View Full Version : [Epic]Secret/Hidden Wow Locations

22-03-10, 03:53 PM
Alright, here is a list of Secret/Hidden locations in the World of Warcraft that I have discovered and taken screen shots of... Quick Warning Big Screenshots. Enjoy =D\

UPDATE: Programmer Isle and Designer Island video link added (To big of area for screen shots to cover) Link for the patch http://www.megaupload.com/?d=73LF18S6 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=73LF18S6)

BTW... The coords are for ArcEmu

GM Island:
.rec p GMIsland

GM Island is an island designed by Blizzard... Supposedly for GMs to relax and answer tickets. One two story building, same as the Ravenholdt building, and there is a small dock with a row boat. Located Far northwest of Teldrassil, surrounded by water. Only possible way to enter is by teleporting there or using a patch and running there all the way from Teldrassil.

Hidden Silithus Farm along with a Cave:
.rec p GM2
.worldport 1 -10735.790 2463.18 6.834

At the very south west coats of Silithus there is a tiny Tauren village.
There is a tauren style house with a windmill outside along with a ranch pen.
Near the water lies two canoes.
Following along to the east is a cave. Inside is nothing but rocks and leads right underneath Ahn'Qiraj.

Two Taranis Islands:
.rec p GM1
.worldport 1 -11805.5 -4754.129 5.966

Two Islands located south of Taranis.
The first island consists of what looks like a small goblin Inn and a small goblin house.
Located between the two islands is an oil rig few barrels of oil and a control room.
The second island has two goblin huts which appear to be one work like station and one Fish Slaughter house.

Underwater Goblin Village:
.worldport 1 -9619 -5594 -496
(Do not swim to low or else you will die).

Sunken goblin village located South East of Taranis and South west of the compass rose when zoomed in to Taranis. Small goblin inn and house. Beds, tables, and machines spawned outside the houses.

Secret Dancing Troll City:
.worldport 1 7333 -1542 162

A decent sized troll village located in the northern mountains of Darkshore. Usually seen when on a flight path. On retail there are many dancing trolls here. Includes some party like lights, troll huts, canoes, a bridge, a lake (Viewed in Cataclysm Trailer), and a Temple/Cave.

+=*Continued On Next Post*=+

22-03-10, 03:54 PM
.worldport 1 4654 -3772 944

A closed of land for which Blizzard will be adding in The Cataclysm.
There is not much to tell about this place except it holds the world tree and the history of The Battle of Mt. Hyjal where alliance and horde forces held off the Burning Legion and Scourge. Some places are the giant crater from which I believe Azgalor created when he landed (Not 100% sure) and another model of Onyxia's Cave entrance. Also including a map of the instance version.

Old Ironforge:
.worldport 0 -4818 -973 465

Accessible only back in the early stages of World of Warcraft and exploitable until a patch in Wrath of the Lich King taking away the duel spot. Hidden under The Highseat in Ironforge. Awesome purple crystals with flowing lava below. Last possible way to get here was to go under a staircase where the Training Dummies are, you would then be outside Ironforge and would be able to duel people. Get a mage then run to the place below and get the mage to Polymorph you. Somehow it would port you to the Old Ironforge area.

Ortell's Hideout:
.worldport 0 -5362 -2540 485

Small cave located just North East of the South Gate Outpost in Dun Morogh when entered you also enter Silithus General and Local Defense chat (May Not Work On Private Servers).

Ironforge Airport:
.worldport 0 -4789 -1691 504

A secret gnome aiport Blizzard has added for no appearent reason.
Located East of Ironforge's Main Gate and North West of the North Gate Outpost.
Includes airplanes, run way, Ironforge Guards, a bunker, small camp w/ gryphons. South of the airport are some Siege Engines and a cave w/ trolls trying to attack the airport (May Not Be On Private Servers)

Wetlands Farm:
.worldport 0 -4050 -1436 165

Farm that is in southwestern Wetlands roughly south of Menethil Harbor.
Reachable by falling down the mountainside from near the Ironforge Airport. This is a series of small farmland plots around a pond at the base of a tall waterfall.
There is also a signpost with three directions: "This way","The other way" and "That way." If you follow the road you'll get to a tunnel which leads to nowhere.

Newsmans's Landing:
.worldport 0 -6374 1260 8

Newman's Landing is a small area off the west coast of Dun Morogh. In the coast there lies a small house.
Before 3.0.2 there were no mobs but now in 3.0.2 this location is now classed as Dun Morogh, and a Goblin with the voice of a Gnome by the name of High Admiral "Shelly" Jorrik stands at the dock accompanied by two Booty Bay Bruisers. He is able to sell Blacksmithing Supplies and can repair.


^\/_Continued on Next Post_\/^

22-03-10, 03:55 PM
Quel'Thalas Island:
.worldport 0 4244.6 -2731.4 6.1

A coastline area with an elfish tower, brick and temple. Can be reached by swimming.

Challe's Home For Little Tykes:
.worldport 530 -483.401794 7461.944824 186.120987

Located in the hills between Nagrand and Zangarmarsh,
Inside the hut is the first known Night Elf Baby seen the in the game. As well as the first
known Troll and Tauren babies seen in game. There's a dog house just outside the fence with meat of some unknown origin also to add the dog seems to be missing. Behind the hut are three various size and types of cages.

Outlands Test Zone:
.worldport 36 -1596 597 6

Secret Outlands testing area outside of the mountain where Deadmines is located.
Area was found out before the Burning Crusade and it was ment to be a Hellfire Peninsula stylish ground test.

My Favorite...
Old Scarlet Monastery:
Herod's Room: .worldport 44 255.146 -99.99 18.677
Tourture Room: .worldport 44 279.428 -55.063 31.493
Library: .worldport 44 322.2577 -50.511 30.827
Cathedral: .worldport 44 373.9107 -102.196 33.051

Blizzard designed the SM to be a connected instance, but everything didn't come out like that. Blizzard wanted the
parts of the SM be seperated to easier and harder parts. Althought the Old SM still exists ingame and it has pretty great looking graphics and amazing story to tell.
The real SM is connected too but not the same way as old SM; all the 4 instances are on same map so with XYZ you can fly from cathedral to graveyard.
This version though has alot better graphics =) (This is when Blizzard took their time doing things lol).
Sorry for the UI

Last But Not Least...

The Emerald Dream:
Statue Coords: .worldport 169 2996.61 3055.2 23.22
Verdant Fields: .worldport 169 -2300.593 -1328.719 123.366
Emerald Forest: .worldport 169 2716.442 -3376.705 100.02

The Emerald Dream is an un-finished zone that is soon to be released in the next couple of expansions. Only a couple of the areas in the Emerlad Dream are actually worked on like the images below... The Emerald Dream is also important to the Druids lore in Warcraft. The Emerald Dream is only exploreable by doing the Quest "Hope Within the Emerald Nightmare" which is only a small section of Moonglade.

Programmer Isle/Designer Island

Designer Island
.worldport 451 16303.5 -16173.5 40.4365
Programmer Isle
.worldport 451 16304.2 16318.099 69.4454

GM Box:
A do not know much about this area except for it was used by Blizzard as a prison/questioning area. Blizzard later stopped using it around Mid-Burning Crusade.
.worldport 1 16227.8984 16403.4003 -63.8804

22-03-10, 04:31 PM
ITT:same shit we have seen for the past 3 years

22-03-10, 04:42 PM
lol i know but it wasnt posted GRRR so i posted,i got a place i bet u gusy dont know of................u know where the blood elf's palce is and ghostlands theres a portal been a whiel cant remember but if u put gm fly on and go around it or over and not thru it up in mountains theres like little huts i found a few things up in there and if u put stuff there only gm's that have the fly option can get to it no normaly player caz ure not gonig thru portal GRRRR beat that

22-03-10, 04:57 PM
lol i know but it wasnt posted GRRR so i posted,i got a place i bet u gusy dont know of................u know where the blood elf's palce is and ghostlands theres a portal been a whiel cant remember but if u put gm fly on and go around it or over and not thru it up in mountains theres like little huts i found a few things up in there and if u put stuff there only gm's that have the fly option can get to it no normaly player caz ure not gonig thru portal GRRRR beat that

I showed you that place :)

22-03-10, 05:16 PM
ya u did hehe u should come on my server to sum time if u want and chill i got everything set up except the dang voter and dang donating panel,all i need is mroe members....grrr

22-03-10, 07:13 PM
lol i know but it wasnt posted GRRR so i posted,i got a place i bet u gusy dont know of................u know where the blood elf's palce is and ghostlands theres a portal been a whiel cant remember but if u put gm fly on and go around it or over and not thru it up in mountains theres like little huts i found a few things up in there and if u put stuff there only gm's that have the fly option can get to it no normaly player caz ure not gonig thru portal GRRRR beat that

Sitdown azzhole this shits all been posted before, go back some thread pages and you will find like 5 of these threads.

22-03-10, 08:34 PM
dont be mean boxxy :] dont make me have to go Beastmaster on ure ass lol jk anyways....ill look back bet tehre not liek this thou anyways

29-03-10, 07:44 PM
Your missing a small location :P

Area above Northshire:
.worldport 0 -8637.010742 -533.405273 146.605484

Pics: attached

29-03-10, 07:54 PM
Whyd you made 3 posts in a row with locations and not in the first post ? :S

29-03-10, 08:02 PM
dimman caz i ****ing felt liek it u got a issue with it ban me right now i dotn give a **** "My Care cup is empty"

29-03-10, 08:16 PM
o.o does this mean this topic is being closed?

29-03-10, 09:49 PM
Your missing a small location :P

Area above Northshire:
.worldport 0 -8637.010742 -533.405273 146.605484

Pics: attached

Should start your own thread bro, seeing as this guy got banned maby you can make sum reps.

29-03-10, 09:53 PM
good Idea :P but I have posted other things too

02-04-10, 01:28 PM
I noblebeastx did not get a perm ban it was supsoe to be a 7 day i think i dotn feel liek counting anyways,then dimman msut over after 5 days or so perm ban me reason:This kid needs it so as soon as i figure out what is gonig to happen or go on i will be updating this if my account is back

03-04-10, 04:26 PM
I noblebeastx did not get a perm ban it was supsoe to be a 7 day i think i dotn feel liek counting anyways,then dimman msut over after 5 days or so perm ban me reason:This kid needs it so as soon as i figure out what is gonig to happen or go on i will be updating this if my account is back

Seriously slowdown abit because i don't understand a shit lol and I DID NOT BANNED YOU it was someone else i wont tell you will have to figure that out yourself and grow up its just retarded to spam in the shoutbox and swear talk shit about black people etc etc.

If you want to QQ then do it in a private chat do not do it here.
