View Full Version : Injecting Particles(successfully) into Models

13-08-08, 02:26 PM
First off i want to say this, Xayo will hate me if he finds this posted, but i believe this should be public information because it can make edits look better =)

Secondly, Credits to Xayo for finding this out and giving me hints to do this in the first place

Lastly, Pictures will be added Later, As will links, I AM NOT A GIRL THIS IS MY MOMS OLD LAPTOP -_- (look at pictures you will get what imean)

Requirements/Programs needed:
A brain - no link
Common model editing skills - no link
Cryects tools - Clicky (http://www.mediafire.com/?lrmtjyepmdn)
WoW Model Viewer - Clicky (http://www.mediafire.com/?1nngzxdq4ml)
MyWarcraftStudio/WoW Exploreds tools(easier to find textures with WoWExploreds stuff =D) - Clicky (http://www.mediafire.com/?2lszyrm9pio)(MWS) Clicky (http://www.mediafire.com/?ytm2co2ntjn)(WoWEx Model Exporter) Clicky (http://www.mediafire.com/?ywd7w0yg14g)(WoWEx Texture Converter)

Step 1) Open Model Viewer and go to View ==> Show model Control

Step 2) Find the model you want then use model control to get rid of every thing except the particles,if your model doesn't have the particles you thought it had find another model :)

Step 3) Use Pextractor (from Cryects tools) to extract the particles you want

Step 4) Use PInjector(also from cryects tools) to inject them into the M2 of choice, to do this you do Start=>Run=>cmd.exe they Syntax(what you have to type in command prompt -_-) is Z:\pinjector.exe Z:\XX.m2 Z:\XX
XX= the m2 name and the name of the particles (name doesnt have to be the same, drives may varry to i use Z:\ for my model editing crap, YES I HAVE A Z DRIVE! =D)

Step 5) After the Particles are added drag and drop the m2 over M2Modder, for those of you who havent used this tool dont explore too much, do that later x], go to Edit Particles (press p) then go to position(press p again)

Step 6) at the screen for position you want to press 0 BUT WAIT , if you didnt your fine just read this , by now you must have (hopefully) that i didnt tell you a way to find the position for the model, thats because i do not know how so we have to guess. now presss 0 and you see that its in X Y Z format (first x then y then z last for co-ords) we have to guess start with stuff like 0(X) 10(Y) 0(Z) for a vertical model, if its a horizontal model do stuff like 10(X) 0(Y) 0(Z) you can do this in any increments (space between numbers like by 5's tens etc)you want

Step 7) Making the particles "unblocky" isnt that hard either, go to Particles then press t then press the particle number (ZERO 0) then find the tree path of the particles then copy paste that treepath in, now soemtimes you have to guess the path from the model you used theres somethings that are different and not hte particles (obviously) so dont bother using those x]


13-08-08, 02:41 PM
Sickness bro :D

13-08-08, 03:15 PM
Awesome <3

28-08-08, 09:28 AM
NiCe +Rep

30-08-08, 04:42 PM
Awesume , thanks confirmed!

+ 1 rep

31-08-08, 12:23 PM
Thanks Guys