View Full Version : [BETA] WowRobot - Flying, Farm, Xp, Bg, Pvp - PPather Like

19-02-10, 02:33 AM


Video: YouTube - WowRobot - Farm, Xp, Pvp With Pather for World Of Warcraft

YouTube - WoWRobot - Farming

YouTube down for maintenance


Version 0.98:
- Auto detect Lootable Mob.
- Ninja skin all mobs.
- Fix check if pet is in combat.
- display for Time Loot, Farm, Skin, ...
- Fix Disconnect in certain area.
- Fix Regen.
- Fix Bugs Player Dead.
- Fix Problème Farm.
- Regen Pet.
- Fix Api ComboPoint.
- Fix Buff detect bugs.
- Fix Problem Thread.
- Add option stop bot after X sec.
- Add Blindings Management.
- Add Tab Security.
- Add Running Wow whit Guest Account.
- Add Option Optimize List Wp.
- Add Option Ingnore attack if mounted.
- Fix problem attack dead mobs.
- Add several attempts Loot Farm.
- Moving on Epic Mount Fixed.
- Review pvp.
- Optimizing CPU consumption.
- Fix PPather to Wowrobot.
- ...

Version 0.973 (small update):
- Fix Problem Close thread ppather.
- Fix Lvl Up Robot Bug.
- Fix Pvp Bug.
- Fix HaveBuff bugs.
- Add PetIsDead.
- Increase speed launch spell.

Version 0.97:
- Update offset for wow 3.2.2.

Version 0.96:
- Rename wowrobot.exe mandatory .
- Fixed problem flying mount.
- Add an item to use in FightConfig (to use potion, ...).
- Add resize Wow Window.
- WowRobot in notification bar.
- Adds a server to connect to wowrobot (now 2 servers).
- Add Option ignore attack if mount.
- Many other small correction.
- Takes less CPU and memory resource.

Version 0.95:
- Login frame not disapearing fix.
- Regen fixed.
- Player died, wowrobot crash? fix.
- Skinning Problem fix.
- Dismount FlyMount too soon fix.
- Encript the password.
- Make a launcher with quick updating.
- Change name window.
- Add error message if passwords or login incorrect.
- Add button for add log current location
- Add option turn by memory.

Version 0.90:
- much.
- Now wowrobot use Framework 3.5

Version 0.90:
- Je poste sa demain

Version 0.80:
- Detection Buff.
- Find the spell in the bar and starts with the key.
- Fixed memory consumption.
- Improved system unstukc FlyMount
- Plugin Stop if BagFull Bot.
- Distance Search Axis Z.
- Launching out faster.
- PPather is now a plugin, you can disable it.
- Unlock the character if it is in the water to mount a horse.
- Skip from time to time.
- Moving with the keyboard.

Version 0.75:
- Bug fixes (loot, ...).

Version 0.7:
- Add button to go to town.
- If 1% of mob life continue attacked repaired.
- Bugs Fixed Loot.
- Review remote player.
- Stops to cast a spell.
- The character around the court more mob.
- Added button Add Make Faction in Wp.
- Repair Make Wp.
- Repair detection and attack flying mount.
- Repair Skin.
- Adds Distance to the CC.
- Repair Case CC thread.
- Verification of fighting with mounting.
- Repair plain other minor bugs.
- Thanks to streety and Bryce for the icon and image:)

Version 0.6:
- Addition Management of Custom Class.
- Addition of Plugins.
- API Addition for the developers.
- Generator of FightConfig (More need to touch in XML).
- Correction of several beug.
- The version is now paying, 3 euro per month, for more information connect to the site and go here: http://wow-robot.com/forum/payments.php.

Version 0.5:
- Log-clearer.
- Fixed many small beug Beug.
- Add flying mount and terreste.
- Adds Radar.
- Problem change area normally repaired
- Code optimization.
- View Profile Converter Glider and PPather.
- Management of Pets

Version 0.4:
- Fixed compatibility with different PC.
- Possibility to choose the faction with the displacement by simple Wp (without path).
- The bot makes the game more Beugue wow.
- Possibility to stop the robot while his personal corpt or found during the search for chemaint with Pather.
- Add a creator windows registry for persons who are not installing the game with the cd, which allows you to walk Pather.
- Add the cheat WallClimb to avoid deadlocks (be careful if you use it is a cheat).
- Optimization of code to avoid overloading ram process.
- Add black list shows, the object can not access.
- The menu opens more wow all alone.
- Fixed beug change area after passing a level.
- Perfecta Detects if wow is connected to personal or not.
- Optimization of sending a message by the WoW chat.
- Fixed the problem of targeting mob (More error message or you deal too far).
- Automatic creation of file and folder required for the bot is running.
- Added PvP mode, automatically goes into the battlefield, and this move is fighting disponnible path for the moment: the Alliance for Alterac (enter area from hurlevant) (Possibility to create your own path to pvp, just need to read is to understand that which already exists).

Version 0.3:
- More consumer problem of the process and ram.
- Optimized source code and corrected some minor Beug.

Version 0.2:
- Addition of Statistics (number of mobs killed, Loot, XP / H, ...).
- Fixed beug mob attack already in combat.
- Added Profile herb farm 1 to 75.
- Fixed beug closing thread (to avoid the personal actions that do not should not do).
- Débeug search path for not only his personal blocks long.
- Added Fishing bot.
- Now compatible with 32 bit PC.
- Add management with all the shortcut keys.
- Unlock the personal when it is blocked again.
- No need for meter time to cast the bot calculates alone.
- Change the System to start them out by name, writing memory to go faster and avoid beugs (more problems with the clipboard and avoids the character says bisare messages.
- Updating and Correction System Simple Wp.
- Possibility to stop the bot after X blockades.
Correction beug loot.

Version 0.1:
- Basic Version


Use Flying mount, profil ppather and glider, Pvp, farm Chest, Herbs, Mines, Bg, Find the way automatically.


Scan virus: Virustotal. MD5: b7bac459b24d8010eb47ea867107cc21 (http://www.virustotal.com/fr/analisis/121312259dfc6ba297d02eb90c49f0631bc5f85999296e751f 960fff1b8ee9b8-1250179254)

WowRobot: [Download] WowRobot - WowRobot (http://wow-robot.com/forum/wowrobot-telechargement-download/1-download-wowrobot.html)


[tuto] Required /!\ - WowRobot - Free bot for World Of Warcraft - Bot Farm, Po, Xp, leveling, Bg, flying, Pvp pour World Of Warcraft (http://wow-robot.com/forum/english-forum-tuto-doc/2-tuto-required.html)

MORE INFO Official Forum: WowRobot - Bot Farm, Po, Xp, leveling, Bg, flying, Pvp pour World Of Warcraft (http://wow-robot.com/)

Originally posted by Rival-Fr

20-07-11, 07:55 PM
Lol clean up your WoW screen

28-12-11, 05:05 PM
Nice works great :O

12-10-14, 12:14 PM
Nice work, any news?