View Full Version : My first Spellboss LUA script ENJOY! :)

24-03-10, 10:33 PM
Ok.. so this is my first ever LUA script. So yes i know im a complete newb :p but i thought the script was pretty neat and i hope you guy's think so as well.

Phase 1 - He starts off casting a few shadow spells nothing to serious just keep heals up and decurse.

phase 2 - about the same as phase 1 but with a few newer spells and it'll take a bit more healing on the tank along with heals on the raid/group (depends which you use him as)

Phase 3 - He starts to randomly cast silences and poly morphs on players every now and then so watch out for those along with some more new spells along with phase 1 and 2 spells so watch out.

and finaly!

phase 4 - i thought this was a pretty cool part of the fight (even tho i might edit it later on to make it even better once i get better at scripting :p) But he turns into a "Dark Paladin" and cast a debuff on a player that can't be removed. he also cast a few AOE spells in the beginning then later on just a bunch of shadow bolts and a little aoe here and there. oh yes he also has a shadow aura that does damage to everyone near him so keep heals up!

Dowload - Madris LUA script (http://pastebin.com/vHgcjgdg)

Creature SQL - Click me noiw! (http://www.mediafire.com/?zztbg2nnm0z)

i hope you like it. at least kinda :p
Please don't flame me :(