View Full Version : Changing Particle Colour

13-08-08, 04:04 PM
Hello there http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif
Disclaimer: This is still in testing and may not work for all spells!!!!
we are going to do black frostbolt in this guide
Step 1: Open MWS and look for the M2 you are looking for (in this we will use frostbolt) then extract it to where you have M2Modder handy

Step 2: Drag the M2 onto M2Modder and it should open

Step 3: At the main menu in M2Modder choose particles then color

Step 4: After you have choosen colors in the particle menu scroll yup and look for something than this

Step 5: When it says http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/Astrasmodeledits/Selection.png
press in the very first # from the photo above (0 1 and 2 in this case) but remember some of them can be very big i have had upto 15 before :P and it usually starts from 0

Step 6: We are going to change the LAST 6 NUMBERS ONLY(they are hexdecimal click HerE (http://www.visibone.com/color/hexagon_800.gif) for color codes) keep the first two the same they are the opacity when you are done youll have something like this for the colors...http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/Astrasmodeledits/Captured_ImageSelection041720082023.png (notice the ab000000 80000000 and 00000000 for the first texture)

Step 7:Check in Model viewer ^^