extract the maps it gives me this warning mid way

! C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\maps(2).zip: CRC failed in maps\0012041.map. The file is corrupt

Try to extract the maps yourself, mediafire has been giving me alot of sh*t recently with my uploads, I'll download it myself and see if I encounter the same error.

To do it yourself open up the Elder - Repack folder, go to Tools, then go to maps_dbc, and read the textfile there on what to do, will extract both the DBC and MAPs files.

I keep getting stuck at the realmlist. anyone else having this prob? or can anyone tell me y?

Do you mean getting stuck inside the WoW client, or the step to edit your realmlist, or are you tryin to connect to something other then

Ty for 3.3.3 and for scripts Zomg! :cool: +rep Don't thank me, I'm simply the messenger for MMOPro lol

Sidenote: New Revision to the DB will be coming out soon.

EDIT: Alright encountered the same error, re-compressing a new maps folder, and seeing if it happens again, could become corrupt from the compression, then uploading(I wouldn't know).

EDIT2: Re-compressed the new maps, tested it like the first one, no error, if another error occurs it's mediafire's fault and I will upload on another site.

25-03-10, 04:12 PM
I keep getting stuck at the realmlist. anyone else having this prob? or can anyone tell me y?

Same here, in the client im getting "Logging on to game Server" and then it takes me back to the realm list. Made a fresh install following everything in your guide.

Gotta add that im a newbie though.

Ill try extracting the maps myself now, because i also received the zip file error from the mediafire file.

25-03-10, 04:14 PM
Zomg ya iu jsut coipyed the apahca exe and teh folder so far and made a htdocs folder and filed it with my website now jsut gonna edit teh configs for the new repack from the old configs and ill tell u if it worked

25-03-10, 04:15 PM
yea mine is in client to. Im getting that same thing happen to me

25-03-10, 04:16 PM
Zomg ya iu jsut coipyed the apahca exe and teh folder so far and made a htdocs folder and filed it with my website now jsut gonna edit teh configs for the new repack from the old configs and ill tell u if it worked

Edit Phorz it would not have anything to do with the maps that wont let u get past logging in caz i got same error and it cant laod that one map in the world.exe,and i can log in using my public domain...its prob a realm loop

25-03-10, 04:25 PM
ok i tried to edit the old files to be able to make server public with website such as ,apahe,and the others but i cant.....zomg u think u could add them into?

Double post sorry.....hmm wounder why i cant delete my post in other people threads but i can in my own hmmm wierd

25-03-10, 04:30 PM
I know exactly why my apologizes guys, was a personal error of mine from testing.

I will have a quick SQL fix for ya'll to execute into the DB, as well new maps.zip testing it now.

Alright this SHOULD! fix the realmloop ya'll are encountering.

Those of you curious as to why you received the realmloop, it is because the mangos realmlist was configured to connect to my server rather then localhost.

Execute this into the elder2logon database.(Or download from main page and do the same thing)

UPDATE realmlist SET address = '' WHERE id = '1';
For future releases this will be fixed

Added the SQL file under "Quick Fix" On the main page.

25-03-10, 04:51 PM
wierd i dotn get realmloop maybe caz im using my own domain not lol zomg ima send u up a pst

25-03-10, 04:56 PM
You probably don't get a realmlist loop because you went into the database and changed the address to your domain rather then to what I had accidentally set it to, this quick fix should fix it in general, since I have that changed now, it will be changed in any future repack updates, though I may take it down tonight and repost the one with the realmlist fixed, who knows.

EDIT: Compressed the DBC and Maps folders together, and tested it, encountered no errors, I'm going AFK for a bit while it uploads to mediafire, I will download it from mediafire and test it again to ensure there are no errors, if there are errors then it remains to be from the upload, or downloading of it.

25-03-10, 05:18 PM
Sorry to bother you again, but i think the quick fix link leads to the old map zip file. The link is invalid now, but i just downloaded the map zip file with the error from there.

Unfortunately im too newbish to fix it in the database myself.

Thanks for the effort :)

25-03-10, 05:25 PM

My client works fine!

Mangos is running good, but have report some errors loading map area data files:

25-03-10, 05:31 PM
Sorry to bother you again, but i think the quick fix link leads to the old map zip file. The link is invalid now, but i just downloaded the map zip file with the error from there.

Unfortunately im too newbish to fix it in the database myself.

Thanks for the effort :)

See if the link is fixed now, should be. If it isn't just copy the code from the previous page, copy it into notepad, do a save as... give it a name, and append .sql to it, change the save type as, to all files, save it, open up your database editing tool(navicat etc) and execute the file into the elder2logon database.


My client works fine!

Mangos is running good, but have report some errors loading map area data files:

Yeah known issue it's possibly cause we haven't added the new instances or anything..

EDIT: Alright new DBC&MAPS.zip link, downloaded it and ran winrars check on it multiple times didn't encounter any errors so finally:)

25-03-10, 05:39 PM
does mysql need to be installed for this repack as its telling me it cant start mysql service.

25-03-10, 05:43 PM
does mysql need to be installed for this repack as its telling me it cant start mysql service.

Don't know what you mean by installed, but if it can't start it make sure you don't have any other mysql services running in the background or anything.

25-03-10, 05:47 PM

ok thanks!

25-03-10, 05:58 PM
major noob question, just downloaded the fix.sql file, I dont seem to have navicat or dont know how and where to execute it,
im alsogetting the loop and trying to fix it

25-03-10, 06:12 PM
major noob question, just downloaded the fix.sql file, I dont seem to have navicat or dont know how and where to execute it,
im alsogetting the loop and trying to fix it

Navicat Lite Download (http://download.cnet.com/Navicat-Lite/3000-10254_4-10870715.html?tag=mncol)

Download the program install it, open it, then create a connection for MySQL(Be sure you have MySQL.bat running), give it a name, the username is root, password is elder. When you did that double click database that is created, look for elder2logon double click it it, then right click it, select Execute SQL File... go to where the Fix.sql file is located select it, hit start, and then when it finishes close it. Start up realmd.exe and mangosd.exe and see if it fixes the problem.

25-03-10, 06:15 PM
Very nice. :]

25-03-10, 06:15 PM
Great, I'm on it, will let you know if I get it going, Thank you !

25-03-10, 06:27 PM
OK, all seems to be working. apart from the above mentioned errors reported by mangosd.exe with regards to loading some of the map files, but im sure this was mentioned above. Wish i knew how to help you out with this.

25-03-10, 06:28 PM
Glad you got it working.

25-03-10, 06:55 PM
nevermind sorted

25-03-10, 06:59 PM
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"%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
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SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin

ok i fixed all the /server parts to new repack for the apache config but i get this when i started up look over and see what u think heres error thou

Syntax error on line 333 of C:/Elder - Repack/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
SetHandler takes on argument, a handler name that overrides any other configured handler

25-03-10, 07:15 PM
No clue Noble, I don't bother with making my stuff public see if you can post it some where else and see if someone else can help you, cause I wouldn't have a clue.

25-03-10, 07:25 PM
Hi ..... my problem is I still have the old repack 3.3.2 of the case and I have a shop for players made and would like to keep with the new repack
I lose everything and I do not want to do everything again from scratch just like my own instance can you please help me I'm with patch 3.3.3 on it because otherwise it was all the work to other

please please please please please help me

25-03-10, 08:03 PM
And you didn't happen to make backups of these custom objects/items sqls...why?(Not trying to be rude) lol

25-03-10, 09:10 PM
Report Crash Client

Occur crash Client when you click on npc 196 (Eagan Petskinner) for finish his quest

Other Crash occur with other npc with the same way, clicking on npc for finish a quest

25-03-10, 09:17 PM
Just the client correct? Not the core?

25-03-10, 09:19 PM
Yes, only the client

25-03-10, 09:23 PM
Hmm...which quest? because I just turned one into him and it didn't crash, stand corrected I see which one it is.

EDIT: Alright I have the elder team informed of it, it will hopefully be fixed as soon as possible and I'll have it up again:)

25-03-10, 09:58 PM


=> Crash Client with the QUESTS

- Wolves Across the Border - id 33
- Consecrated Letter - id 3101
- Hallowed Letter - id 3103
- Wanted: "Hogger" - id 176
- The Collector - id 123
- Wine Shop Advert - id 332
many others quests have the same trouble

The Crash occur when try finish the quest with the Npc

=> Other Problem with Quests
- Brotherhood of Thieves - id 18
- Report to Goldshire - id 54
- Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty - id 11
when you get the quest the itens are show normally- however when you will get the reward the itens not appear

=> NPC Vendor
id 6367 - Donni Anthania (Crazy Cat Lady)
You buy normally, but the itens (companions) when learned are different type

= > MAPS
the locations in the maps are not discovered and the char no receive XP

25-03-10, 10:00 PM
I noticed when you type in lol or /train there is no voice to go along with it ,also when fighting. Not that big of a deal just trying to hlp, ty.

25-03-10, 11:34 PM
Hunter chain quest the 1st one for taming a crab thing,client crash everytime u try to turn in

26-03-10, 02:12 AM

Npc's bugged
in The Argent Vanguard and Valley of Echoes, all mobs (dragons, spiders etc) are bugged.

26-03-10, 06:09 AM
Super Repack is also a 64 bit version yet?

26-03-10, 08:02 AM
I noticed when you type in lol or /train there is no voice to go along with it ,also when fighting. Not that big of a deal just trying to hlp, ty.

Thank you.

Hunter chain quest the 1st one for taming a crab thing,client crash everytime u try to turn in

Hunter chain quest for which race...what quest....there are multiple hunter taming chains..


Npc's bugged
in The Argent Vanguard and Valley of Echoes, all mobs (dragons, spiders etc) are bugged.

Bugged in what sense? Cannot be attacked? Aren't there?

Super Repack is also a 64 bit version yet?

No not yet, though it may be, our core developers are freakin lazy(not really), but at the moment we're focusing on making this 3.3.3 repack more stable.

26-03-10, 08:06 AM
many maps errors

26-03-10, 08:08 AM
Yes it's known, and being worked on, however it shouldn't effect gameplay.

26-03-10, 08:14 AM
the DK Quest easy BUG OMG!

runesword BUG !! WTF and Crash Client

26-03-10, 08:28 AM
the DK Quest easy BUG OMG!

runesword BUG !! WTF and Crash Client

Not even going to bother stating that it's being worked on, or that it was stated on the first post that it was bugged.

EDIT: And if you downloaded it yesterday prior to me taking down the Pre-rev5 update, or putting up the rev5 update then it will crash there quite a bit.

26-03-10, 09:10 AM
Hey Zomg morning:
Not sure if anyone else is having problems with the mount training but when you go to any trainer at level 20 and train you you receive all achievements for apprentice, journeyman, expert, and artisan. Then when you check your skills\, depending on class it can be 75/975 to 75/1475 max, until you log out then it is 75/75. Also when you click on your mount in the bag it disappears and you have no pet tab you can also train at level 40 and pet disappears and no pet tab again. Just letting you know.

26-03-10, 09:17 AM
Thank you grandpa, seems the core was rushed, but not on our part..lol, next updates will hopefully be fixing this...

26-03-10, 09:32 AM
zomg sorry was in a hurry last night i only had 2 hours sleep in past 3 days was trying to report the bug so i could go get 5 hours sleep anyways it is the draenei chain quest for hunters the first taming on with the crab

26-03-10, 10:06 AM
Great Job! +rep

26-03-10, 10:57 AM

you're welcome and thank you and the whole team for this great repack and for your help its working great.

26-03-10, 11:25 AM
These core updates and working content as after our tests on the Elder pack was quite impressively negative, can be found WORKING on our forums
Note that the 3.3.3 patch has created major problems in the DBC files that where Blizzard even was obligated to revert over 10k characters on there own official server.
The Evo-X Team.

Gigglebots, Anyways, I thank ya'll for being too kind:P Wish it was a great release (We had to use an older source code that was outdated compared to the 3.3.2 one(since TRM left us without it:/)) but seems we fall short..doesn't mean we won't be tryin to fix it :)

26-03-10, 12:08 PM
Not even going to bother stating that it's being worked on, or that it was stated on the first post that it was bugged.

EDIT: And if you downloaded it yesterday prior to me taking down the Pre-rev5 update, or putting up the rev5 update then it will crash there quite a bit.

All i said is BUG with latest rev

The runesword crash client if you back to talk with NPC

26-03-10, 01:06 PM
Hey, I uploaded a video with my problem. Basically the server is offline, and I can't figure out why.
Any help is appreciated!

YouTube - WoW Private Server Error.mpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgD4vY1Vss8)

The video is processing and will be up within the hour.

26-03-10, 02:03 PM
Glad To See Another Decent Repack

26-03-10, 02:13 PM
Just To Let Ya's Know There Was A Minor Bug Patch Update Since This Was Released So Hope Ya's Can Update To That But Great Repack As Always Guy's

26-03-10, 02:34 PM
hello i read everything and i have had no problems installing the repack or the dbc/map file but when i start launching my server i.e mySQL realm and mangos the mangos bit shuts down saying that i need to extract correct dbc files im confused if u know a solution please reply.

26-03-10, 03:02 PM
hi ignore my last post i manage to fix that, all servers are running fine, but after making my account i try to log in but it wont let me , it gets stuck on 'connecting to game server' i have the latest patch and i have downloaded everything so i am confused as to wat to do now

26-03-10, 03:34 PM
Guys there is no vmaps extractor here :/

26-03-10, 03:39 PM
All i said is BUG with latest rev

The runesword crash client if you back to talk with NPC

Yes, and if you read the first post I stated that the beginning quests for low-levels, and DKs are bugged and will crash the client..

Hey, I uploaded a video with my problem. Basically the server is offline, and I can't figure out why.
Any help is appreciated!

YouTube - WoW Private Server Error.mpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgD4vY1Vss8)

The video is processing and will be up within the hour.

Did you do the quick fix? I know it says realmloop, but it may also fix that problem, and thank you for uploading the video, nice desktop:P lol, makes life much easier then trying to type something and then me trying to decipher what is meant by it.

hello i read everything and i have had no problems installing the repack or the dbc/map file but when i start launching my server i.e mySQL realm and mangos the mangos bit shuts down saying that i need to extract correct dbc files im confused if u know a solution please reply.

hi ignore my last post i manage to fix that, all servers are running fine, but after making my account i try to log in but it wont let me , it gets stuck on 'connecting to game server' i have the latest patch and i have downloaded everything so i am confused as to wat to do now

If you haven't already see if the quick fix fixes it, and/or make sure your realmlist is set up correctly.

Guys there is no vmaps extractor here :/

I had taken it out because some of the elder members had ran into problems with it, I will re-upload it for those that want to try it.

Just To Let Ya's Know There Was A Minor Bug Patch Update Since This Was Released So Hope Ya's Can Update To That But Great Repack As Always Guy's

Minor bug patch from Blizzard?

26-03-10, 03:53 PM
Please do, I hate it when mob attacks me thru walls and stuff :) , and is there some place I can download it so you don't have to reupload it ?

26-03-10, 04:01 PM
It's already been re-uploaded seperately:) It's under "Optional" on the main page..

26-03-10, 04:12 PM
Thanks,but yet I have another problem it's when I play my map doesn't reveal at all, it's like maps I downloaded aren't working and yes I extracted them in right directory but still no go,any help ?

26-03-10, 04:14 PM
like the picture of the map when you open it doesn't appear? Or the world isn't appearing?

26-03-10, 04:22 PM
It's when I come to Razor Hill for example it should get discovered on my map but it's doesn't , anywhere I go I can't "discover" anything and my map is completely blank when I open it .

26-03-10, 04:24 PM
Hmm...could be a trigger problem....type .explore 1 and see if they show up.

EDIT: Having the thread deleted because of some internal turmoil...

26-03-10, 04:37 PM
Yep ,they are there but they don't explore as I walk in new zones I'll always have to type .explore 1 , but nevermind I think I'll live :D

26-03-10, 04:38 PM
doing .explore 1 should show all the maps now, or so it does for me lol