View Full Version : Arcane Dps Pve(3.3.3 Updated)

07-03-10, 05:07 AM
level differencehit cap % PVEhit cap % PVPhit rating PVE (lvl 80)-40%0%0-31%1%26.23199272-22%2%52.46398544-13%3%78.6959781604%4%104.92797088+15%5%131.1599636 +26%6%157.39195632+3 (skull level boss)17%13%445.94387624+428%20%734.49579616+539%27 %1023.04771608
%Spell Hit Rating (lvl 80)Typical casedraenai %Spell Hit with draenai17%445.94387624hit cap16%419.7118835214%367.24789808EP or (no EP + misery (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33193)/improved faerie fire (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33602))13%341.0159053611%288.55191992EP + misery (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33193)/improved faerie fire (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33602)10%262.31992728%209.85594176EP+AF (57/3/11) + misery (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33193)/improved faerie fire (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33602)7%183.623949041%26.23199272 (crit multiplier formula listed in the formula section)

57/3/11 - cookie cutter
http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?mage...KJdF2wX,,11403 (http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?mage#nsbmcrKJdF2wX,,11403)
57/3/11 - what I recommend (3/3 IA, 3/5 pushback protection, 3/3 ice shards, only 3% hit total from spec)
http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?mage...rTpp-gM,,11403 (http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?mage#X21FvSrTpp-gM,,11403)

Please be aware that the information below is horribly out of date. It is being kept there for copy/paste purpose for when I update it.

<DIV style="MARGIN: 5px 20px 20px">http://elitistjerks.com/images/chestnut/misc/code_html.gif
Rotationscycledpsmpsdpmdpm tradeoff (next cycle)dpm tradeoff (cycle 2)general usenoteAB3+ [mbarr]5495.957387.954114.17 1.85mana dump / during APcast mbarr only at 3 stack. * see note2 belowAB AB AB ([mbarr] or abarr)5132.355190.879126.891.85 main cycle / during AP AB AB AB AM5070.111157.708932.151.881.88main cycle / during AP AB AB ([mbarr] or AB AM)5031.662146.445234.363.412.27main cycle AB ([AB mbarr] or abarr)4760.77887.7533454.254.623.60mana saving* see note belowAB ([mbarr] or abarr)4677.574.8285762.516.443.92mana saving* see note belowAB AM4184.58332.69562127.9911.715.99mana saving Generally you want to delay invisibility as much as possible, because the more you wait, the more effective it becomes.

Based on my personal experience, waiting for the boss to reach 70% hp before using invis will allow you to go all out for the remainder of the fight. Of course, this is only a rule of thumb and assumes that you produce more threat than your tank, and that you will catch up to him. You can play with the number a bit if you can afford to use invis at the end of the fight (ie: finish the fight with >130% threat). It has proven to work well, however, expanded math could give optimum values (if anyone is willing to do it).

FlaskFoodPotionGemBest[Flask of the Frost Wyrm] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46376)[Fish Feast] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=43015)/[Firecracker Salmon] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34767)/[Tender Shoveltusk Steak] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34755)[Potion of Speed] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40211)[Mana Sapphire] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33312)Alternative [Great Feast] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34753)/[Smoked Salmon] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34763)/[Shoveltusk Steak] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34749)[Runic Mana Potion] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33448)[Flame Cap] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=22788) (not recommended w/ 2pc t7)Alternative- [Snapper Extreme] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=42996)/[Worg Tartare] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44953)[Potion of Wild Magic] (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40212)

for the time being, the information below is out of date. The FFB thread has more updated info although the FFB thread doesnt have the new info on flamestrike and 3.3 recent changes.
</P><DIV style="MARGIN: 5px 20px 20px">http://elitistjerks.com/images/chestnut/misc/code_html.gif
Formulasbase formula for all mage spells (thx to Zaldinar for corrections) http://elitistjerks.com/images/chestnut/misc/citation.gif
avg_damage_per_cast_noncrit = (avg_cast_base_dmg + (spell_coefficient + empowered_fire + empowered_frostbolt + arcane_empowerment) * final_spell_dmg) * (firepower + ffb_glyph + spell_impact) * pwf * piercing_ice * coe * arcane_instability [* frostbolt_glyph] [* arcane_blast_buff] [* arcane_power] [* molten_fury] [* ferocious_inspiration] [* tricks_of_the_trade] spell_coefficient = (see table below for appropriate coefficients) avg_damage_per_cast = avg_damage_per_cast_noncrit * (1 + final_crit% * (crit_multiplier - 1)) final_cast_time = talented_cast_time / (1 + total_haste_rating / haste_rating_per_percent / 100) / netherwind_presence / wrath_of_air [/ retribution_aura or imp_moonkin_aura] [/ bloodlust or power_infusion] [/ icy veins] [/ berserking] spell_dps = avg_damage_per_cast * chance_to_hit% / final_cast_time ex: frostfire bolt -- molten fury + berserking(20%) + bloodlust + icy veins + 4pct7 + CSD included, 2000 spelldmg, 55% crit, 500 haste rating avg_damage_per_cast_noncrit = ( (722+838)/2 + (3/3.5 + 0.15) * 2000 spelldmg) * (1.1 + 0.02) * 1.03 * 1.06 * 1.13 [* 1.12] = 4324.43 avg_damage_per_cast = 4324.43 * (1 + 0.55 * (3.34565 - 1)) = 9903.41 final_cast_time = 3 / (1 + 500/32.78998947/100) / 1.05 / 1.03 / 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.2 = 1.29 spell_dps = 9903.41 * 1 / 1.29 = 7677.06 dps ex: arcane barrage(2.5/3.5 coef) -- ab_glyph(3%) + 3_stack_ab_buff + arcane power(20%) + torment the weak + berserking(20%) + bloodlust + icy veins + 4pct7 + CSD included, 2000 spelldmg, 55% crit, 500 haste rating avg_damage_per_cast_noncrit = ( (936+1144)/2 + (2.5/3.5) * 2000 spelldmg) * (1.06) * 1.13 * 1.03 * 1.54 [* 1.2] = 5628.20 avg_damage_per_cast = 5628.20 * (1 + 0.55 * (1.84475 - 1)) = 8243.13 final_cast_time = 1.5 / (1 + 500/32.78998947/100) / 1.06 / 1.05 / 1.03 / 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.2 = 0.61 spell_dps = 8243.13 * 1 / 0.61 = 13513.33 dps (ignoring GCD cap)
notes/gotchas:ffb glyph and spell impact are applied a very odd way, as shown in the formula above. Some frost calculations are not 100% known, given they give sometimes results outside of predicted values. As such, this should be only used to get a rough idea. The above list is simplified and doesn't lists every possible non-stacking buffs. For a proper list, check the FFB thread or MMO-Champion RaidComp (http://raidcomp.mmo-champion.com/) . For example, 'coe' refers to any of (Ebon Plaguebringer/Curse of the Elements+Malediction/Earth and Moon). crit multiplier formula http://elitistjerks.com/images/chestnut/misc/citation.gif
crit_multiplier = (1 + ( ((1.5 [* CSD]) - 1) * (1 [+ ice_shards] [+ burnout] [+ spell_power] [+ 4pct7] [+ am_glyph]) )) [* ignite] ex: frostfire bolt -- ignite + burnout + ice shards + CSD + 4pct7 crit_multiplier = (1 + ( ((1.5 * 1.03) - 1) * (1 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.05) )) * 1.4 = 334.565%
Base manaClassLevel 70Level 80Mage22413268Druid23703496Warlock28713856Priest26 203863Paladin29534394Shaman34574396Hunter33835046L evelBASE_REGENLevelBASE_REGENLevelBASE_REGENLevelB ASE_REGEN10.034965001210.019733001410.013724610.01 0701 20.034191001220.019156420.013522620.010523 30.033465002230.018819001430.013363630.010291 40.032527240.018316999440.013176640.01012 50.031661250.017936001450.012996650.00996960.03107 6999260.017577460.012854660.009808 70.030523270.017201001470.012687670.009652 80.029995280.016919480.01254680.009553 90.029307290.016581999490.012384690.009446 100.028662300.016233999500.012233700.009327 110.027585310.015995510.012114710.008859 120.026215320.015707999520.011973720.008415 130.025381001330.015464530.01186730.007993 140.024301340.015204540.011715740.007592 150.023345999350.014957550.011576750.007211 160.022748999360.014745560.011473760.006849 170.021958999370.014496570.011342770.006506 180.021387380.014302580.011245780.006179 190.020791390.014095590.011111790.005869 200.020121001400.013896600.011800.005575RaceBuffUn deadnoneTrollBerserking (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=20554) + Beast Slaying (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=20557) (...)Blood ElfArcane Torrent (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=28730)HumanThe Human Spirit (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=20598)GnomeExpansive Mind (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=20591)DraenaiHeroic Presence (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=6562)