View Full Version : Change Starting Areas

12-08-08, 11:13 PM
Manually changing one class of a certain race.

1. Go into your server and find the place you want players to start.
2. Type ".gps".
3. Write down the map (will be referd to as mapid later on), and all the cordinates (x,y,z).
4. Open up your database with either navicat, heidisql or something a-like.
5. Open the database "ascent".
6. Look for the table called "playercreateinfo", and open it.
7. Now you will see a lot of records. Each of these represent a class of race. Eks, Blood Elf paladin.
8. Find your desired Record. (I will not tell you how-to since this guide is mainly for changing all to the same place)
9. When you have found the record you would like to edit, go to the tab called "mapID".
10. Now insert the mapID you found and wrote down after you typed ".gps".
11. Find "positionX" and edit what it says, to the X cordinate you wrote down when you typed ".gps".
12. Find "positionY" and change it to the one you wrote down.
13. Find "positionZ" and change it so it matches the one you wrote down.
14. Now you have successfully changed the starting area for a class of race.

How to change all at once

If you want to edit all of the records to the same (making all horde classes of all races and all alliance classes of all races)
start the same place, follow this guide.

1. Go into your server and find the place you want players to start.
2. Type ".gps".
3. Write down the mapid, and all the cordinates (x,y,z).
4. Make a new text document on your desktop call it "changing starting areas.sql"
5. Open up "changing starting areas.sql" with notepad.
6. Now copy past this into "changing starting areas.sql"

UPDATE playercreateinfo SET mapID = 0, positionX = 0, positionY = 0, positionZ = 0 WHERE `index` BETWEEN 1 AND 55;

7. Replace all the red zero's with the info you wrote down, then save and close the document.
8. Start your database handler (navicat or heidisql or what ever your useing).
9. Open the database called "ascent"
10. Right click "ascent" and chose "execute batch file"
11. Now browse to desktop and pick "changing starting areas.sql"
12. Click "start".

(final note: If you have more than 55 records, change the yellow 55 to the amount you have)


Now your done! Hope this guide could help you.

21-08-08, 11:36 AM
Thanks for the guide.
There is many ways to do this, but this is actually the easiest i've seen :)

31-08-08, 10:49 AM
Nice guide, would have given rep ;) But got nothing left.