View Full Version : CoarseEmu

15-08-08, 02:28 PM
Dracconus, Succy, and maybe Daikaikenking are starting an emu.
Since RebornEmu is down and will be for good...

The site and forums will be up as soon as Dracconus gets back on.

15-08-08, 04:44 PM
Haven't heard from him in forever...

15-08-08, 05:05 PM
Yea, Thats cause he is still using AscentEmu updating it himself for his server

17-08-08, 08:48 AM
To many emus seriously,but ehh i guess itl be good also is reborn emu gone?

17-08-08, 08:50 AM
i don't think that , any new Emu can beat ArcEmu now

17-08-08, 05:41 PM
Yea Reborn is gone...

17-08-08, 08:20 PM
I mean a New Emu will be good, but Dont recruit noob... you need certified C++ Developers if you really want to go anywhere. I wish you guys good luck.

17-08-08, 08:31 PM
Call me a noob?
I'm not going to recruit everyone who applies >.<

17-08-08, 10:26 PM
lol, People will never stop using ArcEmu cuz its the best
Its better to leave it to ArcEmu team :D

17-08-08, 11:13 PM
F*ck that...Their stability is shit...and they changed their DB structure so only certain DB's work for them now...and hasbro is just a dick

21-08-08, 05:46 PM
Very true. The thing is... people dont relize it and too many ppl use arcemu

21-08-08, 05:51 PM
F*ck that...Their stability is shit...and they changed their DB structure so only certain DB's work for them now...and hasbro is just a dick

Um are you talking about mangos or...?

21-08-08, 11:12 PM
Lol hes talking about Arc Emu. Its all true What Wig and Immune are saying. They are loosing Devs because of stealing work like they just lost Andy. And I think they are going to loose NCDB because there was a great fight about them being there oficial db on there forums.

23-08-08, 04:43 PM
Every branch someone makes is just going to be dead in a week... you need real developers - not repackers, database people, etc

26-08-08, 01:40 AM
Arcemu does have pretty good C++ developers. Although if Hasbro actually committed something, the project might go somewhere.. Instead of him changing around a few commands which means you need to type more and take longer to learn them all again >_>

26-08-08, 04:14 PM
Clain this is brae btw...thanks for being so negative to my project =P

and Hasbro does commit...but its other patches...like from aspire and shit

26-08-08, 06:07 PM
>.> Did this Project go anywhere lol?

26-08-08, 06:10 PM
Shut up immune seriously...Reborn didnt go anywhere besides into other emu's to grab their patches...

We ain't even using shitborn's src nemore

26-08-08, 07:08 PM
Dude **** you cock. LOL Coarse emu is gonna fail >.> No Progression, and Yes rebornemu failed.. I always thought it would >.> What did I contribute to it? Okay a website I do them all the time :P I never really liked scyther

26-08-08, 07:09 PM
WoW, It feels good to flame in a weird way... Arc Emu Sucks aswell. Tell you the truth were gonna land in a hole, unless we get a good group together... Im working on Combing wowd Antrix with soem of summit script which is working quite well .... Had an issue with alteracvally.cpp and .h for a few hours tho.

27-08-08, 07:30 PM
Clain this is brae btw...thanks for being so negative to my project =P

and Hasbro does commit...but its other patches...like from aspire and shit

Oh... hai :P
Im not being negetive its just that this has happened so many times lawl

27-08-08, 07:37 PM
1. I'm glad Immunes ass is off these forums for flaming our project. let that be a lesson to anyone.
2. I have to say that SERIOUSLY people, come ON, think about it. i'm not KNOCKING arcemu, but let's face it, it's RAN BY A 12 YO that even ADMITS taht he doesn't know coding for shit, and that he copies everyone elses stuff, Dont' believe me????? Fine, just take a look at this.
Culprit number 1.
culprit 2
culprit 3.
culprit 4

As you can see, both websites are clearly "marked" by the "signature" banana, and are both reistered to godaddy.com and are both registered through the SAME DNS redirection system.....
Mere coincidence? I think not.
Nevertheless, I will not knock the kid. I may not know a lot about C++, but I am working on that, and where I lack strength in C++, I MORE than make up for it with my knowledge in PHP, Html, Javascript, LUA, and so on, so that being said...
To those of you who are wondering.....
"Will CoarseEmu last????"
The answer is simple.
I got hacked last night, and that didn't stop us. All we want is the community to believe in us, the way we believe in the community, as long as that happens, we'll stay up, and we'll help people build great, and stable servers. We don't care how many times we get attacked, so try all you want, it's irrelevant to us. We will still do what we love, and nothign short of our deaths, or blizzard attempting to file a lawsuit against us (which they won't because it's not their code, and because it's not their code, it's not their game in all technicality) we won't stop, we'll stay here, and we'll be working on the "perfect" core.
We're not a bunch of 12 year old kids. We're operated by mature, respectful, and peaceful MEN that like doing this kind of thing. So if you want to join us, help out, donate, or W/E it'd all be appreciated.
Oh, and as a side note...
Due TO us being hacked yesterday, we will need to remake the forums, but it won't take that long. We'll be back up and running in no time.
GL to you all with your flame war, I bid you adu

28-08-08, 04:57 PM
Project closed...

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