16-03-10, 06:29 AM
Emulation information.
There are two ways of making a server
Compiling or downloading a compiled core (repack)
Existing Emulators
Sandshroud Aspire
OpenBasic Emu
YTDB: Mangos & TrinityCore*
PSMDB: Mangos
RMDB: OpenBasic Emu
SADB: Sandshroud Aspire
UDB: Mangos, TrinityCore*
IFDB: ArcEmu
TDB: TrinityCore
WhyDB: ArcEmu, Aspire
I would suggest you to use Arcemu as your first Emulator because its easy to setup & run.
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
GM Commands
Arcemu Gm Commands:
commands | 0 | Shows Commands
help | 0 | Shows help for command
announce | u | Sends Msg To All
wannounce | u | Sends Widescreen Msg To All
appear | v | Teleports to x's position.
summon | v | Summons x to your position
kill | r | .kill - Kills selected unit.
killplr | r | .killplr <name> - Kills specified player
revive | r | Revives you.
reviveplr | r | Revives player specified.
demorph | m | Demorphs from morphed model.
mount | m | Mounts into modelid x.
dismount | h | Dismounts.
gps | 0 | Shows Position
worldport | v |
start | m | Teleport's you to a starting location
invincible | j | .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)
invisible | i | .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)
playerinfo | m | .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)
levelup | m | Levelup x lvls
modify | m |
waypoint | w |
debug | d |
gm | 0 |
gmTicket | c |
gobject | o |
battleground | e |
npc | n |
cheat | m |
account | a |
honor | m |
quest | q |
pet | m |
recall | q |
guild | m |
server | 0 |
char | 0 |
lookup | l |
admin | z |
kick | m |
ban | m |
unban | m |
kickplayer | b | Kicks player from server
gmannounce | u | Sends Msg to all online GMs
clearcooldowns | m | Clears all cooldowns for your class.
removeauras | m | Removes all auras from target
paralyze | b | Roots/Paralyzes the target.
unparalyze | b | Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.
gotrig | v | Warps to areatrigger <id>
exitinstance | m | Exits current instance, return to entry point.
modperiod | m | Changes period of current transporter.
createarenateam | g | Creates arena team
logcomment | 1 | Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read.
removesickness | m | Removes ressurrection sickness from the target
fixscale | m |
addtrainerspell | m |
hp | m | Health Points/HP
gender | m | Changes gender 0=male / 1=female.
mana | m | Mana Points/MP
rage | m | Rage Points
energy | m | Energy Points
level | m | Level xy
armor | m | Armor
holy | m | Holy Resistance
fire | m | Fire Resistance
nature | m | Nature Resistance
frost | m | Frost Resistance
shadow | m | Shadow Resistance
arcane | m | Arcane Resistance
damage | m | Unit Damage Min/Max
scale | m | Size/Scale
gold | m | Gold/Money/Copper
speed | m | Movement Speed
nativedisplayid | m | Native Display ID
displayid | m | Display ID
flags | m | Unit Flags
faction | m | Faction Template
dynamicflags | m | Dynamic Flags
talentpoints | m | Talent Points
happiness | m | Happiness
spirit | m | Spirit
boundingraidius | m | Bounding Radius
combatreach | m | Combat Reach
emotestate | m | NPC Emote State
bytes | m | Bytes
infront | d |
showreact | d |
aimove | d |
dist | d |
face | d |
moveinfo | d |
setbytes | d |
getbytes | d |
unroot | d |
root | d |
landwalk | d |
waterwalk | d |
castspell | d | .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target.
castself | d | .castself <spellId> - Target casts spell <spellId> on itself.
castspellne | d | .castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.
aggrorange | d | .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.
knockback | d | .knockback <value> - Knocks you back.
fade | d | .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer().
threatMod | d | .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().
calcThreat | d | .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat.
threatList | d | .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.
gettptime | d | grabs transporter travel time
itempushresult | d | sends item push result
setbit | d |
setvalue | d |
aispelltestbegin | d |
aispelltestcontinue | d |
aispelltestskip | d |
dumpcoords | d |
sendpacket | d | <opcode ID>, <data>
sqlquery | d | <sql query>
rangecheck | d | Checks the 'yard' range and internal range between the player and the target.
setallratings | d | Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index.
testlos | d | tests los
testindoor | d | tests indoor
getheight | d | Gets height
getpos | d |
add | w | Add wp at current pos
show | w | Show wp's for creature
hide | w | Hide wp's for creature
delete | w | Delete selected wp
movehere | w | Move to this wp
flags | w | Wp flags
waittime | w | Wait time at this wp
emote | w | Emote at this wp
skin | w | Skin at this wp
change | w | Change at this wp
info | w | Show info for wp
movetype | w | Movement type at wp
generate | w | Randomly generate wps
save | w | Save all waypoints
deleteall | w | Delete all waypoints
addfly | w | Adds a flying waypoint
-- mit dem Addon MyMaster
get | c | Gets GM Ticket list.
getId | c | Gets GM Ticket by player name.
delId | c | Deletes GM Ticket by player name.
-- ohne dem Addon MyMaster
list | c | Lists all active GM Tickets.
get | c | Gets GM Ticket with ID x.
remove | c | Removes GM Ticket with ID x.
deletepermanent | z | Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently.
assign | c | Assignes GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self).
release | c | Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x.
comment | c | Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y.
create | m | Creates a guild.
rename | m | Renames a guild.
members | m | Lists guildmembers and their ranks.
removeplayer | m | Removes a player from a guild.
disband | m | Disbands the guild of your target.
select | o | Selects the nearest GameObject to you
delete | o | Deletes selected GameObject
spawn | o | Spawns a GameObject by ID
info | o | Gives you informations about selected GO
activate | o | Activates/Opens the selected GO.
enable | o | Enables the selected GO for use.
scale | o | Sets scale of selected GO
animprogress | o | Sets anim progress
export | o | Exports the current GO selected
move | g | Moves gameobject to player xyz
rotate | g | "Rotates gameobject x degrees
setbgscore | e | <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
startbg | e | Starts current battleground match.
pausebg | e | Pauses current battleground match.
bginfo | e | Displays information about current battleground.
battleground | e | Shows BG Menu
setworldstate | e | <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
playsound | e | <val>. Val can be in hex.
setbfstatus | e | .setbfstatus - NYI.
leave | e | Leaves the current battleground.
getqueue | z | Gets common battleground queue information.
forcestart | z | Forces initialitation of all battlegrounds with active queue.
vendoradditem | n | Adds to vendor
vendorremoveitem | n | Removes from vendor.
flags | n | Changes NPC flags
emote | n | .emote - Sets emote state
delete | n | Deletes mob from db and world.
info | n | Displays NPC information
addAgent | n | .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2>
listAgent | n | .npc listAgent
say | n | .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.
yell | n | .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.
come | n | .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
return | n | .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
spawn | n | .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id>
spawnlink | n | .spawnlink sqlentry
possess | n | .npc possess - Possess an npc (mind control)
unpossess | n | .npc unpossess - Unposses any currently possessed npc.
select | n | .npc select - selects npc closest
npcfollow | m | Sets npc to follow you
nullfollow | m | Sets npc to not follow anything
formationlink1 | m | Sets formation master.
formationlink2 | m | Sets formation slave with distance and angle
formationclear | m | Removes formation from creature
status | m | Shows active cheats.
taxi | m | Enables all taxi nodes.
cooldown | m | Enables no cooldown cheat.
casttime | m | Enables no cast time cheat.
power | m | Disables mana consumption etc.
god | m | Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.
fly | m | Sets fly mode
land | m | Unsets fly mode
explore | m | Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.
flyspeed | m | Modifies fly speed.
stack | m | Enables aura stacking cheat.
triggerpass | m | Ignores area trigger prerequisites.
level | z | Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc.
mute | a | Mutes account for <timeperiod>.
unmute | a | Unmutes account <x>
addpoints | m | Adds x amount of honor points/currency
addkills | m | Adds x amount of honor kills
globaldailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves
singledailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves for selected player only
pvpcredit | m | Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points
createpet | m | Creates a pet with <entry>.
renamepet | m | Renames a pet to <name>.
addspell | m | Teaches pet <spell>.
removespell | m | Removes pet spell <spell>.
spawnbot | a | .pet spawnbot <type> - spawn a helper bot for your aid
list | q | List recall locations
port | q | Port to recalled location
add | q | Add recall location
del | q | Remove a recall location
portplayer | m | recall ports player
addboth | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as start & finish
addfinish | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as finisher
addstart | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as starter
delboth | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as start & finish
delfinish | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as finisher
delstart | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as starter
complete | 2 | Complete/Finish quest <id>
finisher | 2 | Lookup quest finisher for quest <id>
item | 2 | Lookup itemid necessary for quest <id>
list | 2 | Lists the quests for the npc <id>
load | 2 | Loads quests from database
lookup | 2 | Looks up quest string x
giver | 2 | Lookup quest giver for quest <id>
remove | 2 | Removes the quest <id> from the targeted player
reward | 2 | Shows reward for quest <id>
status | 2 | Lists the status of quest <id>
spawn | 2 | Port to spawn location for quest <id>
start | 2 | "Starts quest <id>
setmotd | m | Sets MOTD
rehash | z | Reloads config file.
reloadtable | m | Reloads some of the database tables
shutdown | z | Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds (5 by default).
restart | z | Initiates server restart in <x> seconds (5 by default).
save | s | Save's your character
saveall | s | Save's all playing characters
info | 0 | Server info
list | 0 | Shows active GM's
off | t | Sets GM tag off
on | t | Sets GM tag on
whisperblock | g | Blocks like .gmon except without the <GM> tag
allowwhispers | c | Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
blockwhispers | c | Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
learn | m | Learns spell
unlearn | m | Unlearns spell
getskillinfo | m | Gets all the skills from a player
learnskill | m | .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid.
advanceskill | m | advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times..
removeskill | m | .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill
increaseweaponskill | m | .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).
resetreputation | n | .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)
resetspells | n | .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resettalents | n | .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.
resetskills | n | .resetskills - Resets all skills.
additem | m | Adds a item to your target.
removeitem | m | Removes item %u count %u.
additemset | m | Adds item set to inv.
advanceallskills | m | Advances all skills <x> points.
getstanding | m | Gets standing of faction %u.
setstanding | m | Sets stanging of faction %u.
showitems | m | Shows items of selected Player
showskills | m | Shows skills of selected Player
rename | m | Renames character x to y.
forcerename | m | Forces character x to rename his char next login
item | l | Looks up item string x.
quest | l | Looks up quest string x.
creature | l | Looks up item string x.
castall | z | Makes all players online cast spell <x>.
dispelall | z | Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players.
renameallinvalidchars | z | Renames all invalid character names
masssummon | z | .masssummon - Summons all players.
playall | z | Plays a sound to the entire server.
byplayer | f | Disconnects the player with name <s>.
byaccount | f | Disconnects the session with account name <s>.
byip | f | Disconnects the session with the ip <s>.
ip | m | Adds an address to the IP ban table: <address> [duration] - Duration must be a number optionally followed by a character representing the calendar subdivision to use (h>hours, d>days, w>weeks, m>months, y>years, default minutes) - Lack of duration results in a permanent ban.
character | b | Bans character x with or without reason
account | a | Ban account. .account ban name timeperiod
ip | m | Deletes an address from the IP ban table: <address>
character | b | Unbans character x
account | z | Unbans account x.MaNGOS Gm Commands:
Syntax: .acct
Display the access level of your account.
Syntax: .commands
Display a list of available commands for your account level.
Syntax: .dismount
Dismount you, if you are mounted.
Syntax: .info
Display the number of connected players.
Syntax: .gmlist
Display a list of available Game Masters.
Syntax: .help
Display usage instructions for the given .
Syntax: .showhonor
Display your honor ranking.
Syntax: .save
Saves your character.
Syntax: .start
Teleport you to the starting area of your character.
Syntax: .announce
Send a global message to all players online.
Syntax: .gmoff
Disable the prefix for your character.
Syntax: .gmon
Enable the prefix for your character.
Syntax: .goname
Teleport to the given character. Either specify the character name or click on the character's portait, e.g. when you are in a
Syntax: .gps
Display the position information for a selected character or creature. Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id
and zone
Syntax: .modify
Modify the value of various parameters.
Use .help modify to get help on specific parameter usage.
Supported parameters include hp, mana, rage, energy, gold, level, speed, swim, scale, bit, bwalk, aspeed, faction, and spell.
modify aspeed
Syntax: .modify aspeed #speed
Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back- of the selected player.
If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
modify bit
Syntax: .modify bit #field #bit
Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your character.
modify bwalk
Syntax: .modify bwalk #speed
Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
modify energy
Syntax: .modify energy #energy
Modify the energy of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your energy.
modify faction
Syntax: .modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid
Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature. Without arguments, display the faction and flags of the selected creature.
modify gold
Syntax: .modify gold #money
Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money. #gold can be negative to remove money.
modify hp
Syntax: .modify hp #newhp
Modify the hp of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your hp.
modify mana
Syntax: .modify mana #newmana
Modify the mana of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your mana.
modify rage
Syntax: .modify rage #newrage
Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage.
modify scale
Syntax: .modify scale #number from 0 to 3
Modify the scale ofthe selected player
modify speed
Syntax: .modify speed #speed
Modify the running speed of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
modify spell
!!! Need informations here !!!
modify swim
Syntax: .modify swim #speed
Modify the swim speed of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
Syntax: .namego
Teleport the given character to you. Either specify the character name or click on the player's portrait, e.g. when you are in a group.
Syntax: .recall
Teleport you to various towns around the world. defines the target location. Available places include sunr, thun, cross, ogri, neth, thel, storm, iron, under, and darr.
Usage: .whispers on|off
Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting.
Usage: .goobject #object_guid
Teleport your character to gameobject with guid #creature_guid
Syntax: .searchtele
Search and output all .tele command locations with provide in name.
Syntax: .addmove [#waittime]
Add your current location as a waypoint for the selected creature. And optional add wait time.
Syntax: .addspw #creatureid Spawn a creature by the given template id of #creatureid.
Syntax: .changelevel #level
Change the level of the selected creature to #level. #level may range from 1 to 63.
Syntax: .delete
Delete the selected creature from the world.
Syntax: .demorph
Demorph the selected player.
Syntax: .displayid #displayid
Change the model id of the selected creature to #displayid.
Syntax: .factionid #factionid
Set the faction of the selected creature to #factionid.
Syntax: .guid
Display the GUID for the selected character.
Syntax: .item #guid #amount
Add the given amount #amount of the item with a GUID of #guid to the selected vendor.
Syntax: .itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid
Move an item from slots #sourceslotid to #destinationslotid in your inventory Not yet implemented
Syntax: .itemrmv #guid
Remove the given item with a GUID of #guid from the selected vendor.
Syntax: .kick
Kick the given character from the world.
Syntax: .name
Change the name of the selected creature or character to . Command disabled.
Syntax: .random #flag
Enable or disable random movement for the selected creature.
Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable random movement.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .npcflag #npcflag
Set the NPC flags of the selected creature to #npcflag.
Syntax: .ticket on .ticket off .ticket #num .ticket
on/off for GMs to show or not a new ticket directly, to show ticket of this character, #num to show ticket #num.
Syntax: .delticket all .delticket #num .delticket
all to delete all tickets at server, to delete ticket of this character, #num to delete ticket #num.
Syntax: .prog
Teleport you to Programmers Island.
Syntax: .run #flag
Enable or disable running movement for a selected creature.
Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable running. Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .subname
Change the subname of the selected creature or player to . Command disabled.
Usage: .gocreature #creature_guid
Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid.
Usage: .targetobject [#go_id|#go_name_part]
Locate and show position nearest gameobject.
If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then loacate and show position of neares gameobject with gameobject tempalte id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part.
Usage: .delobject #go_guid
Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid.
Syntax: .addgo #id
Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #id.
Note: this is a copy of .gameobject.
Syntax: .addgrave (any|alliance|horde)
Add a graveyard at your current location for any or specific faction. If in radius 50f already exist graveyard then instead creating new this graveyard coordinates, orientation and faction updated.
Current zone automaticly linked to created graveyard.
Syntax: .additem #itemid [#itemcount] or .additem 0 #itemcount
Adds the specified number of items of id #itemid to your or selected character inventory.
If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added.
With the second syntax you can add an item with exact (!) name .
Syntax: .additemset #itemsetid
Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory.
Will add by one sample each item from itemset.
Syntax: .addsh
Add a spirit healer to your current location. Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .addspirit
Spawns the spirit healer for the current location, if there is one defined for the current location.
Command disabled.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .allowmove
Enable or disable movement for the selected creature.
Syntax: .anim #emoteid
Play emote #emoteid for your character.
Syntax: .aura #spellid
Add the aura from spell #spellid to your character.
Syntax: .bank
Show your bank inventory.
Syntax: .createguild ?
Create a guild named ? with the player ? as leader.
Syntax: .die
Kill the selected player or creature. If no player or creature selected, it will kill you.
Syntax: .distance
Display the distance from your character to the selected creature.
Syntax: .emote #emoteid
Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid.
Syntax: .explorecheat #flag Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player. If no player is selected, hide or reveal maps to you. Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all maps.
Syntax: .gameobject #id
Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the #id.
Syntax: .getvalue #field #isInt
Get the field #field of the selected creature. If no creature is selected, get the content of your field.
Use a #isInt of value 1 if the expected field content is an integer.
Syntax: .go #position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid
Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.
Syntax: .hidearea #areaid
Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, hide this area to you.
Syntax: .hover #flag
Enable or disable hover mode for your character. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable hover.
Syntax: .learn #parameter
Selected character learn a spell of id #parameter.
A GM can use :
.learn all, if he wants to learn all default spells for Game Masters
.learn all_lang, to learn all langauges
.learn all_myclass, to learn all spells available for his class (Character selection in these cases ignored).
Syntax: .learnsk #skillId #level #max
Learn a skill of id #skill with a current skill value of #level and a maximum value of #max for the selected character. If no character is selected, you learn the skill.
Syntax: .levelup #numberoflevels
Increase the level of the selected character by #numberoflevels.
If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If no character is selected, increase your level.
Syntax: .linkgrave #graveyard_id
Link current zone to graveyard.
This let character ghost from zone teleport to graveyard after die if graveyard is nearest from linked to zone and accept ghost of this faction.
From instance ghosts teleported to nearest linked graveyard with ignoring ghost faction.
Syntax: .loadscripts
Unload current and load the script library or reload current if omitted, in case you changed it while the server was running.
Syntax: .Mod32Value #field #value
Add #value to field #field of your character.
Syntax: .morph #displayid
Change your current model id to #displayid.
Syntax: .neargrave [any|alliance|horde]
Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts any, alliance, horde faction ghosts).
Syntax: .NewMail? #flag
Send a new mail notification with flag #flag.
Syntax: .npcinfo
Display a list of details for the selected creature.
The list includes :
GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID
Level, - Health (current/maximum)
Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template
Position information
and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor.
Syntax: .npcinfoset
TODO: Write me.
Syntax: .object #displayid
Add a new object of type mailbox with the display id of #displayid to your current position.
If is set to 'true', save the object in the database.
Syntax: .QNM #flag
Query next mail time with flag #flag.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .revive
Revive the selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you.
Syntax: .security #level
Set the security level of player to a level of #level. #level may range from 0 to 5 (even if no command exist for levels 4 and 5).
Syntax: .setvalue #field #value #isInt Set the field #field of the selected creature with value #value. If no creature is selected, set the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if #value is an integer.
Syntax: .showarea #areaid
Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, reveal this area to you.
Syntax: .standstate #emoteid
Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .unaura #spellid
Remove aura due to spell #spellid from your character.
Syntax: .unlearn #startspell #endspell
Unlearn for selected player the range of spells between id #startspell and #endspell. If no #endspell is provided, just unlearn spell of id #startspell.
Syntax: .unlearnsk #parameter
Unlearn a skill of id #parameter for the selected character. If no character is selected, you unlearn the skill.
Syntax: .update #field #value
Update the field #field of the selected character or creature with value #value.
If no #value is provided, display the content of field #field.
Syntax: .wchange #weathertype #status
Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensitiy of #status.
#weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand.
#status can be 0 for disabled(light, e.g. light rain), and 1 for enabled(heavy, e.g. heavy snow).
Syntax: .worldport #map #position_x #position_y #position_z
Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified continent (map).
Syntax: .shuttdown seconds
Syntax: .cshuttdown
Cancels shuttdown
Usage: .reset stats
Resets all stats of the targeted player to their orginal values at level 1.
Please unequip all items and debuff all auras from the player before using.
.reset talents Removes all talents of the targeted player.
Usage: .maxskill
Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level.____________________________________________ ___________________________________
Useful links:
http://mmopro.net/forums/server-guides/2041-[tut]how-compile-arcemu-3-2-0-step-step.html (http://mmopro.net/forums/server-guides/2041-%5Btut%5Dhow-compile-arcemu-3-2-0-step-step.html)
Going public
Non Hamachi:
How to join a private server:
Realmlist Setup tut
GM Helper: GMHelper - Revision 113: / (http://opensvn.csie.org/GMHelper/)
SVN/Git List
ArcEmu: svn://arcemu.info/svn/trunk
Aspire: svn://svn.aspiredev.net/AspireCore/trunk
IFDB: IFDB - Revision 26: / (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/IFDB/)
LTDB: http://ltdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
Mangos: mangos's mangos at master - GitHub (http://github.com/mangos/mangos)
Mangos Zero: mangoszero's mangoszero at master - GitHub (http://github.com/mangoszero/mangoszero)
OpenBasic Emu: svn://openbasicemu.org
PSMDB: psmdb_wotlk - Revision 300: / (http://svn.assembla.com/svn/psmdb_wotlk/)
RMDB: RMDB - Revision 37: /trunk (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/RMDB/trunk/)
Sandshroud Aspire: Sandshroud - Revision 142: /Trunk (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/Sandshroud/Trunk/)
SADB: SADB - Revision 6: / (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/SADB/)
ScriptDev2: https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.n...ot/scriptdev2/
ScriptDev2 - ACID: https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net...d2-acid/trunk/
ScriptDev Zero: scriptdevzero's scriptdevzero at master - GitHub (http://github.com/scriptdevzero/scriptdevzero)
ShyEMU: http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ShyEMU/
TDB: trinitydatabase - Revision 23: /trunk (http://svn.assembla.com/svn/trinitydatabase/trunk/)
TrinityConverters: http://bitbucket.org/spyder/trinity-converters/src/
TrinityCore: https://trinitycore.googlecode.com/hg/
TrinityZero: https://trinityzero.googlecode.com/hg/
UDB: https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.ne...ifieddb/trunk/
WCell: https://wcell.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wcell/trunk/
WhyDB: http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/whydb-users/
YTDB: ytdbase - Revision 313: / (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ytdbase/)
ZPDB: https://zeroprojectdb.svn.sourceforg...zeroprojectdb/
IFDB: IFDB - Revision 26: / (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/IFDB/)
LHDB: lhdb - Revision 4: / (http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/lhdb/)
BaWDb: http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/BaWDB/
WhyDb: whydb-users - Revision 61: / (http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/whydb-users/)
RivalDB: rivaldb - Revision 5: / (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/rivaldb/)
Tortoise HG
TortoiseHg (http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/)
Tortoise SVN
tortoisesvn.tigris.org (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/)
Git Hub
Visual c++
Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://filebeam.com/cef33c6bbd54d43df66dd60738d080d2)
Credits to LeFroid for uploading.
2008 Express
Platform SDK x86 (32 bit)
Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://filebeam.com/ec37c69c7101cb62b90c6e731e6272f3)
MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html)
Navicat Oracle, MySQL Admin Tool - the World's Best Oracle Manager, MySQL GUI & PostgreSQL GUI for Windows, Linux & Mac OS X - Download Now! Support Access to MySQL, Excel to MySQL, MySQL editor, MySQL administrator, MySQL frontend, MySQL manager, ph (http://www.navicat.com/)
HeidiSQL - MySQL made easy (http://www.heidisql.com/)
<More will come be patient :3>
There are two ways of making a server
Compiling or downloading a compiled core (repack)
Existing Emulators
Sandshroud Aspire
OpenBasic Emu
YTDB: Mangos & TrinityCore*
PSMDB: Mangos
RMDB: OpenBasic Emu
SADB: Sandshroud Aspire
UDB: Mangos, TrinityCore*
IFDB: ArcEmu
TDB: TrinityCore
WhyDB: ArcEmu, Aspire
I would suggest you to use Arcemu as your first Emulator because its easy to setup & run.
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
GM Commands
Arcemu Gm Commands:
commands | 0 | Shows Commands
help | 0 | Shows help for command
announce | u | Sends Msg To All
wannounce | u | Sends Widescreen Msg To All
appear | v | Teleports to x's position.
summon | v | Summons x to your position
kill | r | .kill - Kills selected unit.
killplr | r | .killplr <name> - Kills specified player
revive | r | Revives you.
reviveplr | r | Revives player specified.
demorph | m | Demorphs from morphed model.
mount | m | Mounts into modelid x.
dismount | h | Dismounts.
gps | 0 | Shows Position
worldport | v |
start | m | Teleport's you to a starting location
invincible | j | .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)
invisible | i | .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)
playerinfo | m | .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)
levelup | m | Levelup x lvls
modify | m |
waypoint | w |
debug | d |
gm | 0 |
gmTicket | c |
gobject | o |
battleground | e |
npc | n |
cheat | m |
account | a |
honor | m |
quest | q |
pet | m |
recall | q |
guild | m |
server | 0 |
char | 0 |
lookup | l |
admin | z |
kick | m |
ban | m |
unban | m |
kickplayer | b | Kicks player from server
gmannounce | u | Sends Msg to all online GMs
clearcooldowns | m | Clears all cooldowns for your class.
removeauras | m | Removes all auras from target
paralyze | b | Roots/Paralyzes the target.
unparalyze | b | Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.
gotrig | v | Warps to areatrigger <id>
exitinstance | m | Exits current instance, return to entry point.
modperiod | m | Changes period of current transporter.
createarenateam | g | Creates arena team
logcomment | 1 | Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read.
removesickness | m | Removes ressurrection sickness from the target
fixscale | m |
addtrainerspell | m |
hp | m | Health Points/HP
gender | m | Changes gender 0=male / 1=female.
mana | m | Mana Points/MP
rage | m | Rage Points
energy | m | Energy Points
level | m | Level xy
armor | m | Armor
holy | m | Holy Resistance
fire | m | Fire Resistance
nature | m | Nature Resistance
frost | m | Frost Resistance
shadow | m | Shadow Resistance
arcane | m | Arcane Resistance
damage | m | Unit Damage Min/Max
scale | m | Size/Scale
gold | m | Gold/Money/Copper
speed | m | Movement Speed
nativedisplayid | m | Native Display ID
displayid | m | Display ID
flags | m | Unit Flags
faction | m | Faction Template
dynamicflags | m | Dynamic Flags
talentpoints | m | Talent Points
happiness | m | Happiness
spirit | m | Spirit
boundingraidius | m | Bounding Radius
combatreach | m | Combat Reach
emotestate | m | NPC Emote State
bytes | m | Bytes
infront | d |
showreact | d |
aimove | d |
dist | d |
face | d |
moveinfo | d |
setbytes | d |
getbytes | d |
unroot | d |
root | d |
landwalk | d |
waterwalk | d |
castspell | d | .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target.
castself | d | .castself <spellId> - Target casts spell <spellId> on itself.
castspellne | d | .castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.
aggrorange | d | .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.
knockback | d | .knockback <value> - Knocks you back.
fade | d | .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer().
threatMod | d | .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().
calcThreat | d | .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat.
threatList | d | .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.
gettptime | d | grabs transporter travel time
itempushresult | d | sends item push result
setbit | d |
setvalue | d |
aispelltestbegin | d |
aispelltestcontinue | d |
aispelltestskip | d |
dumpcoords | d |
sendpacket | d | <opcode ID>, <data>
sqlquery | d | <sql query>
rangecheck | d | Checks the 'yard' range and internal range between the player and the target.
setallratings | d | Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index.
testlos | d | tests los
testindoor | d | tests indoor
getheight | d | Gets height
getpos | d |
add | w | Add wp at current pos
show | w | Show wp's for creature
hide | w | Hide wp's for creature
delete | w | Delete selected wp
movehere | w | Move to this wp
flags | w | Wp flags
waittime | w | Wait time at this wp
emote | w | Emote at this wp
skin | w | Skin at this wp
change | w | Change at this wp
info | w | Show info for wp
movetype | w | Movement type at wp
generate | w | Randomly generate wps
save | w | Save all waypoints
deleteall | w | Delete all waypoints
addfly | w | Adds a flying waypoint
-- mit dem Addon MyMaster
get | c | Gets GM Ticket list.
getId | c | Gets GM Ticket by player name.
delId | c | Deletes GM Ticket by player name.
-- ohne dem Addon MyMaster
list | c | Lists all active GM Tickets.
get | c | Gets GM Ticket with ID x.
remove | c | Removes GM Ticket with ID x.
deletepermanent | z | Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently.
assign | c | Assignes GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self).
release | c | Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x.
comment | c | Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y.
create | m | Creates a guild.
rename | m | Renames a guild.
members | m | Lists guildmembers and their ranks.
removeplayer | m | Removes a player from a guild.
disband | m | Disbands the guild of your target.
select | o | Selects the nearest GameObject to you
delete | o | Deletes selected GameObject
spawn | o | Spawns a GameObject by ID
info | o | Gives you informations about selected GO
activate | o | Activates/Opens the selected GO.
enable | o | Enables the selected GO for use.
scale | o | Sets scale of selected GO
animprogress | o | Sets anim progress
export | o | Exports the current GO selected
move | g | Moves gameobject to player xyz
rotate | g | "Rotates gameobject x degrees
setbgscore | e | <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
startbg | e | Starts current battleground match.
pausebg | e | Pauses current battleground match.
bginfo | e | Displays information about current battleground.
battleground | e | Shows BG Menu
setworldstate | e | <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
playsound | e | <val>. Val can be in hex.
setbfstatus | e | .setbfstatus - NYI.
leave | e | Leaves the current battleground.
getqueue | z | Gets common battleground queue information.
forcestart | z | Forces initialitation of all battlegrounds with active queue.
vendoradditem | n | Adds to vendor
vendorremoveitem | n | Removes from vendor.
flags | n | Changes NPC flags
emote | n | .emote - Sets emote state
delete | n | Deletes mob from db and world.
info | n | Displays NPC information
addAgent | n | .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2>
listAgent | n | .npc listAgent
say | n | .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.
yell | n | .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.
come | n | .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
return | n | .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
spawn | n | .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id>
spawnlink | n | .spawnlink sqlentry
possess | n | .npc possess - Possess an npc (mind control)
unpossess | n | .npc unpossess - Unposses any currently possessed npc.
select | n | .npc select - selects npc closest
npcfollow | m | Sets npc to follow you
nullfollow | m | Sets npc to not follow anything
formationlink1 | m | Sets formation master.
formationlink2 | m | Sets formation slave with distance and angle
formationclear | m | Removes formation from creature
status | m | Shows active cheats.
taxi | m | Enables all taxi nodes.
cooldown | m | Enables no cooldown cheat.
casttime | m | Enables no cast time cheat.
power | m | Disables mana consumption etc.
god | m | Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.
fly | m | Sets fly mode
land | m | Unsets fly mode
explore | m | Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.
flyspeed | m | Modifies fly speed.
stack | m | Enables aura stacking cheat.
triggerpass | m | Ignores area trigger prerequisites.
level | z | Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc.
mute | a | Mutes account for <timeperiod>.
unmute | a | Unmutes account <x>
addpoints | m | Adds x amount of honor points/currency
addkills | m | Adds x amount of honor kills
globaldailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves
singledailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves for selected player only
pvpcredit | m | Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points
createpet | m | Creates a pet with <entry>.
renamepet | m | Renames a pet to <name>.
addspell | m | Teaches pet <spell>.
removespell | m | Removes pet spell <spell>.
spawnbot | a | .pet spawnbot <type> - spawn a helper bot for your aid
list | q | List recall locations
port | q | Port to recalled location
add | q | Add recall location
del | q | Remove a recall location
portplayer | m | recall ports player
addboth | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as start & finish
addfinish | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as finisher
addstart | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as starter
delboth | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as start & finish
delfinish | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as finisher
delstart | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as starter
complete | 2 | Complete/Finish quest <id>
finisher | 2 | Lookup quest finisher for quest <id>
item | 2 | Lookup itemid necessary for quest <id>
list | 2 | Lists the quests for the npc <id>
load | 2 | Loads quests from database
lookup | 2 | Looks up quest string x
giver | 2 | Lookup quest giver for quest <id>
remove | 2 | Removes the quest <id> from the targeted player
reward | 2 | Shows reward for quest <id>
status | 2 | Lists the status of quest <id>
spawn | 2 | Port to spawn location for quest <id>
start | 2 | "Starts quest <id>
setmotd | m | Sets MOTD
rehash | z | Reloads config file.
reloadtable | m | Reloads some of the database tables
shutdown | z | Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds (5 by default).
restart | z | Initiates server restart in <x> seconds (5 by default).
save | s | Save's your character
saveall | s | Save's all playing characters
info | 0 | Server info
list | 0 | Shows active GM's
off | t | Sets GM tag off
on | t | Sets GM tag on
whisperblock | g | Blocks like .gmon except without the <GM> tag
allowwhispers | c | Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
blockwhispers | c | Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
learn | m | Learns spell
unlearn | m | Unlearns spell
getskillinfo | m | Gets all the skills from a player
learnskill | m | .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid.
advanceskill | m | advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times..
removeskill | m | .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill
increaseweaponskill | m | .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).
resetreputation | n | .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)
resetspells | n | .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resettalents | n | .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.
resetskills | n | .resetskills - Resets all skills.
additem | m | Adds a item to your target.
removeitem | m | Removes item %u count %u.
additemset | m | Adds item set to inv.
advanceallskills | m | Advances all skills <x> points.
getstanding | m | Gets standing of faction %u.
setstanding | m | Sets stanging of faction %u.
showitems | m | Shows items of selected Player
showskills | m | Shows skills of selected Player
rename | m | Renames character x to y.
forcerename | m | Forces character x to rename his char next login
item | l | Looks up item string x.
quest | l | Looks up quest string x.
creature | l | Looks up item string x.
castall | z | Makes all players online cast spell <x>.
dispelall | z | Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players.
renameallinvalidchars | z | Renames all invalid character names
masssummon | z | .masssummon - Summons all players.
playall | z | Plays a sound to the entire server.
byplayer | f | Disconnects the player with name <s>.
byaccount | f | Disconnects the session with account name <s>.
byip | f | Disconnects the session with the ip <s>.
ip | m | Adds an address to the IP ban table: <address> [duration] - Duration must be a number optionally followed by a character representing the calendar subdivision to use (h>hours, d>days, w>weeks, m>months, y>years, default minutes) - Lack of duration results in a permanent ban.
character | b | Bans character x with or without reason
account | a | Ban account. .account ban name timeperiod
ip | m | Deletes an address from the IP ban table: <address>
character | b | Unbans character x
account | z | Unbans account x.MaNGOS Gm Commands:
Syntax: .acct
Display the access level of your account.
Syntax: .commands
Display a list of available commands for your account level.
Syntax: .dismount
Dismount you, if you are mounted.
Syntax: .info
Display the number of connected players.
Syntax: .gmlist
Display a list of available Game Masters.
Syntax: .help
Display usage instructions for the given .
Syntax: .showhonor
Display your honor ranking.
Syntax: .save
Saves your character.
Syntax: .start
Teleport you to the starting area of your character.
Syntax: .announce
Send a global message to all players online.
Syntax: .gmoff
Disable the prefix for your character.
Syntax: .gmon
Enable the prefix for your character.
Syntax: .goname
Teleport to the given character. Either specify the character name or click on the character's portait, e.g. when you are in a
Syntax: .gps
Display the position information for a selected character or creature. Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id
and zone
Syntax: .modify
Modify the value of various parameters.
Use .help modify to get help on specific parameter usage.
Supported parameters include hp, mana, rage, energy, gold, level, speed, swim, scale, bit, bwalk, aspeed, faction, and spell.
modify aspeed
Syntax: .modify aspeed #speed
Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back- of the selected player.
If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
modify bit
Syntax: .modify bit #field #bit
Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your character.
modify bwalk
Syntax: .modify bwalk #speed
Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
modify energy
Syntax: .modify energy #energy
Modify the energy of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your energy.
modify faction
Syntax: .modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid
Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature. Without arguments, display the faction and flags of the selected creature.
modify gold
Syntax: .modify gold #money
Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money. #gold can be negative to remove money.
modify hp
Syntax: .modify hp #newhp
Modify the hp of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your hp.
modify mana
Syntax: .modify mana #newmana
Modify the mana of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your mana.
modify rage
Syntax: .modify rage #newrage
Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage.
modify scale
Syntax: .modify scale #number from 0 to 3
Modify the scale ofthe selected player
modify speed
Syntax: .modify speed #speed
Modify the running speed of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
modify spell
!!! Need informations here !!!
modify swim
Syntax: .modify swim #speed
Modify the swim speed of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.
Syntax: .namego
Teleport the given character to you. Either specify the character name or click on the player's portrait, e.g. when you are in a group.
Syntax: .recall
Teleport you to various towns around the world. defines the target location. Available places include sunr, thun, cross, ogri, neth, thel, storm, iron, under, and darr.
Usage: .whispers on|off
Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting.
Usage: .goobject #object_guid
Teleport your character to gameobject with guid #creature_guid
Syntax: .searchtele
Search and output all .tele command locations with provide in name.
Syntax: .addmove [#waittime]
Add your current location as a waypoint for the selected creature. And optional add wait time.
Syntax: .addspw #creatureid Spawn a creature by the given template id of #creatureid.
Syntax: .changelevel #level
Change the level of the selected creature to #level. #level may range from 1 to 63.
Syntax: .delete
Delete the selected creature from the world.
Syntax: .demorph
Demorph the selected player.
Syntax: .displayid #displayid
Change the model id of the selected creature to #displayid.
Syntax: .factionid #factionid
Set the faction of the selected creature to #factionid.
Syntax: .guid
Display the GUID for the selected character.
Syntax: .item #guid #amount
Add the given amount #amount of the item with a GUID of #guid to the selected vendor.
Syntax: .itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid
Move an item from slots #sourceslotid to #destinationslotid in your inventory Not yet implemented
Syntax: .itemrmv #guid
Remove the given item with a GUID of #guid from the selected vendor.
Syntax: .kick
Kick the given character from the world.
Syntax: .name
Change the name of the selected creature or character to . Command disabled.
Syntax: .random #flag
Enable or disable random movement for the selected creature.
Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable random movement.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .npcflag #npcflag
Set the NPC flags of the selected creature to #npcflag.
Syntax: .ticket on .ticket off .ticket #num .ticket
on/off for GMs to show or not a new ticket directly, to show ticket of this character, #num to show ticket #num.
Syntax: .delticket all .delticket #num .delticket
all to delete all tickets at server, to delete ticket of this character, #num to delete ticket #num.
Syntax: .prog
Teleport you to Programmers Island.
Syntax: .run #flag
Enable or disable running movement for a selected creature.
Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable running. Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .subname
Change the subname of the selected creature or player to . Command disabled.
Usage: .gocreature #creature_guid
Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid.
Usage: .targetobject [#go_id|#go_name_part]
Locate and show position nearest gameobject.
If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then loacate and show position of neares gameobject with gameobject tempalte id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part.
Usage: .delobject #go_guid
Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid.
Syntax: .addgo #id
Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #id.
Note: this is a copy of .gameobject.
Syntax: .addgrave (any|alliance|horde)
Add a graveyard at your current location for any or specific faction. If in radius 50f already exist graveyard then instead creating new this graveyard coordinates, orientation and faction updated.
Current zone automaticly linked to created graveyard.
Syntax: .additem #itemid [#itemcount] or .additem 0 #itemcount
Adds the specified number of items of id #itemid to your or selected character inventory.
If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added.
With the second syntax you can add an item with exact (!) name .
Syntax: .additemset #itemsetid
Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory.
Will add by one sample each item from itemset.
Syntax: .addsh
Add a spirit healer to your current location. Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .addspirit
Spawns the spirit healer for the current location, if there is one defined for the current location.
Command disabled.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .allowmove
Enable or disable movement for the selected creature.
Syntax: .anim #emoteid
Play emote #emoteid for your character.
Syntax: .aura #spellid
Add the aura from spell #spellid to your character.
Syntax: .bank
Show your bank inventory.
Syntax: .createguild ?
Create a guild named ? with the player ? as leader.
Syntax: .die
Kill the selected player or creature. If no player or creature selected, it will kill you.
Syntax: .distance
Display the distance from your character to the selected creature.
Syntax: .emote #emoteid
Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid.
Syntax: .explorecheat #flag Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player. If no player is selected, hide or reveal maps to you. Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all maps.
Syntax: .gameobject #id
Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the #id.
Syntax: .getvalue #field #isInt
Get the field #field of the selected creature. If no creature is selected, get the content of your field.
Use a #isInt of value 1 if the expected field content is an integer.
Syntax: .go #position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid
Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.
Syntax: .hidearea #areaid
Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, hide this area to you.
Syntax: .hover #flag
Enable or disable hover mode for your character. Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable hover.
Syntax: .learn #parameter
Selected character learn a spell of id #parameter.
A GM can use :
.learn all, if he wants to learn all default spells for Game Masters
.learn all_lang, to learn all langauges
.learn all_myclass, to learn all spells available for his class (Character selection in these cases ignored).
Syntax: .learnsk #skillId #level #max
Learn a skill of id #skill with a current skill value of #level and a maximum value of #max for the selected character. If no character is selected, you learn the skill.
Syntax: .levelup #numberoflevels
Increase the level of the selected character by #numberoflevels.
If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If no character is selected, increase your level.
Syntax: .linkgrave #graveyard_id
Link current zone to graveyard.
This let character ghost from zone teleport to graveyard after die if graveyard is nearest from linked to zone and accept ghost of this faction.
From instance ghosts teleported to nearest linked graveyard with ignoring ghost faction.
Syntax: .loadscripts
Unload current and load the script library or reload current if omitted, in case you changed it while the server was running.
Syntax: .Mod32Value #field #value
Add #value to field #field of your character.
Syntax: .morph #displayid
Change your current model id to #displayid.
Syntax: .neargrave [any|alliance|horde]
Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts any, alliance, horde faction ghosts).
Syntax: .NewMail? #flag
Send a new mail notification with flag #flag.
Syntax: .npcinfo
Display a list of details for the selected creature.
The list includes :
GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID
Level, - Health (current/maximum)
Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template
Position information
and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor.
Syntax: .npcinfoset
TODO: Write me.
Syntax: .object #displayid
Add a new object of type mailbox with the display id of #displayid to your current position.
If is set to 'true', save the object in the database.
Syntax: .QNM #flag
Query next mail time with flag #flag.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .revive
Revive the selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you.
Syntax: .security #level
Set the security level of player to a level of #level. #level may range from 0 to 5 (even if no command exist for levels 4 and 5).
Syntax: .setvalue #field #value #isInt Set the field #field of the selected creature with value #value. If no creature is selected, set the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if #value is an integer.
Syntax: .showarea #areaid
Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, reveal this area to you.
Syntax: .standstate #emoteid
Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid.
Not yet implemented.
Syntax: .unaura #spellid
Remove aura due to spell #spellid from your character.
Syntax: .unlearn #startspell #endspell
Unlearn for selected player the range of spells between id #startspell and #endspell. If no #endspell is provided, just unlearn spell of id #startspell.
Syntax: .unlearnsk #parameter
Unlearn a skill of id #parameter for the selected character. If no character is selected, you unlearn the skill.
Syntax: .update #field #value
Update the field #field of the selected character or creature with value #value.
If no #value is provided, display the content of field #field.
Syntax: .wchange #weathertype #status
Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensitiy of #status.
#weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand.
#status can be 0 for disabled(light, e.g. light rain), and 1 for enabled(heavy, e.g. heavy snow).
Syntax: .worldport #map #position_x #position_y #position_z
Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified continent (map).
Syntax: .shuttdown seconds
Syntax: .cshuttdown
Cancels shuttdown
Usage: .reset stats
Resets all stats of the targeted player to their orginal values at level 1.
Please unequip all items and debuff all auras from the player before using.
.reset talents Removes all talents of the targeted player.
Usage: .maxskill
Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level.____________________________________________ ___________________________________
Useful links:
http://mmopro.net/forums/server-guides/2041-[tut]how-compile-arcemu-3-2-0-step-step.html (http://mmopro.net/forums/server-guides/2041-%5Btut%5Dhow-compile-arcemu-3-2-0-step-step.html)
Going public
Non Hamachi:
How to join a private server:
Realmlist Setup tut
GM Helper: GMHelper - Revision 113: / (http://opensvn.csie.org/GMHelper/)
SVN/Git List
ArcEmu: svn://arcemu.info/svn/trunk
Aspire: svn://svn.aspiredev.net/AspireCore/trunk
IFDB: IFDB - Revision 26: / (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/IFDB/)
LTDB: http://ltdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
Mangos: mangos's mangos at master - GitHub (http://github.com/mangos/mangos)
Mangos Zero: mangoszero's mangoszero at master - GitHub (http://github.com/mangoszero/mangoszero)
OpenBasic Emu: svn://openbasicemu.org
PSMDB: psmdb_wotlk - Revision 300: / (http://svn.assembla.com/svn/psmdb_wotlk/)
RMDB: RMDB - Revision 37: /trunk (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/RMDB/trunk/)
Sandshroud Aspire: Sandshroud - Revision 142: /Trunk (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/Sandshroud/Trunk/)
SADB: SADB - Revision 6: / (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/SADB/)
ScriptDev2: https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.n...ot/scriptdev2/
ScriptDev2 - ACID: https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net...d2-acid/trunk/
ScriptDev Zero: scriptdevzero's scriptdevzero at master - GitHub (http://github.com/scriptdevzero/scriptdevzero)
ShyEMU: http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ShyEMU/
TDB: trinitydatabase - Revision 23: /trunk (http://svn.assembla.com/svn/trinitydatabase/trunk/)
TrinityConverters: http://bitbucket.org/spyder/trinity-converters/src/
TrinityCore: https://trinitycore.googlecode.com/hg/
TrinityZero: https://trinityzero.googlecode.com/hg/
UDB: https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.ne...ifieddb/trunk/
WCell: https://wcell.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wcell/trunk/
WhyDB: http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/whydb-users/
YTDB: ytdbase - Revision 313: / (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ytdbase/)
ZPDB: https://zeroprojectdb.svn.sourceforg...zeroprojectdb/
IFDB: IFDB - Revision 26: / (http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/IFDB/)
LHDB: lhdb - Revision 4: / (http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/lhdb/)
BaWDb: http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/BaWDB/
WhyDb: whydb-users - Revision 61: / (http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/whydb-users/)
RivalDB: rivaldb - Revision 5: / (http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/rivaldb/)
Tortoise HG
TortoiseHg (http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/)
Tortoise SVN
tortoisesvn.tigris.org (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/)
Git Hub
Visual c++
Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (http://filebeam.com/cef33c6bbd54d43df66dd60738d080d2)
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<More will come be patient :3>