View Full Version : [Legendary Release] Elder Repack (previously TRM Repack) - 32 & 64 bit

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08-04-10, 09:44 AM
Wasent you supposed to take over ? :3

Thrylas and I continued to work on it yes, but the team decided since we're no longer using much of TRM's source code, that we will no longer post it publicly, which is why the Elder Repack thread for 3.3.3 was erased, and locked.

I heard this Repack was okay and good to use is it still, Okay to use or is it shitty now?

Should still be good to use for 3.3.2, though if you encounter a bug or something you'll have to find a way to fix it personally, or ask and if I am able to help I will, aside from that, the "support" for the repack has radically declined.

10-04-10, 07:50 AM
I miss this repack. It was the best I ever tried.

10-04-10, 02:26 PM
Ok so is it even possible to get the new elder repack that got closed?

19-04-10, 11:52 PM
Hello, First of all i would like to say great job on the repack and thank you. But on a different note i have a problem. Whenever i try to boot up apache it gives me the error:

<OS 10048>Only one usage of each socket address <protocol/network address/port>
is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

lol i know its probably something stupid on my part but if someone could help, i wouild greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,

22-04-10, 07:58 PM
I wouldn't know the solution as I don't fiddle with Apache sorry..

22-04-10, 08:17 PM
I believe that can be fixed, with a recompile of the Server or you can try looking in the SVN for the fix. But if I stand corrected I believe that is Core issue or I believe I am wrong. But anyways the best one to ask about Core Problems is Cocain or MysteriouisSouL and StickyIcky.

24-04-10, 12:49 AM
Works on linux ?

27-04-10, 11:23 AM
First i would love to thank and congradulate you on such an awesome repack. I have loved and enjoyed it for some time now. I was wondering if there was a way i could make it work with the new 3.3.3 1723 client I don't have a very large hard drive and having two copies of wow uses a lot of room. I thought i could just change it in the sql but i have been reading about it and i would need to recompile the whole thing, i'm not apposed to doing this, but i cant find the source to do it with. Any advice or help is appreciated, again thank you so much for this gem.http://www.mmopro.net/forums/images/icons/icon10.gif+rep

27-04-10, 01:11 PM

05-05-10, 11:54 AM
Nice :)

15-05-10, 03:19 AM
Hey, where can I find the Database .sql file for this repack.

15-05-10, 03:42 AM
Hey, where can I find the Database .sql file for this repack.
Elder_Repack_0.0.2a_DB_0.0.2.17.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?lnidgmjymej)
There ya go :P

16-05-10, 09:17 AM
What about source codes, it doesn't seem to be provided :S

29-05-10, 07:17 AM
hey first i want to say thanks for the repack its awesome and it has helped me a lot to use better a server, but can someone help me to fix the mounts? when i use them they give me another skills, someone who can help me pls? just want to make a better server :D

11-06-10, 11:08 PM
Awesome release cant wait to get home and get this server running, i hope more spells work esspecially for druids as arcemu 9.0 doesnt really support them lol anyway +1 for chu

12-06-10, 04:31 AM
Noes this crappy repack aint comming back right ? =(

Jk =) Awesome work Meth its pro :)

18-07-10, 02:58 AM
Hello. I did everything correctly as the tutorial said, I read it after I installed and I did exactly as it said. I have enough experience but the realms are showing offline. Just don't get angry on this but I do not see any solution as I followed the tutorial perfectly. Anyone can help me? You know you can repack geeks (its not bad to be that hehe)

18-07-10, 10:34 AM
Could be because your client's version is either ahead of, or behind the accepted client version for the repack, I suggest you try TRM's 3.3.5 Repack, as he has that updated.

20-07-11, 06:42 PM
Nice I guess.