View Full Version : couple question

17-02-10, 07:01 PM
Hi i have 4 questions. 1st Can somebody pls tell me how i change the max haste so the attack speed increase to .01 by having 2k haste on the player. becouse i need about 200k haste so the atk speed is icnreased to .01.
2nd I learned runeforging but it wont show in my skill book that i have runeforging even i learned it.
3rd how do i make so all classes can have dual wield.
4th and last i wane change the instances and raids to 1man any idea how can make it so people can solo the raids and insteads. so it wont ask them that they need a raid group.

sorry for my spelling and grammer but english is my 3rd language.

17-02-10, 07:03 PM
Max Haste would either be in the core, or could be client side.
Do you have the enchant spells?
This is in playercreateinfo i believe, or make a script.
This is in the database, idk what table exactly...what core do you use?

17-02-10, 07:15 PM
thx i am using 3.0.2 core

17-02-10, 07:44 PM
ArcEmu, Mangos, Trinity Core?

17-02-10, 07:48 PM
its mangos i got the Amber Mangos server v9183

17-02-10, 08:21 PM
check your db for the 4th question