View Full Version : Why did TRM delete his thread and stop work on his repack?

18-02-10, 02:18 PM
A lot of you are asking this question, and I'll answer it in a few statements.

1. My laptop, which was my dev machine's motherboard fried.

2. I've been noticing a few repacks on this forum have copied SQL files directly from either my topic or from within my repack and used them without permission. (This includes a moderator of some note)

3. Too many ac-webians and mmow-n-ders who can't read have been posting stupid questions, comments in my topic.

4. This place has been going downhill since a few people have been given Super Moderator and Developer positions.

Hope that clears it up.

18-02-10, 02:37 PM
There isn't Developer position here...

It's Open Source for a reason, if you don't want people taking your work, don't release it.

I don't mean to seem like I'm being a dick, but when people stole my work, this is what everyone said.

I feel, if you take something that isn't yours, and implement it into something that's yours, you should always give credits.

But it's not the way open source works.

18-02-10, 03:08 PM
Wow... After coming backto emu after almost a year, I see this very intriguing post... Emulation will never change... :P

Sorry to hear you say that, I know how it feels being copy+pasted. It's your decision MoBro!

18-02-10, 04:20 PM
A lot of you are asking this question, and I'll answer it in a few statements.

1. My laptop, which was my dev machine's motherboard fried.

2. I've been noticing a few repacks on this forum have copied SQL files directly from either my topic or from within my repack and used them without permission. (This includes a moderator of some note)

3. Too many ac-webians and mmow-n-ders who can't read have been posting stupid questions, comments in my topic.

4. This place has been going downhill since a few people have been given Super Moderator and Developer positions.

Hope that clears it up.

Sorry to hear about the misfortunes, man.Whatever you do I support your decision.

18-02-10, 05:12 PM
I think its a huge loss to a great community. I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that Your repacks Meth where in my opinion the best of the best. I had previously tried a fair few repacks from diff people and not one of them was as stable or had as much work put into them than yours. I did post to say sorry to hear about lappy Meth in your thread but since that's gone I thought i would say it again.

As for somebody else using your work without your permission or adding credit to you. I understand that would make you mad with all the work you have put in. However there could be a backhanded compliment to you as a result. Since who ever it was, A. Either couldn't do what you had done so had copied it for that reason (backhanded compliment) or B. Was just plain too lazy to even try.

On the matter of people from other forums coming in. I can't say one way or the other if this is where the morons are coming from. Sadly things like that will happen with anything and everything there is no way to live life without incompetent idiots. The best we can do is try to ignore them or try to avoid them. It would seem you are going to take the avoid them route. (@ TheRealMethuselah You will be a very big loss to these forums for all of you very hard work and dedication that you provided us with)

On the last topic of the forums going downhill. I think that will happen if people like yourself leave.

Well that's my thoughts on the whole situation. Hopefully Meth you will stay with us and as hard as it may seem with your laptop dying and all. I for one am praying you do continue your work for those of us who do appreciate it.

Much Brotherly Love for you TheRealMethuselah

The Moose

Edit: wow my post count is down to 4 since you have deleted your thread

18-02-10, 05:14 PM
awwwwww :(

18-02-10, 05:51 PM
in my opinion, TRM is not going to come back. this is the 2nd time he has deleted his thread because of people not following instructions. this is a very sad day. and TRM, if your reading this thread, i want you to keep developing your repack. keep making it better and better. never quit. i don't care if you post it for use to have or not.

to all others who have asked "stupid" questions, shame on you, to the person that stole content from TRM, shame on you...

because of the actions of 100, you ruined the fun for 1000's

18-02-10, 06:05 PM
Just make it so the db configs are INSIDE the repacks(.exe's), not in the configs...

Then also make programs to insert stuff but not dump info.

Then no one will know the MySQL info, so they can't jack your stuff ;)

Shouldn't be hard to do, i can help with the DB configs inside the core.

18-02-10, 06:11 PM
WigSplitta +rep for you sir. For your commitment to try and keep TRM with us.

18-02-10, 06:14 PM
I'm against repacks...but TRM did an amazing job on this one...

18-02-10, 06:19 PM
Indeed he did which is why it will be such a huge loss. But I will wish TRM all the very best of luck in anything he chooses to do. Should he not continue his work here.

18-02-10, 06:46 PM
man the damage is done but this repack was one hell piece of work! and to deprive that is very sad but its ur decision i hope u'll continue your work!

18-02-10, 11:55 PM
Everyone who wants TRM back, post here...

So TRM how much we love his work/repacks!

19-02-10, 12:05 AM
Damn it..can't believe he left again. Dude if people PM'ing and posting dumbass questions in your thread is bothering you just lock your thread so only you can update it and make a separate thread for the idiots who can't figure it out..You don't need to post in it just let them figure it out or let other people deal with them.. it's not your responsibility to fix their NON-Repack issues. I do a lot of work in the PC world and I know what it feel like to have your work stolen..there is virtually no way to stop that from happening though, its just something you gotta deal with and let it roll off your back. You're repacks are legendary and will be missed.

19-02-10, 12:07 AM
We all loved your repack so much and for the people who riped u off and took sum shit shame on them i would kill them if i find them but meth if u need a laptop or desktop im not even joking ill buy u one and have it shipped to you no joke if u would keep publishing repacks man just find a way to make sure other people cant take files of ures and stuff and use it in there repacks and stuff

19-02-10, 12:09 AM
Damn it..can't believe he left again. Dude if people PM'ing and posting dumbass questions in your thread is bothering you just lock your thread so only you can update it and make a separate thread for the idiots who can't figure it out..You don't need to post in it just let them figure it out or let other people deal with them.. it's not your responsibility to fix their NON-Repack issues.

I think it was cause...Treetee i believe it was(correct me if i'm wrong)...Took SQL from his repack without giving him credits.

We all loved your repack so much and for the people who riped u off and took sum shit shame on them i would kill them if i find them but meth if u need a laptop or desktop im not even joking ill buy u one and have it shipped to you no joke if u would keep publishing repacks man just find a way to make sure other people cant take files of ures and stuff and use it in there repacks and stuff

Damn, I'll start making repacks if you buy me a laptop XD

19-02-10, 02:07 AM
You had the greatest repack yet man, I hope you can blow off some steam and feel able to return. It is frustrating I'm sure to see people stealing your stuff, but I suppose it is something you are going to have to accept cause it is a public forum : /. It definitely isn't right to do but we had a good thing going, atleast I thought so, even for the short time I had to contribute. We all hope to see your return TRM.

Miss you :(,

19-02-10, 02:26 AM
I will miss you and so will my boy's. I am a father of three and can't afford to pay retail for everyone so I have been using your repacks and they are the best. Will miss you and you deserve the credit for what you have done. Hope to see you again.

19-02-10, 03:50 AM
TRM, you had one of the best repacks around here. I just started to learn about making a server and I use your repack atm, because it has less errors than others.
Too bad your laptop crashed, wished i could do something about that, but I have an old laptop myself, not very usable to building packs on it.
Please come back, we (I) need you here.

19-02-10, 04:50 AM
And again.. but nothing what wonders me. :(
You did a nice job to help others and bring them to have fun..
And all you got are some stealers and a minimun on respect.

But, its sad for this people (for example me :P) who have used ur repack for there privat pleasure. I only used this Repack in Offline Status for try something special like the new Content or so. Certainly the most of the Users did this or any kind of that.

I dont know how to think about this that you didnt make any Update.
Best wishes for ur future & hope you come back,
Mars ;)

P.S: Don't know if all is right but I'm from Germany so -> Sorry for my bad english :(

19-02-10, 08:25 AM
oh man:(...you had the best repack on the internet...i never posted in your thred cause i never wanted to annoy you or to ask some stupid questions.....sry to hear that....i really hope you will come back...don't stop your hard work dude....we always are here for you....we want you back srsly

19-02-10, 09:56 AM
Your repack was greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you have done.

19-02-10, 10:14 AM
I think the reason he had so many nooblets like myself having problems with his install was that he had one of the best documented tutorials for a repack. So after hours of searching for a decent repack or shit just a private server core new users finally stumble across one that explains everything. Of course they are going to use it and if they have never used database software before they are going to ask questions and who better to ask then the one guy who took the time to create such a wonderful pack?

I am not saying people should or should not ask for help but it IS going to happen, no matter what forum/group/website it is posted to. If you really want to ignore the idiots who cannot be bothered to read and or just do not understand then lock the thread and only allow those you want to post in it. He had moderator privledges...

The only thing I do not understand is how he expected to release a repack for one of the most popular / dumbed down mmos ever and NOT have idiots asking questions.
This is WOW we are talking about. I would wager to guess most people who use custom/private servers are either unable to afford to pay for a legit account or unable to progress far enough into the game to see the content the would like to see. If you agree with my statement this description does not exactly scream intelligence.

Either way thanks for the little time you came back TRM, I have learned a lot about how all this works so hopefully I can take this knowledge with me to less impressive repack made by someone else.

19-02-10, 10:52 AM
TRM, thank you for proving that private servers can be almos perfect.
You will be missed.

To all noobs who stole TRM's SQLs and to all the noobs who asked stupid questions:

I know how it feels to work all day on something you want to make perfect and then some 10 year old kid comes and steals it, claiming that he made it.

I loved your work here. Still, I think you made the right decision.

Best luck in the future, friend. (both in WoW and in real life).

See you around and have peace,

I'd also like to take this time to ask all MMOPRO authorities that ban those idiots who ask noob questions on the wrong place. Zero tolerance.

19-02-10, 12:16 PM
I'd also like to take this time to ask all MMOPRO authorities that ban those idiots who ask noob questions on the wrong place. Zero tolerance.

This forums is for General chat not for asking the authorities questions, Zero Tolerance demands you be banned, ohnoes!:D

19-02-10, 12:27 PM
Lol, Asking questions and such, is something is forum is about...

Technically, you can't do shit about people stealing your code, it's open source...

I look down upon stealing code, without giving credits...But you can't really enforce that.

19-02-10, 12:49 PM
Man youve got the beast repacks ever beast updates and all stuffs :(Hope you come back we live your repack
WE WANT TRM BACK XD all support TRM and stop the dumb questions


19-02-10, 01:38 PM
Pretty stupid to complain that people steal your work and ask dumb questions, this is a free Scene and no money are involved, just your spare time .. and if you choose to waste it on creating a repack, it's your problem. But I think it was good that you removed the thread .. Maybe you should start thinking about your weight and health instead of sitting inside 24 / 7

19-02-10, 01:52 PM
Pretty stupid to complain that people steal your work and ask dumb questions, this is a free Scene and no money are involved, just your spare time .. and if you choose to waste it on creating a repack, it's your problem. But I think it was good that you removed the thread .. Maybe you should start thinking about your weight and health instead of sitting inside 24 / 7
Lmao, that's sure going to get him back.

19-02-10, 02:05 PM
Lmao, that's sure going to get him back.

lol Gonna have to agree with you on that, but I'm simply gonna say, that only time will tell if he comes back and there is no reason to start flipping out because he deleted his thread, coulda just deleted it for the time being, til he becomes operational again. But, on the side-note, there are plenty of people who tried to help him better the repack by doing the minor things(I.E. Spawning ICC(Thrylas, and myself and others), Fixing items(Colvin and others), fixing mobs that needed it(Abyss, and others(?))), and there are people who could read, and got the server up and running and simply said thanks, awesome repack, keep it up...can't wait til the next update. Then there is always the red-headed step child that was delivered by Fedex(No offense meant). Who couldn't follow instructions, and before double checking the instructions or their mistakes would simply begin to make multiple posts in the thread, asking stupid questions, or asking questions that they could read through the thread and find the answer to, because they thought they're too good to follow instructions.

If Meth wants to keep the repack down, and update to himself(Personally don't think he does) then I support him completely, he puts the time and effort into making this the perfect repack. Personally, I think the people who play retail(no offense to anyone who may play retail, and knows how to read instructions correctly) and are new to this stuff should either A. Learn to ask intelligent questions, B. Learn to read/write better so if you do ask an intelligent question it's understandable and/or read that there was already a solution to the problem you're posting..and C. Learn that the people who are doing these things, aren't paid to do it, and they're probably a team a 5 developers vs a whole floor of developers.

(I gave read every post, on every page(like possibly a few others) in his thread, if a group of people can do it, I don't see why the rest of the people can't do it.)

EDIT: Sorry for complaining:P But been following him since he first posted the repack(like some others) and it's becoming frustrating seeing it brought down because of pure ignorance on the part of the users of the repack.

EDIT: Open source or not, it's still common courtesy to give credit to the person who spent time doing the code, rather than just going "Yeah...I did this all" cause it'll backfire, because there is a slight chance(or good chance) that you won't know the solution if you encounter a problem.

19-02-10, 02:15 PM
Tbh i dont give a ****ing shit about the fact that he deleted his repack but i think if ur releasing something to a community u shouldnt cry about others taking your piece of code instead tell them to remove it or put proper credits and dont remove just because 1 person took it. arcemu never went closed source even though shyemu stole the source code

19-02-10, 04:38 PM
Pretty stupid to complain that people steal your work and ask dumb questions, this is a free Scene and no money are involved, just your spare time .. and if you choose to waste it on creating a repack, it's your problem. But I think it was good that you removed the thread .. Maybe you should start thinking about your weight and health instead of sitting inside 24 / 7
Dumb ass mother ****er shut up TRM is the best i spend 18 hours a day well used to till about a week ago liveing wow so shut ure dumb ***** as up caz im only 184 pounds and all i do is sit and eat and live wow soi take ure sorry ass comment back to ure mother and tell it to her since shes the only one who cares

19-02-10, 07:07 PM
Dumb ass mother ****er shut up TRM is the best i spend 18 hours a day well used to till about a week ago liveing wow so shut ure dumb ***** as up caz im only 184 pounds and all i do is sit and eat and live wow soi take ure sorry ass comment back to ure mother and tell it to her since shes the only one who cares

Wow let the flame wars begin, I guess this is was TRM was talking about when he said the forums are gonna die out.
Just relax people it just repack (the best repack eva lol) im sure somewhere down the line that somebody will be able to continue the legacy, till then we just gotta get used to buggy @ss crap thats been getting released lately from everybody else that dont know how to do repacks so they steal code instead :( .If someone is up to the challenge I say they should get w/ Salja and go over the same work that TRM did and try to recreate the repack w/o copying the work.

Or maybe if TRM himself can teach whoeva is good at server emus to continue the work.

Instead of complaining or flaming we should work together to come with a solution and be a team.Id be happy to to help as the website guy if there somebody who can do the emus, another person works with items and does sql's, and maybe somebody for graphics.

Just ideas I have (sure beats flaming n etc)

19-02-10, 07:25 PM
:eek: WOW that sucks... I was waiting to get back to my office before I downloaded your last repack.. I guess I'll be stuck on 3.3.1 forever... All these other repacks suck a$$ You are the greatest. +repCOME BACK+rep

20-02-10, 07:40 AM
Dumb ass mother ****er shut up TRM is the best i spend 18 hours a day well used to till about a week ago liveing wow so shut ure dumb ***** as up caz im only 184 pounds and all i do is sit and eat and live wow soi take ure sorry ass comment back to ure mother and tell it to her since shes the only one who cares

loll...but i agree with you

20-02-10, 04:45 PM
I agree with Zomg...I think that some folks are too eager to steal other peoples work and present it as their own, while those people that they are presenting the work to, already know that their small brains were not capable of creating such greatness. They believe that if they rename it, that it somehow is their own work...how stupid.

Anyhow, many people are willing to help TRM with a laptop/desktop or whatever they can to get him back, this is a true testament to his work.

TRM, come on back, this go around a few of us, including me will step up to help more. I'm not a WoW player, I mainly help my little cousins with their server, but am willing to get into it in order to help. I'm a developer and can definitely help with any coding, i have not done C++ in a few years, but can get caught up in 1-2 weeks as long as someone is willing to point me to some good tuts.

20-02-10, 04:58 PM
Stop flame or i will close the thread.

20-02-10, 05:24 PM
Stop flame or i will close the thread.

BE COOL DIMMAN im not flaming but the guy who i flamed at should get bannded for a few caz he was talking bad about sum one else about there weight and calling them a bum not cool and ive read the rules u guys do not want that in forums

also....i got 200 dollars in the bank after paying bills getting food and paying for wow and all i am will to pay 100 dollars no joke to anyone who can find another repack like Trm but not copying him and give me a link to it i want it to be as clsoe as trm was to not being buggy or better Pm me and we can talk about it

20-02-10, 05:50 PM
Wow, didn't know people were going to attack me for my physical makeup, even though I've served in the military for 7 and a half years.. oh well. I'll bet I can run circles around you even at 248 lbs.

Anyhoot... Noble, just send me a PM or email and I'll send YOU the updated core and db... this is for NOBLE, and only noble.

20-02-10, 07:46 PM
good to see ya TRM i sent u a email few min ago :cool:

20-02-10, 10:10 PM
Wow, didn't know people were going to attack me for my physical makeup, even though I've served in the military for 7 and a half years.. oh well. I'll bet I can run circles around you even at 248 lbs.

Anyhoot... Noble, just send me a PM or email and I'll send YOU the updated core and db... this is for NOBLE, and only noble.

Cool, ex-military myself, served in the Navy as a e-4.

21-02-10, 05:39 PM
Wow, didn't know people were going to attack me for my physical makeup, even though I've served in the military for 7 and a half years.. oh well. I'll bet I can run circles around you even at 248 lbs.

Anyhoot... Noble, just send me a PM or email and I'll send YOU the updated core and db... this is for NOBLE, and only noble.

glad to see your still updating your repack :)

22-02-10, 02:06 AM
You sure got a replacement mother board pretty quick. Wish replacement boards arrived that fast at my place of employment.

22-02-10, 02:44 AM

22-02-10, 08:40 AM

Dont worry pal, be happy!

always keep doing what you like best

Thank you for everything!

26-02-10, 07:47 PM
All i can Say and cant speak no more For all of you saying hope you coem back TRM and all that THERE IS NO MORE TRM no such thing anymore.....

27-02-10, 01:20 AM
All i can Say and cant speak no more For all of you saying hope you coem back TRM and all that THERE IS NO MORE TRM no such thing anymore.....

You obviously don't know shit :)

He went off and made his own forums that require admin activation...

27-02-10, 06:55 PM
wig, noble got baned form meth's forum, funny stuff

27-02-10, 07:34 PM


27-02-10, 08:32 PM
Yes in honor hold i found that all guards that are supose to be flying around on gryphons are turned into shaman totems real big ones for some reason and they move like there supose to but they arent displaying right

Tesed: You have waisted our time as you blatantly lied to us and told us you had GM off.



as for him saying he had GM off, after i, myself, tested before meth did he said he did NOT have gm on.. witch he did
the pictures are from trm's test, and after he posted them, baned noble.

28-02-10, 03:26 AM
hmm,,I thought this was deleted



28-02-10, 03:27 AM